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Elon, Where is the FSD features you promised?

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Still waiting for the SDK from 2013.
Still waiting for the new browser from 2014.
Still waiting for mobile device mirroring from 2015.
Still waiting for UI overhaul from 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 (or at least fixing ANY of the bugs that have latest this long).

need I go on?

Wow, I'm surprised my Tesla can even drive with all that failure. I must be crazy because it seems to work great, I must be using it all wrong.

First of all, I never said those were failures.

Second, in case you didn't get it, my post was extremely sarcastic (which some people picked up on)... the point being, yeah, Elon makes a lot promises that never happen. Welcome to Tesla.

Just deal with it and drive the best freakin' car on the planet.
Amazing how many call the OP a whiner for stating a fact. Blows me away at how many Tesla owners see Tesla as a company that can do no wrong, even when they are WRONG.

Sorry, you've missed the point. People are more than welcome to be critical. However, people are going to be called out if they have 509 posts and 99% of them have been critical of Tesla.

You need to realize the difference between constructive criticism and someone who posts with an agenda, solely to stir the pot.
First of all, I never said those were failures.

Second, in case you didn't get it, my post was extremely sarcastic (which some people picked up on)... the point being, yeah, Elon makes a lot promises that never happen. Welcome to Tesla.

Just deal with it and drive the best freakin' car on the planet.

My comment was in support of yours then and it wasnt in the least bit sarcastic either. I really think they failed big league. So much so that I just bought a Model S90D (already own a X75D), terrible cars but I just cant get enough of them. If only Audi made a perfect all electric car, then maybe just maybe I could finally be happy. I cant even rely on the engine noise to drown out my constant weeping. Such a sad life to live, but there just are not any alternatives.
I too have had a full cup of double fluoridated kool-aid from the Tesla Chalice. Taken too many tweets and public proclamations of promises and expectations from the Musk Scrolls. I do love my S100D and wouldn’t have any other car available right now.......BUT....please deliver some of the features promised (ex. FSD will depart from EAP effective NOW from previous tweets) and stop giving false hopes and expectations to your followers...be realistic and honest for a change.
My comment was in support of yours then and it wasnt in the least bit sarcastic either. I really think they failed big league. So much so that I just bought a Model S90D (already own a X75D), terrible cars but I just cant get enough of them. If only Audi made a perfect all electric car, then maybe just maybe I could finally be happy. I cant even rely on the engine noise to drown out my constant weeping. Such a sad life to live, but there just are not any alternatives.

On the other hand you could buy an Audi with L3 autonomy...

Amazing how many call the OP a whiner for stating a fact. Blows me away at how many Tesla owners see Tesla as a company that can do no wrong, even when they are WRONG.

I don't call the OP's messages, or any others like it "whining", I call it holding a company accountable for not doing what they say the will How many times has Trump been bashed for not keeping a promise. How many times have other companies been bashed, sued or closed for not meeting their promises. Tesla is unique yes, but there are competitors coming and if they don't change their ways, they'll be gone too. So rather than supporting their mistakes and putting blinders on, join in and support those that express their concerns rather than bashing them for standing up. We'll all benefit if the BUYERS stay united. Tesla is taking your money just like they're taking the OP's money. All customers of any company should hold that company accountable, no matter how great the company may be.

What blows me away most about the full sell driving that I paid $3,000 for is that my lease is up early next year and just found out that Tesla will NOT REFUND my money if full self driving doesn't become functional before the end of my lease. How can they possibly not refund money on something they NEVER DELIVERED?? If it's not activated in the next 4-5 months, that means I paid them $3,000 for something and got absolutely noting in return. If anyone here can make a logical, legal case that would stand up in court for how that's right, I'd love to hear it.

And then I'll give you my number and sell you my private electric airplane that can be piloted without a license or physical pilot. We're in the finishing stage of development. Right now, you pay $1,000,000 for the plane and another $200,000 for the Tesla tech added to it, to which we hope gets done fleet wide in the next 3-5 years. The whole "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today", but in reverse.

I don't mind Tesla taking time on this issue, my car is AP1 anyways, but when I lease a new one I won't get FSD right away. Tesla is a great company and their cars are wonderful, but they are still just a company and therefore not interested in my personal financial benefit. IMO they should give you back your money, but if you have AP2, your car is 1 year old at best, so they have 2 more years to deliver.

What blows me away most about the full sell driving that I paid $3,000 for is that my lease is up early next year and just found out that Tesla will NOT REFUND my money if full self driving doesn't become functional before the end of my lease. How can they possibly not refund money on something they NEVER DELIVERED?? If it's not activated in the next 4-5 months, that means I paid them $3,000 for something and got absolutely noting in return. If anyone here can make a logical, legal case that would stand up in court for how that's right, I'd love to hear it....

Because you're supposed to consider it a donation to the "Cause". The "Cause" being to drive the stock price up some more thus making us all, and in particular Musk, even richer!
Still waiting for the SDK from 2013.
Still waiting for the new browser from 2014.
Still waiting for mobile device mirroring from 2015.
Still waiting for UI overhaul from 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 (or at least fixing ANY of the bugs that have latest this long).

need I go on?
I can't believe someone "disagreed" with your post. You are 100% spot on and I couldn't have said it better. Musk is full of bullsh*t. It's still the best car on the road, despite all of that.
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Surprisingly to you, I'm sure, none of what Hank said actually impacts the car's driving. It's still a great car to drive. I'm not sure why you are taking this so personally? lol

Mostly im just tired of the OP coming on this forum with a constant flow of complaints about how bad Tesla is and how great Audi is. I dont really see the point. Its clear that people here are mostly believers. And frankly there is a tremendous amount to believe in despite all the failed promises. I can assure you that of the million or so owners or people who want to own, about .001% know a damn thing about missed promises or even care. Lets focus on the bad web browsers and ignore the fact that the car shouldnt even exist based on how improbable it is to start a new car company in this country. Per Elon, its not easy and its not fun. My golden rule when giving someone credit or discounting them is look purely at the results. And the results are incredible and monumental and car companies like Audi and BMW are in real trouble. Audi might survive if VW keeps them alive, but they could end up like Pontiac. My guess it that VW will pick over what remains of the bones of the German car industry in about 3-4 years. If they dont start breaking ground on giant battery factories soon, they are destined to not exist in any meaningful way in 5-10 years. You cant just snap your fingers and build enough batteries for a million cars and you cant just throw money at it to speed it up. You can rely on OEMs to do it either, because they arent building giant battery factories either, with the exception of the Chinese, who are building batteries for China, not for Germany. These old companies are stable, but very slow moving and the world is changing for to fast for them. BMW and Audi = Palm and RIM.

Lastly. Even if Audi has a fully autonomous car, it would all but pointless unless its an EV. The day someone comes out with an Autonomous long range EV, no other cars will be sold. The reason is that the cost difference to operate and maintain an ICEv vs an EV will allow the autonomous EV to have 4:1 or 5:1 cost advantage per mile. Charging them from Solar and forecasting out 10+ years its even more dramatic. How many Million mile Audi are there that haven't needed any major maintenance costs? Audi might sell 10,000 EVs by 2020, thats not going to cut it. Lets see how VW/Audi/MB and BMW are at keeping their word on EVs.
Or just do what they did with ludicrous mode. Get the car back, remove the option in software, sell it as pre-owned.

For CPO this is definitely what they would do. They will leave the features or add the features based on market demand. If the market demands no options be enabled, then they would disable them all and sell the car without them. They can sell the option twice. This is not as shady as it sounds as they would have to sell the car at a loss and hope to recover the difference after the sale. Again, they have the data that shows how likely this is to happen so they will decide which features to include in a CPO and which to disable. They want the cars to move as quickly as possible at as close to the same price as the trade value.
Eventually none of the aforementioned will matter. Our happiness will be directly related to how long we have to wait for our autonomous air conditioned boxes to pick us up.

No more walking across a mall parking lot dodging ponderous ice vehicles. Nope, We'll just stand outside and post about how we were promised that our box would arrive in a minute or less, and its been 90 seconds. The horrors of the future should be here soon.
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If anyone here can make a logical, legal case that would stand up in court for how that's right, I'd love to hear it.

There is no way any court in America will let Tesla keep your money for FSD without delivering it. Simply not going to happen. Tesla is going to lose BIG on this AP2 fiasco. There is already a class action lawsuit in progress. What Tesla has done is pure and simple fraud. Stealing money from trusting consumers, in my opinion.
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