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  1. Whyone

    Fellow car cleaning obsessives...

    The difference will be not so much ithe cars appearance after 3 months, but how much easier it will be to wash than would have been the case had you not waxed it.
  2. Whyone

    Fellow car cleaning obsessives...

    Nilfisk Professional series domestic pressure washers are. Previous one lasted 15 years of hard use....pump got a bit noisy, but still working fine in the possession of my son. New one (2 years old, feels just as solid). Karcher are certainly not renowned for their quality.
  3. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    So, to summarise, in your esteemed and considered opinion a/ Tesla were entirely justified in removing hardware and associated functionality without notifying purchasers before, during or after delivery? b/ Tesla were entirely justified in taking 5 months to replace functionality; c/ the...
  4. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    The absence of any support / justification for either Tesla's chosen approach to 'transition' to Vision based systems, the quality of these systems and Tesla's claims of 'performance parity' for Park Assist by the usual Tesla supporting / 'moaner' bashing suspects here is what remains unsaid ...
  5. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    Yes indeed - I am still.waiting for someone here to explain / justify why Tesla's handling of the 'transition' from USS to Vision based Park Assist is OK, especially in the light of the camera based system being recognised as been so poor be most who have been inflicted with it (some of us...
  6. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    The silence is deafening!
  7. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    Ah, excellent! We now have conspiracy theories from the one who claimed he was no longer responding in this thread. You really should have stuck to your guns on that promise.
  8. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    I've seen your carefully considered, rational and deeply insightful 'black thumbs down' responses to a whole raft of threads offering constructive criticism of Tesla.
  9. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    Ah, it's the owners, not Tesla!!!! Silly me!!!!
  10. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    I've spent time on both enthusiast forums and those for rather more mundane transport....I stand by my comment above, I've seen nothing like the levels of dissatisfaction expressed here elsewhere. I've had (and retain) a number of 'expensive toys'...never in my experience has another...
  11. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    I'm pleased that you are satisfied with your car - of course everyone has different standards and expectations. The Vision based Park Assist on my car is shite, but I am far more unhappy about the lies and contempt Tesla have directed my way over the last 12 months. I have frequented many...
  12. Whyone

    [UK] Help with legal case against Tesla over USS

    Yep, I his would be a rational persons view I believe. I have asked Tesla Customer Resolutions (several times!) what basis was used to make the assertion that Vision-based Park Assist has achieved 'performance parity' with the USS system...they refused to be drawn and eventually told me to go...
  13. Whyone

    [UK] Help with legal case against Tesla over USS

    Given beta software is undergoing a secondary phase of testing, can it categorically be said to have achieved 'performance parity' with other software with the same functionality but a fundamentally different basis?
  14. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    I'd be very interested to hear how you get on Nigel - I am in the same boat (November 2022 M3 LR, ordered in April, no warning whatsoever from Tesla tha the car would be delivered without USS). Good luck and keep us posted! (Sorry, I don't do Facebook).
  15. Whyone

    Fellow car cleaning obsessives...

    Keep the car pain well sealed (wax / polish etc) and then you can probably get away with just snow foam / pressure wash off. Presentable in 10 mins. You will get water spots though.
  16. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    It's a very good question...and one I have put to Tesla Customer Resolutions (TCR) a number of times and they refuse to comment beyond 'we are working on it'. Whilst I have never been anything other than polite in my communications with TCR, their most recent message to me in August this year...
  17. Whyone

    Tesla Vision

    In the current wet weather we are having in the SE, all it takes is a 2 mile drive on the country roads around our home for the rear camera to become dirty and Park Assist to gleefully announce that it is 'degraded'. Tesla assured me that this is a problem which is being worked on and...
  18. Whyone

    BMW chief attacks petrol and diesel car ban amid chaotic rush to electric vehicles

    I'm struggling to see your problem with his statement....he wants people to buy BMW's because they think it's the best car for them. A perfectly reasonable objective for someone running a car manufacturer I'd have thought? Personal priorities and perceptions are of course just that -...
  19. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    This is an important thread.....very disappointing and disrespectful to @edb49 for it to be taken OT like this.
  20. Whyone

    Rear trunk corrosion

    The problem does seem to propogate from the seam, so as you say @Jason71, simply rubbing the affected paint down and respraying is unlikely to be anything other than a temporary fix - a theory which, unfortunately, @Greytop 's experience tends to support.
  21. Whyone

    Rear trunk corrosion

    Clearly a high quality job.
  22. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    I'm on your side ..honest! Just trying to understand these features (which I don't have). Again, I may be wrong, and I'm sure you'll tell me if I am....but it still seems to me that this - like the USS/Vision Park Assist fiasco, Tesla have attempted (and I take your word for it that they have...
  23. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Is it intended (let's leave the actuality aside for now!!!!) that the functionality of TeslaVision is the same as radar? Edit: our posts overlapped @yessuz ....it looks like there is a lot of overlapping functionality so is it not Tesla's intention to 'skin this cat' in another way (but like...
  24. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Very much my interpretation!!!
  25. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    In August this year I emailed Tesla Customer Resolutions UK a number of questions, including this one: '1/ Based on your message of March 2023 regarding Park Assist, you stated "...once these features achieve performance parity to today’s vehicles, they will be restored via a series of...
  26. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Interesting @qwickshot. I completely get the 'many ways to skin a cat' rationale. This is the logic Tesla are using with the (let's be kind and call it a) 'transition' from USS to Vision based Park Assist. Cars were delivered without USS and without Park Assist functionality, so cats went...
  27. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Whilst I can see the reason for your frustration/annoyance, so long as they make it clear, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with Tesla specifying that add-on (software) functionality stays with the car rather than the individual who purchased it.
  28. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Far be it for me to defend Tesla, I believe they have treated customers with utter contempt on numerous occasions over the years. However, in a spirit of fair mindedness, in what regard are Tesla 'expecting' you to purchase FSD again. Of course it will be offered at a cost, but that in now...
  29. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Yep, I'd imagine this is the realistic and sensible stance that most folks buying a second hand car with FSD included would take.
  30. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    I'm no legal expert, but I'm strugglong to see your claim against Tesla here....you bought the car second hand from an independent with FSD already installed (Did the car price reflect inclusion of FSD? Was FSD a significant part of your purchase decision? What were Tesla saying about FSD at the...
  31. Whyone

    Fellow car cleaning obsessives...

    Why? Most professional detailers use them.
  32. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    It may very well have been, but as well docummeted by @edb49 Tesla were willing to settle with gagging strings attached - I suspect many would not have had the admirable bloody-mindedness of edb49 and just took the money and stayed schtum.
  33. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Why the thumb-down for OP's post @STUtoday?
  34. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Given the tremendous work done by @edb49 I can't see what would stop you?!
  35. Whyone

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Excellent work and very well done indeed for sticking to your guns. Hopefully this will in some small way persuade Tesla to reign in some of their more ridiculous promises and claims, but sadly somehow I doubt it. USS park assist vs. Vision Park Assist having achieved 'performance parity'...
  36. Whyone

    Octoplus - Whos had the invite?

    Signed up. Why wouldn't you?
  37. Whyone

    Rear trunk corrosion

    My concern is for the level of corrosion protection on the many hidden panel surfaces.
  38. Whyone

    Rear trunk corrosion

    Aluminium corrodes.
  39. Whyone

    If the rise in insurance is because of repair costs why isn’t third party cheap too?

    Yep, that is quite a jump - with no changes in circumstances I'd be asking for an explanation. I haven't had my renewal quote yet, but I've done a bit of pre-emptive shopping around and I can beat last year's premium (£475) buy about £28 plus another £30 cashback. (M3 LR, loads of NCB, nice...
  40. Whyone

    If the rise in insurance is because of repair costs why isn’t third party cheap too?

    "....garaged...." is often not the best / cheapest option - 'parked on driveway' more frequently gives a lower price.
  41. Whyone

    [uk specific] Software 2023.32

    'Version' or 'Vision'?
  42. Whyone

    Octopus Intelligent Go vs Fixed rates

    Very difficult (read 'impossible'!) to objectively answer op's question without more information about their usage. Everyone is different. For us, 3 EV's to charge, plus solar panels to reduce daytime grid usage means Intelligent Go works well.
  43. Whyone

    Bumper grill mesh

    There is a fine mesh behing the grid.
  44. Whyone

    Pointless dent repair recommendations (East Sussex)

    Speak to Ryan, if he can't fix it, nobody can https://fixadent.co.uk/quick-quote/ Used many times over the years, including on aluminium body panels which are more tricky than steel.
  45. Whyone

    TIL: Don't park near Cricket field

    Better through the windscreen than on a body panel.
  46. Whyone

    TIL: Don't park near Cricket field

    It's less about the size of the dent, but what the impact has done to the metal - if the metal has stretched as OP says, no amount of pushing and massaging the dent will get rid of it unfortunately.
  47. Whyone

    How can I tell if this used Tesla has USS or Vision?

    IMHO (based on having one USS and one Vision based car in the family) 100% prioritise USS. Despite Tesla assuring me that the two systems now have 'performance parity' I cannot for the life of me imagine what metric they are using to make this bold assertion!