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  1. F

    Tesla home charger

    Residual current detection is very different to PEN fault protection, which is the additional device fitted by your installer.
  2. F

    My experience taking Tesla to court about FSD

    For what it’s worth, spurious demands and bullying from solicitors in an attempt to discourage a claim is always worth a complaint to their regulatory body.
  3. F

    UK FSD Discussion

    This delay is why the existing lane change is awful. I would love to see the people that insisted on this delay take a drive where they have to wait three seconds after flicking the indicator on before making any lane change or manoeuvre. Of course, if they don’t finish within another 3 seconds...
  4. F

    Error CP_a051

    Mine actually disappeared after a week or two but Tesla still swapped the charge port door. Took about 10 minutes from a mobile service visit.
  5. F

    Autopilot behaviour in strong wind

    In my experience, apart from the sound of the wind you can't tell that it's there. The only problem is that if other cars move around in their lane Autopilot tends to crap its pants and stamps on the brakes, but in general the lane-keeping is excellent.
  6. F

    Sexy Buttons resume autopilot function - Brilliant !!

    Stick it in an RF bag? Ultimately if I want to nick your car I'll wait for you to get home and whack you over the head with a big spanner.
  7. F

    Sexy Buttons resume autopilot function - Brilliant !!

    Also bollocks. The UNECE regulations specify minimum times for the indicators to run and before the car can start moving. More likely you didn’t have the option and just accidentally drifted into the next lane.
  8. F

    Is TuneIn down?

    I just get “Loading Error” when I try to play any station. No data connectivity problems elsewhere (ie Apple Music works). Discovering just how bad the quality is on DAB at the moment.
  9. F

    Sexy Buttons resume autopilot function - Brilliant !!

    UNECE regulations prevent them making it any faster. Quite keen on this as it means I can spec my next one without EAP.
  10. F

    Keeping the car connected to the charger

    From the owner's manual:
  11. F

    Anyone fitted a charge port light?

    I appreciate that I might be missing something here, but the only place I need to open the charge port door in darkness is at home. I just used some double-sized tape to stick a small waterproof keyring torch to the handle on the charge plug.
  12. F

    TACC random slowing down

    Yes, I can understand it in situations with reduced visibility but sometimes it does it on quiet random roads with clear markings.
  13. F

    Wiki Restricted UK Supercharger sites - parking restrictions / registering / pay to park etc

    Vast majority of traffic at this site is Mercedes people carriers which block a minimum of two spaces (and occasionally 3 depending on how badly they’re parked). They can only charge at a maximum of 110kW and have huge batteries, which is why the whole thing is a disaster with queues down the...
  14. F

    Wiki Restricted UK Supercharger sites - parking restrictions / registering / pay to park etc

    Yep, whoever signed the contract at Tesla made a major screw-up here. The first mistake was trusting Marriott and the second was allowing every minicab driver in London to block the site. They would push their way to the front of the line at reception in order to get the ticket validated and I...
  15. F

    M3 LR 22 model (windscreen wipers)

    Push the end of the indicator stalk to trigger a wipe. Then use left/right on the (left)scroll wheel to change the speed. Don't need to take your eyes off the road at all.
  16. F

    2023 Holiday Update

    Just updated my 2021 Model 3 to .6 and it's enabled the camera-based nags, so I guess it does work on the Atom system. Seems to have reduced the force required on the wheel to cancel the reminder provided your eyes are on the road.
  17. F

    Wiki Restricted UK Supercharger sites - parking restrictions / registering / pay to park etc

    Minimum £5 charge at the T2/T3 Superchargers now. So budget that into any charging. Suspect they’ve had enough of mini cab drivers leaving litter and blocking the car park loop. Having said that, whoever handled the contracts at Tesla has screwed this up since they’re letting the hotel abuse...
  18. F

    Spigen screen protector crack

    Just get it going at a corner with your fingernail. The glue is very weak and it relies mainly on a vacuum effect to stay in place, so the moment that’s lost it’ll peel away nicely.
  19. F

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Presumably you lease your Tesla? About the most damaging thing you can do is to Supercharge a cold battery.
  20. F

    Need to replace two tyres, should I go for CrossClimate 2s?

    I have CrossClimate 2. More than 30,000 miles of motorway driving and still 5mm of tread left. Quieter in my opinion than the stock tyres, and no range impact (220 Wh/m in the summer, 250 in the winter). I can’t offer an opinion on handling. Better than stock tyres in the wet and they have...
  21. F

    2023 Holiday Update

    To be fair drivers like you are exactly the reason Tesla has had to turn up the wick on their attention monitoring.
  22. F

    Spigen screen protector crack

    Why not just peel it off and replace with a new one? That’s sort of the point of a screen protector.
  23. F

    2023 Holiday Update

    Fairly certain you need a Ryzen MCU to get the benefit(?) of cabin camera nagging on Autopilot. I tried sticking a bit of tape over the camera lens and it made no difference. Likewise when uncovered and pretending to look away from the road.
  24. F

    [UK] 2023.44

    Yes, definitely. It seems to be constantly recalibrating itself to your hand (maybe due to the Americans sticking yoga weights to the wheel?). Ironically it now feels less demanding to barely hold the wheel at all and just tighten your grip when the nag pops up, which I doubt is the intention.
  25. F

    [UK] 2023.44

    Auto wipers fine for me today. Discovered that you can use the left scroll wheel to pick the wiper speed if you push the end of the stalk first. Autopilot definitely more naggy and needs quite a lot of force in both directions before the message clears. Shame we have to suffer because the...
  26. F

    2023 Holiday Update

    So me and you have a different opinion of what “forcibly disengaged” means. I took it to mean overriding the steering or something. To be honest if you’re being locked out through either no holding the wheel or speeding, then it’s not really Tesla’s fault, is it? I use Autopilot for about 90%...
  27. F

    2023 Holiday Update

    It doesn't do this (and never has).
  28. F

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    A lot of construction underway at Newport Pagnell opposite the existing V2s. Not sure if more Superchargers or a third party install. It makes access to the toilets etc difficult as you have to walk down the slip road against the flow of HGVs.
  29. F

    BBC Article - Tesla Whistleblower

    Might just stop US drivers from using the scroll wheels to imitate applying steering pressure.
  30. F

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Heathrow T2 sucks now that all the taxi drivers have discovered it. 9 spaces showing available this afternoon, in reality zero with a long queue leading out of the car park. All blocked by Mercedes Vitos taking two spaces and charging at 50kW. Opening sites to all vehicles without putting in...
  31. F

    2023 Holiday Update

    I mean, even my £120 robot vacuum cleaner can find its way back to its parking space in the kitchen without bumping into the walls or running over the cat, so it can't be that hard.
  32. F

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Since they can only ask for 12 months worth of back payments, the moral of the story is to wait for them to discover that there's a problem.
  33. F

    VED Changes

    Yes, it's interesting that they're able to retrospectively change the banding for EVs but not the ropier diesels from a few years ago.
  34. F

    2023 Holiday Update

    Likewise. Although I'm sure I've had the option in mine to choose whether the emergency call function routes via Tesla or 999 since I bought it.
  35. F

    [UK] 2023.44

    The calibration doesn’t actually set the lights to the right height. You need to park a precise distance from a wall, and then align the shape of the beam to some pre measured points (that’s why it shows a couple of L shaped blocks in this mode). Just hitting calibrate and saving it will...
  36. F

    Heathrow Supercharger ( Bath Road) Showing A £5 Charge?

    If you mean the T2/T3 Supercharger you get one hour free, and then about another 45 minutes on the ticket when they validate it at reception. However, the last few times I’ve been the ANPR on the barriers opened them automatically. I don’t know if this is because they have a database from Tesla...
  37. F

    Autopilot /Adaptive cruise getting worse

    I’m kicking myself because I didn’t even think of that.
  38. F

    Autopilot /Adaptive cruise getting worse

    So my Model 3 just stamped on the anchors on the M4 when the car to the left drifted slightly in its lane. Unfortunately the car behind me was an unmarked police car who thought I brake checked him. 😕 Very very very glad that I have a written record with both Tesla and VOSA highlighting the...
  39. F

    MYLR all season tyres

    30,000 miles on CrossClimate 2 and still have 5-7mm of tread left. No issues and economy is pretty good with multiple motorway drives in the summer returning 205 Wh/m at 72mph. I find energy use hard to predict on the Model 3. It seems to know what it needs but it doesn’t often seem to...
  40. F

    Autopilot /Adaptive cruise getting worse

    There is something really weird about Autopilot at the moment. I drove 150 miles down the M1 last night and it was faultless until I stopped for electricity at Newport Pagnell. The moment I rejoined the motorway it was back to its usual crap routine of panic-braking around other traffic, and...
  41. F

    [UK] 2023.38

    Bit of a flaw with this is that if you accidentally disengage Autopilot during a lane change on EAP, you don’t continue on TACC but actually end up slowing down quite abruptly as regen braking kicks in.
  42. F

    [UK] 2023.38

    Fortunately there's a delay between the gantry speed limit changing and the camera becoming active. If it's causing a big problem for you the problem is that you either drive way above the speed limit and don't like having to slow down, or your observation skills are lacking, or both. Half the...
  43. F

    [UK] 2023.38

    Doesn't happen. What does need to happen is for the system to switch from the occasional camera on the gantries to average speed between each pair, and an instant ban for the drivers who stamp on the brakes at every single gantry whether there's a camera on it or not.
  44. F

    UK FSD Discussion

    Exactly this. With EAP my driving is safer because my attention can be directed further down the road to anticipate problems without worrying about the mundane of keeping it straight and a safe distance from the car in front. I think it's this that's actually pissing me off about the recent...
  45. F

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Based on the export figures in the app I’ve made a nice £16.
  46. F

    [UK] 2023.38

    Could be that a half press engages TACC, and all the way down is Autopilot.
  47. F

    [UK] 2023.38

    I did. They could see the events logged in the history along with the dashcam clips, but told me that it wasn’t just me. They were not happy with the Autopilot team because they get no more information about changes / implementation / updates than customers, but have to field the problems...
  48. F

    [UK] 2023.38

    You could just try reading my posts more carefully… this isn’t the car refusing to pass while on Autopilot, it’s the full alert and hard braking as someone to the left or right drifts slightly in their lane. It’s worse on AP, but happens when driving manually too.
  49. F

    [UK] 2023.38

    Anyone had the chance to try this on the motorway yet? The phantom braking (even when driving manually) on 2023.32 has led me to book the train for all my long journeys for the rest of the year.
  50. F

    [UK] 2023.38

    Nice to see the software development team prioritising stuff like *checks notes* Multiplayer Vampire Survivors instead of wasting their time on trivia like Autopilot.