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Elon, Where is the FSD features you promised?

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Tomorrow officially makes it 6 months. We see no FSD features nor even EAP features, we only see the struggle to match AP1 parity. If FSD or even EAP were on the horizon and coming in the next update, you would see alot of hype coming from Elon like he always has. But we have crickets.

What in the world is going on at Tesla HQ?

I think i lucked out by canceling my Model 3 preorder and didn't exchange preorders with someone high on the list for 2k like i planned in October after the AP2 announcement.

Definitely = precise, exact, certain, sure, conclusive, firm, concrete, unmistakable, absolutely, without doubt, without question

There's still no EAP features. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.
This is after 10 months.10 months ppl!

For the love of all that is good, stop over-promising and under-delivering... the constant disappointments are amazing.

i mean am i the only one who feel this way? like just deliver and stop the constant hype?
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I can definitely see why people like yourself would see it as marketing. But, I tend to give a free pass on that one. It never did make sense to me.

I don't really mind missed timelines if it's understandable. The tech world is notorious for missing time lines. In SW development it's often almost impossible to predict. It should be padded, but Elon doesn't seem to pad.

I still can't get rid of the nagging feeling that Elon doesn't pad because not padding is beneficial for Tesla. Saying stuff like FSD features in 3-6 months helps Tesla get some FSD sales and keep the hubris going. Elon's tweets wield tremendeous power over publicity and purchase decisions as a celebrity CEO of a publicly traded company - they should thus come with an equal dosage of responsibility...

If it is just a case of Elon didn't know better and shouldn't have known better, I'd give him a pass too. But the pattern is too clear and too many cases are ones where he really should have padded, but padding can be detrimental to current sales, so I find it hard to shake the notion that it is possibly intentional.

As to EAP I felt like it was a purposefully designed lie because they were between a rock and a hard place. The company survival depended partly on the lie.

The FSD was just unnecessary, and was a complete disaster of a epic proportions.

It's probably why I have no brand bias for my next electric car.

This part I agree and sympathize much with. But your point about an EAP lie does not exactly instill confidence in Tesla's social media presence either...
Second only to Donald Trump? That's pretty bad.

It is bad, and this is where being an Owner or American does matter.

Because you have to explain both.

A friend just recently bought a Model X so it led to an awkward conversation about the FSD option. The whole "Yeah, but. followed by more buts".

When I was in Finland a few weeks ago there was explaining that "No, I didn't vote for trump and yes we've all lost our minds".
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This part I agree and sympathize much with. But your point about an EAP lie does not exactly instill confidence in Tesla's social media presence either...

I think the motivation behind a lie does matter.

The EAP lie on the timeframe doesn't bug me that much.

The FSD lie is like fingers on a chalkboard.

Elon as Tesla's social media presence I don't take too seriously. As an Engineer who believes in things being grounded I would butt heads all the time with him, but I can understand the marketing element of it. That after all he did pre-sell almost 400K Model 3's and the Bolt sold how many? The superchargers, etc can only explain so many.

The hard one is do I forgive Audi for VW's (their parent company) for the mishap.

The biggest problem with Tesla is the allowance they are given to do truly stupid things. It's high because there is absolutely zero direct competition.
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This is a tough one. The very nature of innovation requires one to dream big and change the paradigm beyond current thinking. Naturally, that involves making statements that seem incredible at the time and there's always the risk that your statements overshoot reality. Elon Musk, Tesla and Space X are constantly trying to change the paradigm of current thinking and sometimes they pull it off and sometimes they don't. I wouldn't get too caught up in the specifics of every statement Musk makes, he has an amazing track record of eventually pulling off the impossible.... even if it sometimes takes more time than he thinks. People thought he was crazy when he started a rocket company and then said he would reuse the rockets and land them on a barge in the middle of the ocean, but he did it. People thought he was crazy when he said he would build an electric car that everyone would want, I am sure Mercedes and BMW wish they had taken him more seriously. People thought he was crazy when he said he would disrupt the entire auto industry and push them to make EV's when gas prices are at historic lows and now every major car company is stumbling over themselves to get an EV to market. As far as autopilot is concerned, there may have been a bit too much hubris after the breakup with Mobileye, Tesla thought they could do it on their own and they will, but clearly it's taking longer than they expected. No big deal, it will happen, it's just a bit behind schedule... innovation involves some risk. Now about that Mars thing!
You are absolutely correct about dreaming big being part of big accomplishments. The distinction you failed to make however is between making dreamy statements vs. making commitments. What makes it a commitment is taking people's money for it. It's an exchange transaction, something for money". If I say "I will buy a P100D tomorrow" and fail, no harm done. If on the other hand I order one, take delivery and commit to paying every month, but then fail to pay, Tesla (or the bank) will come to repossess the car. How is this different from people wanting their money back for FSD?

And yes, I am aware of the fact that Tesla has gotten better at legal CYA and their current set of fine print commits them to absolutely nothing - as long as Tesla is still in business, all they have to say is "we're working on software and/or government approvals".
You are, no doubt, aware that Elon said six months ago that FSD would be ready in about 3 months, but definitely in 6 months.

Of course I'm aware, but go back and read my post.. there are many factors influencing if/when FSD will be released. It's not just when Elon says it's ready. That's just one hurdle, and Tesla has been upfront about this since the first day they started selling FSD.
I still can't get rid of the nagging feeling that Elon doesn't pad because not padding is beneficial for Tesla. Saying stuff like FSD features in 3-6 months helps Tesla get some FSD sales and keep the hubris going. Elon's tweets wield tremendeous power over publicity and purchase decisions as a celebrity CEO of a publicly traded company - they should thus come with an equal dosage of responsibility...

If it is just a case of Elon didn't know better and shouldn't have known better, I'd give him a pass too. But the pattern is too clear and too many cases are ones where he really should have padded, but padding can be detrimental to current sales, so I find it hard to shake the notion that it is possibly intentional.
Overselling FSD doesn't really help Tesla much, the money collected from it carries forward as deferred revenue until they activate it.
There op doesn't need any help with that. I think he thinks this is an Audi forum as he drops in every month or so to say how bad Tesla is an how good Audi is.

If he had spent his money on a car rather than losing it shorting TSLA stock then he would be much happier :)

its funny how if you say anything even remotely not favorable to Tesla you are all of a sudden a Audi shill, TSLA short and Big Oil.

This forum never ceases to amuse me.
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There are two major issues here that while separate, are obviously intertwined... One, never, EVER, trust Elon with a single time estimate... You should at least double any number he gives you and hope for the best... A lot of us here have adjusted to that but most haven't and when the credibility he does have suddenly runs completely out, things get very difficult from there...

Two, FSD simply isn't coming with the AP2 hardware suite... Tesla had ought to just acknowledge this, refund peoples money for FSD, and move on... Sadly, we all know they aren't going to do this without being forced which is a fancy way of saying litigation...

I understand why Elon has to constantly shoot for the moon so to speak, I really do... However, I don't think it's too much to ask for at least some consistency in actually meeting these self-imposed deadlines he sets...

its funny how if you say anything even remotely not favorable to Tesla you are all of a sudden a Audi shill, TSLA short and Big Oil.

This forum never ceases to amuse me.

You forgot to post your 14 video clips of Audi's doing awesome stuff and 30 more of Tesla's not doing awesome stuff. You never ceases to amuse me.
its funny how if you say anything even remotely not favorable to Tesla you are all of a sudden a Audi shill, TSLA short and Big Oil.

This forum never ceases to amuse me.
I think of you more as an overly emo Mobileye employee (former or current, dunno) who has a personal agenda here driven by negative feelings towards Musk and your very public bitter breakup with Tesla. You're focused on only one feature area & only post when you have something negative to say.

Plenty of people here have negative comments and don't get the same pushback. Because they're either owners or stockholders or fans that have to call out what they see as wrong. But that's not you.

I hope you get over it at some point. But don't think we don't see you. We do.
How is purchasing FSD any different from placing a deposit for the 3 or X before their release? I could not disagree more with the negative sentiments. I attended the AP1 reveal and test drive. AP1 now does everything in the demo. Perhaps certain features were overplayed, but the bulk of what Elon promised he delivered.

I just traded in my S for an X. I am very happy with how far developed AP1 is. I'm a little miffed AP2 is not quite up to par yet, but my trust is not affected. I recall recommending FSD to my mom and my expectation after Tesla's presentation was that it would be awhile. I do not feel let down. I have the FSD Capability in my X and have no regret for ordering it for my mom's S and my X.
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its funny how if you say anything even remotely not favorable to Tesla you are all of a sudden a Audi shill, TSLA short and Big Oil.

This forum never ceases to amuse me.
Lol, this is not an accurate characterization of your postings here. There are plenty of critical comments here by others and they don't get the same pushback. From your comment history, you read exactly like someone with an agenda, which is why you get pushback.
One could split hairs on deposit and nonrefundable status, I think one could argue otherwise based off of having the car and hardware. That wasn't the main point of the rhetorical question.

Regardless, I have a hunch that by the end of this calendar year this thread will become meaningless and that significant features will be appearing in the near future.
its funny how if you say anything even remotely not favorable to Tesla you are all of a sudden a Audi shill, TSLA short and Big Oil.

All three? Isn't that a bit extreme. I mean, if you're going to accuse us all of being something, perhaps make it "or Big Oil" instead of "and". It's funny that you accuse people of being extreme when you're the most extreme.

It might surprise you but a lot of us here agree with your premise -- Tesla oversold AP2.0 and FSD -- and oversold is an understatement. It's just the way you presented it -- with a big relief that you didn't pay to move up on the reserve list -- which isn't allowed anyway -- and in reality you don't even own a Tesla so you are not missing out on anything.

Maybe you can understand that some of us here don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater? We love the baby, even if it can't walk all by itself yet. I missed out on AP in the first place, and nothing except death can keep me from cancelling my Model 3 reservation.
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