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  1. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    That conclusion is not making sense to me. I expect Russia to use civilians as human shields, so I view the relocation as a move to where the Russians expect to put up a defense or need to "buttress" a defense.
  2. SageBrush

    Question for Solar Charging Guru's

    How far is the run from your garage to your service panel ? I found a Recc to keep voltage drop on the AC side to below 1% which is not much -- about 36 feet presuming #12 AWG Cu and 16 A
  3. SageBrush

    EVs Fall Short of EPA Estimates by a Much Larger Margin Than ICE in Real-World Highway Testing

    The article is BS, compounded by arithmetic illiteracy City and Highway tests are published as MPGe The 'penalty' as it were is ~ MPGe of highway/combined. The 55/45 city/highway weighting does not have a lot of effect, as can be seen is this example: Combined is 132 MPGe using 55/45...
  4. SageBrush

    Question for Solar Charging Guru's

    Hmmm. Is your connection between the home and garage single or 3 phase ?
  5. SageBrush

    Question for Solar Charging Guru's

    OP, tell us about your setup and grid-tie in France. Specifically, how is PV generation not used by your garage/EV/home handled by the utility ? I presume your garage and home share a service ? Actually, I suggest you find a PV forum frequented by those in France. It might be a sub-section of...
  6. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Oops -- I misread your post. Where are the civilians being displaced to ?
  7. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I took the 'eastern side' to mean to the area that Russia "annexed."
  8. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Civilian shield ?
  9. SageBrush

    The F-150 Lightning Is not what I expected - Anyone else feel the same?

    Yep. I don't excuse Ford for keeping mum about towing range, but I am surprised that buyers did not clue-in from YouTube. That venue is a popular place to get informed (*cough*) and it is chock full of towing videos.
  10. SageBrush

    Tesla readies revamped Model 3

    I thiink ultimately to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport. I think Tesla/Musk has said so a few times.
  11. SageBrush

    The F-150 Lightning Is not what I expected - Anyone else feel the same?

    Disclaimer: I have never owned a truck, and the show/macho aspects of truck ownership do not affect me. My impression of perceived deficiency of EV trucks by suburbanites is related to towing range. They handle the trips to the home improvement store just fine.
  12. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    How much of the delta can be mitigated with oils and reduced MTBF (increased maintenance) ?
  13. SageBrush

    The F-150 Lightning Is not what I expected - Anyone else feel the same?

    I'm a big fan of Tesla cabin design but not of plastic -- any kind of plastic. I solved my issue by re-upholstering with Katzkin leather. A good upholstery does wonders for the interior , both for the color and the feel. That said, I can see the point of plastic in a work truck. Suburbanites...
  14. SageBrush

    Electrical genius required?

    Thanks for the update. Did the electrician take Amp readings at the gate ?
  15. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I was wondering about the economic value (to the USA, e.g.) of holding assets of a belligerent. At a minimum, the belligerent cannot do harm with the money; nor can they profit from the money
  16. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I've been reading about the (in)ability of Western countries that hold frozen Russian assets to confiscate the money for arming or rebuilding or reparations. Most of my reading has been USA based, but I get the impression that other countries face similar difficulties. While not ideal, my...
  17. SageBrush

    USAA doubled premium!!

    You can do a little investigating to sort out the effects of Sorka, Tesla, or Merced. You should also split out the premiums for each insurance coverage
  18. SageBrush

    Big announcement on EVs & emissions standards coming from federal government this Wednesday

    Me too! Start small in 1980, phase out by 2000
  19. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I feel a bit silly quoting CNN, which is quoting Russian sources ... but fwiw The article says Russia is presently running a $10B a month budget deficit. Google says Russia has $600B in hard currency reserves. Even if the reserve includes amounts frozen by Western countries, Russia has years of...
  20. SageBrush

    "Getting by" on a 15A outlet?

    Will not matter. Voltage drop is minor, about 6V Even if you use tandem breakers ? Worse case, put in a small sub-panel. $40 Uh-huh
  21. SageBrush

    "Getting by" on a 15A outlet?

    Nice move, but be mindful of using other receptacles on the same circuit while the car is charging. If you can dedicate the circuit to the EV charging, you can easily and cheaply more than double the power by changing it to 240V
  22. SageBrush

    Tesla charged me for warranty service 2022 MSLR

    Your attachment says normal noise is not covered
  23. SageBrush

    Soft start for replacement central AC needed?

    As an aside, these solid state motor starters are very cool. They use frequency to change the load impedance
  24. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Part and parcel of Gov distrust is a low information citizenry and susceptibility to propaganda. The US circulated memes about France's SS system are a good example. The Gov desire to raise the equivalent of USA FRA are reported widely in the US, but the French system is different enough from...
  25. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Prigozhin knows that he will have better responses to his sign-up drives if the job is to terrorize the civilian populace
  26. SageBrush

    2016 Model S P100D with FSD

    I believe you :) I don't know if it is in cars yet, but I read about a Tesla patent for liquid cooled/heated seats. That strikes me as a bit outrageous, but I said the same thing about electrically powered windows not so many years ago.
  27. SageBrush

    2016 Model S P100D with FSD

    I thought about your car but decided that much of your price request is FSD which I do not value much. As an aside, it is really quite impressive just how much Tesla has improved the Model S in five years. A modern Model S also has a ~ 100 kWh pack, but EPA range is 375 - 405 miles depending on...
  28. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    MJ Greene sides with the traitor https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/marjorie-taylor-greene-defends-suspect-leaked-classified-docs-probe-rcna79675 Why oh why is this nut job on a national security committee ?
  29. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I've seen how this will play out. The family (and lawyer) talk to the media and tell how their boy is not a right-wing traitor, just a confused patriot with mental health issues. I'm most interested in how such a wide-ranging gamut of intelligence ends up in the National Guard.
  30. SageBrush

    "Getting by" on a 15A outlet?

    Maybe in the same way that people "need" a cookie My wife and I share one EV. Today I took the car out for a 30 mile errand and returned with 55% SoC, good for about 130 miles of range. My wife is going to take the car later in the day for a 70 mile trip. Is there any reason to charge ? Not...
  31. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I'm short, and 1 G is enough to make me pre-syncopal. I want a refund
  32. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I cannot remember details of my calculation, but the 2022 profit windfall from fossil sales during the winter is a large part of the answer why the Russian economy is still going and their reserves are strong. My point here is that the short-term prop of the Ruble in early 2022 was needed until...
  33. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I can think of a few, but perhaps the most important is that it opens a hole in the dike. Countries should no more trade with Russia that they should trade with N. Korea. A united front against Russia is really important. I say that as someone who views Western purchase of Russian fossils as a...
  34. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I find Prighozin interesting in that respect. He views lying as entertainment, and if his lies befuddle his enemies then they were most excellent lies indeed, worthy of celebration. That fellow is a psychopath so I hesitate to extrapolate to others, but I do wonder about Russians in general. As...
  35. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Pre-invasion the Ruble was ~ 75 per $ 80 is not a "collapse," but we sure can hope it goes higher. A LOT higher A devaluation of 20% a month might lead to Russians wondering if they should have a 'don't care' attitude towards the invasion
  36. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

  37. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Depending on the post, I either read that Ukrainians and Russians are of the same cloth, or I read that Russians view Ukrainians as sub-human. I doubt both are true in Russian messaging and decision making. I do accept that the Russian nationalist-fascist contingent view Ukraine as part of...
  38. SageBrush

    "Getting by" on a 15A outlet?

    For those on tight budgets or problem houses, my first choice is to dedicate a circuit and change it to a 240V 6-20 or 6-15 receptacle depending on the wiring. That will provide about 3.8 or 2.6 kW into the battery, respectively.
  39. SageBrush

    "Getting by" on a 15A outlet?

    If the branch circuit is not dedicated, the EV should probably charge at 8 Amps. Then you are talking about ~ .67 kW NET into battery, good for 2 - 3 miles of range per charging hour
  40. SageBrush

    "Getting by" on a 15A outlet?

    Who is "we" ? I put in a higher power circuit for a couple of reasons, and I'm glad I did: As mentioned by others, pre-conditioning Much higher efficiency. L1 charging sends about 1.15 kW net of the 1.44 kW metered energy to the battery I like the flexibility of being able to put substantial...
  41. SageBrush

    Does this Nema 14-50 outlet install look right?

    Sorry -- typo. Should be 4 AWG or larger wire can be re-ID'd to use as a grounded conductor
  42. SageBrush

    Does this Nema 14-50 outlet install look right?

    4 AWG or larger wire can be re-ID'd to use as an ungrounded conductor
  43. SageBrush

    Does this Nema 14-50 outlet install look right?

    The errors have been pointed out, but so far as immediate safety and fire risk goes, the wrong fitting of the AC cable to the box bothers me the most. The cut end of AC cable is *sharp*, and it would not take much to cut into the conductors. I find it very hard to believe that a licensed...
  44. SageBrush

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I don't doubt the Imperial message is heartfelt amongst the the nationalists and that it is a recurring theme in the Media outlets, but I find it hard to believe that tail is wagging the dog. Russia spent years (decades ?) weakening Ukraine from within. They thought an invasion would be easy...
  45. SageBrush

    Model Y - Gigafactory Texas Production

    I think that awaits LFP cell production in the US
  46. SageBrush

    Another price drop

    In part. I was talking about the stalks that have been turned into buttons
  47. SageBrush

    Another price drop

    I agree with both of you, so I show up with a bank check. I also try to not link my checking account to anything.
  48. SageBrush

    Another price drop

    Nice to hear ! How did you get used to buttons moving from side to side as the yoke is rotated ? I realize this is not a common thing to happen in driving, although round-abouts seem to be one example where the issue might pop up.