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Traffic Aware Cruise Control (TACC) won't be available on FSD v12?

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I believe it's just a safety consideration.

This is bullshit! Tesla created this problem by allowing users to choose between one or two pulls. The "problem" is easily fixed if Tesla would just add decently sized icons or just go back to requiring two pulls. By removing the option to use TACC, Tesla is taking a feature we bought. This should not be allowed to stand! Don't give Tesla a pass on this one.
It is mostly due to your point Number 2, why people need simple swiching/fallback to TACC.

Actually for some rare situations with cameras failing, it would be nice to have also a fallback to Stupid Cruise Control - only with speed limit. Like for example pulling the stalk 3 times.
I know everyone's different, and no judgment here, but in over three years with our Teslas, I have never once used or considered using TACC. Maybe Elon feels the same way.

Quiz: You use TACC because:

1. You like to do the steering wheel thing yourself but not the accelerator thing
2. You don't trust FSD or Autopilot
3. All of the above.
I'd add #4: don't want to be replacing bent wheels all the time from hitting potholes
and #5: FSD drives like an asshole and I don't want to trigger road ragers with the repeated brake checks and driving 20 mph under the speed limit it keeps trying to do.
Would love to see video of it driving 20 below the speed limit while traffic all around it is driving 20+ faster.
I'm done with the trial as of a week ago and I'm certainly not going to pay money for FSD to get a video. This particular scenario was because roads in Michigan with no posted speed limit are 55 mph, but the car picks different speeds for different roads. The car thinks the one I drive on every day is 35 mph. It's a relatively empty road near a high school, so I sometimes get passed by cars doing 75-85 mph while I'm doing 55-60.
I totally get #5 (been there done that). Re potholes:

TACC: You pay attention, and when you see a pothole, you turn the wheel and avoid it.

FSD: You pay attention, and when you see a pothole, you turn the wheel and avoid it.

Same idea for speed bumps.

I guess the point is that we inevitably pay less attention when driving with FSD. I get that, too.
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On the surface it appears totally oxymoronic that they'd remove TACC which is an excellent safety feature in manual driving. Now that I'm on 12.3 I have actually nearly hit the car in front of me a couple of times already. However, if you're Tesla and want to ramp up neuro-training, what an easy solution to just force FSD on people for a little while. So I think TACC will be back in our future. That said, Tesla is clearly monitoring this, if in fact I'm right, as it could have the opposite effect of reducing use of FSD or indeed not making a significant difference.
Although I setup a no fsd profile, 12.3 works so well and with a good wife approval factor, I have not needed it. My recent drives have had a destination so I don’t know how well I would feel about my more typical non-destination drives.

Also, I think Elon is behind the forced single pull because he wants everyone to be using fsd.
Sorry this is what my BINGO was about
I know everyone's different, and no judgment here, but in over three years with our Teslas, I have never once used or considered using TACC. Maybe Elon feels the same way.

Quiz: You use TACC because:

1. You like to do the steering wheel thing yourself but not the accelerator thing
2. You don't trust FSD or Autopilot
3. All of the above.
Combination of 1 and 2 for me so obviously #3. there are times when I like to steer, and others when I like FSD. And there are some times when I don't trust it. So I truly like the choice and actively use both. In poor weather I always default to TACC (unless REALLY poor when I go full manual)

Just got 12.3 today. First drive good, although tried to turn into a small street right ahead of ramp onto freeway. Other than that no complaints on first FSDb drives.
I totally get #5 (been there done that). Re potholes:

TACC: You pay attention, and when you see a pothole, you turn the wheel and avoid it.

FSD: You pay attention, and when you see a pothole, you turn the wheel and avoid it.

Same idea for speed bumps.

I guess the point is that we inevitably pay less attention when driving with FSD. I get that, too.

The big difference is this, and it happened to me today: FSD v12.3 - when you swerve to miss the pot hole you now have the car slowing down. With v11 FSD, it held your speed. I have 4 or 5 manhole covers that I play swerve with every day. Our pothole situation is actually not bad.

I was shown this thread because I was asking about losing TACC with v12.3.

EDIT: Added the pic

I like TACC and I like FSD, not a hater. I live in the country with beaucoup bump out passing/turn lanes (not sure what these are technically called). Its a two lane road, 50 mph, and when folks want to turn left off the main road, we sometimes have a short passing/bonus lane on the right that allows you to keep your speed. There is a dashed line and a outside lane you can use. So if there is nobody turning left, you stay in the left lane of the below pic. Know what I mean?


FSD v11 wants to signal right, slows most times, and takes the outside lane, even when no one is ahead, slowing to make the left. Its not all the turn lanes but the one instance on my main road it does this a lot. Sometimes I can nudge the car closer the centerline and it will sometimes stay in the correct lane. I get this is probably a tough thing for the car to figure out.

And now FSD 12.3 does work better, but its driving like Grand Pa and under-speeding a lot of places. TACC and v11.x did a good job of staying at 60 when I set 60. v12.3 seems nervous and can be 5 mph below what I set. Even when I bump the speed to 65mph, its sometimes rocking 54-57 mph.

Its even more of a reason I want TACC sometimes and the ability to choose.

THAT SAID, this morning the car actually did the correct thing at the above intersection. I have a 30 mile trip later and will pass probably 5 or 6 of these types of passing/turn lanes. I'm curious if it will do the right thing for all of them.
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To circle back: v12.3 now handles the these turn out lanes as pictured above. It sometimes has the right side tires on that middle dotted line, then basically almost on the shoulder off the road when the lane disappears. But it creeped back into the lane. Good enough for me!

But the speed keeping was hard to figure out. Country roads pictured above, at one point it was doing 50 when I had 60 set (limit was 55). I rolled it up to 85 and it sat cruising at 50.

So now I'm on option #6:
You like to do the accelerator thing yourself but not the steering thing.

I would gas it to 60 and it would slowly walk back down to 50 in my above example. Other times it was going 58 in a 55, when I had 60 set.

I know everyone's different, and no judgment here, but in over three years with our Teslas, I have never once used or considered using TACC. Maybe Elon feels the same way.

Quiz: You use TACC because:

1. You like to do the steering wheel thing yourself but not the accelerator thing
2. You don't trust FSD or Autopilot
3. All of the above.
Given the long term unreliability of FSD/AP in city driving, I have always used TACC in the city. Yes, it has improved with v12, but I still have times when TACC is better for my driving situation.
I know everyone's different, and no judgment here, but in over three years with our Teslas, I have never once used or considered using TACC. Maybe Elon feels the same way.

Quiz: You use TACC because:

1. You like to do the steering wheel thing yourself but not the accelerator thing
2. You don't trust FSD or Autopilot
3. All of the above.
This is very simple for me. I have a 5 mile section of my daily drive that FSD is effectively worthless on. The other 55 miles it is nearly flawless, but for that 5 mile section in heavy traffic every day I have always used TACC because FSD just can't figure it out. I've had v12 for a couple of weeks and it did nothing to improve behavior for this particular section of road. If fought it tooth and nail for the first week thinking it might learn, but no, it's the same bad choices at the same places ever single time. It constantly wants to get into the far right lane a block before the land ends. I will cancel the lane-change and 5 seconds later it will re-initiate. I really have no choice but to disengage it. I've selected "minimize lane changes" and I'm pretty sure that doesn't do a thing as it incessantly demands to make bad lane choices. Now I manually drive this section carefully as traffic is heavy, there are a lot of poorly timed traffic lights and lanes appear and disappear in 4 separate sections. (The traffic engineers should be shot for this stretch of road.)

I do not believe for a second that this is any sort of safety issue they are trying to address. They just want us to be in complete self-drive (including not being able to set the speed) or just drive it yourself.

Elon/Tesla better start listening to its customers or the Tesla euphoria effect will die. We bought a 2nd Model Y in December for my wife, but we will not buy FSD for it until they stop screwing up what is working well. Sure, I think v12 has a lot of minor driving improvements, but I am frustrated with disabling TACC as it makes my daily commute more difficult. At this point I would go back to v11 if I could. For the first time since I got FSD, I am seriously questioning if they will ever actually be able to get it right.
This is very simple for me. I have a 5 mile section of my daily drive that FSD is effectively worthless on. The other 55 miles it is nearly flawless, but for that 5 mile section in heavy traffic every day I have always used TACC because FSD just can't figure it out. I've had v12 for a couple of weeks and it did nothing to improve behavior for this particular section of road. If fought it tooth and nail for the first week thinking it might learn, but no, it's the same bad choices at the same places ever single time. It constantly wants to get into the far right lane a block before the land ends. I will cancel the lane-change and 5 seconds later it will re-initiate. I really have no choice but to disengage it. I've selected "minimize lane changes" and I'm pretty sure that doesn't do a thing as it incessantly demands to make bad lane choices. Now I manually drive this section carefully as traffic is heavy, there are a lot of poorly timed traffic lights and lanes appear and disappear in 4 separate sections. (The traffic engineers should be shot for this stretch of road.)

I do not believe for a second that this is any sort of safety issue they are trying to address. They just want us to be in complete self-drive (including not being able to set the speed) or just drive it yourself.

Elon/Tesla better start listening to its customers or the Tesla euphoria effect will die. We bought a 2nd Model Y in December for my wife, but we will not buy FSD for it until they stop screwing up what is working well. Sure, I think v12 has a lot of minor driving improvements, but I am frustrated with disabling TACC as it makes my daily commute more difficult. At this point I would go back to v11 if I could. For the first time since I got FSD, I am seriously questioning if they will ever actually be able to get it right.
So, today, I am in my third week driving with v12.3. Leave home for work, which it has handled quite well since the upgrade. But, today it is raining lightly. Halfway to work it throws the warning "FSD may be degraded".


Then the system overreacted to a car merging onto the highway on my right, and slowed abruptly, so I had to disengage to avoid getting rear-ended. From then on FSD refused to re-engage, as it was "unavailable".

Yes, this is just the system that you want to show off to new customers with expectation that they will whip out their checkbook and fork over $12K.
I know everyone's different, and no judgment here, but in over three years with our Teslas, I have never once used or considered using TACC. Maybe Elon feels the same way.

Quiz: You use TACC because:

1. You like to do the steering wheel thing yourself but not the accelerator thing
2. You don't trust FSD or Autopilot
3. All of the above.
I tow with my MY. Give me FSD while towing and fine but without TACC towing would be terrible.
+1 to another frustrated customer not having TACC easily accessible like it was before.

I like the feature of FSD choosing the speed but wish I could over ride it. Going faster with the flow of traffic in certain areas and staying the speed limit in others would be nice. Not being able to override it and say slow down / speed up is a real PITA. Got an area everyone speeds in and I typically limit my speed to 5 over. Then another area is like a speed trap and I want to be ~speed limit and not 10+ over the car wants to do. Also even though you scroll up it doesn't increase the speed like I want. :(