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wdolson's latest activity

  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict.
    I saw an article a few months ago and think I posted it here. Russia's infrastructure is disintegrating. The people who maintain it...
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict.
    There is the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer", but there is a point where this becomes counterproductive...
  • wdolson
    wdolson reacted to Tiger's post in the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict with Informative Informative.
    Only happens in movies and fairytales:
  • wdolson
    wdolson reacted to AudubonB's post in the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict with Funny Funny.
    Way O/T on a sensitive place, but @UncaNed now has me envisioning Slim Pickens at one of those Semi’s wheel, waving his cowboy hat and...
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict.
    I figured that. I have made much bigger mistakes in my time online.
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict.
    Ukraine has gone into mass production of drones. I saw something about it about a year ago, maybe a little less. Production is...
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict.
    It takes a lot to make my partner laugh. She thought this was hilarious.
  • wdolson
    wdolson reacted to madodel's post in the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict with Funny Funny.
    Yes, because Russia is not a racist, bigoted nation, are they? They are certainly a unique example. Putin says Russia cannot be target...
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict.
    The Kerch Bridge is very well defended. The Russians put up floating barriers around the bridge to deter naval drones and there is a...
  • wdolson
    North Americans are obsessed with large vehicles. Pickups got enormous because of a loophole in the fuel mileage laws that allowed...
  • wdolson
    wdolson reacted to SwedishAdvocate's post in the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict with Like Like.
    Looks like UKR weaponized a Cessna... NOTE: Warning to all headphone users... A drone hit a kamikaze drone factory in Russia's...
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Israel/Hamas conflict.
    I saw an interview with him given by Tim Miller a few weeks ago. He's definitely anti-Trump, but he is incredibly critical of Biden for...
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Lifetime Average Wh/mi.
    I haven't seen the MCU's, but this is an educated guess. The MCU has what is essentially a hard drive storage on it. It's not a...
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Russia/Ukraine conflict.
    I always thought it was the Russians. Not that we can do anything about it. The device used for the Havana Syndrome is probably a...
  • wdolson
    wdolson replied to the thread Israel/Hamas conflict.
    There's a carrot for Israel to agree to a two state solution. Biden is probably the best deal maker president the US has had since...