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  1. E

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    There are two ways to make a decision: A clear algorithmic way of deciding and doing things. - If it is this situation then do this thing. If it is that situation do that thing. Another way is, by learning from actions of many others. - When a light turned green, what did others do...
  2. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    now, now.. you are getting too greedy. That is moon shot crazy. You need to understand, getting good working wipers, is not as simple as disrupting the auto industry or space industry.
  3. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    +1. You can bolster this argument with some basic anecdotal data also. The next time you are on the road, count the number of trucks that do not tow vs the one with a tow. I bet it is 20 to 1 or even worse. Even the ones that that tow a majority of them are towing a trailer with lawn mowers...
  4. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    This is one vehicle that would scream Tesla from a mile, badge or not. :D
  5. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Do we see a lot of venting from all the outermost ring of engines at MECO ?
  6. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-3 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    How long can these cryogenic liquids stay liquid without boiling off when in space?
  7. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    That was the point I was trying to make earlier. I understand the inner most 3 engines are not shutoff the entire time to keep a minimal level of thrust going during staging, but then why light the other engines before the 180 degree flip maneuver is fully completed, and the rocket is oriented...
  8. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Good analysis. Although he didn't speculate the root cause/trigger of Ship's failure.
  9. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    10 years ago this would have been nothing more than science fiction. Today SpaceX can do it so easily without breaking sweat. Although I would think strategically placed cameras and sensors inside and outside the booster and ship is more than enough to get all the data needed.
  10. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    More the reason I believe it is in the best interest of India and Tesla, for them to put their resources and energies to build a battery plant (for Powerwall) and Solar panel manufacturing than a car factory. If I were the Indian govt, I would remove all import duties for Tesla cars, in return...
  11. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Wow.. you should be a 100 years old.
  12. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Still no onboard videos yet ? Don't tell me they forgot to install cameras :-)
  13. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Incredible videos. It appears staging in Starship happens at a much lower altitude and lateral distance than F9, as the ground based videos of MECO and staging are much clearer than those we have seen from F9. Question: Why would the booster's engines ignite so quickly right after MECO? in F9...
  14. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    If the reasons speculated here are the ones for Booster failure, then the trigger for all that are the forces due to rapid deceleration and rapid attitude change - whose root cause is the hot staging. Given that Booster's mass is small fraction (may be 1/10th) of the Ship at MECO, hot staging...
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    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    It doesn’t speculate the reason as Ship going of course. Generically as ‘ship performance data” which could mean any number of things
  16. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    . Very clear tracking and the booster RUD was like a supernova explosion. Incredibly beautiful
  17. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Got Agree with this. Road tripping is not a thing in India (yet) and that is primarily due to sub-par highway infrastructure and amenities. 90% (my WAG number) of personal cars are used for local city commute only. And Teslas range are *more* than enough for comfortable city driving. What...
  18. E

    SpaceX Photos and Art Pieces

    That is a CGI or a photoshopped version of the actual picture which is much more blurry.
  19. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Why are the grid fins not in the stowed position during ascent like Falcon 9? What purpose does it serve to have fins deployed before even boost back starts ?
  20. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I saw an electronic billboard with Tesla Ad yesterday on the side of freeway. It lasted a few seconds before rotating to a different product Ad. Will take a picture next time.
  21. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Yes that is weird. Hoping that won't be a downer when it is revealed in 10 days
  22. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Up above where it is in near vacuum at 68 km altitude, how will the grid fins have any effect ?
  23. E

    SpaceX Starship - IFT-3 - Starbase TX - Pre-Launch Preparations Thread

    I say NET March 31, if everything goes as planned.
  24. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Another chart and analysis from the same poster on Starship ascent profile. His conclusion: When the Ship was terminated, it was at the correct expected speed, altitude and inclination.
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    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Has there been any confirmation from SpaceX that all parameters of booster performance was as expected until BECO ? Did the booster perform as intended until staging?
  26. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    This is so cool to watch the three center engines starting off angled outside and then pivoting back to the normal position right after separation. Question: I didn't see any cold gas thrusters firing from the top of the booster to change its attitude, but yet we see the booster attitude...
  27. E

    Has anyone done “Space Explorers — The Infinite” 3D experience?

    Absolutely. Palmer chopped off the company into various parts and sold them to Oracle, Compaq and others. Compaq simply didn't know what to do with these engineers and their products. Culture did not synch well. Same with EDS too. From 1988 to 2000. My best software engineering years were with...
  28. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    He was invited over maybe 50 times between CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN Business and other channels to spew FUD on Tesla, and the media hosts and anchors so gleefully encouraged him with leading questions and reveling and amplifying his FUD. I am wondering if any of these Presstitutes would invite him...
  29. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Any idea how far the ship traveled east at the time of RUD? Well east of FL keys ?
  30. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    While there were a lot of things happening in the booster just before RUD and any of those could have been the catalyst for its RUD, the Starship anomaly is very puzzling given that it was out of the atmosphere and the engines were firing perfectly fine and smooth for quite a long time...
  31. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/spacex-starship-launch-scn/index.html Anything less I would have been disappointed. CNN living up to its reputation.
  32. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    It is kind of very odd that there were no camera angles telecast from the ship itself. I am guessing SpaceX would have video feeds from the Ship and booster throughout. I would have loved to see the staging from a camera stationed on top of the booster. But all we got were views from the ground...
  33. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Not the images. Look at bottom left telemetry data and a graphic that indicates which engines are ON or OFF
  34. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    MECO happened at 2:43 flying at 5635 KM/H and 69 KM altitude. With this could one say, booster and its 33 engines performed flawlessly, and I would presume enough of fuel for landing ?
  35. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    What was the expected burn time for 2nd engine? Rather how many more seconds of burn was still needed to put the ship into orbit ? And Yes, what a sight it was to see all the 33 engines of the booster perform flawlessly (atleast visually) all through MECO. Did any of them underperform..? we...
  36. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    While the hot staging might have something to do with Booster RUD, I don't think that had anything to do with Starship flight profile or its RUD. That brings the question, did MECO happen at the expected flight parameters, or did the booster underperform?
  37. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    So this means the entire Starship burn went successfully and just started the coast phase before the RUD ? Is 24,124 km/hr the orbital speed for this mission, which it seemed to have reached ?
  38. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    I thought the cameras did catch the Starship blast right after engines shut down. Did it do a RUD before it shut down or after. ?
  39. E

    Has anyone done “Space Explorers — The Infinite” 3D experience?

    Then you should be jealous of me too...
  40. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Official stream. The commentary from John Insprucker and another two engineers is just fantastic. They have some amazing drone views. Amazing shots from under the rocket looking up on the engines. LOVE the official stream. Video quality is just as good as YouTube.
  41. E

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    hey, the Tesla 'super bull' who gets invited and quoted often by the media, didn't get an invite 🤣 🤣
  42. E

    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    So I guess this new method of staging has one additional benefit - it will slow down the booster, albeit only a tiny bit, that in turn helps in boost back phase with some savings on the fuel.
  43. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/natos-stoltenberg-says-situation-battlefield-favors-russia-secretary/ Didn't see any new information except this:
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    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    An earlier post of mine with this screen shot was deleted by the mod, because unfortunately some famous person's comment agreeing with this sentiment was also on that picture. I removed that person's reply to this tweet and posting it again. And also added the link so that one can read the full...
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    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Everyday Astronaut isn't too much different from NSF team in terms of talking nonstop, but he seems much more knowledgeable on the rocket tech and science
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    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    While all indications are it is moved to Saturday, I am not seeing anything to that effect in SpaceX website or their Twitter handle.
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    SpaceX Starship - Integrated Flight Test #2 - Starbase TX - Including Post Launch Dissection

    Interesting that I am not able to find that specific tweet from SpaceX which Chris Bergin only posted a screen shot and not a link.
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    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    No. He did meet Indian PM earlier this year when Modi was invited to the White House. Last week he changed plans and had to skip meeting India's commerce minister as Elon was unwell.