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  1. Durzel

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Same here. Looking forward to the ZX Spectrum graphics.
  2. Durzel

    Bought a Model 3 from a 3rd Party Seller

    I would recommend speaking to the dealer and expressing your concerns. The likelihood is that they'll minimise the impact of mismatched treads.
  3. Durzel

    [UK] Does FSD have any second-hand value?

    You don’t blame Tesla at all for selling you a feature they knew they wouldn’t be able to provide in a reasonable timeframe? So essentially you donated £5,800 to Tesla, got nothing in return, and blame “UN” entirely. Pretty disappointing outlook, but then Tesla banks on people blaming entities...
  4. Durzel

    Tail Light Retrofit- AMBER turn signal

    The global lights have a slightly higher wattage rating if memory serves.
  5. Durzel

    [UK] Does FSD have any second-hand value?

    Not to mention that now that it’s been dropped from $12k ($15k at one point?) to $99/month you could not bother buying it here until it actually shows signs of coming out - e.g. in at least 5 years time - and just buy it then for the same or less.
  6. Durzel

    [UK] Does FSD have any second-hand value?

    Trade in quotes I’ve had from Tesla have explicitly said “includes value of Full Self Driving”, but I’ve got no way of directly comparing prices with and without.
  7. Durzel

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    8% is the statutory rate. Applies to everyone I believe. Tesla promised FSD Beta by the end of 2019, and for some time in 2020 by the end of that year. £5,800 @ 8% interest is £464 a year. If we say that at the very latest it should have been delivered by the end of 2020 (they changed the...
  8. Durzel

    Supercharger team sacked?

    It’s not a stretch to imagine that this 500 strong team did something that was important, though. You don’t need to be a CEO to see that when another one calls for a 10-20% cull, gets pushback, and then wipes the entire team out that it probably wasn’t a rational, considered decision. Or to put...
  9. Durzel

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Not sure I’d say he has much sense around this since he hasn’t walked back the original decision to wipe the whole team out. Tinucci and the ~500 strong team are still out of a job. He hasn’t admitted fault or done a U-turn. It’s possible that - like Twitter - he ultimately decides he has to...
  10. Durzel

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Probably can’t sign a confidentiality clause now. 🙃 Interesting that they’re not offering the interest on the claimed amount. It’s called “statutory interest”, which means they’re obliged to pay it unless you’re claiming against a contract that stipulates otherwise (presumably a better...
  11. Durzel

    Supercharger team sacked?

    This and the "Supercharger Community" thing just reaffirms in my head that this was a knee jerk meltdown over some pushback from someone who knew more about that side of the business than he does, rather than a considered decision. Probably didn't help that she was a woman either, she ought to...
  12. Durzel

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Don't quote me on it but I'm sure I saw it said elsewhere that 2024.14.5 added the Tesla Vision Autopark.....
  13. Durzel

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Yup, if you try and order one on Tesla finance having FSD does not make any difference to the quoted guaranteed future value.
  14. Durzel

    UK FSD Discussion

    Ah right, did not know that. It doesn't seem to stop Autosteer working over here (which is pretty much all we've got).. it also disables attentiveness checks (eyes looking off the road too long). I've heard it does increase the steering input nag but not confirmed.
  15. Durzel

    UK FSD Discussion

    That won't do much good so long as Tesla allow people to cover it up and effectively disable attentiveness checks.
  16. Durzel

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    As mentioned this is a thread on the UK subforum about bringing claims against Tesla in the UK, so UK law is germane. I'm by no means an expert but I think these cases turn on people being induced to buy FSD - the option - under false pretenses. Someone buying a car with FSD already on it from...
  17. Durzel

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    The issue isn't that it isn't a capable system. If we had FSD Beta or even anything approaching it here in Europe I would be perfectly happy with what I paid 4 years ago and this thread would be irrelevant to me (and I suspect others). The issue is that Tesla have been selling "Full...
  18. Durzel

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    No idea why you got "disagreed" when you're stating plain facts.. hey ho. Even EAP/FSD with parking sensors does less than it did several years ago. It got a significant downgrade back in 2019, and has had several more regressions since then due to regulations. I've seen no evidence to suggest...
  19. Durzel

    TeslaMate [megathread]

    Nice to still have some feature parity in software releases. Thought it was just us Atom plebs cursed by that.
  20. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Checked my app today - still showing expired. Hit up Marsh on Twitter yesterday, they asked for my policy number and name, etc, then went radio silent. Starting to get a bit concerned now.
  21. Durzel

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    I don't know how slow these ships turn but I guess it's feasible that the decisions they made to go with NACS were themselves some time in the making, and that they are already far down the road towards adoption that bailing on it now would cause more harm than good. There is also perhaps the...
  22. Durzel

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    Reading between the lines one would suspect he cannot discuss what may or may not have happened between reading Ed's posts and him making a substantial donation. One may wish to speculate as to a causal link between the two. 🙃
  23. Durzel

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    Who negotiates the leases? Who manages the contractors? Who manages the various other parties involved? Power providers, electricians, roadworks, etc? Only an idiot would believe that wiping the entire team out, in this fashion, was a genius move. It was a knee jerk emotional reaction to...
  24. Durzel

    Supercharger team sacked?

    If his deal goes through there will be a lot of dilution, the extent of which would depend on how much of his options he exercises. He's shown he'll do this to shore up Twitter, which is losing advertisers rather than gaining them, so it's not unreasonable to imagine him continuing to use it in...
  25. Durzel

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Ah yeah.. I assumed you meant you'd received the software on a car that was 4 years old. I've only heard of 2022-on (Ryzen) cars getting this update.
  26. Durzel

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    You got 2024.14.3 on an Atom car? Or are you talking about having bought FSD on a previous car to the one you have now?
  27. Durzel

    Entire Supercharging Team Fired?

    Also the optics are very important. Superchargers are Tesla’s key USP. Anyone in the market to buy one will consider them as a value add, and it will be a purchase differentiator. For some people it is the reason they rationalised buying an EV full stop. Even if you don’t have need to use the...
  28. Durzel

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Even on the /r/teslamotors subreddit they are calling Munro out for no longer being objective when it comes to critiquing Tesla. He made a bunch of money from Tesla shares and since then has given them far more latitude and benefit of the doubt in his analysis than he would and does for other...
  29. Durzel

    Boot opening

    . Bit of a shame, but understandable. As has been remarked the “O ring fix” was a different recall, for cars with powered struts (70 plate on?). There’s no place for an O ring to go on the normal hydraulic strut. The notion that there were 3 different fixes for the harness is a load of crap...
  30. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Did you follow up your purchase on 11/04 with any chasing emails? Or was purchasing it the only thing you did?
  31. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Cheers. Mine is still showing expired, but I didn’t do anything after purchasing the extended warranty on 10/04. Maybe I should’ve chased Tesla Ops last week… Had previously emailed them with my VIN and request to purchase it, per the instructions, before mine ran out on 27/03. Got a template...
  32. Durzel

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Yup, though I do wonder whether this is broadly par for the course in America. It seems job protection is basically non existant, and there have been a number of significant & sudden job losses in the big tech companies in recent months. The only saving grace - I guess - is that these people...
  33. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Hmm. I paid for mine on 10/04. Mine was out of warranty though when I bought it (per the agreement to email them when it was in a transitional period) @Dilly ?
  34. Durzel

    Supercharger team sacked?

    Shareholders should definitely vote to enrich the at times world’s richest man who has barely paid any attention to the company since buying Twitter, and who fires entire teams of people at 1am over email because of some professional pushback from an executive who is almost certainly far more...
  35. Durzel

    Helvetia (& Tesla?) no longer offering extended warranties

    Just checked and mine still showing as expired. When did you guys purchase it?
  36. Durzel

    Pedestrian Warning System (PWS) Retrofit

    New cameras are black, same as the trim on newer cars. Tesla offer a separate chrome cap you can stick on to them.
  37. Durzel

    Spare parts availability - 4 months and still no delivery date?

    Of course, but that doesn’t help existing customers just trying to fix their cars. Aftersales is important too :)
  38. Durzel

    Boot opening

    Definitely dispute the invoice, if you're charged for it. Even though your car was out of warranty when reported, this part is used in the rectification of a recall, which is not restricted by the warranty as far as I know? The reason for the recall is basically a manufacturing defect. Also...
  39. Durzel

    Boot opening

    @Pagemakers - Sorry it took so long, got distracted. As you can see the part they're trying to charge you for I received for free under warranty, as part of the trunk harness recall. It should be free for you too. The recall number is SB-21-17-008 Out of curiousity, try entering your VIN on...
  40. Durzel

    Boot opening

    This is correct. It was done in stages. I had to wait several weeks, possibly months, to get mine done. I think the app even advised people that they “would be contacted”. I chased it anyway. I’ll go get the part number from the kit they provided me (they wouldn’t fit it due to an aftermarket...
  41. Durzel

    Early termination of PCP

    Ah right, fair enough. I forgot it was only the P (and inventory for some bizarre reason?) that have the crazy 9.6% rate.
  42. Durzel

    Early termination of PCP

    Out of curiosity, you weren't put off at all by the 9.6% APR?
  43. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    Strictly speaking no, but it does depend on how reliant you are on it really. Engines going pop in ICE cars is pretty rare, and when it does go there are usually a myriad of places that can deal with it. If the battery goes on an X then I’d assume that’s the best part of £20k you need to find...
  44. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    I think it was expressed elsewhere that it would be falling outside of the battery warranty soon?
  45. Durzel

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I know it doesn't say that, but I also didn't say that, so I'm not sure what point you're making here. There are tangible benefits to this new UI (full screen Autopilot visualisation, redesigned music interface) that Atom folks won't get. You can argue that these aren't important to you (which...
  46. Durzel

    Early termination of PCP

    Having never financed a car before, why would Tesla (or BMW in that instance) have problems with this? Is this because they expect/desire first dibs on the car if the finance agreement is ended early?
  47. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    Overtaking is surely harder because you can't peer out and see if it's clear. The aforementioned issue with multi-storeys, drivethroughs, anywhere with a ticket booth, etc. Resale value as you say - if you have to convince the market you're trying to sell to that "it's not that bad honestly"...
  48. Durzel

    Supercharger team sacked?

    The vast majority of journeys are still less than 5 miles, so whilst extreme distance EVs ought to be a goal it isn't what is holding things back. EVs would be viable if the Government were suitably motivated to make it happen. A quarter of all cars in Norway are EVs. Kerb side charging...
  49. Durzel

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Again - to beat a drum - do BMW and co heavily push the fact that software updates are a foundational part of their ethos? Tesla does. If Tesla want to go down the road of obsoleting old platforms prematurely as a sales lever that's fine, but don't trade off of the "your car gets better over...
  50. Durzel

    Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

    Have you considered the Kia EV9? It looks very accomplished. Like you I have seen the LHD S and X in service centre showrooms, and it just seems a massive shame that there is no avenue for people in existing ones to get it. LHD is too big a compromise in this country, and it's ridiculous that...