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  1. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    One month until our earliest EDD. There's more chance of my cat going on a diet willingly than that date being correct though.
  2. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I do think unless something dramatic shifts we’re looking at mid-late to late July even with a perfectly on time drop, they’re just not efficient at the delivery centre right now
  3. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    It’s the second - a dude named Alex was the first - he has his.
  4. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I don’t profess to be a subject matter expert in shipping, I know bits and pieces from my granddad.. BUT I would attribute it to port congestion. No point rushing here, the Fremantle port schedule is hectic. Possible anchor time off the coast? Possible weather avoidance? Differences in vessel...
  5. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Due in Port 17/7, but it’ll probably blow out a few days.c
  6. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I am wondering if the truck vehicles will be quicker as it is an inevitably smaller batch, and more direct
  7. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Not at all bitter eh mate 😉
  8. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    @laurenj94 will be pleased with the above! Where’s the obligatory pick up photo @TheRug80 ? Cmon now
  9. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    If memory serves me right today was @TheRug80 ’s pickup day. Go on Rug, how’d you get on?
  10. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Good luck. There seems to be one advisor (the one you had initially) who will give you deets The rest are rather robotic, sadly. Some more pleasant than others.
  11. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Three weeks pending Tesla availability on our end - that's the bottleneck with only one delivery centre... once they've sent it. For all we know, they already might've. The question is are Tesla double handling (trucking to the Melbourne holding yard as usual and then out from there?) I think so.
  12. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Sadly I'm not surprised.
  13. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Sydney and Melbourne have a me a little confused at the moment. I would've been reasonably confident that one of Morning Crystal or Paganella, both known Tesla carriers, would've had Tesla vehicles on there during their most recent run. Morning Crystal was loading side by side with Leo Spirit...
  14. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    All I'll say is some of us had to wait three monthsish to get to this point. Look back further and you have the poor chaps who had Glovis Caravel vehicles who waited three months, got their delivery dates, had their ship quarantined for two months before being sent back to China in the end and...
  15. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Out of interest, what was your build date?
  16. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Very little to update here. I'm waiting for Tesla to do something with the Grand Pace vehicles supposedly coming by road. One of you will have to fill me in there when you get an updated EDD. Leo Spirit is on the way back to Singapore before it comes here (without the WA-destined Teslas) or...
  17. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I finally remembered to add you
  18. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    To confirm the bad news - Leo Spirit is confirmed as having the Adelaide vehicles. Fremantle vehicles are confirmed to have been dropped off in Thailand. The holiday has commenced. Sadly, as Lauren has posted above, delivery times seem to be not super quick. Hopefully the date for hers blows...
  19. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Leo Spirit has left Laem Chabang to return to Singapore. It looks like it’s filled up, probably why the Fremantle teslas are off it. Not confirmed yet on MolAce due to being a weekend I spose
  20. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    No update yet, Leo Spirit is behind schedule and hasn’t left Laem Chabang.
  21. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I’m not gonna lie to you ladies and gents I did stay up until now 1;15 AM, to see if Leo Spirit’s itinerary would update and say our cars were coming here or not. It hasn’t updated. 😅😬 Calling it a night there
  22. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Torrens being helped out of port by the Tugboats
  23. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Time for an around the grounds. Leo Spirit arrived in Thailand approximately three hours ago at Laem Chabang port. It is due to depart for Fremantle at 12:07 AM tomorrow morning. Ours almost certainly will not be on there, at this stage they’re only confirmed for Adelaide On the home front...
  24. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    a few things we know. Tesla pay low end for transport. It’s why the order fee is only $1800 when really it costs around $3000 to ship. Obviously they negotiate on scale. I’ve spent the afternoon researching: an efficient car transport company takes a week on the optimistic end. Realistically...
  25. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Pick up tomorrow as it turns out. Yes email with a VIN.
  26. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    That Grand Pace shipment must’ve been huge
  27. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    That is great news! Unfortunately I’ve got not the slightest idea the timeframe on the trucking process as it isn’t the norm. Sorry!
  28. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Clearly the Tesla WA team aren’t happy about the small allocation and are being creative to get end of year sales up. No idea the timeframe on a road trip across the country though. Also, if it’s just docked, it’ll be Grand Pace stock
  29. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    I can tell you definitively that my colleague who ordered two days before me did not get an email telling her it was on Morning Crystal.
  30. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Not always sadly.
  31. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yeah man it seems there’s joy across the board right now - I’m not really sure what’s going on with the tracking paths because all conventional wisdom has gone out the window On one hand you’ve got Leo Spirit, which is weirdly going Freo > Adelaide > Brisbane. Weirder still it’s dumping the...
  32. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yep. A dude named Ben. M3P red coming to Perth I reckon it’s either on Paganella or Morning Crystal, if it’s on the Morning Crystal it’ll need to jump on a transship because morning Crystal isn’t coming until the July run.
  33. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Someone else got theirs - a M3P. I wonder if there’s a few ships? 🤔
  34. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    of the two ships, I thought Morning Crystal looked more likely. It was loading side by side with Leo Spirit which has my Model Y on it.
  35. Sturty

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    You would’ve had a VIN by now almost certainly if yours was on there.
  36. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    The overflow is outdoors. They’re only parked inside immediately prior
  37. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Bad news ladies and gents. Our cars won’t be here early on the Leo Spirit. Dugong Ace will be our chariot it appears. Our cars have the two week holiday in Thailand.
  38. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Are you able to tell me, on the itinerary, what date it has yours leaving Thailand?
  39. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Yeah it does, certain liners etc etc. One thing to note with the kiwis, they still have HW3 model y by the look of if it - no idea why either 🤷‍♂️ Believe me, I get the caffeine deprivation - I’ve just come off nights.
  40. Sturty

    New Model 3 Performance news

    It is there - Leo Spirit due in Brisbane 18/6. It depends if they’re jumping off like ours are supposedly or carried through like Adelaide’s. Unlike Adelaide or us, the Walrus run in later June isn’t going to Brisbane so I suspect it pretty much has to be on the Leo Spirit direct. If someone...
  41. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    If I had to guess, yours is on the Leo Spirit coming, unusually, via West-East. Throw your VIN in here to confirm. RoRo. If so, it may come in quite a bit closer, for some reason they've confirmed the Adelaide cars as staying on Leo Spirit but not the WA, and possibly, the Brisbane. All the...
  42. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Dude, that's not even a month. One dude in WA waited four months for a VIN. Me three and a half.
  43. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    It could well be earlier still. It may be they're waiting to see if they have space to keep it going into Fremantle with the route unconfirmed in Port 9 or 10. Maybe. Maybe not. We'll have a better idea Friday
  44. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Just for anyone interested, my final invoice build date is showing as being 13/05/2024, so a real fresh off the press number
  45. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Leo Spirit now departing Singapore for Laem Chabang, due 7AM on the 31st. It’ll be once it departs Thailand where we know whether the current timeline or the Adelaide timeline is ours The schedule timeframe has updated to reflect the new arrival time.
  46. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Final invoice is in. The end is getting closer.
  47. Sturty

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Good morning. A really interesting development. I was chatting to a user in the model 3 thread. Their MYP is going to Adelaide via Leo Spirit. I couldn’t work out why they had an early delivery date than us. I asked the user. Theirs is confirmed to go straight to Adelaide via Leo spirit. No...
  48. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Leo Spirit is confirmed for Fremantle and Adelaide. It has been here before Thanks to IXXI though we now know that their car is confirmed straight for Adelaide, those of us in Fremantle as yet are currently meant to be on another ship two weeks later - this doesn’t add up.
  49. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Hmmm. That timeframe doesn’t add up. Leo Spirit is due 14 June, yes, but the current schedule for the Leo Spirit’s Tesla stock on board is for it to be offloaded in Thailand on Tuesday, sit there for two and a half weeks, and then come to Perth then Adelaide via a different ship. I’m not...
  50. Sturty

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    SA dates are few and far between, I’m having trouble pulling much data there. General rule of thumb is Adelaide goes east west, so I’m presuming the next lot will be off Grand Pace.