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[UK] 2023 Orders to Delivery for M3 and MY and personal shipping related questions

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Mar 16, 2018
A thread for Orders to delivery. As we have MS and MX on the horizon we can create a different thread for those when the time comes.

This thread is also for shipping related questions about your own cars, as opposed to news about ships. If the question is along the lines of "which ship is my car on?" then it belongs in this thread.
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Ordered in March 2022…..meant to get a car delivered On the 16th December but there was a mess up and it was reallocated…..chatting on the 30th December to Tesla to check when in jan - mar I would get the car and……they offered a car if I picked up from Birmingham yesterday, which I did. Included a paint upgrade and the 6000 free miles. All good!

one question if someone knows, what are the two black strips of plastic with Tesla on them that comes with the car? They look like a cover of some sort but we’re in the boot.
Hello all!

I had a text asking to confirm my post code in preperation for M3 delivery. Does this typically mean delivery is close or is this check done at the start of the process?
I just had the same text early this afternoon, I'm waiting on a MY RWD through a lease company. I previously had a M3 on order last year and didn't get this text during the process - I wonder if anyone can shed some light on what it might mean.
Hello all!

I had a text asking to confirm my post code in preperation for M3 delivery. Does this typically mean delivery is close or is this check done at the start of the process?

I just had the same text early this afternoon, I'm waiting on a MY RWD through a lease company. I previously had a M3 on order last year and didn't get this text during the process - I wonder if anyone can shed some light on what it might mean.
I'll let others chime in who may have more immediate knowledge but we're in slightly uncharted times. The Old way would mean there was little chance of getting a car in the first 6 weeks of a quarter (so Jan through to early Feb), you'd start to get notified when your car was allocated, usually as it left China, and 3-4 weeks later you'd have the car.

The reason why things have changed is there is a fair bit of new inventory that didn't sell in December (and as Tesla don't build to order, you could be allocated one). I believe in the shipping thread there are also boats with cars alrady on their way, which means the old process could also be happening.

Now I've waffled and not answered the question, if you're being told to confirm details, I'd suggest you're not that far away, but it depends if they've found a car already here, or it's one just leaving china.
Hi all,
What happens now Tesla have massively dropped their prices?
I've ordered via lease so cannot see, do they automatically reduce the price on outstanding orders?
Talk to your lease company. Tesla have historically used the lower price if you've an outstanding order, but if you’re leasing from a 3rd party they may not reprice for you, in part because their financing costs may also be increasing and/or the depreciation they expect is the same.
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