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  1. C

    Possible reservation number hint on My Tesla

    Reserved in store in Toronto, ON on March 31st at 3pm. Placed 2 reservations, but the credit card didn't post it till the next day :(. My numbers are: 512XX9 512XX7 Edit: Yet myTesla recognizes that I indeed reserved on March 31st...interesting...
  2. C

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    Look at it this way, would you rather have more false positives or more false negatives? Tesla can dedicate staff to review hours of security camera footage not only for their stores, but also neighbouring vendors (in situations where the line snakes outside of Tesla property), how easy and...
  3. C

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    There's really no way to tell for sure who lined up before the store opened versus who reserved in person later in the day. The simplest course of action is to acknowledge all those who deserves in person on March 31st. Do a thought experiment, imagine a line that countinuously replenished...
  4. C

    A Canadian perspective, and what options will you be getting?

    I wonder if anyone can find out how much money has been earmarked for EV Incentives or what the target is. For example, we know that an additional $20 million has been set aside for public fast-charging stations. It's absolutely inevitable that the incentives will be scaled back. There are...
  5. C

    Model 3 reveal effect on other luxury car sales

    Great start with your list! It's definitely going to be interesting to see how the numbers change once Model 3 deliveries start. One thing to keep in mind is that is that the broader appeal of Model 3 means you will have people stretching to go upmarket as well as downmarket from other...
  6. C

    Average age?

    I think the younger tech crowd is definitely more aware of Tesla, but I can definitely see how the ones who lined up overnight would tend to be older. Those putting deposits down I would presume to be in the workforce already with some degree of disposable income to afford an entry level luxury...
  7. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    Took the opportunity to sell off just enough shares to clear my margin to prevent lending out by TD.
  8. C

    An attempt at a spreadsheet to compare Model 3 vs. A4 operating costs

    It will be easier to justify the purchase once we are closer to production. Once the option packages and performance metrics are available in the design studio, you can make a head to head comparison of how much an equivalent priced entry level car of any marque would stack up. For example, we...
  9. C

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    How did you order on-line before the order time? I was under the impression that it was opened at 7:30pm PST. I'm fairly certain that they're going to be giving all those who ordered in store on March 31st a gift. Logically, looking at timestamp doesn't really help because it is not...
  10. C

    Different Door Handles...

    Yes, although the person on the left is opening the door much more awkwardly. I would imagine that in real world usage, most people would use a thumb to pivot out the handle, then pull further outwards to fully unlatch the door. The person on the right is more representative of a real world...
  11. C

    If You're Reserving -what car are you coming from?

    Lexus IS350. Bought it used from a dealership for a steal of a price, and now have 153000km on the odometer. I don't mind driving it to the ground, but I'd rather not buy gas ever again. The second-generation do not have foldable backseats, so Model 3 is perfect timing for a new car when I...
  12. C

    Global Incentives and Model III

    Oh, I also forgot to add the upper bound of the EV rebate. Model S owners do not qualify for the full $14K because the MSRP also has to be below $75000 CDN. As of today, Model S owners only qualify for $3000 because that's the max allowable once the MSRP cap is exceeded. Thus, the sweet spot...
  13. C

    Global Incentives and Model III

    I've been giving the incentives a lot of thought lately. In Ontario, Canada, the incentives can be found here: Electric vehicles incentive program Model 3 based on what we can surmise on speculation will basically be eligible for $14000 in EV rebate from the Ontario Government as follows: -...
  14. C

    Tesla moments

    I went with my whole family for early Dim Sum Brunch today. My Lexus (Alexia) has a Tesla "My next car is electric!" license plate holder. Lo and behold, when we returned to my car, we saw a P85D parked right beside me! I like to think that I brought a smile to the Tesla driver's face too.
  15. C

    Tesla Model X Moments

    I went with my whole family for early Dim Sum Brunch today. My Lexus (Alexia) has a Tesla "My next car is electric!" license plate holder. Lo and behold, when we returned to my car, we saw a P85D parked right beside me! I like to think that I brought a smile to the Tesla driver's face too...
  16. C

    Why bother to pre-order the new Model 3 (or whatever it is called now)

    By making a reservation, I am as a consumer saying, "EV's are the future, they are here now, and Tesla is the only one making a compelling one". It makes no difference to me if I have to wait until late 2017 or even 2018 for that matter, but it makes it very clear that I don't want a...
  17. C

    Elon: "I think it’s terrible to make a profit on service"

    Last year I needed 4 of these because my rocker panel lost 2 of them and was at risk of coming off of my Lexus. Walked into the Lexus dealership, and it was $9 Canadian each. I don't think this really has anything to do with the volume of the car maker. These plastic plugs are really a...
  18. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    I read that Employees were going to be able to reserve ahead of the reveal event. If employees get the first vehicles off the line, it'll greatly help the attention to QC initially. Additionally, it could be a PR coup when the first deliveries are for those working the assembly lines for...
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    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    I've thought about it, and if the numbers are good enough, that might be Elon's punchline to end the night after gauging the reaction to the reveal. Remember, by the end of the reveal in California, the world would have had a chance to place deposits sight unseen. This could be one hell of an...
  20. C

    Someone's X prepping for delivery at Denver "secret location"

    Those cars are likely production models as the P has been dropped for production models to allow VIN numbering of 6 digits. As per other threads, if it's founders it's F followed by 5 digits and for Signature it's S followed by 5 digits.
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    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    I anticipate that once they know how to make the car really efficiently, they'll start cranking out lower optioned batches in between. There's no way they will make only high optioned cars for longer than a year, otherwise the media will go nuts saying this isn't a car for the masses. It's...
  22. C

    What is your budget for the Model lll?

    I wrote this in another thread for Model 3, but I really think NAV would be included. Like you said, it's something that probably doesn't cost much in hardware, but what else would they do with a large screen in the centre of the car? There's only so much infotainment that one needs when...
  23. C

    When is Lutz going to shut up?

    not in his lifetime I don't think so. The EV market is so small currently that it's unlikely to displace ICE within his lifetime. This brings me back to a quote from Elon and Kimbal's Zip2 days, when a man came into the office, threw a yellow pages book down and exclaimed, "Do you really...
  24. C

    What will Model 3 do to Chevy Bolt sales?

    Elon did say that they would place a priority for higher optioned cars initially, but there needs to be a careful balance here. Tesla can't call it a car for the masses if they ONLY make maxed out version for the 3 years, all the naysayers would have a field day. What I think they'll do is...
  25. C

    Barebone $35,000 Features

    In terms of features, keep in mind that Tesla will likely keep the centre console and dash (imo). This feature of having a connected car that can provide navigation is a HUGE feature and overlooked. Lexus.ca configurator charges $8900 CDN for a Luxury package that includes this and other items...
  26. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

    My initial reaction is to keep in mind though JB has a modest salary as CTO. Understandably, him selling his shares in the past provided financial security and stability. Now that he has the money, he can afford the taxes on the exercise of his options and that is an important sign. Gonna go...
  27. C

    Model 3: $1000 reservation

    Remember, the higher optioned cars are going to be built first. It shouldn't matter how you place a reservation, unless you want to be the first of a first to get a maxed out car. Edit: Hank beat me to it
  28. C

    What is your budget for the Model lll?

    Reputation points sir! I just hope the government defines "large capacity battery" for the purposes of the extra $3,000 Yes, I'm 5'8" and the Model S is a boat to me. As long as it's roughly the size of a mid-size sedan I'm good to go. Budget for me realistically is about $40K to $50K net of...
  29. C

    Terms of the Model 3 $1k deposit?

    Can the car be titled under someone else in the same family if the deposit is in an alternate family member's name? Perhaps those with experience with Model S / X can comment.
  30. C

    Model 3: $1000 reservation

    Well, I'm kind of disappointed if I'm not able to get Signature Red as a car color. That doesn't matter much in the long run, off to the races on March 31st, gonna put down 2 deposits anyways! I too think that the reservation numbers are going to be make the auto Marques very unhappy on April 1st :D
  31. C

    Model X at the Toronto Auto Show

    I have a feeling the Model X is going to be a real show stopper. Will any / all the cars be roped off?
  32. C

    New Player

    Actually, Tesla is. Australia got one of the first Powerwall installs recently, and the electricity pricing there makes battery storage compelling.
  33. C

    SolarCity (SCTY)

    I've been trying to figure out exactly this means but I can't wrap my head around the significance. Can you explain to me simply what this means? Is it equivalent to a 90% dividend on an annualized basis the lender of the shares earns? Thanks in advance.
  34. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    I'm using the Model S VIN as a template, and this DOT document outlines what the digits mean. ftp://ftp.nhtsa.dot.gov/mfrmail/ORG10373.pdf I really don't think a manufacturer is allowed to have fake VINs. Maybe it's a founder model meant to be used solely for stores and test drives? To me it...
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    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    I believe that they did pick up their own cars. If you watch the video for the couple picking up the blue MX (Sorry I don't know the name), you can clearly see the passenger side door auto-opening when they are approaching the vehicle from that same side. The man manually shuts it closed...
  36. C

    The new nose

    I think it looks fantastic! Sig Red is such a hot colour, I can't get enough of it. There's no mistaking the fact that this is an EV now and that there clearly is no large grille to feed an ICE engine. March can't come fast enough for a Model 3 unveil!
  37. C

    Want a tesla, can't afford, but could if I rent it out

    I want a Tesla too, but remember that delayed gratification will make the final purchase that much more satisfying! Being able to plan for the future and wait for better things is often a very good predictor of future success, so don't do it if you're stretching yourself just to satisfy your...
  38. C

    Luxury car makers are so screwed

    There are also other components to the cost of a vehicle that one has to bear in mind. I fully intend on trying to get in on the Model 3 because there hopefully won't be an import duty of 6.1% if it's using gigafactory batteries, hopefully there's an EV credit in Ontario still, and not to...
  39. C

    Model 3 will have less features than the S. Which one would not make it?

    Everyone will have a list of needs and wants for a vehicle. I intend to attempt to place a reservation when announced, along with my father. When the time comes around to confirm though, the final specs need to make it worthwhile for me to replace my '08 Lexus IS350, therefore I probably...
  40. C

    Long-Term Fundamentals of Tesla Motors (TSLA)

    My mind was blown when JB showed the inside of the power pack and said the racks are hot swappable. Definitely a huge plus going forward for future serviceability, and if better chemistry comes along, it means that the packs can be "upgraded" if the clients wishes.
  41. C

    Newbie Options Trading

    This is all in a non-taxable account as I'm a Canadian using a Tax free savings account. At the same time, no capital losses can be claimed either. That's why I was wondering if it made sense to exercise now and lose time premium but not have to worry about the options being out of the money in...
  42. C

    Newbie Options Trading

    I'm trying to wrap my head around a scenario here to see if it would make sense to exercise an option early. So suppose I own call to Purchase TSLA in Jan 2016 at $225, but I paid $50. Because this is a cash account, I'm thinking that it's actually better to sell a portion of my core holdings...
  43. C

    Your help needed: "FOR" Votes for 2015 TSLA Prop 3 and 4

    Here's what's going through my head when I think about why the board is recommending against the proposal, strictly from a business perspective. I won't be entering a debate over my musings, but I will still read what gets posted to keep an open mind. Tesla is still facing an uphill battle in...
  44. C

    Tesla moments

    The guys with the big spoilers, loud fart cans, and type-R stickers. I might've missed a couple of common physical traits. :p Edit: As per Urban dictionary: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ricer
  45. C

    Youth Invest in Tesla Stock - Seniors Prefer General Electric

    30 years old, been invested for 14 months. Took me a long time to take the plunge. Actually found out about it by reading about SpaceX and watching rocket launches. Did some basic research, went to a mall store to check out the car, and decided that this stock was for me in short order.
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    Newbie Options Trading

    @sub if you got LEAP at a fair price, isn't it better to sell a covered call when the shares approach ATH? I recall another member suggesting this as a newbie strategy. If and when the stock breaks ATH again, it likely will still be volatile and you can close the call then and lock in profit on...
  47. C

    Tesla isn't an auto maker, it's a battery company

    @stevejust the team definitely has had bigger plans for a long time. Have you ever typed in the URL "teslaenergy dot com"? ;) It will definitely be interesting to see how the conglomerate is arranged many moons from now.
  48. C

    The gen 4 Camry level 300+ mi range Tesla

    I agree, there's no doubt in my mind that this will happen. Just look at how the airports are these days with respect to smart phone and tablet charging. With the rise of those two so has the need for charging at major transportation hubs, resulting in the installation of public charging...
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    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    I believe that number is 62.5% content. I'm not sure how exactly the calculations are done, but I'm fairly certain the batteries from Japan have a lot to do with the Model S not meeting those requirements. I am personally timing my first Tesla purchase around the hope that once the Gigafactory...
  50. C

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    I think what chickensevil was referring to is that the directional flow of the line on the front of a card is perhaps a clue of the S/X line's layout within the factory. It's small updates like these that I look forward to, thanks Bonnie!