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Elon, Where is the FSD features you promised?

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Senior Software Engineer
Oct 24, 2016

Tomorrow officially makes it 6 months. We see no FSD features nor even EAP features, we only see the struggle to match AP1 parity. If FSD or even EAP were on the horizon and coming in the next update, you would see alot of hype coming from Elon like he always has. But we have crickets.

What in the world is going on at Tesla HQ?

I think i lucked out by canceling my Model 3 preorder and didn't exchange preorders with someone high on the list for 2k like i planned in October after the AP2 announcement.

Definitely = precise, exact, certain, sure, conclusive, firm, concrete, unmistakable, absolutely, without doubt, without question

There's still no EAP features. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.
This is after 10 months.10 months ppl!

For the love of all that is good, stop over-promising and under-delivering... the constant disappointments are amazing.

i mean am i the only one who feel this way? like just deliver and stop the constant hype?
"Just deliver and stop the constant hype"

Don't ever quit your day job to work in automobile sales or marketing! :):D
Tesla's been REALLY good at the hype game and it seems like investors in TSLA stock have been well-rewarded for it. It's also helped them a lot in terms of perception amongst folks ranging from the general public all the way to Tesla fanboys.
It's a long list...

TLDR version: Hey, it is what it is.

Longer version: You've been warned :).

So... then there's also the matter of traffic signal and stop sign reaction - let alone recognition - promised back when AP1 launched.

As well, AP2 doesn't react to speed limit signs - *and* has the added bonus of introducing erroneous speed zones, with all the merriment that that entails.

I'd note AP2's numerous shortcomings relative to AP1 in the TACC/Autosteer context alone, but with 75 miles using the latest update (the one with the github string), highway driving has never been smoother with AP2, and for an added bonus, AP2 didn't try to kill me like it did every day on frequently-traveled roads. Still had to disengage multiple times, but maybe half as often now. Hey, it's progress, folks - in the early adopter game, you learn to appreciate the small things.

That said, I'm as pissed off as any AP2/AP1 owner about being misled into a car earlier than intended due to the supercharging headgames earlier this year in conjunction with the 90/100 upgrade misrepresentations as well. Met another one in San Diego this past weekend - he's a 4-time Tesla owner, long-time TSLA owner as well, and is pretty much done due to how all of that went down along with the current state of AP2 relative to what was promised. Can't blame him.

***The best way out of part of this is for Tesla to take care of the 90kW order-holders denied an upgrade to 100kW packs during production to make that right for the same $3K it would have cost. I'm holding my breath in order to be extra-pleasantly surprised *polite cough*.***

As far as the software goes, well, yeah - a lot of us put money down in good faith because of that year-end 2016 video. I did so with the same expectations for FSD that I had when I bought the first car year-end 2014 - that it would take a year or so for Autosteer to arrive. And sure enough, Autosteer arrived October 15th 2015. It was rough as hell but did get incrementally better over the following 1.5 years. TACC turned out great during that time for AP1 owners as it slowly improved to recognize motorcycles and such.

So I don't really expect FSD in any shape or form until Q4 2017 - and then it will be barely usable for another couple of years. But that's ok - get better it will, little by little. We're all just a couple of years early, paying our $50-$100K in depreciation per car for the experience.

Yep - I'm more annoyed by getting screwed out of a 100kW battery than the FSD delays. But that's me. If you want FSD sooner, well, good luck with that. Cheap, fast, and good - pick any two.

For now, yesterday's TACC/Autosteer update resembles the silky smooth performance to which Elon alluded a month ago, and let's face it - in Elon time, that's early. And you have to give the guy a pass to some degree for defying ALL the naysayers by delivering the Model 3 earlier than any sane person would have expected. In the big picture, again a big picture for which we're all paying dearly but a big picture nonetheless, I consider his Model 3 timeline to be his 2nd biggest car-related achievement behind the global Supercharger network - which will go down in history as one of the most important contributions of the Industrial Age - at least until the Hyperloop tunnels redefine transportation.
Will be shocked if Tesla can ever deliver anything "enhanced" without a hardware swap, which frankly isn't ever happening. I've written this car and Tesla off as a loss/learning experience. #NeverTesla

Hrm? Remember when the LTE upgrade was available for 3G owners in 2015? Simple $500 swap. They dented/tweaked my bezels in the process at the SvC, causing hundreds of dollars in damage, but that aside, it was a quick SvC visit.

Same thing when a new board/module is needed for satisfactory FSD - I'd expect it to be comped for those who've paid that extra $8K up front, and probably available as part of the higher cost for those who add on later. Not hugely-expensive components anymore.

Nobody's arguing that terabytes of data aren't going to be moving from car to cloud via 5G and otherwise. But we've got a few years for 5G deployment yet. Baby steps...
That was always a rather bizarre tweet that never made any sense.

It didn't make sense in a development perspective because nothing was even going to be demo'd until the end of 2017.
It didn't make sense in a features perspective because anything FSD would require some regulatory testing of some kind.

Time frame wise every Elon estimate tends to be way off. That's why it's called Elon time.

All it did was left people guessing as to what it could be, and we're still left guessing.

I do think the OP is kinda funny because it's like he's sticking around just to hold Elon Musk accountable for what he tweets. He doesn't have a Tesla nor does he have any interest in one. He doesn't have any stake in it at all.

It's probably just really amusing to him.

Personally I always thought the FSD option was a bad move, and didn't make any sense. I rank it among the two worst things that happened in 2016. It's done way more damage for Tesla than its done any good. It's at best a distraction.

Tomorrow officially makes it 6 months. We see no FSD features nor even EAP features, we only see the struggle to match AP1 parity. If FSD or even EAP were on the horizon and coming in the next update, you would see alot of hype coming from Elon like he always has. But we have crickets.

What in the world is going on at Tesla HQ?

I think i lucked out by canceling my Model 3 preorder and didn't exchange preorders with someone high on the list for 2k like i planned in October after the AP2 announcement.

Definitely = precise, exact, certain, sure, conclusive, firm, concrete, unmistakable, absolutely, without doubt, without question

There's still no EAP features. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.
This is after 10 months.10 months ppl!

For the love of all that is good, stop over-promising and under-delivering... the constant disappointments are amazing.

i mean am i the only one who feel this way? like just deliver and stop the constant hype?
Says the guy who doesn't own a Tesla to Elon Musk.
The real answer is FSD customers will get some parlor trick they can demo to people, like summon, maybe this one will actually turn (while of course the owner is responsible for any damage of course). The answer from Tesla will be "coming soon" until AP3 comes, then there will be silence, just like for AP1 when AP2 came out, just like about P85D hp after P90D came out.
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