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  1. ccutrer

    So who actually has configured their P or AWD?

    And now on refresh, performance is gone.
  2. ccutrer

    So who actually has configured their P or AWD?

    Well **it, I'm ordering. And I got the error too.
  3. ccutrer

    So who actually has configured their P or AWD?

    Just talked it over with the wife. I'm no-go on the P, and due to the other factors (white seats, better timing financially), I'm waiting longer. This is killing me having such patience.
  4. ccutrer

    So who actually has configured their P or AWD?

    Ugh, gosh, but I want AWD+White. And I want P, but I shouldn't spend the money on it. And timing is important to me, not just for tax credit, but because I've got a house under construction. That should be done around September.
  5. ccutrer

    So who actually has configured their P or AWD?

    The M3OC thread (Updated Configuration Screens w. Dual Motor & Performance Options) says he completed his order.
  6. ccutrer

    So who actually has configured their P or AWD?

    I can configure, after a Ctrl-F5 in Chrome. Now... what to do?!
  7. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Answer: Updated Configuration Screens w. Dual Motor & Performance Options (you can choose 18" at delivery for a performance, so any wheels will work)
  8. ccutrer

    VIN Assignment

    While I’m sad for people that have to wait longer, hopefully this is evidence of gaming US deliveries to extend the tax credit a full quarter. Especially since Q4 this year the production rate will be much higher than it was at the beginning of Q2, so far more people will benefit.
  9. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Yeah... $3750 in reduced tax credit ;)
  10. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Agreed. It's completely within Tesla's rights, and probably a good business decision, to start making money hand-over-fist on Model 3. Gotta make up for all the capital they've spent to this point, and be able to fund future development on their own. Look at SpaceX - they're re-using entire...
  11. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    We're getting off topic, but... Marginally. Last month we up and took a 3600 mile road trip, with zero warning. The only extra planning was on our pit-stops for the night we happened to choose a hotel that was near a supercharger. We did that while en-route. And our final destination we didn't...
  12. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    He has stated M3 will have ludicrous. But he has also stated AWD will be less than $5k. So.... a Ludicrous 3 might show up, but I'm not counting on it.
  13. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Better brakes, spoiler, and possibly other upgraded parts to handle higher current. And money into Tesla's warranty account to pay for repairs on your vehicle when you drive it harder than a regular AWD.
  14. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    I'm doing that comparison right now. And no, I'm not tempted. I'd prefer a 3 for size. If I'm spending $70-100k, I want a P3D. I can't justify (the much) greater $100k for a new P100D S or X, and if I'm settling for less than a P, it better be significantly cheaper, and all those options are in...
  15. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    I’m confused. “How dare white seats be exclusive to P?!” Then the next sentence: “I wish Tesla had more options that were exclusive to P!”
  16. ccutrer

    Model 3 specs

    I max out at 50-60kW of regen on my X 90D, so two motors doesn’t automatically double your regen ability.
  17. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Question: Performance will obviously include 20” wheels. But will it require 20” in order to fit the larger brakes? I.e. can I even “downgrade” to an 18” or 19” after delivery, for my winter set?
  18. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Your mobile screenshot is of the delivery estimator, while your desktop is the design studio.
  19. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Hyperventilating is still a form of breathing.
  20. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Especially since you're contributing 1 post every 3 minutes. That's 20 per hour, times 7 hours... ;)
  21. ccutrer

    Elon says AWD and Perf orders start at end of next week!

    Looks like tonight? Elon Musk on Twitter
  22. ccutrer

    Tesla Supercharger network

    And if you do I-80 through Iowa, you get sick of Hy-Vee. And speaking of Ohio... Sheetz.
  23. ccutrer

    Phone Distracted Driver on Autopilot Slams into Firetruck

    It’s not a back road. It’s a weird half-freeway, half high capacity arterial with stoplights. More and more of the lights have been converted to full interchanges. Three lanes each direction, fully separated. The speed limit is 55 on that section I believe, but it’s not unusual for cars to drive...
  24. ccutrer

    What about the tow hitch?

    Yeah, I dunno. You can manually turn on tow mode for a trailer without lights (which disables the sensors, and autopilot!, in the name of supposedly enabling better sway and torque control or something). You can also manually _disable_ tow mode, when you connect say a hitch box with lights, or a...
  25. ccutrer

    What about the tow hitch?

    Lol! On the X, when you connect something electrical to the tow connector, it automatically turns them off. But since yours isn’t factory...
  26. ccutrer

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Last time I was in Beaver, UT (granted, it’s been several months) they were still that style. I just took a 3600 mile road trip from SLC to Ohio and they were all the new pedestals, but a few were still the older style handles where the button actually separates, instead of the circle with the...
  27. ccutrer

    Pictures of production Model 3s

    No, it was I-15 southbound, in Bluffdale, UT. (Though I did see a Model 3 eastbound on I-80 in Nebraska about a week and a half ago, when I was westbound. And a truck full of 3s. And several trucks full of X's).
  28. ccutrer

    Pictures of production Model 3s

    Mine still says Mid '18 in both the delivery estimator and the design studio.
  29. ccutrer

    Pictures of production Model 3s

    This may not be the most visible, but it's a Model 3 with California MFG plates, near Salt Lake City, UT. There was a black Model S, also with California MFG plates, tailing it. The seats were black, and regular brake calipers. Seems odd that Tesla would be road-testing a "regular" Model 3 so...
  30. ccutrer

    Model 3 specs

    My X is ventilated seats, ultra white vegan leather and they’re perforated. But yes, I believe they had problems with the perforations causing tearing, and that contributing to discontinuing the ventilated seats. The other, bigger reason in my mind, is that they were fairly ineffective. My wife...
  31. ccutrer

    Double vision (ghosting) at night through windshield?

    I’d been pestering my service center about this for 18 months almost every time I went in. I never had them do the actual test, just “is there a solution known yet?”, until the last time when I knew there was a solution, from this thread. I was in for something else at the time, and they said...
  32. ccutrer

    Highest production VIN in the wild

    Hey now, I have a dear spot in my heart for my Leaf while I await a 3. Yes, it is ugly as sin with its big eyes and big round butt, but it sure beats driving an ICE!
  33. ccutrer

    Supercharger - Beaver, UT

    Beaver has been a problem point for me in the past. But I’ve also figured out that your own charge port can get dirty, drastically increasing resistance, and thus heat, and then the amperage drops to prevent problems. If when you first arrive at a station it goes to 100+kW, then 5-10 minutes...
  34. ccutrer

    Anyone tested S/X CHAdeMO Adapter on Model 3

    Hey now, mid-Northern Ohio isn’t outside civilation! Though we did drive down to Amish country, and that’s definitely not civilation as we know it... But yes, keep in mind your view is colored by being in CA. Being from Utah where my usual road trip is up to Idaho, I felt like I was in the land...
  35. ccutrer

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Along those lines, the routing algorithms need to be smarter and more configurable about which chargers it wants you to stop at. I’m nearing completion of a 3700 mile trip, and found myself almost constantly having to change the nav to point towards a specific charger, rather than letting it...
  36. ccutrer

    Anyone tested S/X CHAdeMO Adapter on Model 3

    I found myself in that situation this very week ;). Just not as dire. We were traveling to an out of state family funeral. The rest of the family was already staying at a certain hotel. I tried options for within-walking-distance L2 charging, but none of them panned out (either too far, or...
  37. ccutrer

    Anyone tested S/X CHAdeMO Adapter on Model 3

    In terms of widespread applicability, yes. But no one “needs” rear heated seats, nice as they are to have in certain situations. But if I get into situation that CHAdeMO charging is available, and I have a low charge, I’d sure as heck want a charged car than a warm bum and not be able to go...
  38. ccutrer

    Zuma Satellite Reportedly Destroyed Following Sunday’s Launch By SpaceX

    If only SpaceX could have shown the camera view of the satellite separation during the livestream, this all would have been obvious</troll> No, but really. Did they not have a camera on the satellite from the second stage, watching it separate?
  39. ccutrer

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I've done 24 hour drives, twice, and that was hell (and probably stupid). Nowadays 12-14 hours in a stretch is about my limit. I do 7 hours 3-5 times a year, including wife, 4 kids under 10, and a dog. I'd take two days on a road trip with kids than 6 hours in a plane with them any day. But I...
  40. ccutrer

    Mars and Off Planet Colonization - General Possibilities Discussion

    Well... I’m gonna be busy for a while. I haven’t seen this channel before, and as I scroll through the list, I want to watch ALL of them! Thanks for the pointer.
  41. ccutrer

    Will Tesla Semi decelerate quicker than ICE semis?

    Going by experience in a Model X: * Dunno, maybe. But probably not. * On S and X, it is adjustable, but most people leave it on regular, instead of weak. * No. I can deliver about 320kW, but only absorb about 75kW. I doubt regen getting limited because of too much downhill grade will ever...
  42. ccutrer

    VIN Assignment

    Also, in both cases, “sequentially” describes “assign”/“number”, not “manufacture”.
  43. ccutrer

    Highest production VIN in the wild

    An older VIN, but definitely in the wild (MSM/aero).
  44. ccutrer

    Utah Tesla Owners

    It also passed the senate, with a minor amendment 26/1/2. Because of the amendment, it had to go back to the house, where the amended version was also approved unanimously (73/0/2). So... it's basically a done deal. Herbert could theoretically veto, but that'd be silly since the legislature is...
  45. ccutrer

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    That’s my car! I’m sorry if Elon messed up and gives everyone else my choices too.
  46. ccutrer

    Lets work out the Tesla Semi-Truck Technical Specs

    If you’re driving 60mph uphill, and have a constant source of power, why does that power need to be supplied at a rate of 800mph of rated range? Heck, 30mph would be plenty, just so long as it’s enough to offset inordinately high consumption from bad weather and elevation gain.
  47. ccutrer

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Sorry, one last tangential post - this is a reasonable use of ISP e-mail addresses, and doesn't fit my peeve of people using them as their "public" identity! It still seems a bit odd to be on a list of requirements you look for in an ISP since it seems you're flexible on which provider it is, as...
  48. ccutrer

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    People still use email accounts provided by their ISP? Do you not realize you’ll likely switch ISPs at some point in the future? And then you’ll have to annoy everyone you know with a “my email address changed!” notice. (My other pet peeve, on a similar note - people that use employer provided...