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Elon, Where is the FSD features you promised?

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How is purchasing FSD any different from placing a deposit for the 3 or X before their release? I could not disagree more with the negative sentiments. I attended the AP1 reveal and test drive. AP1 now does everything in the demo. Perhaps certain features were overplayed, but the bulk of what Elon promised he delivered.

I just traded in my S for an X. I am very happy with how far developed AP1 is. I'm a little miffed AP2 is not quite up to par yet, but my trust is not affected. I recall recommending FSD to my mom and my expectation after Tesla's presentation was that it would be awhile. I do not feel let down. I have the FSD Capability in my X and have no regret for ordering it for my mom's S and my X.
Yes, but that was Mobileye who have been developing their system for 10 years plus and even now, AP1 is capable of more than we have. So, Elon had a secure foundation from which to speak. Not the quicksand of rushed internal development by a team that has myriad other responsibilities as well.
What I personally find a bit baffling is why there still isn't any kind of 360 birdeyes view. Clearly the car has the capability of it, and I wouldn't think it would take much to implement. Why didn't they do that just to throw a bone to owners of EAP/FSD.

We know they have birdseye view in developer mode so technically the car is capable.

Reluctance might be related to it not being a very good one, though I would still welcome it and hope it gets released.

It being black and white plus red is not the biggest issue. The biggest are the large blindspots of the windshield and B pillar cameras. AP2 does not see 360 around the nose on ground level. Competing 360 systems nowadays do.

Here is roughly how AP2 sees the 360, the way it sees in black, white and red - and the black areas are roughly blindspots which it does not see in vision. The rear and front boxes are approximated, the sides are based on actual AP2 camera images (side marker and B pillar) showing their respective fields of view. The rear-camera view, not shown here (other than a box approximating its FoV), AP2 of course would see in color due to rear-view camera being in color.


The added front and rear boxes are just a quick Photoshop of my old work here (in itself rather poor perspective adjustment), so not 100% of course. Don't take them for gospel, just as illustrative of roughly where the blindspots are... AP2.0 Cameras: Capabilities and Limitations?

In essence, for a 360 view, the setup would allow for a useful one from around the side-mirrors back - in B&W or a weird mixed color - but the nose has significant blindspots on the "bumper level".
Shouldn't Elon Musk in all decency come out and say something about this, now that his "6 months definetly" has passed? The silence is almost worse than the lack of new AP capabilities..

It's probably best that he doesn't say anything.... we all know what that starts.... Maybe they'll be a little something with the m3 reveal although I highly doubt it based on we just got a big release.
Shouldn't Elon Musk in all decency come out and say something about this, now that his "6 months definetly" has passed? The silence is almost worse than the lack of new AP capabilities..

Crickets chirping is all I want to hear from Tesla & Elon in reference to anything that isn’t factual and happening. The litany of broken CEO promises and false expectations were to common and too grossly misrepresented. Just tell us when it is / has happening / hapoened.
Guys, Elon is too busy packing his bags and planning his itinerary for the coast to coast FSD trip to respond to you right now.
Take it easy on the guy. He's probably losing his mind from all the stress and sleep deprivation. He's sacrificing himself to try to save the world and all you can think about is your stupid car not being able to drive itself well enough. Grab the damn wheel and drive it yourself you idiot.
Take it easy on the guy. He's probably losing his mind from all the stress and sleep deprivation. He's sacrificing himself to try to save the world and all you can think about is your stupid car not being able to drive itself well enough. Grab the damn wheel and drive it yourself you idiot.
Best post of the last month. I've screenshotted it for posterity before the wise moderator moves it to the land of snip.
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While I can see some kind of a short apology might be decent, I'd overall just prefer silence from Elon Musk as well. I don't think anything he says can make these past wrongs right anyway and we don't want him over-promising and under-delivering for the future either. Nor do we want him whitewashing this somehow, which could easily happen trying to explain things away and anger some people more.

Let's just face it: the guy has a terrible track-record on this (timeline promises and product feature hubris), one that has obviously misled many customers. The only way to regain that trust, if there is one - over time (not immediately) - on this is a future track-record that is better, not any kind of statement or words now.

Just start delivering on what you preach from this point forwards, Elon and Tesla. Under-promise and over-deliver, or at least promise only exactly what you know you will deliver (with a safety margin towards under-promising). That's the best fix. Keep at it long enough and critical people will change minds and overall customer satisfaction regarding product changes will improve.
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Take it easy on the guy. He's probably losing his mind from all the stress and sleep deprivation. He's sacrificing himself to try to save the world and all you can think about is your stupid car not being able to drive itself well enough. Grab the damn wheel and drive it yourself you idiot.

Oh cry me a river and stop sucking his stick.

I paid for the darn thing to drive itself so it better I didn't pay him to save the world.
Take it easy on the guy. He's probably losing his mind from all the stress and sleep deprivation. He's sacrificing himself to try to save the world and all you can think about is your stupid car not being able to drive itself well enough. Grab the damn wheel and drive it yourself you idiot.

LOL. If you take 8k for something, you also better deliver.
Kind-of hoping for that during the Model 3 reveal. For example having the cars navigate the car park towards the reveal area and then announcing this update will roll out to S/X starting today.

Navigate the car park update? As in Level 4, then?

The beauty of the constant upgrade strategy, hope springs eternal and past disappointments are simply disregarded. ;) And Elon can keep the flame alive with a few carefully timed tweets...

Audi has been working on Level 4 parking for a decade, even they are waiting until next year+ to launch it.
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Navigate the car park update? As in Level 4, then?

The beauty of the constant upgrade strategy, hope springs eternal and past disappointments are simply disregarded. ;) And Elon can keep the flame alive with a few carefully timed tweets...

Audi has been working on Level 4 parking for a decade, even they are waiting until next year+ to launch it.

Is Audi a good benchmark? Why so long?

NVIDIA annouced their L5-capable solution in 2015 and demo'd it in 2016.
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