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  1. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Just to clarify how this works, I recall seeing the computer waits for the next frame (1/60 sec later), and sees if they match.
  2. Soda Popinski

    [UPDATED] 2 die in Tesla crash - NHTSA reports driver seat occupied

    I believe it only does that when the car is either stopped or going slow. I recall issues with people in carwashes with their Model 3 (gasp!), accidentally going to Park from Neutral when they lifted their butts.
  3. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    That's not necessarily true. The mic can be directional, or just not have the same sensitivity as the human ear. That said, both the human and the microphone wouldn't be able to hear an external siren if you're blasting Metallica. But I figure, deaf people can drive, so it's doable.
  4. Soda Popinski

    [UPDATED] 2 die in Tesla crash - NHTSA reports driver seat occupied

    Wasn't this a problem with people in carwashes? The car would go from Neutral to Park if they lifted their butt off the seat, to say, get out their wallet to to tip.
  5. Soda Popinski

    [UPDATED] 2 die in Tesla crash - NHTSA reports driver seat occupied

    I don't think too many people seriously think there's a conspiracy theory by "big media" against Tesla to support the status quo. I think most people who think Tesla is unfairly treated in the media think Tesla gets undue attention because it generates clicks and views, regardless of relevancy...
  6. Soda Popinski

    [UPDATED] 2 die in Tesla crash - NHTSA reports driver seat occupied

    Unless the engineer in the passenger seat tried to steer upon realizing something was wrong. We don't know if the car's path followed that curve that well.
  7. Soda Popinski

    GM Supercruise's 0 incident in 5.7 Million miles Vs Tesla Autopilot's 1 accident every 3.45 million miles (Safety Record Comparison)

    Interesting. Just to clarify, a GM car on SuperCruise, not a Cruise autonomous car, right?
  8. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Interesting. Based on an article reporting the crash, it was the truck driver that stated the movie was playing. I could see why he'd want to put the blame on the Tesla driver (Truck driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic). Maybe he was listening to the soundtrack. The NTSB report did...
  9. Soda Popinski

    NoA is amazing.

    I pretty much never use NoA in my daily Los Angeles commute. I decided to try it on a recent road trip to the Bay Area, and on the first interchange from the 118 to the 405N, it had me in the wrong lane for the transition, so I had to cross a solid white line to make the interchange. Think I...
  10. Soda Popinski

    Trolley Problem - AI Ethics

    But what if that pedestrian is baby Hitler?! But seriously, if it's a 1 vs. 1 problem, if the pedestrian is clearly in the wrong, such as running across a freeway, I'd like it to prioritize me. Should the owner of the vehicle be allowed to choose which lives to prioritize?
  11. Soda Popinski

    Interview with Andrej Karpathy about AI, autonomy, and Tesla

    I haven't finished listening to the whole thing yet. The part about showing a NN 50,000 variations of a fire-hydrant got me thinking. Would a two stage NN, where the first stage just determines primitive geometric shapes, such as cylinders, boxes and spheres. This would be trained to see such...
  12. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    They used this look in HBO's Westworld. Something I'm curious about. In the videos, we see them driving around, but I would think at this point, they still need a safety driver. Curious how they kluged that into the prototype.
  13. Soda Popinski

    Waymo Says Its Self-Driving Tech Is More Advanced Than Tesla FSD, Others

    Parking lot part was painful to watch. This is how I expect FSD from all companies to go for quite a while. Overly cautious.
  14. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Check out this video. And the sequel.
  15. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    I think we need a better metric than "1% of the time" or "99.9%." 20 seconds is an arbitrary time period which got you an intervention every half hour. What if the time period is 1 minute or 5 minutes - then it looks a lot better at 1 intervention every 1.7 or 8.3 hours, respectively. I'd...
  16. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    What I'd like to see, though I doubt we'll ever see it, or at least see it in HW3, is personal route HD maps. A human driver knows their regular commute fairly well. I'd like my car to build it's own HD or HD-light map of my daily commute. At the very least, retain the general geometry it...
  17. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    So you are suggesting at 16:18 when he says "Instead of having to draw a box around a person to say this is a person, we actually have ML models that assist the humans in doing this task of labeling" he's not talking about labeling for training purposes, but to reduce human labor in real-time...
  18. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    At 16:10, he's talking about minimizing human labor for labeling. So unless we're talking about having humans label lidar data real-time while the car is in motion and attempting to drive, I'm pretty sure this "4D labeling" is for training. I believe that's different from what Tesla means with...
  19. Soda Popinski

    Does Tesla have a big math problem?

    Recall the front facing camera cluster includes a telephoto that covers 35°. So that's about 37 pixels per degree or 0.027 degrees per pixel. If I remember my trigonometry, at the rated 250 meters, that's a resolution of 12 cm per pixel. To put things in context, 20/20 vision can read a...
  20. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Glare might not be an issue if the camera isn't too wide of an angle, and is recessed enough it won't be hit by the light directly (this is why lens hoods are used, to stop lens flare / glare). There could be some light reflected from inside the enclosure, but I would think the angle is too...
  21. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Judging that it's still Level 2 at this point, requiring driver intervention every once in a while, I don't see why self-charging would be a pre-requisite, as there will still be a driver in the car.
  22. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Did it have HD maps?
  23. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Pretty sure some of the owners here would feint at the thought that parallel parking there often includes bumping into parked cars lightly.
  24. Soda Popinski

    Is $10K too much?

    I just realized, if you are confident FSD will get there eventually, then it's kind of like a reverse marshmallow test. Are you willing to delay gratification? Essentially, you're weighing no cost now (a form of instant gratification) with increased cost later for gratification, against lower...
  25. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Unfortunately, it turns into a bit of a gamble. By the time FSD is actually capable of hands free driving, it'll surely cost more than $10k. Will hands free robo-chauffer be worth $15k or $20k? Or is it better to bet it'll actually happen, and pay $10k now. Personally, I made that bet in...
  26. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Not necessarily. Could just be the beta versions instructed to download the latest maps, or maybe only the beta is utilizing the extra data. Alternatively, there could be no changes, and the drivers are seeing the overall improvements due to confirmation bias. For example, they say it handles...
  27. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    One theory is map updates, which points to some amount of extra detail in the maps probably between standard SD maps and HD maps. I suspect this is the case. Karpathy's February talk showed off Pseudo-LIDAR. If this was part of the current rewrite, I'd think Elon would have mentioned it, as...
  28. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Straw man argument, as I never said it doesn't. I think it seriously brings us closer to robotaxies. I am not Green. You should ask him. You claim Green said it wasn't an FSD rewrite. Green said it wasn't the FSD rewrite he's waiting for. Green's statement does NOT mean this isn't an FSD...
  29. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    That's not what Green said. He said it's not the FSD rewrite Green was waiting for. As in, it's a different FSD rewrite. He isn't disputing it is *an* FSD rewrite. He wanted to see "Plaidnet" not what he called stitched together Hydranets (AKNet?). Edit: If this really is just the stitched...
  30. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Apparently that was a false report. Mercedes-Benz announced they're still going forward with their self-driving car program. Anyway, here's a video of @kimpaquette with the car slowing down for speed bumps. Others report it ignores them and speeds right throuogh. I recall some discussion it...
  31. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    My mistake then. I was under the impression they were using crowdsourced video to generate VIDAR. They do claim to have 3-10cm resolution, which I still think is in the LIDAR "HD Map" ballpark.
  32. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    I don't know why I'm wading into this semantics argument, but doesn't MobilEye generate their HD maps with VIDAR? To me that's functionally equivalent to LIDAR since it gets cm level accuracy.
  33. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    This is actually case where I would think Radar would be able to differentiate a plastic bag from a rubber tire based on the Radar return. The bag is far less dense, and wouldn't necessarily give as strong a return signal.
  34. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    When they backed up at the end of the video, that looked new to me. I don't recall "Pac-Man" dots in vector space, or was I not paying attention? Edit: I see now, the dots are the FSD vector visualization of the lane.
  35. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    Sounds like the street light fallacy - when I drop my keys at night, I only find them near the streetlight, therefore I only drop my keys near streetlights. There are probably plenty more people who have it, but we're only seeing the most visible people.
  36. Soda Popinski

    Blog Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Software Deployed to ‘Careful Drivers’

    Maybe someone at Tesla legal contacted them about the NDA...
  37. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Is this due to COVID-19, or was this true before? By the time Tesla has Robotaxies, the pandemic may be over.
  38. Soda Popinski

    FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

    So very excited. I'm still shocked they're doing turns with it at this point. Do we know if Pseudo-LIDAR is in use in this build? Tesla Raj's video showed footage of the car picking up a pedestrian walking around the car. I noticed the bounding box kept jumping distance from the car as...
  39. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    To be fair, even if it were free, it wouldn't be "free." They're so far down the no LIDAR pathway, they'd have to back up and sort of start over with a lot of the development, which would be a lot more development cost.
  40. Soda Popinski

    Wired article on "Phantom" image hacking of Tesla and MobilEye ADAS

    Fine for FSD, but could still be an issue for regular AP folks. Not sure if the re-write will work on HW 2.5.
  41. Soda Popinski

    Wired article on "Phantom" image hacking of Tesla and MobilEye ADAS

    Link to the article. It mentions the driver wouldn't know why the car reacted, and there wouldn't be any evidence. I don't completely agree with that. The 0.42 second flash needed to fool a Tesla would be noticeable to the naked eye. If the car has Dash Cam activated, that would also be...
  42. Soda Popinski

    New Model X AP "highway" definition

    I see the issue. It's only available AFTER purchase as an add-on. Relevant link on this very forum. It adds Navigate on Autopilot, Auto Lane Change, Auto Park, and Summon.
  43. Soda Popinski

    New Model X AP "highway" definition

    Besides the promise of actual Full Self Driving, for now you'll get Auto Lane Change (either you initiate or the car does), Navigate on Autopilot (which will auto lane change to go around slower traffic and to get to the correct lane for interchanges and exits), stop/starts at stop signs and red...
  44. Soda Popinski

    CA HOV/Caprool NOA Issue

    This is why I don't generally use Navigate on Autopilot. Also turn off automatic lane change for passing slow cars. I haven't tried it lately, but I previously found the car will signal to change lanes into or out of the HOV lane, but won't actually go while the lane marker is solid. Do note...
  45. Soda Popinski

    Snippiness 2.0

    I don't think he got the sarcasm, and actually thinks you believe we should let cars hit stuff when not paying attention.
  46. Soda Popinski

    Elon's FSD Vaporware vs. 60 Minutes Driverless Trucks

    To be fair, Tesla is in the process of doubling the number of factories they have, so I'd say compared to the legacy companies, they're still in growth phase, and profit isn't a priority. Technically, Ford loses money on their cars / sedans, and subsidizes them with their truck sales. But...
  47. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Thought the fine print said they need to keep their OnStar subscription, which starts at $25/month.
  48. Soda Popinski

    Autonomous Car Progress

    Playing Elon's advocate here. Besides when I sold my perfectly good 4 year old Volt to get a Model 3, every car I've previously owned, I got rid of when something in the engine/drive-train was malfunctioning (usually around 150k miles). All obviously combustion cars. Electric drive-trains are...