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  1. T

    Cold legs and other hvac oddities

    https://mag.lexus.co.uk/radiant-heating-in-the-new-lexus-rz-explained/?Category=Technology,%20All-New%20RZ&ac=C8674&mc=E04S2&URN=7324832&utm_campaign=C8674&utm_source=CRM&utm_medium=email&utm_content=E04S2 Lexus now moving to radiant IR panels for supplemental heat in their BEVs.
  2. T

    Crossing to France from UK (MYLR)

    @khyros Is your M3LR of the era to have matrix lights, or the older ‘flat-beam‘ LED setup?
  3. T


    Corporate phone or personal? My personal calendar (which is largely empty) is synced, but the corporate Outlook calendar is missing. I imagine this is by design, and is a server-side / MDM setting.
  4. T

    Emergency siren on phone

    You’re getting your alert at 3am apparently. Clever idea by Three to get some additional marketing.
  5. T

    Tesla readies revamped Model 3

    I guess the important thing is that the strategy-setters at the automobile companies keep an open mind as to what these emerging technologies could bring to future models at lower price points, and not make polemic judgements in public that could cripple them in the future. Hypothetically...
  6. T

    Crossing to France from UK (MYLR)

    Good to have a definitive answer, but sad that it’s not the answer we were hoping for. As this clearly isn’t the functionality described in the Tesla handbook- may be worth reporting as a Service Request/ Bug Fix. Driving across borders and swapping side-of-road I would imagine is rare outside...
  7. T

    Debunking facebook junk

    We run an annual competition at work for University students to champion new, green technologies that could be developed. Always innovative and inspiring, however the engineers and non-engineers on the judging panel did disagree last year on the ‘big magnets attached to the Armco barrier on the...
  8. T

    Model 3 - the new taxi drivers' favourite

    You’d think a MY would be more suited to hauling people and odd shaped luggage🤔 When I was in Copenhagen a couple of weeks ago, nearly all the city taxis were EVs. I had an iD4 and a Mercedes EV running me about. Incidentally, they look really smart in a gunmetal grey wrap with green text...
  9. T

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    I understand the sensor for washer fluid is to be removed from the software stack. Instead the screen camera will calculate the amount of fluid that appears on the screen during each squirt and subtract it from the size of the Jerry can of screenwash that it saw you fill the reservoir from…
  10. T

    M3 LR Steering wheel feels funny

    Not been offered that one yet. Mine is still being offered 2023.2.12, which I’m ignoring…
  11. T

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I’ve been looking at those two photos of the Fastned at Martlesham for about 5 mins now, and I’m still not sure which bay is for which charger :) From the charger-head numbers it looks like max capacity is 6 vehicles? Not an issue for @Sean. as he’s the only car there, but I’m picturing it in...
  12. T

    Steering wheel not able to drive straight

    Intriguing that whilst there are many of us experiencing the same fundamental issues with notchy steering, the level to which it manifests seems to vary. Mine is uncomfortably notchy at low speeds, but is still controllable at motorway speeds. And it diminishes as temperature rises. Do you find...
  13. T

    M3 LR Steering wheel feels funny

    Fingers crossed. I would far rather a software fix than swapping out a whole steering rack. Software broke the steering feel, so hopefully can be the fix also. The ‘single-chip / double-chip’ steering rack thing mentioned elsewhere will not be an issue for my vehicle- it’s never getting FSD (at...
  14. T

    Steering wheel not able to drive straight

    Same build and dates here. Certainly started with f/ware on Monday. Have only had cause to do local and country lane journeys since, so notchiness is certainly noticeable at parking speeds - but not had problems controlling the vehicle in those situations. Longer motorway journeys pending next...
  15. T

    Bike rack solutions for MY

    Received wisdom is that they are made by Yakima, however their own-branded bars are not the same design. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/i-need-a-model-3-roof-rack-do-you-have-any-recommendations.263532/
  16. T

    Electrical genius required?

    Meh, I was just trying to keep the thread going until the OP admits he’s realised that the reason the gates don’t open is that the Tesla is a longer vehicle than the i3 and the front bumper is stopping them.
  17. T

    Electrical genius required?

    Inferior Power Factor introduced with the Tesla system vs BMW perhaps? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_factor Not sure it’d be worth investing in correction equipment for this application though!
  18. T

    Crossing to France from UK (MYLR)

    The ‘matrix-not-really’ headlights on the RHD MY have a significant kick-up in their pattern along the near side kerb. Did you find this was automatically removed when overseas, or was this the feature you had to manually remove? It appears to be generated by both headlights, not just the near...
  19. T

    Fuel payment UK EU

    If I understand you correctly (I hadn’t heard of Centtrip) then Revolut does this. You can buy and sell currency whenever you choose. You hold currencies in separate pots and transactions will take from the local currency first. It’ll only ‘spot-buy’ if you don’t hold sufficient local currency...
  20. T

    MY Parcel shelf not staying folded

    Anyone with a UK Model Y that came supplied with parcel shelf actually able to fold it as per the video?? Mine lifts up in the location that the video shows, only not to the same extent. It gets to about a 45degree angle only.
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    [UK] 2022.44

    Maybe the forward facing camera counts the number of angry flashes from oncoming motorists and compares to ’normal’?
  22. T

    Polestar 2 updated

    Key fob for the Polestar was the worst feature. Its like the battery holder to some cheap Xmas lights. I think this is an issue across the Volvo range too.
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    [UK] 2022.44

    The other thing that’s caught me out is playing with the ‘live sentry’ view whilst parked at home. This then sets Sentry Mode to enabled, even if it’s sat on your driveway.
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    2 EV Household - what else you got?

    Couldn’t agree more @gangzoom . Third year in a row that my road bike fleet have done more mileage than our cars:) Not made the leap to battery power on the bikes yet though, just coffee&cake fuelled. Ride On!
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    [UK] 2022.44

    Mine will be the one at 0:59 seconds in that clip coming the other way getting flashed by everyone.
  26. T

    2 EV Household - what else you got?

    Yep, we‘re very happy with ours. The almost-convertible roof is great. Convertible EVs make perfect sense to me - who wants to listen to a diesel death-rattle when the roof is down. Wish there was more choice in that EV sub segment. Fiat just need to make a couple of software tweaks to make it...
  27. T

    What’s your favorite mode for driving ?

    I find the Tesla regen beautifully balanced. I use Creep, but as others have said, the difference is only below walking pace. Wife’s Fiat500e on the other hand is poorly judged. ‘Range’ mode is aggressive regen, then bangs on ’brake hold’ as you come to a halt resulting in jerky progress in...
  28. T

    Model-Y headlights - getting flashed

    Exactly my experience driving home last night. The beam cut-off didn’t look any different from the drivers seat - but tbf that was in spray, urban traffic, grime-encrusted car… Received a few flicks of full beam once on the rolling, faster lanes closer to home.
  29. T

    What is tyre drag

    To stop last weeks ‘low tyre pressure’ nags in the cold (they were down to 38PSI), I topped them up to 42psi. Now that the ambient temperature has risen by about 20’C, they’re up to 45-46! The ride is noticeably ‘jiggly’. I’ll have to let the air out again. Bloomin’ physics - what’s it ever...
  30. T

    Sentry Mode not on screen?

    Latest update defaults the Sentry system to not use exterior cameras to trigger. Try enabling them in Settings and have another go.
  31. T

    Driving to France and Switzerland - advice needed

    As leejmoff says, the worst bit is the start (and end) of your route where you drive on the left, with signs in miles and on terrible surfaces 😈. The bit on the Continent is comfy and stress-free in comparison. We used Tesla SC’s all the way down to the Alps, there’s far more than you ‘need’ in...
  32. T

    MY Parcel shelf not staying folded

    Bit of a shame isn’t it. Couple of neodymium magnets in the ’fold’ or maybe a little ridge / trough in the supporting rails (like the false boot floor has), and it’d be fit for purpose. If it wasn’t so blooming cold out there I’d go and sort out a mod myself 🤔
  33. T

    U.K. supercharger cost

    Idle fees per country listed here: https://www.tesla.com/en_GB/support/supercharger-idle-fee However, important to note that drivers tying up SC bays when not charging will have people wishing the offending owners genitals are connected at the maximum charging rates. That’s 250kW for 8 of the...
  34. T

    Kicked off supercharger

    I did experience similar at Lifton SC last year. Mobile connectivity was poor there, but each time my phone got service I’d get a ‘charging stopped‘ message. Ended up re-starting charging a number of times and plugging in and out. I think I may have moved stalls too. Got sufficient charge in the...
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    [UK] 2022.44

    Good point about all profiles needing it to be re-enabled. Hadn’t thought of that. Sentry mode is a bit of an odd one to associate with a particular driver though. Would be better as a ‘global’.
  36. T

    Model 3 rattles and vibrations, am I being unreasonable?

    Sorry to hear that. I’d found the very low-end freq at strong volume pretty effective. Failing that you’re down to getting someone else to drive the car whilst you practise the ‘laying on of hands’ to try and narrow down what’s vibrating. I’m sure you’ve tried getting passengers / other half...
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    Model 3 rattles and vibrations, am I being unreasonable?

    I used this one: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiR_tvFv937AhWXd8AKHSNMCyAQFnoECA4QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Ftone-generator%2Fid457003837&usg=AOvVaw11zkLi_CfEa2md2pBn-bsb but there are lots and I think are all basically the same.
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    Model 3 rattles and vibrations, am I being unreasonable?

    If you get fed up of the SC not finding the rattles, it is possible to go searching for them yourself. We had several in the first M3 (Fremont build). I used a free iPhone app that plays a sine wave through the car hifI. You vary the frequency until the rattle really stands out, and then go...
  39. T

    Model X-Mas sweater

    ”100% Acrylic” ***shudder*** Maybe all the static you produce can charge the battery?
  40. T

    Stops on the way to the Alps?

    The Novotel at Reims-Tinqueux has a bank of Superchargers in their car park and has always served us well on trips to the Alps.
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    Tyre Blow Out on 7 mth old Model 3 …. Not happy

    Or on the flip side, a cruel and vengeful God caused your tyre blowout and the skills, training and years of experience of a team of Engineers ensured that it didn’t result in loss of life🤔
  42. T

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    It’s now a temporary refugee / asylum centre. I believe the DoubleTree adjacent to Wokingham SC is functioning as the same. Obviously a bit of an inconvenience to SC users, but I can see why they wish to limit access to the hotel. I haven’t checked the in-car SC info to see if the reduction in...
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    [UK] 2022.40

    That’s good. I left mine in Gatwick Valet (Long Stay) last week and came back to about 35% loss in 7 days. Sadly was still on .28 so couldn’t see what was causing the parked power drain. Sentry showed a whole bunch of clips of adjacent cars coming and going, so I guess it was that or the valet...
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    [UK] 2022.36

    I had notification of an update available yesterday evening. It’s no longer available, so I’m still on .28.2 Possibly another update will be forthcoming.
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    Q3 collections, new owners tales and experiences

    Busy car week next week here. My outgoing hybrid Lexus goes for its last service and MOT Tuesday, dropping the missus off at Fiat on the way to collect her new 500e. Then Wednesday her old M3LR gets collected. Same day my MYLR will get delivered 🤞(both by Leaseplan). Then I’ve got to make a...
  46. T

    Driving to France and Switzerland - advice needed

    Yep, also on the Autoroute the 130kph logo is greyed out when it rains*, and a 110 icon with a raindrop symbol appears. (*or the camera sees a fly and wipers start screeching across a dry screen)
  47. T

    Alarm false fires

    As there is a cabin camera that can supposedly even tell which way the drivers eyes are pointing; it’s a pity that it can’t tell the difference between a car thief and a 5mm diameter spotty insect 🤔
  48. T

    Driving to France and Switzerland - advice needed

    To get the Crit’Air if you are in a leased vehicle, you’ll need the vehicle documentation from the lease company which involves a significant admin fee and postage delay. I was looking at it for Annecy, but local friends were oblivious to the scheme! In that city it looks more like the...
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    Driving to France and Switzerland - advice needed

    I assume the SuperChargers bill you in Euros, so worth swapping out your usual payment to a card like Revolut that doesn’t have a per-transaction Euro surcharge?
  50. T

    UK Supercharger network to all electric vehicle

    Some innovative use of space here (lifted image from Fiat fb group)