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  1. Johan

    What other tech stock to consider?

    Say it with me three times: Tesla is not just a car company. Tesla is not just a car company. Tesla is not just a car company.
  2. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    Soooo... I agree that's it's great that the shorty hedgefund(s) get squeezed like this, and the malarky yesterday with Robinhood and others (in fact it was the clearing house Apex that put in restrictions?) uncovers deeply unfairness in how the public markets operate. But I don't think many of...
  3. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    Exactly. They know they'll have buyers - there are people desperate for the stock or so I've heard. Then they'll have a few billion in cash reserves which in and of itself makes the company that much more valuable. Which they then can put to good use, after all they are a well managed company...
  4. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    We've been talking about being either production- or demand constrained since 2013. Except for perhaps a few short glitches Tesla have been production constrained. That's a good problem to have.
  5. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I'm at work so better not be. It's all good though, we can just check the ticker later this week to see who's analysis gets it right.
  6. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    At this point I agree with @Todd Burch - the AH action is a head fake and irrelevant. This stock will DEFINATELY be above $900 before this week is over. Those who invest based on fundamentals just got their case strengthened on so many fronts.
  7. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Are you high? The only thing they're uncertain about is exactly how quickly they will double, quadruple, etc. their production, how quickly their Dojo supercomputer will be commercialized, exactly when full FSD will be solved etc. That kind of uncertainty I can live with!
  8. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Best to look here: Tesla, Inc. Common Stock (TSLA) After-Hours Quotes 4 million is the volume so far. (Today's totale volume during market hours was 23 million and avg. volume is 40+ million shares)
  9. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    ??? Amazing.
  10. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Where their goal is to do nothing :) (Jerome said service visits were down 30% which is great)
  11. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    He's not kidding about robotaxis huh.
  12. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    You mean by cutting prices and accepting less margin (in a sense trading gross margin for volume)?
  13. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Will they ever learn? I guess the whole GME/Wsb thing might actually be a good lesson. If TSLA up 700% in the last year wasn't already. With regard to ER: the after market reaction we are seeing is a very shallow phenomenon, where they (quite narroly) "missed" the "expected" earnings. But there...
  14. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Huge overreaction by mr. Market.
  15. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    No, that would not be revealed during and Earnings Call.
  16. Johan

    SpaceX drilling for natural gas?

    Probably a good idea to drill for their own gas. Synergy effect with the Boring Co? It's good to learn how to drill for methane here on Earth. Because it's good to know how to drill for methane on Mars if you want to be able to get back.
  17. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    GME is a stock for cautious investors. Only up 100% in premarket. AMC on the other hand is up over 300%
  18. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    "Also, there is the kveistion of ze charging infrastructure. A few tausend fast charger all over ze kontinent would be nice. Danke"
  19. Johan


    That's pretty unethical. Why not also let people die from cancer, heart attacks etc? After all, a life saved is in reality just a death delayed, or one cause of death switched for another...
  20. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    A boy can dream; The people who squeezed GME to the moon take profits in an orderly fashion during trading tomorrow thus bleeding the shorts dry, then are hungry to reinvest all those gains so they come home to papa Musk and TSLA after great guidance and a few nice surprises during the ER.
  21. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    LOL looks like a barcode. This must one of them newfangled technical patterns of 2021.
  22. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    That crazy dude did it... he held on... https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l5nphz/gme_yolo_update_jan_26_2021/ Edit: now $220 in after market.
  23. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    LOL it's $192 in the after market
  24. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    He could just do a variation on his Etsy tweet. "Just got the new Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition from Gamestop - love that game". Also, can't wait for this guy's (gal's?) potential update after market close today. He's got big balls (or she's got some huge ovaries)...
  25. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    To be crass, the likely way they will "deal with it" is the way they usually do, by sheningangs that they know they can get away with. To be concrete; the market makers can halt trading, and when trading resumes suddenly there is an ample supply of shares for sale for shorts to cover, of course...
  26. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    $120. Wow it's already traded over 100 million today, which is x 5 the avg. volume (at a significantly higher price). The float is only 50 million, but with all the "fantasy shares" created by naked shorting that's not a problem. "The market makers play an important role in supplying...
  27. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    It's actually an interesting discussion what the modern interpretation of "stock manipulation" or "collusion" should be. A group of people doing joint research and coming to a joint conclusion that either the stock is under valued or that there is a potential for a stock squeeze, and then in...
  28. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    This is a very good post detailing what has happened. For someone who has been long TSLA for years all this rings very true with regard to the naked shorting, the market-maker manipulation etc. I don't know anything about the fundamentals of GME so I won't be trading it, but I'm happy to see...
  29. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    That's it, $900 crossed just like that... crazy! Also; market cap >800 billion, bigger than facebook.
  30. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    I don't know anything about Gamestop as a business, other than that I've noticed they sell a lot of dolls and stuff related to video games? Maybe that's a good business? Maybe they were under valued? But this can't be sustainable right?
  31. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    If so then the Investor's thread at TMC must surely be illegal, no?
  32. Johan

    GME and AMC stock action (out of main)

    Poor Andrew. Who knew people getting together might be more powerful than everyone acting on their own?
  33. Johan

    Levandowski indicted on 33 criminal charges!!

    Hmm... I wonder which item he got from Rudy's pardon menu: the "$500k I'll see what I can do and if you get get the pardon another $500k" or if he - like the rich guy he is - just went for the "$2 million up front and I'll get Trump to pardon you right away"?
  34. Johan

    All discussion of Nikola Motors

    Ah anohter 北斗の拳 connoisseur I see :) I've been thinking that Nikola was a fraud from the beginning. It's just pretty obvious isn't it?. The PR is way too slick, to many glossy press releases and commercials, the way they piggyback on everything Tesla, even the copy cat name "Nikola", how the...
  35. Johan

    Climate Change / Global Warming Discussion

    Pete Buttigieg wants to put 'millions' of electric cars on US roads - Electrek According to two articleis last year he drove a Chevy Cruze: Analysis: Pete Buttigieg drives a Chevy Cruze, and other Ohio debate takeaways Presidential candidates' car choices make a statement
  36. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    They will definitely be making batteries as well as cars in India. Tesla has the ability to extrapolate. Yes, India's current car market is small but even if India is a poor country it is a country currently in a steep part of their developmental curve on their way to a huge affluent(ish) middle...
  37. Johan

    Boring Company Investor's Thread

    Thanks for creating this thread @EinSV! (I was the one who started the SpaceX investor's thread years back... still working on that LOL). I have a scheduled call during January with someone at Sharespost regarding a possible way to invest in SpaceX. If this succeeds I'll also ask if there is...
  38. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Elon was always slightly autistic. I think he's got his heart in the right place. Don't overreact - he's quite good at technology development, first principles thinking, problem solving, and running companies.
  39. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    This is with a 20-day SMA and 2SD +/- as the upper and lower band, right? Historically we can see that the stock price conforms nicely to those bands. What would it look life if one chose 15 or 10 day moving averages instead? I guess the upper and lower band would diverge even more, signaling...
  40. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Regardless of semantics (as for example is "missing out on a gain in stock price" the same as "taking a loss") selling a covered call is a somewhat bearish bet, but not the same as its "mirror bet" namely buying a put. The difference of course being as you point out that when selling a call the...
  41. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Frequently Asked Questions on Gift Taxes | Internal Revenue Service So you can't receive anything in return. Then it's a transaction. Pretty clear. Quid pro qou.
  42. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    My 10-year old soon told me a (lengthy) story yesterday about a YouTube video he'd been watching about the world's most famous watermelon farm. It is a watermelon farm in minecraft. But I thought to myself I'm not sure it's the most famous one on TMC.
  43. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    YES! Some time in 2015 I read a personal anecdote about an early MSFT employee who sold some stock in the early 90s to buy a lawn mower. And now he talks about it as his "$100.000 lawn mower". That story made it "click" in my brain and I stopped trying to trade the stock.
  44. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    "This country has not paid the piper yet". This resonates a lot with me. And it's why I think the entire US stock market is in a bubble. But what conflicts me is that maybe Tesla is so special that it need not be dragged down by the rest when a correction comes?
  45. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    When the markets open today Elon Musk will be the richest African-American in the world!
  46. Johan

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I think P/E ratio is irrelevant for a company like Tesla that is still in it's early growth phase/expansion phase. If Tesla some day way in to the future does settle down, and becomes some kind of "mature" company that makes boatloads of money every year selling cars, energy products, perhaps...
  47. Johan


    No, no, no. A SARS-CoV2 like virus caused disease in workes who cleaned out lots of guano from a cave in China in 2012. This was the likely precursor to the current virus. But it was not good a infecting from person to person. The current virus is a wild type virus, that originated in the...