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I’d just like to add that no harm has been done to him. He hasn’t been punished. He’s simply been told to stop being an internet troll of a company that his boss is a big supporter of. Or continue trolling that company and find a new boss.

I’d also like to add that it should stay that way. No one should give out his address or phone number, and no one should say anything to or about any friends, relatives, or loved ones— past or present.

That's all true but I would clarify that we have no way of knowing whether his boss (and the fund Fossi manages for him) is short Tesla or not. "Montana Skeptic" could easily be part of Fossi's job managing money for Stewart Rahr.

I don't read most of Montana's/Fossi's drivel but I saw that his disclosure says "I/we are short Tesla." Is it I or we? Who is the we? Why do people assume Rahr's fund that Fossi manages wasn't short Tesla? Is that the "we"?

If there were full disclosure and the press was doing its job, maybe we would know.
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We have no way of knowing whether his boss (and the fund Fossi manages for him) is short Tesla or not. "Montana Skeptic" could easily be part of Fossi's job managing money for Stewart Rahr.

According to Tesla, Rahr ““is a longtime Tesla supporter and was one of the first to purchase a Model S.” From the Jalopnik article someone linked to earlier. Another article mentioned that Rahr has purchased 12 Teslas.
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I disagree on a philosophical level here. Private witchhunts stiffled that marketplace of ideas in societies as diverse as 50eras USA and current Turkey. Your freedom ends where it infringes upon another one's freedom and all that jazz.
You disagree on an incoherent level. I don't know what your post means. I suppose a "private witchhunt" is a just a posting that you disagree with? Or is it throwing someone in burning oil? Or jailing journalists? which I would agree is not acceptable behavior. Pls raise your level of debate into making clear points with reasons, facts and specificity and don't use vague phrases like witchhunts which are just question-begging and pay precise attention to the post you are responding to.
You disagree on an incoherent level. I don't know what your post means. I suppose a "private witchhunt" is a just a posting that you disagree with? Or is it throwing someone in burning oil? Or jailing journalists? which I would agree is not acceptable behavior. Pls raise your level of debate into making clear points with reasons, facts and specificity and don't use vague phrases like witchhunts which are just question-begging and pay precise attention to the post you are responding to.

ONE version of the back story is Elon tried to contact Mr. Rahr directly and was unsuccessful. The staffer who returned the call interpreted the litigation threat as being also against the Rahr Foundation, rather than just Fossi individually. For those who do not believe that is credible, research respondeat superior. As criminal lawyers say "you can beat the rap but not the ride."

Personally, I respect Fossi's character for (his version) standing down to avoid embroiling the Rahr Foundation in a dispute unrelated to its charter. I also concur with the poster up-thread who said something equivalent to punching down to muffle an individual critic solves nothing--critics need to be silenced by execution
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litigation threat as being also against the Rahr Foundation, rather than just Fossi individually. For those who do not believe that is credible,
not remotely credible. All accounts, which are consistent with applicable law, are that the threat was against the individual posting the potentially defamatory, securities manipulating and contractually interfering statements. And Fossi isn't paid by the foundation -- he's probably paid by the family office or some affiliate entity. The Foundation isn't involved at all. Except we wonder if its charitable funds were invested imprudently in $ losing short sales under Fossi's watch.
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<RANT>So Elon's no longer allowed to have a sense-of-humour? WTF is wrong with this world. That Montana guy has trolled him and Tesla for years. The only reason he stopped is because his real name was revealed. He's a total *******. Elon's response was funny as hell, who cares, it's the way Elon is. It wasn't an allegation, it was a **** *** to Larry Fossil.

And why not.

I don't agree with the cave-tweet, but this was great. I love the whacky side of Elon's humour, but then again I'm British, I grew up with this twisted, dark comedy, so for me it's normal.</RANT>
Ok Why then would Elon call someone other than Fossi? He's denied he called "her."

The same reason you call the parent of the kid of who TP'd your house. Or the same reason you call the manager of the employee who gave you bad service. The offender cannot be relied on to take your direction -- but their superior is more likely to understand and be responsive -- especially if EM wanted to talk to Stewart Rahr himself who seems to be a Tesla supporter.I don't know who "her" is
<RANT>So Elon's no longer allowed to have a sense-of-humour? WTF is wrong with this world.

A lot is wrong with this world, especially the social media outrage mob part of this world. Which is why Elon needs to stay relentlessly positive on social media. Skeptic Montana is a malicious loser, which is why Elon needs to avoid talking to him or about him. You can’t waste your time on people like that if you want to change the world.
A lot is wrong with this world, especially the social media outrage mob part of this world. Which is why Elon needs to stay relentlessly positive on social media. Skeptic Montana is a malicious loser, which is why Elon needs to avoid talking to him or about him. You can’t waste your time on people like that if you want to change the world.
So true. I engaged him once on stocktwits, and decided he's not worth any of my time. He was gloating, or something like that about an accident where someone died in Tesla... After a quick exchange, a comment or two, and seeing how much he needed to show how smart he was, and how his p... was bigger than mine, I wrote him off forever. Probably shouldn't have spent this time writing this post... Funny thing was, there were som many good comebacks to what he was saying, but why argue with an idiot?
I also concur with the poster up-thread who said something equivalent to punching down to muffle an individual critic solves nothing--critics need to be silenced by execution

There's just one thing: Fossi wasn't a "critic", Fossi was a spreader of libel and a harasser. Use the right term.

You could call Anton Wahlmann a "critic". There's a difference between his behavior and Fossi's. Not just that Wahlmann uses his own name. He was also significantly more careful about what he wrote. There's a difference between negative spin and trade libel. As far as I could tell, Wahlmann has been very careful to be on the legal side of the line, and Fossi has not.
That's all true but I would clarify that we have no way of knowing whether his boss (and the fund Fossi manages for him) is short Tesla or not. "Montana Skeptic" could easily be part of Fossi's job managing money for Stewart Rahr.

I don't read most of Montana's/Fossi's drivel but I saw that his disclosure says "I/we are short Tesla." Is it I or we? Who is the we? Why do people assume Rahr's fund that Fossi manages wasn't short Tesla? Is that the "we"?

If there were full disclosure and the press was doing its job, maybe we would know.

I think the we might refer to collaborator(s) on his research and articles. I think one of them is looking for a new gig...
Where exactly do I get the right to assume a fake identity and not bear any accountability for what I do under that fake identity? Judicial due process is only possible once my true identity is linked with my fake identity.

You are mistaking right to anonimity and privacy with accountability. Judicial due process is not posting rumours and speculation about one's identity online. It's law enforcement sending subpeanas and collecting testimony from parties coming forward to bring anonymous people to account.
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At this time, I am not going to bother to dig up the verifiably false claims of fact made by Fossi in his anonymous articles, but I documented several a few years ago. I caught him refusing to correct his errors. Wilfully spreading false negative information after being given citations showing that it was false... well, that doesn't prove libel, but it's a good *start*.

I just left Seeking Alpha in disgust, so I didn't bother to keep my records. A good paralegal can dig all that stuff out, since apparently I'm not the only one who caught Fossi making claims which had already been disproven.
It's fascinating how little regard those who are defending Larry Fossi have for retail investors -- especially unsophisticated investors -- who might have been influenced by Fossi's voluminous publications on Seeking Alpha.

Absolute horsewash. Retail investors enjoy the full protection the SEC provides in this case. As it should. No one has said that MS and assorted shorts should be immune from investigation.