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  1. chimpanzee

    Rewriting History??

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to...
  2. chimpanzee

    Rewriting History??

    I am disappointed that my repeated attempts (here & Tesla Founders Blog), to encourage Martin to use video-blogging [ as an iTunes syndication..HUGE reach via iPod/iTouch/iPhone mobile media solutions, AppleTV, & even Blip.tv based embedded Flash video ] as a citizen Journalism tool, have gone...
  3. chimpanzee

    Production/Delivery Status

    "the plan", "my understanding". Hmm. They've made/delivered 38, & they intent to ramp up to 1200 by next Sept?? Man, I think that's a big jump, especially for a 1st production line. They've never been in this territory of big production #'s. I never heard anything concrete from the Death...
  4. chimpanzee

    Production/Delivery Status

    I might be putting in an order soon, in which case I would be ~ #1201. I was told that expected delivery would be 9/09. $60K down, balance due when color selection comes about in 4/09. Does this sound realistic? 1200 Roadsters mfg'd & delivered by Sept 2009? Drivetrain 1.5 still hasn't...
  5. chimpanzee

    The Roadster Meets the Volt

    "Life is about Compromise" Yesterdays enemies, are todays friends. I think there should be some partnerships established towards China, they are a "sleeping giant" that will play a factor. Martin just mentioned BYD (which bought a Chinese auto company) on his blog. I was recently in China, &...
  6. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I like Caltech's involvement in Alternative Energy. Dr. Steven Koonin (PhD Nuclear Physics, MIT) is ex-provost @Caltech, who I believe has been "planted" in Oil Industry to act as a "catalyst" for a paradigm shift. In this case, chief-scientist @BP. Remember the 60's? "Down with the...
  7. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I made a recent query, & if I put a deposit down now ($60K) I would be #1201 with expected delivery Sept 2009. Remainder of balance when the car goes to paint (say May 2009). I might be in such a position to buy one, for a research program. The latter would also invalidate the 3 yr 30K mile...
  8. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I like those bullet-points, thanks. [ In the end, its customer feedback (being a good listener on TM's part) & customer service which will win the day. ] That battery-pack thing is tops on my list: improving range/weight ratio. There is a revolution in R/C electric flying: NiCads, NiMh, LiIon...
  9. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    Hi, thanks for the update. Personally, I don't have a car right now..I declared my gas-guzzling 4x4 van non-operational (until June/2009). No more gas fills at $4/gallon..NO WAY. I'm car-free on a bicycle + Public Transportation. My next car will be all-electric, no intermediary hybrid. I'm...
  10. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I was at SIGGRAPH 2008 last month, & wanted to meet with you to discuss the Roadster. I did attend Ed Catmull's talk, & had a brief chat with him during the following autograph session. He told me he wants the Whitestar. So, it occurred to me. Why wouldn't the PIXAR founder (& President of...
  11. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    My thing's not business, but a Fraunhofer-like "Interdisciplinary Collaborative/Coperative R&D Inst for Energy Applications" (NCEA) that is a "R&D supercharger" to help the "Alternative Energy entrepeneurial engine" (Martin's playground/universe). It will get founded based on Public Funding...
  12. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    Interesting example from Offroad Racing: a top chassis designer (with background in Formula 1, pavement, electric cars..CVT) was contracted by GM to build a Trophy Truck..the elite class in Offroad Racing. The chassis were designed to be replaced after every race (tweaked/warped out chassis)...
  13. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    You mention SpaceX as being part of this trend: "Increasingly, it's a race between Education [ "Book Knowledge", R&D, etc ] & Disaster [ long-term future is dismal ]" -- H.G. Welles The amazing part of that quote, is it was made back in the 1930's!! The running joke is that Microsoft lets the...
  14. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    Yes, the bottleneck is Battery Technology. Need to make them lighter, more efficient to give EVs better power-to-weight ratio & range. Especially the latter. [ Ironically, a contemporary of Martin & me (we all went through UIUC/Coordinated Science Laboratory/AARG, aka Artificial Intelligence...
  15. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    See Judy Estrin's article, she emphasizes the value of long-term view. (she is right about the "poison" of Instant Gratification society we live in, McDonalds approach to business). The latter necessarily requires an R&D program Only because GM (& other auto mfg sloths) are dinosaurs. "GM...
  16. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I've mentioned this before. Scenario #1 confidentiality, developing concept in private amongst high-level types (VC, management types, etc), who are detached from the Market. Especially, the customer. Announce deal. Turns out the concept doesn't address customer & current market demand, it...
  17. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    In some way, that's a good thing. Those "nuggets" could be stolen & run with by "scoundrels/opportunists". That has actually happened to me in my last Project (last 3 years). So, the "smoke screen" of name-dropping has an accidental good effect of "protection". I had a research colleague...
  18. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    Here is how the "game is played", courtesy Tom Chester of IPAC/Caltech (Kip Thorne's PhD student): Chas Beichman Roast I can only surmise that all the above 3 rules were applied to get LIGO approved by NSF. 1) & 3) are quite important, Money ("gold") & Power (well connected people)...
  19. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    Haha. Let me enhance the name-dropping. :tongue: Okay, so my hobby is R/C electric airplanes (play with Nicad, LiIon, LiPo battery packs ad nauseum) & I fly at the Rose Bowl. Met Richard Feynman's son-in-law (who flies), A. Cocconi (flys 3D aircraft, got video of him in summer '06), a bunch...
  20. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I will tell you there was an amazing "event" yesterday. I left a message on Dr. xxx answering machine (leading PV researcher of world-wide repute, at NREL/National Renewable Energy Lab/Solar). He called me back 1st thing @7:54am (someone who returns phone calls like a professional..what a...
  21. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    Thanks for the feedback TEG. I followed everything, until the last comment "tuned into his wavelength". Can you tell me what I might be doing/saying to cause a "rift" between 2 universes? Martin's world is a means (Technology) towards an end (Business, profit, making societal change)? If I...
  22. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    "In order to Solve the Problem, you must first UNDERSTAND IT" -- Einstein That reference by TM to "cutting edge R&D campus" is just that..TALK. I've made numerous references to how TM failed to setup an R&D program (short/medium/long term) to "cover themselves". Sure enough, they got bit by...
  23. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    This is all wishful thinking. In everyone's dreams, this is the story-line. I just got off the phone with a PV/Photovoltaic researcher (group leader) at NREL. We were reviewing our past experiences..inefficiency at Govt labs (CoB/"Curse of Beauracracy"). He pointed out small...
  24. chimpanzee

    Evo magazine: Electric Special: Tesla Roadster

    It's used in the context of Auto Racing. I heard the phrase used: "turn a wheel in anger" to describe Katherine Legge (UK driver): Katherine Legge YouTube - Katherine Legge Crash on Road America I think the phrase has UK origins. Listen to K. Legge's post crash interview, typical...
  25. chimpanzee

    German dude orders 11 Roadsters

    HHF is not "world famous F1 driver", but a notable one. The German F1 driver who is famous..is Michael Schumacher. His wins surpassed that of the great Ayrton Senna. He started out in a Ford powered Benetton, then moved to Ferrari. If M. Schumacher can get on the EV bandwagon with a Tesla...
  26. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I don't know, only he knows. Probably, the Confidentiality factor in any future business venture. [ the danger of sharks lurking, & stealing idea is always present. Story of my life. I know full well I'm taking a risk, that some scoundrel out there could run with my idea. However, if I...
  27. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I need more feedback from the "smarter than the average bear" members on this forum, to fine-tune the above. Then, a proposal can be written. "Talk the talk, walk the walk" My verbal hyperactivity of recent, is towards the latter: getting sh*t done, making things happen. I view it as a...
  28. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I've been making my case know, about setting up a National Center for Energy Applications (to parallel the NCSA/National Ctr for Supercomputing Applications, that was founded by Dr. Larry Smarr/UIUC back in the 80's), as a virtual R&D Inst that is spread out "virtually" at leading Academic...
  29. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    "Talk sense to a fool, & he calls you foolish" -- Euripides This is a familiar response when dealing with simpletons. I defer to Stephen Wolfram's remarks, when he left UIUC (triple appointment in Math, Physics, Computer Science): "It was a mind numbing experience" -- S. Wolfram, Re...
  30. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I haven't had time to fully research all the press out there (due to work constraints), Re: Drivetrain 1.5. I do recall JB talking about how quirky the analog circuity of ACP's PEM was, & how they re-engineered everything to a modern digital design. I go back to my repeated emphasis on the...
  31. chimpanzee

    Tesla Motors Selects BorgWarner for Production of New Gearbox for Tesla Roadster

    Same here, that's what Tom O'Leary said at Tesla LA Store when I visited (by accident) back in May '08: Tesla Roadster Tesla Roadster Kyte Mobile Can someone tell me how a new manufacturer (Borg Warner) for a new transmission design (Drivetrain 1.5) plays into the Engineering/Validation...
  32. chimpanzee


    There was a comment from an insider (TM apparently), on one of the recent online articles. Bad fit, intolerable road noise at highway speeds (destroys any concept of high-end audio experience with JVC based stereo), etc. Man, that was some worrisome feedback! I will say, that TM has still...
  33. chimpanzee


    The industrial might of a Honda, Toyota are evident when I see their initiatives for Alternative Energy cars. They have "critical mass", tons of experience (especially manufacturing), deep pockets (to absorb any early costs). How can a startup like TM compete with that? I agree with Martin...
  34. chimpanzee


    It was a managment issue (sorry to say, Martin has to share some blame for this), which failed to recognize the value of short/medium/long view R&D program. That could have been the "safety umbrella", that prevented the Xtrac & Magna transmission issue. Such "teething problems" always arise...
  35. chimpanzee


    I just got back from China 1 month ago: Solar Eclipse Aug 1/2008, China Solar Eclipse Aug 1/2008, China [ lots of bike photos in this Flickr collection ] I was AMAZED at the prevalence of electric bikes. You just don't see that here in USA. Is this another "political ploy" by...
  36. chimpanzee

    Los Angeles Test Drive Route

    There's Mulholland Drive (nearby in the hills), which has some nice turns. I think there is a higher than average accident rate there as well.. I was just at UCLA yesterday, & if you take Sunset east (from the 405) there are some high speed sections. (I attempted this on bicycle, but people...
  37. chimpanzee

    This is why Tesla brought the Roadster to Europe

    I just happened to have a conversation with a friend of mine (Univ of Michigan Law School grad), who lives out in NE Michigan. Whew! His input on GM was SCATHING. Briefly: 1) GM are DINOSAURS on a path towards extinction 2) GM execs are NEANDERTHALS paid well to NOT do anything (regressive...
  38. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    No reports about the Death Valley test (scheduled in Aug). Again, like you pointed out, this could be a PR issue. It's been observed that TM blogs are woefully inadequate in maintaining "transparency". This is reminiscent of the Champcar fiasco (bankrupt CART proceeds bought by K. Kalkhoven...
  39. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    Here's another comment from the RCSE thread about "Business run like a Hobby": It appears as if the TM situation is not an isolated incident, but a universal problem that pervades all of Business. One has to wonder, where they would be if Management was "with it".
  40. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    Well, this is NOT good. Q: What was the recent crisis with TM? A: a transmission issue (due to failure on TM's part to setup an R&D program, that would have "covered" them) that created an "employment issue". I.e., Martin & company (incl W. Rippel, Judy Estrin) being canned in the infamous...
  41. chimpanzee

    TM Blogs

    There was talk earlier in the year, that the endgame for XXX was a "pump & dump". The recent Roadster deliveries & articles seem to put that in the background. Q: Does the current TM management REALLY have a long term strategy for the company? Roadster, S car & beyond? Or, is it all...
  42. chimpanzee

    Tesla is Steaming Hot

    History Channel aired an episode of Modern Marvels entitled "Autobahn". I sent Martin a copy on DVD. Again, progressive German thinking produced the Autobahn concept. After WWII, Eisenhower started a US highway program to emulate the Autobahn. I remember, that there are strict rules on...
  43. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    He & V** Racing are on my short list today (phone call), about becoming R&D partners ("Auto Racing", Empirical Research division). I would 1st introduce them to Martin (all of them are auto enthusiasts, & have the incomes to "collect cars"), & go from there. You see, there's politics involved...
  44. chimpanzee

    Paint color discussion

    I absolutely don't get some of the bland colors that are offerred. What's even worse, is on car dealer lots those bland colored cars. I happened on Platinum Motors in Hollwood (on Melrose Ave) the other day, & look what I found: Platinum Motors/Hollywood - a set on Flickr If I were a...
  45. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    There was a recent article on the Roadster, & Lamborghini came up for discussion. They are feeling the heat about high gas prices. How about electrifying some of the "standard model" high-performance sports cars, like Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, BMW, Audi, etc? I know JD Straubel/TM...
  46. chimpanzee

    RAV 4 EV Not sold on Ebay

    My friend (Caltech Physics alumni, Class of '77) called me recently. I told him about used Rav4 EVs going for $60K used. He told me he bought his new Rav4 EV for $40K many yrs ago, after he had to give up his GM EV1 (to the crusher). He tells me the range for his Rav4 EV is 100 miles...
  47. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I agree with the concept of Negative Reinforcement [ a tried/true method of fixing issues. There was an Psychology episode with the title Negative Reinforcement. The US Military is a big believer in it. That's why US military forces are amongst the best trained in the World. Sergeant "Jack...
  48. chimpanzee

    Trunk latch problems

    I was at Tesla LA store back in May, & in between some obsessive photo/video shooting I decided to get a feel for the Roadster. I was shocked to find, when I tried to close the rear trunk from the left side..it wouldn't close! The sales girl said, I had to press on both sides. This is a...
  49. chimpanzee

    chimpanzee's big project

    I would just trash the JVC, & get an Alpine unit. Goto your favorite high-end car stereo dealership (e.g. Al & Eds, or even Best Buy & Circuit City..they sell Alpine also), & start shopping. I was in this mode in 2005, & the culmination of my research was that Alpine made the best decks with...
  50. chimpanzee

    DS is looking for a new MP General Manager

    I visited TM LA Store back in May, Tesla Roadster & have TOL's business-card "General Manager". Meaning, he became GM for Tesla north..& now he's leaving? I did overhear him say to some customers, the he was originally with Ebay Motors, which was why he was hired (background in auto sales).