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  1. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Perfect! I think I have a bug that doesn't allow spaces in folder names. For now try using a merge folder with no spaces in it- I'll bet that fixes the problem. I'll be sure to fix this in my next update.
  2. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    OMG I didn't even try drag and drop lol. Here's the icon you need to click on. There should be a command-prompt showing some messages.
  3. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Dumb question- how do you attach an image here? I'm having trouble uploading a picture without first uploading it to my webserver which is super clunky?
  4. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    You found my Easter Egg/Debug window! It appears that the Tesla_Dashcam is failing for some reason. Right now I'm not capturing the output from that program. If you are able to, right after clicking on the merge function, click on the 'tesla_dashcam' icon that appears in the task bar at the...
  5. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Hi yes, that's my business server- allprosoftware.com. You can ping that to double check if you want. Every time it starts it checks to see if a new version is ready- that's all it does right now. Some day I may add something to see how many people are using it but I promise not to spy on...
  6. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    When you click on it, immediately click on the new window that pops up "Tesla Dashcam" and check the messages- let me know what messages you see- more information will help me figure out what is happening.
  7. astrowunder

    Performance not getting 310 miles promised

    or better yet, a better route planner
  8. astrowunder

    Sentry Mode not working well

    I realize that but Dashcam and Sentry store in the same folder and use the same cameras, so it's worth testing.
  9. astrowunder

    Sentry Mode not working well

    That doesn't sound right. Have you tried clicking on the dashcam icon to download files? Do those show up? I'm not sure service will help you with this since it's a beta feature. I occasionally get partial videos on the right or left repeater (probably 1 in 20 recordings) but most of the...
  10. astrowunder

    Replacing Rear Glass after Stress Crack Formed

    Had mine replaced also. It was same day in and out and they gave me a loaner to explore Chicago. There was tape on the glass they told me to leave on for 24 hours, but it was a good experience for me as well. And they badged my car while they were at it (they did ask me first)
  11. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I suggest googling on how to install Codecs in Windows media player- if you can get one of the files from your cam to work with WMP, it will probably start working in Sentry Keeper.
  12. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I'm using windows 8.1 64 bit on my development machine. I wonder if maybe you're missing a codec in WMP. But I thought all the media players in windows shared codecs- maybe I'm wrong on that.
  13. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Yes it should- what is happening when you try? I did notice if you have any spaces in the file name it wouldn't work right with version 1.01, but I fixed that in 1.02 which I just released this morning. When the merge is running another window appears in your taskbar for Tesla_Dashcam. You...
  14. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I processed a bunch of videos from drag racing last night and fixed a bunch of bugs- new release 1.0.2 is now available.
  15. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    That's bizarre- what version of windows are you running? Make sure you have Windows Media Player installed.
  16. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    No charge for Sentry Keeper, but if you really want to donate to the cause you can see if there's anything on the allprosoftware.com website you'd like to buy or my astronomy products at www.spike-a.com. I run them both with my wife- mom & pop shops.
  17. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I think I have the problem resolved. The next update will include the fix. The app will let you know when it's available.
  18. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I don't think I understand. This is something other than the 'open explorer on clip' function provides?
  19. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    My dev tool is Windows only- no Mac, no Linux, no Android, no iPhone, sorry.
  20. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Confirmed. Work around for now. Hit the Pause button before archiving. That seemed to do the trick for me. I'll try to address this in the next update.
  21. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Version 1.0 Now ready- releasing a few hours early. Keep the suggestions and bug reports coming! Probably the biggest new feature is integration with Erik Hendrix's great triple video merge software. You can pick and choose which videos you want to be included in Sentry Keeper and then click...
  22. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Big update tomorrow- stay tuned
  23. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I'm hoping to do this a few times this summer- how hard is it on the tires?
  24. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Sneak Peek. The next version has so much more functionality I'm calling it 1.0.
  25. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    That's strange- it's not showing you the dates in the middle listbox? If the dates are there but not playing, I know there's a bug in the play button- double click on one of the dates to start the videos.
  26. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    The only drives it currently detects are USB thumb drives. If you have an SSD drive or physical hard drive with USB interface it won't find it currently- next version will
  27. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    A few people have hit that. It's something to do with an unexpected file name in the savedclips folder. Next version should resolve the issue
  28. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Next version coming sooooooon
  29. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Archive folks- do you keep the original name of the videos when you archive or do you rename them? The error 13 appears to be files in the folder that don't match the expected Tesla time format of yyyy-dd-mm_hh-mm-(front, left,right). The next version will be ignoring any files not in this...
  30. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Please try this version- it has better error handling- it's a 'pre-release' version without any new features except error management. http://www.allprosoftware.com/demos/sentrykeeper11.exe
  31. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I'm not sure if an external hard drive would register as removable- I suspect not. The next version should address this.
  32. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Right now you can double-click on any of the 3 videos to flip to full screen, then double click again to go back to regular. I doubt I'll add a zoom in addition to that. Also, you can resize the window which will increase the size of the 3 videos based on the size of the main window. Right...
  33. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    ...fingers coding as fast as possible...
  34. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    BTW- that first link I posted is not a direct download. It goes to my company's website so you can look things over before downloading the .exe.
  35. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Probably because I wrote this in less than 2 days lol. If you have any screen shots of a crash or get an error message, please PM me with the details- I'd appreciate it!
  36. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Not at this time. My company has been developing and distributing software for more than 30 years if that makes you feel any better. Also, the executable is digitally signed so you can be sure it's from us and not a 13 year old hacker in a moldy basement...
  37. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Windows only I'm afraid. My dev system doesn't do Mac
  38. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Thanks for your understanding- I don't think the community will mind a little friendly coding competition :) Good luck on your version as well.
  39. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I did come across that app before I started working on mine, actually. It was missing some features I personally wanted which is why I decided to 'roll my own'. That one is multi-platform right? That will be great for Mac and Linux folks.
  40. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    For folks who are archiving, can you describe what you're doing? Do you copy all the contents of the USB stick to your archive folder or do you pick and choose which clips to save? I can probably add a feature to auto archive if there's a consensus on what is involved.
  41. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    This means you don't have windows media player installed. I had another person with the same issue and he hasn't been able to resolve it yet. Try this link and let me know if it helps: How to bring back Windows Media Player back on Windows 10 • Pureinfotech
  42. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    I'll be adding the ability to browse to a specific location for archives and non-removable drives in the future (hopefully soon, but I've learned not to promise timelines as a developer)
  43. astrowunder

    Lifetime supercharging changed to pay per use- update

    All Performance Model 3's qualified for unlimited supercharging for a while, then you needed a referral, but it was still unlimited up to October 2018- then it went away (forever? who knows with Tesla!)
  44. astrowunder

    Lifetime supercharging changed to pay per use- update

    Only performance model 3 purchased before oct 2018
  45. astrowunder

    Lifetime supercharging changed to pay per use- update

    Same here, seems to still be ok. Why is it so hard for them to track this and display it properly in our accounts?
  46. astrowunder

    Sentry Keeper- free Windows software to manage your Sentry videos

    Hi Everyone, I wrote this software to manage my TeslaCam videos. Feel free to download it and kick the tires. Let me know if you have feature requests or find any bugs. This software is free- I'm hoping it's ok to post this here. This uses the built-in windows media player. If you don't...
  47. astrowunder

    Lifetime supercharging changed to pay per use- update

    I only supercharge on the road, but I'm on the road quite a bit
  48. astrowunder

    Should Tesla advertise a bit?

    We'll see next quarter what happens. I do think Model 3 is heavily stealing S/X sales. I imagine there is some time to retool models for significant design changes- do you think there would be 0 impact of doing that?