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Recent content by LincolnsDoctor

  1. L

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    "Phantom speed limit signs" seem to be caused by FSD reading signs with numbers where the first two digits end with a 5 or a 0 as speed limit signs. I encounter them often on US 15 and US 209, as well in other random places. Very annoying and potentially dangerous. Maybe someone at Tesla is...
  2. L

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Today's 330 mile trip using FSDS was great, except for the parts that were terrible. All of the terrible parts seem to be due to FSDS reading route signs as speed limits. Driving on or near US 209 FSDS would sometimes set the speed limit to 20, presumably because it was reading some 209...
  3. L

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    12.3.4 was a step backward for me. On a roundabout that 12.3.3 would enter smoothly and try to take the wrong exit, 12.3.4 put on the left turn signal as it prepared to enter the roundabout. I disengaged FSD since I was afraid of what it might do
  4. L

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    No. At first I thought I had accidently disengaged FSD, but it was still engaged. Later on I was following a car that was driving close to the white and occasionally going onto the shoulder, and my car, instead of staying centered in the lane, was also staying close to the white line , but...
  5. L

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Notable events on today's 360 mile drive using 12.3.3. In general better than previous drives, but --On US 15 in PA/MD most of the time it would set the speed limit to 15 MPH when it passed a US 15 sign, and set it back to the correct speed when it passed a real speed limit sign. --Also on US...
  6. L

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Just went out to the car to see if the Software tab would prompt a software update and after waiting what seemed like tens of seconds the car started updating from 2023.44.30.25 -> 2024.3.10 . Model S refresh with FSD, HW3, and USS. I have to drive 360 miles tomorrow, about 280 on...
  7. L

    FSD Beta v11.x

    You are "supposed" to keep checking your mirrors when driving ( i.e. that is what I was taught and do). That said, one thing this forum has taught me is that there is a lot of variability in driving styles. It would be nice if the car told you what it thinks you are doing wrong. My car now...
  8. L

    Cyber(nota)truck even more Not a truck than I first thought

    Many less affluent tradesmen drive old minivans (cheap) and SUVs. There really aren't that many situations where you have to have a "real" pickup truck
  9. L

    I got a very unfair third strike that I do not understand. Please help.

    I had the exact opposite experience. The first 3.5 years, 50K miles I was constantly getting strikes, with a close to 100% false positive rate. Yes, I always kept my hands on the steering wheel. Then starting last spring I would only get nags if I looked at the screen for too long, i.e. false...
  10. L

    FSD Beta v11.x

    For many of us the sensor rarely detects anything, so there are (or were) constant nags. I used to get constant nags. Now that the cameras are used, I rarely get nagged. And I keep my hands on the wheel 99.9% of the time.
  11. L

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    Auto wipers didn't work in the rain all day yesterday, but worked perfectly in the rain at night. 2023.27.12
  12. L

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Maybe they think the current code works as well or better than the old code? We beta testers have no visibility into what Tesla thinks does or doesn't work, or how well it works, or how they decide if something works.
  13. L

    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    Yes, the auto wipers on my 3 and then S worked fine for at least 2 years, and now they never turn on when it is raining. I assumed this would be fixed quickly, but several updates later they still don't work
  14. L

    How many of you will/may transition to CyberTruck?

    Yes, we had one. It made parking much easier, but was disconcerting at first. And it was all mechanical, not electric.