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  1. andy.connor.e

    10 Month Ownership Check-in

    Original Post - https://forums.tesla.com/discussion/174686/model-3-for-sale Hey! Checking in 10 months later after buying my used Model 3 last year. Car is FABULOUS. Literally everything i imagined. No gas, no RPM, straight raw power, estimated range ugh! In all seriousness though, so far it...
  2. andy.connor.e

    Looking for VP level contact, Tesla Energy, issues with PTO

    So i finally got through to the right Tesla rep about a month ago and they were able to push my request through in a matter of a few hours. Theres no way i can recommend a certain person or a certain thing to say. What you basically have to do is call the general Tesla rep phone number and...
  3. andy.connor.e

    Shout Out to My Tesla Forum Bros

    Hey! Just wanted give a shout out to my Tesla forum amigos from back in the days, how is everyone doing.
  4. andy.connor.e

    Looking for VP level contact, Tesla Energy, issues with PTO

    I had called 3 times last week and some random solar roof rep you get calling the 877 number knew who to contact in the interconnection department, and they got my document pushed through in a matter of hours. So in my conclusion, the way you get it moved forward is call ALL THE TIME, and...
  5. andy.connor.e

    Are there any contacts for escalating solar progress?

    I did make a permit revision by changing the inverter type. So perhaps they proceeded with the installation even though they didnt get the permit back. I dont know and doubt they will ever tell me the truth in that regard, but 7 weeks to send a document to the utility, theres something more...
  6. andy.connor.e

    Are there any contacts for escalating solar progress?

    Solar is on loan and have evidence of completion because the loan company notified me of the final job price. Have the work permit which is proof that the job can commence but not that its done. Already tried that tho. I've called them 3 times asking them if there is literally any thing under...
  7. andy.connor.e

    Are there any contacts for escalating solar progress?

    Literally all Tesla needs to do is send the job completion document to my utility, as just a formal document saying the job is done, then i can fill out the net-metering form.
  8. andy.connor.e

    Are there any contacts for escalating solar progress?

    Appreciate the advice, but i dont have any batteries and the solar installation was a breaker tie-in. So there is no way to prevent backfeed for overproduction. I completely understand why Tesla is doing Solar to Batteries now because the approval process is an absolute nightmare. But ya it...
  9. andy.connor.e

    Looking for VP level contact, Tesla Energy, issues with PTO

    Same position as you, but im 9 weeks after installation completion. Nothing happens until i reach out. All they need to do is send the job completion document to my utility and i can get the system turned on within a week. No conscious humans working at Tesla. Reps are useless. Hard to recommend...
  10. andy.connor.e

    Are there any contacts for escalating solar progress?

    I've had my solar roof installation completed 9 weeks ago now and Tesla reps literally will NOT send the job completion document to my utility so i can fill out the net-metering form. Utility is waiting on the document before i can get the net-metering form, and need net-metering form before i...
  11. andy.connor.e

    The real purpose of the tri-motor Cybertruck

    ya, what OP was referring to was exclusively the tri-motor, not the features of the cybertruck in general. tri-motor definitely for towing range.
  12. andy.connor.e

    New button to enable FSD Beta download?

    You are more focused on the negatives than the positives which leads you to want Musk removed.
  13. andy.connor.e

    The real purpose of the tri-motor Cybertruck

    ya exactly, the side effect of electric drive train with high torque is fast acceleration. like for instance the semi was not designed to do 0-60 in 5 sec. The acceleration is more of a side effect in order to get the towing capacity and range.
  14. andy.connor.e

    The real purpose of the tri-motor Cybertruck

    You're pretty on point. Aside from the obvious general cybertruck features that are the real driving factor for me, the tri-motor specifically is definitely for the towing aspect.
  15. andy.connor.e

    New button to enable FSD Beta download?

    where did you hear that?
  16. andy.connor.e

    New button to enable FSD Beta download?

    Important key fact, is that overly aggressive timeline projections are not lies. Would be wise to understand what the estimates mean, i mean hes said it couple times.
  17. andy.connor.e

    End of Speed Limit - NY

    Ya, in NY, its pretty much assumed that if theres no posted speed limit on a state highway or country road, its 55mph. Which if the sign says "end limit", its automatically 55mph again. This is a good point.
  18. andy.connor.e

    Will V2G make your Tesla vehicle qualify for battery storage tax credit?

    What im thinking, is that right now if you have solar, you can add batteries at a later time and still qualify for the solar tax credit of currently 22%. Since V2G will effectively be a mobile battery storage that works in conjunction with solar, it should technically qualify the product for...
  19. andy.connor.e

    New button to enable FSD Beta download?

    You cant understand why investors are not demanding his departure? lol
  20. andy.connor.e

    Does Solar Roof Include a Free Service Panel Upgrade?

    Get the panel upgrade by someone else. Cost me $1000
  21. andy.connor.e


    where me button
  22. andy.connor.e

    Cybertruck charging

    If the run is less than 100ft, should only need 6 gauge wire for the 14-50 outlet. Since its a 50A rated outlet, 50A breaker.
  23. andy.connor.e

    Car alarm being triggered by Sentry Mode

    Hi, a friend of mine just got a Model X and he says his car alarm keeps getting triggered by sentry mode. No one is breaking in, hitting the car or anything, and when he disables sentry mode the car alarm stops going off. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
  24. andy.connor.e

    I want a CYBERSUV

    Take a cab to the airport and leave your cars at home. Will cost you much less for a cab ride then to pay for airport parking.
  25. andy.connor.e

    Tesla Model 3 Long Range for sale?

    Thanks, found one im going with.
  26. andy.connor.e

    Tesla Model 3 Long Range for sale?

    Im in the market for a used Long Range Tesla Model 3 under $42,000. Been searching online everywhere, wondering if anyone has any good leads??
  27. andy.connor.e

    Tempered For Color

    Not sure if i'd do it, but its a paint job that would last the lifetime of the vehicle in some sense. If Tesla doesnt offer it, i probably wont spend the money to have it done.
  28. andy.connor.e

    Solar Roof vs Panels kWh / yr

    If you need a new roof, the solar roof is the way to go. If you are going to stay in that house for a while, then solar roof is the way to go. If you're looking to leave in 5 years or less, i dont know if solar is economical for you. Im also assuming you meant to say that you use 13,000kWh per year.
  29. andy.connor.e

    First Telsa (Cybertruck) configuration question

    Modifying your reservation will not change your place in line. But if Tesla plans on making the Tri-motor first, switching to the Tri-motor might move your priority up in line so to speak. In the past, Tesla has delivered regionally, for instance Model 3 was delivered closer proximity before...
  30. andy.connor.e

    Cybertruck base $39k model to be cancelled?

    We cant be sure, but its likely to happen if the demand is low enough. Last we were told many months ago some 13% of reservations were single motor. In my estimation, thats low enough to discontinue the base model. Things to consider, the cybertruck is not yet pencils down (at least unconfirmed...
  31. andy.connor.e

    Tesla had better start building it's mega charger network

    Im not really sure how California expects to accomplish this when Tesla is pretty much the only valid mass-market EV producer that has any production volume. 4 years?
  32. andy.connor.e

    Should I install Tesla solar roof?

    I can run a cost analysis for you if you want. Information i need: average kWh usage from utility, and $ per kWh or just the average monthly electricity charge Solar roof total price Total Federal & state tax incentives Solar roof annual kWh production estimate new roof cost estimate (not...
  33. andy.connor.e

    Does Solar Roof Include a Free Service Panel Upgrade?

    I am not aware of any free panel upgrades. I was not given a free one and was going to be charged $3500 by Tesla to upgrade my panel, so i went and bought the panel and breakers from home depot and had an electrician install it for $1000. Thats something you are going to need to call and ask...
  34. andy.connor.e

    Considering powerwall

    Thats a good point. I dont think there would be any reason to need an interconnect agreement if you are not back feeding the grid, but i dont know that for sure. But IMO, if you have solar and dont have an interconnect agreement to back feed excess production, that defeats alot of the benefits...
  35. andy.connor.e

    Should I care about payback period?

    Im not sure about a solar system retrofitted to an existing roof. What i have calculated, is the solar roof is well worth the investment because of its life span. I say about 50 years but Tesla says 60 years. If we take that literally, then currently you get a federal tax credit, (depending on...
  36. andy.connor.e

    Considering powerwall

    I'll share my personal situation and thoughts. We have all probably heard about Vehicle to Grid coming, and i am also getting the cybertruck. My thoughts are as follows; if vehicle to grid becomes a thing, then i do not have a use for powerwalls as my outages are infrequent, and i have no...
  37. andy.connor.e

    Tesla called me and told me I needed to upgrad my brand new 200A panel. Does that sound right?

    I have a solar roof on order, 9.36kW. I put in a 200A panel a few months ago to prepare for it, and called Tesla to make sure it was going to be compatible. I have a regular Square D 200A MCB panel from Home Depot. It looks like the panel you have is a load bank specifically for solar. Tesla...
  38. andy.connor.e

    Dual vs Tri-Motor

    I pre-ordered the Dual-motor, and im one of those people that does not care for the third motor, and would like the 500 mile range in the dual motor. We shall see.
  39. andy.connor.e

    Which cybertruck did you preorder?

    Hello, i just joined TMC. I pre-ordered the Dual motor because thats what im likely to be able to afford, but realistically i would like to have the range of the Tri-motor and dont really care for the third motor. According to the cybertruck reservation tracker thing, im approximately 165k in...