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    Grid charging update

    Well, for me it doesn't seem to take NBCs into account and it knows my history from last year. And I had to manually enter different buy/sell rates. And I'm not convinced it takes round trip efficiency losses into account. Tesla should at least publish the details of what it takes into...

    Grid charging update

    What I'd like to see is an algorithm from Tesla that takes all aspects into account (including weather forecasts) and optimizes the times when charging/discharging occurs. This will be even more important as people are transitioned to NEM 3 and the utilities have their complex rate structure.

    Grid charging update

    I'm on EV2-A also but am a net producer so I get compensated for any excess at the wholesale rate at true-up no matter when it was produced. But the more I draw from the grid the more NBCs I pay.

    Grid charging update

    My grid charging seems to recognize TOU now. I left grid charging enabled and had my reserve set to 50%. My house ran off the Powerwalls during peak hours and then charged back up to close to 100% when peak hours were over. I'm not going to leave it enabled since I will incur more NBCs that...

    Do you have enough solar to go off grid in winter?

    I have a high efficiency built-in wood stove (air injection - not catalytic) and use it daily in the winter. I have a lot of trees and if I wasn't burning wood in the stove I'd be burning it in a pile. But I don't try to keep it going all night. I use my heat pump to take the chill out off in...

    Master Thread: Energy products and Tax discussions

    I've mentioned this before but I wonder how they would look at it in my situation. I have 2 Powerwalls that I didn't claim the ITC for. I added a 3rd Powerwall last year and am claiming the ITC for it. I can grid charge but there is no way to direct the grid charging just to the two older...

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I plan to call Tesla next week if they don't respond to my emails (which they probably won't). I just need to set aside the time to navigate through their menus and sit on hold.

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I don't know whether or not Tesla could void your warranty for making changes in the installer menu. It seems if you did something that caused problems, and they could prove it, they would have justification. I don't know how easy it would be to prove but they could just stonewall you to...

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    Yea, I'll I don't have (or don't know how to) access the installer menu. Interestingly enough, when I was "discussing" this issue with the customer support rep the first time they accused me of going into the installer menu and making changes that caused the problem. I told them I don't have...
  10. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I'm going to keep pushing Tesla for a resolution. As I mentioned my system is complicated. There are the main feeds to my house that is 200' away and then all the other wires from the breakers that feed my shop. So the CTs need to capture the main feed wires to the house and the individual...
  11. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I might do that but my installation isn't straight forward. The system is mounted installed at my shop where I have a 400 amp entrance panel that is split into two 200 amp services, one of which is backed up and sent to my house but also runs some things in the shop. At this point the only...
  12. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I'm not uncomfortable changing things in the electrical panel other than the CTs are really crammed in there and I don't want to break something. And I don't want to own the problem if something goes wrong.
  13. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I never told them the problem was when off-grid, it was when I was charging the Powerwalls in preparation for the grid going down since Stormwatch wasn't activated. It was just their response that mentioned going off grid. I pretty much sent them what I stated in the first post. It was a...
  14. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    Yep, but according to Tesla this is the way it is supposed to work.
  15. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I think these are the four screenshots you requested plus a shot of the home screen. My solar was actually producing ~0.5 kW during these shots: And here is a screenshot from I log into the Gateway directly: Thanks
  16. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I agree. I responded to Tesla's email that said everything is correct saying I disagree but its been crickets...
  17. RKCRLR

    Grid charging update

    My Off-Peak Buy is $0.25/kWh and Sell is $0.22/kWh. My Peak Buy is $0.42/kWh and Sell is $0.39/kWh. I do have an issue where I get eroneous readings when grid charging but Tesla told me this is normal...
  18. RKCRLR

    Grid charging update

    I did a test today and lowered my reserve from 100% to 95%. When peak hours arrived I ran off my Powerwalls until they hit 95% then switched over to the grid. I then enabled grid charging and my Powerwalls started chrging during peak hours. So, at least in that test, it still works the old way.
  19. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    I agree but when my NEM 2 grandfathering runs out I'm going to wind up paying a lot more for energy because I don't produce enough to self consume in the winter months and my summer production credits will be greatly reduced.
  20. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    I'm a net producer but the problem for me is I produce significantly less solar in the winter than in the summer. They last few months I've produced less than 500 kWh/month but average 1000 kW/month in consumption and have gone weeks straight producing hardly anything so I import the...
  21. RKCRLR

    PG&E Customers with 3 or more PWs: Interconnection NEM2, NEM2-MT, or NEM2-PS

    I swear the way I'm going to go is falling of a 15' step ladder in the middle of the night trying to shut up a smoke detector when I'm half asleep.
  22. RKCRLR

    Do you have enough solar to go off grid in winter?

    Additionally, ventless propane heaters put a lot of moisture in the air. I've had water puddling in my window tracks from the condensation in my camper.
  23. RKCRLR

    Enphase Generator Injector

    I'm one of the folks that would love generator backup to Powerwalls; we used generators extensively prior to our Powerwall installation. It seems like 1 could be accomplished on the generator side. Have a generator inverter/controller that would not allow drawing more than the generator...
  24. RKCRLR

    Storm Watch Did not activate and we lost power

    I looked into Starlink. They require a clear view of the northern sky. I would either have to cut down a lot of trees or put the receiver on a tall tower. I have a good view of the southern sky but for some reason they require a view of the northern sky even though they have satellites in the...
  25. RKCRLR

    Storm Watch Did not activate and we lost power

    I have 4G fixed wireless internet so as long as the AT&T cell tower and my modem have power I have internet (for what it is worth).
  26. RKCRLR

    Storm Watch Did not activate and we lost power

    Yes, I have internet (I'm responding on my home computer). However, my internet sucks (sucks even worse during bad weather). I keep my phone connected to my home internet when I'm home to conserve phone data. But the Tesla app doesn't seem to like that (other apps are OK with it). If I...
  27. RKCRLR

    Storm Watch Did not activate and we lost power

    I've been without power since 9 pm last night. I turned off my spa, switched from heat pump to propane heat, turned off my electrically heated floor, etc. before I went to bed since I have no idea when power will be restored. This my ritual for lead shedding. The sun is shining now but my...
  28. RKCRLR

    Storm Watch Did not activate and we lost power

    Interesting, I got two Powerwalls through SGIP and purchased one Powerwall outside of SGIP. I have the ability to charge from the grid. Tesla did both installations.
  29. RKCRLR

    Storm Watch Did not activate and we lost power

    Interesting, I got two Powerwalls through SGIP and purchased one Powerwall outside of SGIP. I have the ability to charge from the grid.
  30. RKCRLR

    How does NEM grandfathering work with two systems installed different years?

    I had a system installed in 2009 and another system installed in 2019. Both my installer and PG&E verbally told me (multiple times) that the NEM grandfathering period goes off the latest PTO however this forum had posts contradicting that. I asked PG&E to send me my 20 year NEM grandfathering...
  31. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    Thanks for the response but the energy graphs don't capture the problem. It's the energy flow on the homepage of the app and when I log into the Gateway that show the erroneous information when the Powerwalls are charging from the grid.
  32. RKCRLR

    How does NEM grandfathering work with two systems installed different years?

    Unless you install a separate meter for one of the systems your 20 year grandfathering date goes from the installation date of the first system but the first system will be moved under the NEM status of the second system (if they are different).
  33. RKCRLR

    Tesla app showing incorrect information when charging from grid

    I called Tesla in December about this problem and they escalated it to a Tier 2 technician. I hadn't heard back from them and the problem still happens so I called them today after an outage. The representative I spoke to responded they closed the ticket in January but didn't bother passing...
  34. RKCRLR

    Enphase Generator Injector

    I'm surprised generator manufacturers haven't picked up on this. It seems like they could just design an inverter generator that simulated a smart inverter. Have a clean precisely controlled 60 Hz output that reduces output as the Gateway frequency starts raising above 60 Hz. That way it...
  35. RKCRLR

    Enphase Generator Injector

    I'm not that knowledgeable about these systems but I believe generator output is too dirty to fool the system, and that assumes you have something in place to prevent backfeeding the generator. What is needed is a box that cleans up the generator output to simulate the inverter output and can...
  36. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    As I mentioned I've installed adapters in some of my fixtures. The hardest part is removing the can and getting at the wires that go into the ballast so you can bypass it. It gets a little scary when you're balancing yourself on a 15' step ladder with both hands over your head and fighting...
  37. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    I tried some similar bulbs in my bathroom fan that also has florescent bulbs with a ballast that is difficult to reach. They flat out didn't work. They would only work with specific ballasts.
  38. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    This is quite a point of frustration for me. I started building my house in 2007 and 50% of the lighting in the kitchen and bathrooms was required to be high efficacy. The code would not allow me to install standard fixtures with screw in CFLs. I had to put in fixtures that would only accept...
  39. RKCRLR

    Looking for definitive answer: Does the 20 year NEM lock get reset when a new NEM2 system is added to a NEM1 system?

    While not a 100% definitive answer (there is still some ambiguity) everything I've seen in writing suggests that the 20 year grandfathering period is not reset when you add more solar. So if you add more solar the your you will still be moved to NEM X 20 years after the install date of the...
  40. RKCRLR

    Adding solar to existing NEM 1.0 system options

    I'll wind up changing my habits. Currently I'm a net producer so I can be a little lazy with my use. In 2030 I'll probably try to postpone things that require electricity to when the sun is shining. I have a dual fuel HVAC system so I'll probably use more propane for heating if it is cost...
  41. RKCRLR

    Adding solar to existing NEM 1.0 system options

    I found you can't rely on your utility either. I had my original system installed in 2009 under NEM 1 and upgraded it in 2019 under NEM 2. Both my installer and PG&E verbally told me that my clock was reset and my grandfathering under NEM 2 would go 20 years from 2019. After some posts on...
  42. RKCRLR

    From HVAC to Heat Pumps - kWh usage

    Keep your eye on Tech Clean California incentives. They are out of funding now but had substantial incentives on heat pumps and they may get additional funding. Dual fuel systems may not qualify for incentives in the future. I have a dual fuel system and it gets used quite often due to...
  43. RKCRLR

    Will California and West see Storm Watch in the next few days (2022-12-29)?

    I'm a net producer and live in an area frequent outages. Since I'm reimbursed in kilowatt hours there isn't an advantage of time shifting unless I fall under the threshold. I'm leaving my reserve at 100% until these storms are over. There isn't much sun anyway.
  44. RKCRLR

    Lights that are off were Flickering when Powerwall Off Grid.

    Also see if your fan motor and light are somehow on different legs.
  45. RKCRLR

    Adding solar to existing NEM 1.0 system options

    Keep in mind that if you don't add a separate meter your 20 grandfathering period for your NEM 2 system will be starting from the date you installed the NEM 1 system. Also, if you are just starting you may have difficulty getting a system installed in time to be under NEM 2.
  46. RKCRLR

    Will California and West see Storm Watch in the next few days (2022-12-29)?

    My power went off a little after 1 am this morning. I got up around 1:30 to check the app to see if the grid was still up because the winds were so strong. When I checked the app it showed my house still running off the grid. One thing that didn't make sense but I didn't think much about it...
  47. RKCRLR

    Will California and West see Storm Watch in the next few days (2022-12-29)?

    Stormwatch activated for me earlier this week due to projected windy conditions and then turned off. It currently isn't activated so I turned up my reserve to 100%.
  48. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    One of the things I wonder about is if the new houses being built that require solar will have a future requirement the solar be working if the house is resold. I'm assuming the solar will come with a typical 20-25 year warranty on the solar. But what if the warranty is expired or the solar...
  49. RKCRLR

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    I suspect the only way a generator would make financial sense is if a solar tax is imposed and rates get to the point that it makes more sense to go off grid (assuming this is allowed by the government). The generator could then be used when solar isn't producing enough and batteries are depleted.