Calacanis: Model 3 Drives Like a Porsche at Price of a Prius

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” video_title=”1″][vc_column_text]Early Tesla investor Jason Calacanis has received delivery of a red Model 3 and shared his early impressions with CNBC.

“Its is an achievement unlike anything in the history of technology,” Calacanis said. “It literally is up there with the iPhone. It drives like a Porsche, it’s incredibly fast, the technology is amazing, it’s rock solid.”

Calacanis is obviously an enthusiastic supporter of the company and has been shortlisted for a “Founders Series” version of each Tesla vehicle.

Calacanis’ Model 3 (Source: Twitter/@Jason)

He also expressed confidence in Tesla’s ability to meet production estimates. “They’ll get them and they’ll be pleased,” Calacanis said of the line of 400,000 consumers on the Model 3 reservation list.

“Betting against Elon Musk is betting against the future of humanity. It is an incredibly stupid thing to do,” he said.

The video is above, with Tesla discussion beginning at 4:35.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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