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  1. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    They will commence unloading straight away and it will likely take a couple of days. Tesla will be shipping them out of the docks as quickly as they can.
  2. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    They are listed on the website - eg MALACCA HIGHWAY is on Tesla business in Norway at the moment.
  3. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Her stop in Livorno is a surprise - her itinerary should have taken her direct to Bristol. She is still due there on 10 Aug which certainly won't be on Tesla business.
  4. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    That's what I said in reply to your question yesterday. 2023 Shipping Movements
  5. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    It may be a little quiet around Shanghai for the next couple of days, at least until such time as the track of Typhoon Khanum becomes a little clearer. The storm with its 115mph winds looked at one stage as if it may hit Shanghai but the forecasters then reckoned it would pass to the south and...
  6. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I note that MORNING COMPOSER has actually departed to Tacoma instead of New Westminster. Her schedule had her calling at New Westminster on 18 Aug and then heading down to Tacoma on 21 Aug. Clearly she is now due in Tacoma on 13 Aug which means she should still be able to make New Westminster...
  7. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I believe cars for Italy are shipped to Barcelona and then moved by road.
  8. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    We know that MORNING CARINA has Teslas onboard for Barcelona (16 Aug) however the ship carries on to Zeebrugge (25 Aug). That would be my guess... I'm tracking her here.
  9. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    There are too many ships to choose from at the moment quite frankly. VIKING PASSERO is unusual in that she has set Jebel Ali as her AIS destination already whereas she should technically be showing Suez as her next port of call. eg HOEGH TRANSPORTER is heading for Jebel Ali too but is...
  10. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    That will only work if the shipment is on a Hoegh vessel, which it isn't.
  11. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Not likely because that ship doesn't depart from the Zeebrugge Inner Port ie through the lock. They usually use KESS ships.
  12. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Yes it will - I estimate she will arrive around 12 Aug. The reason I suspect this is your ship is because the VIN is known and I haven't identified any other Tesla shipments destined for the UK.
  13. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I strongly suspect this ship is heading to the UK
  14. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I would guess it is pretty likely. Keep checking your account for the hidden VIN.... No need to do it 20 times a day though ;)
  15. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim are generally shipped separately. (not via Drammen)
  16. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I think your car has probably already arrived in Zeebrugge - just needs shipping to Dublin.
  17. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Are you near Oslo or on the west coast? The reason I ask is because I expect there to be a boatload of Teslas delivered to Drammen by MALACCA HIGHWAY on 04 Aug. I also expect a shipment from Berlin on 3 Aug by AUTO ADVANCE. So by the end of the week Drammen is going to be swamped with...
  18. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Tesla don't want to pay for car storage and so they will want to deliver them as soon as possible.
  19. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I suspect GLOVIS SUNRISE is your ship. You can follow her on this map.
  20. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I'm not so sure she will be carrying any Teslas to Italy. I think it more likely that she will have unloaded all her Tesla cargo in Barcelona and cars to Italy will be moved by road. I know it sounds wrong but....
  21. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    MORNING COMPOSER has arrived in Shanghai South to pick up more cars for Canada. She should depart tomorrow and head for New Westminster (Vancouver) with an ETA of 18 Aug.
  22. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    No, This is @Frizzy site. I just provide him with the names of the ships to track.
  23. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Thank you for letting me know. I did add MORNING CARINA to the tracker despite a lack of evidence as she did look suspect.
  24. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I don't routinely track shipments from Berlin. If however, I spot anything that fits the bill I will post it here.
  25. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I think she spent 36 hrs alongside Shanghai South and so she should have a reasonable load.
  26. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    A couple of years ago I created my own tool on an Excel spreadsheet that uses the Haversine formula to calculate distance. In this case a great circle distance is not relevant however it's still pretty accurate.
  27. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I note MALACCA HIGHWAY is due to arrive in Drammen, Norway on 4 Aug. I would put some money on her carrying some Teslas.
  28. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    GRANDE COTONOU arrives in Southampton tomorrow morning. This ship did feature on my suspect list and I haven't completely ruled her out although I think the chances of her carrying Teslas to the UK as quite slim. She is due to dock tomorrow morning at the City Cruise Terminal which means it...
  29. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I've just checked GLOVIS COURAGE's position. She has 659 NM left to run to Port Suez. which means she can easily achieve an arrival there at 17kts. These ships are well versed with the both Panama and Suez Canal procedures and have well established relationships with local ship's agents to...
  30. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Statistically EVs are much less likely to catch fire than an ICE car. However, if they do catch fire they are the devil to extinguish (and keep extinguished). The good news is that you will have plenty of time and opportunity to safely evacuate the vehicle before a fire really takes hold...
  31. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    SUMMARY 31 Jul 23 GRANDE MIRAFIORI Arrived in Barcelona yesterday. GOLD XING arrived in Ashdod yesterday, now enroute to Derince, Turkey (2 Aug). GLOVIS COURAGE heading for Suez. Confirmed to be heading for Koper with an ETA of 5 Aug. GLOVIS SUNRISE Indications are that this ship may be...
  32. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Almost a certainty. I suspect the cars onboard will be the ones that were originally scheduled to be moved by GRAND SAPPHIRE. Her voyage was cancelled because of the Vancouver docker's strike.
  33. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Initially it was reported that there were only 25 EVs on board the FREMANTLE HIGHWAY however that figure has been revised to 498 EVs and 3265 other vehicles. From looking at planned itinerary I think it is extremely unlikely that any of the cars involved were Teslas. Fire's have regularly...
  34. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    She didn't spend much time loading and so I would guess she only has 1000-1500 cars onboard. Unloading depends on how many teams are assigned to the task and how far from the ship the cars are to be parked however I should imagine she will be unloaded within 36 hours. In the UK the cars are...
  35. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    The northbound convoy departs at 04:00 daily.
  36. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I think I posted, less than 2 hours ago, that VIKING SEA may be worth watching.
  37. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    With GOLD XING currently navigating the Suez Canal it has been confirmed that she will now dock in Ashdod early tomorrow morning (30 Jul). It's also confirmed that HOEGH TOKYO is carrying some MY to Zeebrugge (24 Aug). She will be added to the tracker map. She is currently in the South China...
  38. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    GLOVIS COURAGE was originally aiming to arrive in Suez on 31 Jul with a transit on 01 Aug. It looks now that she is planning to arrive in the early hours of 2 Aug with the hope of joining the northbound convoy a few hours later. If that is the case, then an arrival in Koper on the afternoon of...
  39. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    SUMMARY 28 Jul 23 MORNING MARGARETA finally docked yesterday in New Westminster, Canada! GRANDE MIRAFIORI She was originally due to arrive in Barcelona on 28 Jul but will now arrive on the afternoon of 30 Jul. GOLD XING is enroute from Shanghai to Ashdod, Israel (1 Aug) and Derince, Turkey (5...
  40. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Again, I don't think your car is on a ship yet. It would be arriving around 15 Aug at Jebel Ali if it was. I suspect we have at least another week before we should start looking.
  41. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I don't know to be honest however, we don't yet know where GLOVIS SUNRISE is headed. If she were to be heading for Southampton she would arrive around 11 Aug which fits rather nicely. We may not find out for sure until 3 Aug when she emerges from the Suez Canal.
  42. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    It was a punt - nothing lost on it. It is one of the few ships where you can check to see of your car is onboard. Your VIN should start XP7... if it's coming from Berlin. As I said I doubt your car has shipped yet. I'll keep my ear to the ground...
  43. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I'm not sure it will have shipped yet. I'll keep an eye out for a possible ship. You'll soon be racing around the Corniche on a Thursday night! HOEGH TRANSPORTER is heading to Jebel Ali at the moment. You can check to see if your car is onboard by entering the VIN HERE. Let me know the result!
  44. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    GRANDE MIRAFIORI is now estimated to arrive in Barcelona on 31 Jul.
  45. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Please read my regular summary, the latest is just 5 posts above your post. It contains the answer.
  46. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    The Suez Canal operates on a convoy system. There are 2 convoys - a northbound one and a southbound one which depart at different times to deconflict with each other at choke points. It works. There should be no delays and Koper is expecting her on 6 Aug.
  47. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    MORNING PILOT has already departed Shanghai South and is now repositioning to the main Haitong terminal. MORNING CARINA also did this last week. If she is carrying Teslas, there won't be many onboard.
  48. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    SUMMARY 25 Jul 23 MORNING MARGARETA has docked in Tacoma. She is due to depart to Vancouver this evening at 18:00 local. GRANDE MIRAFIORI She is due to arrive in Barcelona on 28 Jul. (Southampton afterwards??) Having said that, I'm not too confident she will make Barcelona by 28th. Depending...
  49. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    It's the monsoon season and the Arabian Sea can be pretty rough at this time of the year. She has plenty of opportunity to make up for lost time when she gets into the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. Her arrival in Koper is now confirmed to be 6 Aug.
  50. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    GLOVIS COURAGE is now confirmed to be heading to Koper (6 Aug)