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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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There is no defending this ...
You are an odd American. Have a look at the Constitution: (also applies to County Sheriffs)

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."​

This is painful.
That part we can agree upon; just not the source of that pain.
He hasn't sold a single share, and says he never will. That would be an entirely different matter.
I used share selling as an example of why people think this tweet has more of an impact vs saying stock is too low.

When other CEO liquidates, the CEO thinks the stock no longer justify the company and is making out like a bandit. It's the same idea. You sell because you think the stock is too high. Saying that the stock is too high has a similar idea. It gives people the impression that you know something others don't. Like if FSD is going as well as he claimed how is the stock price remotely too high after he had all sorts of slide projecting fsd revenue last year? It's a question people would start asking.

However it seems he said this tweet today to spite some people which doesn't really have any hidden meaning.
The tweet immediately proceeding it was about liquidating all of his assets. That sounds like there was some discussion about consequences of this before he did it.

I *think* he was talking about selling his houses.... possibly indicating he is moving out of California.

The tweets are terrible. As smart as he is in some areas, he's a slow learner regarding staying off of twitter when he's emotional.
So some thoughts for me to consider...maybe others as well.

Has there ever in your life time seen a harder working, life changing figure than EM?

Most of us are pretty lazy.... "take it easy" "don't work too hard" come to mind. Sure we all put in a hard day now and again...but look yourself in the mirror and ask this.."Have I or anyone I know ever worked as hard as Elon Musk?"

Now think about this...after all that hard work you get to be called a crap-ton of names and told you are almost the exact opposite of what you are. "Rich spoiled billionaire...fraud...cheat"

When you try and help out anyone here come the slimy roaches who write garbage for a living...sub for kids trapped in a cave?...just a grab for glory.
Ventilators?... sure wrong kind and only doing it for fame and more money. On and on it goes.

Still because you have a heart that needs to help others you keep on...only way you know is to press forward full tilt and work your ass off.

Now you put forth a reasonable plan to get back to work...not because you need the money or fame...but because people rely on you and your company to SURVIVE. And here come the click bait bastages again..."Musk does not care about grandma or kittens"

Listen to the conference call...really listen to his words...is that a lunatic or a reasonable man that is frustrated with small minded people.

I do not agree with everything he says or does...hell I don't even agree with myself a fair percentage of the time.
But for a single person to have done what EM has through all the Rd blocks and BS ...he is truly amazing.

And for all the people screaming he has cost you money!!... Wow... believe in the mission and buy and hold...this is not a casino.

Edit too add I bought 30 more to go with the 30 I bought a couple days ago.
If it was just volatility, i could understand. Except, Elon's going out of his way and doing it on purpose.

supporting all these conspiracy theorists and going out of your way to attack the company. Just because he's in a dispute with Bay Area authorities? seems a bit much.

You've been involved with Tesla long enough to understand Elon's personality a bit by now, I assume. So I'll ask: how much time would you say Elon spends weekly trying to figure out how to make the experience more pleasant for the shareholders? He only cares about the SP when they need funding and they're considering a secondary offering. That's it. The rest of the time it's like "you can tag along if you want, but I got stuff to do, can't keep an eye on you all the time."
You know what’s hilarious?
I actually find these outbursts from so called “Tesla investors” more unhinged than what Elon tweets. You all freak out over a few words in a tweet. I can’t imagine how you’d freak out over a real problem affecting production and tens of thousands of employees. Yes, the stock price for the employees dropped today. Big whoop. I doubt too many were planning on selling today.

The stock price will do what it’s going to do. The long run is what counts. Elon doesn’t give a squat about day traders because they are ONLY in it to make money. Nothing about the mission or long term goals. Do you honestly think Rob Barren is going to sell because of this? Unlikely. Just another day that will be forgotten. Just like how all of you have somehow forgotten where the stock price was just 6 months ago.

All you chicken littles REALLY need to look at yourself in the mirror.
You're just not up-date of things, Elon floor gang.
If Elon start to live in a barrel, I hope it's a Starship barrel...

(Diogenes, also known as Diogenes the Cynic, was a Greek philosopher and one of the founders of Cynic philosophy. He was born in Sinope, an Ionian colony on the Black Sea, in 412 or 404 BC and died at Corinth in 323 BC. Diogenes was a controversial figure)

; P
Smart longs have lost nothing, because they weren't planning to sell for years and have not sold in panic.

Smart longs remember Elon said exactly the same thing before
Dumb shortzes still haven't figured out that the 420 tweet saved Tesla from a death sentence via a Saudi despot.

Short memories; short World view; short d*cks. :p

Now you put forth a reasonable plan to get back to work...not because you need the money or fame...but because people rely on you and your company to SURVIVE. And here come the click bait bastages again..."Musk does not care about grandma or kittens"

Listen to the conference call...really listen to his words...is that a lunatic or a reasonable man that is frustrated with small minded people.

what reasonable plan? He's said once on twitter something about care and safety. there are like dozens of tweets about him ranting about liberty and fake death tolls. that's reasonable? believing Alex jones conspiracy is reasonable?
I get that Elon is very frustrated by the stay at home orders which greatly impact Tesla's business. But his tweets seem pretty weird, especially tweeting that the stock is too high, causing it to crash. What CEO deliberately crashes their own stock? Just to make a point?

He is making a point in reply to criticism that he wants to reopen the economy because all he cares about is money and not people's well being.

He probably believes that his action today discredits this specific criticism. We will see if there's going to be any follow up on this as his opinion from now on likely carry more weight in people who criticized him because they genuinely believes he is a billionaire greedy for more money even if it means risking people's lives for it.

If his action today force more people to critically reevaluate their position on the lock down order such as

- Are there any transparency to what are the conditions required to reopen the economy?
- Is it possible that collateral damage to everyone's life (unemployment, financial stress, untreated disease not related to covid19 etc) disrupted by the shut down order can be larger than the damage that is potentially done by covid19?
- We need to demand more from the local government in an actual effective response rather than this "Let's keep this locked down while we do nothing preparing for a safe reopening of the economy."

then it would be for a good cause. But he is still risking being removed as a CEO.
The stock price is more than 100% up as it was this time last year. He has made Tesla the #2 most valued car company in the world, he produces the worlds best EVs, hands down, and constantly pushes to make them better.

How does he not?
He clearly doesn't give a *sugar* about retail investors. Sure we are up, but does that excuse damaging behavior? This is an objectively true statement. His tweet has cost his fans and investors money. He doesn't care.

I'm going to continue to be a Tesla investor, maybe at a lower % of my portfolio, or maybe the same or more, but this has taught me that he places my well being as an investor below his ego. I'm not happy. I also dare anyone to pull the weak long or "not a real believer" crap with me. I've been an evangelist for Tesla for years. I've spent countless hours of my own personal time defending and proselyting for tesla, attended countless events to show off their products, given rides to so many people to convince them to buy one, helped out with deliveries at my local SC etc.

I'm disappointed. I didn't mind the 420 private deal as I believe he had good intentions. He is a genius, he knew that comment would hit the share price.
Now, imagine this turns out to be him renouncing most of his wealth just to force the Bay Area (and possibly most of California) open again, because he just can't stand seeing hard-working people around him (his employees, his suppliers, his friends) going bankrupt or losing their businesses. You think he's an admired celebrity now... how many famous rich people would do this? Yes, the reason people admire Elon Musk is because he's laser-focused on what he thinks is important. And that's not money.
People view this whole thing as rich people trying to force the working class to take undue risks. Its not just about Musk - but the whole talk of "open the economy".

BTW, the whole discussion is quite stupid - we should be talking about how to open the economy - not a binary on/off.
If his action today force more people to critically reevaluate their position on the lock down order such as

- Are there any transparency to what are the conditions required to reopen the economy?
- Is it possible that collateral damage to everyone's life (unemployment, financial stress etc) disrupted by the shut down order can be larger than the damage done by covid19?
- We need to demand more from the local government in an actual effective response rather than this "Let's keep this locked down while we do nothing preparing for a safe reopening of the economy."

then it would be for a good cause. But he is still risking being removed as a CEO.

Elon has made none of these cases really. He's focused on a libertarian conspiracy that this is govt fascism because the death toll is fake. As to your 3rd bullet point there are legitimate milestones laid out for re-opening. we need testing+tracing.
You know what’s hilarious?
I actually find these outbursts from so called “Tesla investors” more unhinged than what Elon tweets. You all freak out over a few words in a tweet. I can’t imagine how you’d freak out over a real problem affecting production and tens of thousands of employees. Yes, the stock price for the employees dropped today. Big whoop. I doubt too many were planning on selling today.

The stock price will do what it’s going to do. The long run is what counts. Elon doesn’t give a squat about day traders because they are ONLY in it to make money. Nothing about the mission or long term goals. Do you honestly think Rob Barren is going to sell because of this? Unlikely. Just another day that will be forgotten. Just like how all of you have somehow forgotten where the stock price was just 6 months ago.

All you chicken littles REALLY need to look at yourself in the mirror.

Last time he put out a few choice "words in a tweet" he tanked the stock, institutions considered it radioactive for at least 12-18 months, faced SEC sanction (the settlement possibly violated here), and every employee of the company with stock grants or options knew exactly who to thank for that hardship. Now let's do it all over again during a global pandemic and factory shutdown. The only saving grace is that the news is moving so fast these days we don't have time to navel gaze about Elon for more than a day or two.

Most of us are pretty lazy.... "take it easy" "don't work too hard" come to mind. Sure we all put in a hard day now and again...but look yourself in the mirror and ask this.."Have I or anyone I know ever worked as hard as Elon Musk?"

Now think about this...after all that hard work you get to be called a crap-ton of names and told you are almost the exact opposite of what you are. "Rich spoiled billionaire...fraud...cheat"

When you try and help out anyone here come the slimy roaches who write garbage for a living...sub for kids trapped in a cave?...just a grab for glory.
Ventilators?... sure wrong kind and only doing it for fame and more money. On and on it goes.

I almost set up another account so I could love this again - thank you!