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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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I smell a set up for another short position.
I don't think so. I was predicting several months ago that the smarter "big dog" short sellers knew that Q3 was the death knell for short positions and were looking for an exit strategy. I figured they would seize an opportunity to manipulate the market, drive the stock price down, and pawn their short positions off onto other, stupider short sellers.

It appears that Citron and Andrew Left have done exactly that -- and turned around and gone long. The bag is in the hands of people less clever, who will lose their shirts. Such is Wall Street.
Bought 10 more at 275 today. Total of 130 now for an average of 280. It was my first trade on an up day, usually I buy on down days.

No matter what we think of Left/Citron, his analysis is very strong. I think it’s just matter of time before more naysayers will realize what’s happening with Tesla.
Andrew didnt just write this report on ER news. He’s been long in Q3 and been writing this report so it looks to me he’s in it for the longer haul not just pump and dump for a few days.
I don't think so. I was predicting several months ago that the smarter "big dog" short sellers knew that Q3 was the death knell for short positions and were looking for an exit strategy. I figured they would seize an opportunity to manipulate the market, drive the stock price down, and pawn their short positions off onto other, stupider short sellers.

It appears that Citron and Andrew Left have done exactly that -- and turned around and gone long. The bag is in the hands of people less clever, who will lose their shirts. Such is Wall Street.

Anyone know what Jim Chanos is doing... EFF that guy...
well, I don't know of any poll, but a number of people have commented being "all in" on $TSLA. I believe in hedging bets and the price hadn't dropped low enough to convince me, but even though I'm not 100% $TSLA, trust me, these price movements are raising the value of my investment portfolio.

Yeah, it felt a little weird to check in and see "Day Change: +3.82%"
A small sample (biased I know) on Lemur demand.

Over the weekend, my visiting older son told me his friend at work was quoted $10K for extended maintenance on his BMW . As result, he put in an order for MR 3.

Today my son calls me and says he's going to order one as well (probably didn't hurt that I had put in a wall charger in his garage last year for me to use when visiting :)). He's got a 3 yr old 2 series that he'll be jettisoning. 2 of my 3 sons will now be Tesla Model 3 owners...just got to get the younger one on the bandwagon....

Update, my son found out that there is a limited number of LR vehicles available (in white or black interior) and he upgraded to the bigger battery this morning. Also, delivery timeline is moved up two weeks.

Happy to see stock price skyrocketing today!
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The snake literally did nothing except to timely release his regurgitated report and now being adorned as 'calling it' and enjoying his spotlight. This is a two headed snake and he'll spin faster than Regans head. Just wait.

Don't worry: we should actually welcome half of the shorts screwing the other half of the shorts by defecting and demoralizing, so that there's a molten crater in the ground, glowing in the dark for centuries, with a sign saying: "Here lie those who went short TSLA".

I do suspect there are some significant shorts who are in an effective bear trap now. Their covering might be spectacular, once it happens.

Need a puking emoji. :mad:

Here you go: :eek: - that's shortly before the event, because this is a family friendly forum.
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I’m not happy about this reversal. It smells like a major set up. Nobody/no company changes 180 degrees like this unless Elon Musk/Tesla.

IMHO: It's not the set-up, it's the conclusion.

The set-up was all the FUD spread previously to drive the stock price down so that they could exit their short position at $250 and go long *just* before the earnings report.

Forgive me if I suggest that this entire move might have been preplanned by Citron as their exit strategy -- the report goes to some pains to try to claim that it wasn't preplanned, but, y'know, if you *were* planning a manipulative exit strategy from a short position, this *is* the one you'd want to use.
On a more serious note, how frikkin devious are these guys?! If they went neutral in light of developments, I'd be like "OK". But to do a 180 like that 1 day before ER.... Is anyone to seriously believe they have just learned these amazing facts and realized their erroneous ways??

Personally, I think they are trying to tell a story the SEC that they only just learned this, so that the SEC doesn't go after them for the previous spreading of negative news and driving down of the stock price. The SEC doesn't have to seriously believe them, they just have to make a plausible enough claim that the SEC won't take them to court over it.
I love you, Karen. I've appreciated your writing and analysis for a long time, but this is sheer genius.

(Of course, now that you've posted poetry, the stock will go down, according to ancient TMC superstition. ;-) )

Andrew Left and Chanos
Walked on a mile or so,
And then they rested on a rock
Conveniently low:
And all the SA bears stood
And waited in a row.

"The time has come," Andrew Left said,
"To talk of many things:
Of factories--and batteries--
Of CEOs--and kings--
And why the stock is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."

"But wait a bit," SA bears cried,
"Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!"
"No hurry!" said Jim Chanos
They thanked him much for that.

"A loaf of bread," Andrew Left said,
"Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed--
Now if you're ready, SA bears dear,
We can begin to feed."

"But not on us!" SA bears cried,
Turning a little blue.
"After such kindness, that would be
A dismal thing to do!"
"The night is fine," Andrew Left said.
"Do you admire the view?


"I weep for you," Andrew Left said:
"I deeply sympathize."
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.

"O SA bears," said Jim Chanos,
"You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?'
But answer came there none--
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd eaten every one.
IMHO: It's not the set-up, it's the conclusion.

The set-up was all the FUD spread previously to drive the stock price down so that they could exit their short position at $250 and go long *just* before the earnings report.

Forgive me if I suggest that this entire move might have been preplanned by Citron as their exit strategy -- the report goes to some pains to try to claim that it wasn't preplanned, but, y'know, if you *were* planning a manipulative exit strategy from a short position, this *is* the one you'd want to use.
It's like when Lucy pulls the football from Charlie brown....it funny...and depressing at the same time.
I hope most people agree, the real heroes are Elon Musk and all the people at Tesla. They work super hard and make a positive impact to the world.
Well, yes.

I have zero admiration for Citron, Chanos, Einhorn, etc. In my view they are blood sucking parasites that do shady things to manipulate the market from time to time. Citron report means nothing to me.
For some reason, I have a sort of generic professional admiration for skill, even when it's skill in thieving, lying, market manipulation, seizing power, or even being bloodsucking parasites. (The tricks of some ticks are so impressive.)

I don't know why, I just admire the professional competency, even when I condemn the morality. (I can admire Orban's tactical skill while condemning his, um, fascist dictatorship.) I suppose this is the same feeling that makes people watch heist movies? I like heist movies.
Like this one, "Rumors of the Tesla killers have been as constant and unfounded as Bob Lutz's call for Tesla's bankruptcy,"
WTF! I'm speechless (almost). WTF!

I don't keep up with Citroen, so maybe this isn't a direct contradiction of their earlier position, but given their stance can they say that with a straight face?

Of course not, but hitting the keys right when your doubled up with ... something ... must be kinda hard, too
Don't worry: we should actually welcome half of the shorts screwing the other half of the shorts by defecting and demoralizing, so that there's a molten crater in the ground, glowing in the dark for centuries, with a sign saying: "Here lie those who went short TSLA".
Caldera? That name rings a bell from previous shenanigans over Linux by the entity naming itself SCO. (Not short crude oil ETF.)
I do suspect there are some significant shorts who are in an effective bear trap now. Their covering might be spectacular, once it happens.

Here you go: :eek: - that's shortly before the event, because this is a family friendly forum.
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