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  1. tombar

    Ottawa Model 3

    I decided early last week to have my car delivery set to Toronto, glad I did.... got called today, picking up the car at Lawerence st in a week Friday May 25..
  2. tombar

    GTA Delivery Date Waiting Room

    How are you able to get this info ?
  3. tombar

    Ceramic Coating vs wrap

    Where in Ottawa area did you get it done ?
  4. tombar

    Any Canadian VIN assignments?

    Just got my VIN ! Config was April 30 MSM, 18" Aeros , EAP Ottawa Picking up in Toronto Date TBD
  5. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    There's an incorrect "assumption" EV rebate funding come from general tax payers... IT DOES NOT... It comes from cap&trade revenue from big polluter corporations... The same big polluters who will just pocket the savings when the Conservatives cancel cap&trade... Conserative party has made it...
  6. tombar

    Model 3 Canada - Confirmed Orders Only thread

    Congrats ! Is the delivery location you selected Montreal ?
  7. tombar

    What is the cheapest Ontario EVIP approved charger?

    The electrician calculation will determine how high in Amperage you can go for EV charger on 100A service. If you're 'too close to' or exceed limit with Tesla charger or even NEMA 14-50, you might find NEMA 14-30 with UMC is fine (cheapest too BTW).... Check out the chart below from Tesla...
  8. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Conseratives have publicly stated they will kill Climate Action Plan, cap & trade and take federal government to court if Feds impose carbon tax. EV rebates are part of Climate Action Plan and cap&trade are how it gets financed. Pretty clear what conservatives will do ASAP once elected.
  9. tombar

    Canadian Stores and Service Centers

    A more likely reason for K/W getting a service center is, Tesla will funnel all service for towns north/west/south/+ a bit east to K/W service center... When you start counting larger towns like London,Guelph, Hamilton all the way to Windsor and north, its probably a lot of Teslas. That doesn't...
  10. tombar

    Canadian Stores and Service Centers

    Agreed... I did a bit of rough calculations (based on model3tracker.info stats) of approximately how many M3 reservations were made within a 150Klm radius of Ottawa (including Gatineau area), it's somewhere between 1,500-2,000 (without xx % cancellations factored in) with a population base of...
  11. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    I would never vote for Conserative party, just based on their policy of not doing anything about climate, pollution or global warming (aka they couldn't care less)
  12. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    I'd suggest folks don't 'poke the sleeping bear' too much... ;). If Conseratives dig into M3 reservation estimates for Ontario, whatever slim hope there is will likely be killed. Having said that I'm sceptical Doug means what he said " I would like to keep.....", he just wants your vote.
  13. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    unfortunately Douggie doesn't actually "answer" any questions about "how" he's going to do anything he says he's going to do...cause he hasn't got a clue... he's just plays same recorded message that his base want to hear" :(... Sounds like someone down south that used this tactic and it worked ;)
  14. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    I respectively disagree about the timeline to kill EV rebate.... This is an easy one to kill and can be done with the stroke of minister of transport or finance pen, no legislation/debate necessary. Just M3 rebate applications alone (not counting PHEVs, other BEVs) will be hundreds of millions...
  15. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    That's anyone's guess.... Hopefully not... However the MOT & finance departments are seeing quick rise in rebate applications (40% of all rebates since 2010 were in the last 9 months of 2017 as per link in above posts), and if they project the allotted funding will run out this year (especially...
  16. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Cap & trade funds a lot of the programs, not just EV rebates.... If it's not alloted to EV rebate and government does not update the allotment, the funding will dry up or at the very least government will probably look at reducing the amount paid out.... If model3tracker.info is even close to...
  17. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Read my post above and/or check out this link https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministers-climate-change-action-plan-progress-report-2017#section-7 scroll down to EV rebate progam. There is a "total allotted amount" of $140M-$160M ($47M spent by end of 2017) , not endless amounts of money... Once...
  18. tombar

    I'm going to wait to order my model 3 (Ontario)

    Most likely "yes", just like they adjust the program from time to time, e.g.recently changing the EV qualifications to cut off any EV with MSRP of over $75K (eliminated rebates for Model S & X). It just takes the minister of transportation and/or finance to give the order and have public...
  19. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    As per this Ontario government website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministers-climate-change-action-plan-progress-report-2017#section-7 it's pretty clear there is a funded allotment for EV rebate program, not endless funding Electric Vehicle Incentive Program, MTO The Electric Vehicle...
  20. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Based on some unofficial forecasts on forums, the total Ontario reservations could be anywhere between 10,000-25,000 (dis-proportionally high because of the $14K rebate IMHO) ... Seems so far a lot of people who got their invite are waiting for the AWD which Tesla "says will be an option mid...
  21. tombar

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    The election, by far, is the visible near immediate threat, however I wouldn't be surprised if there's a sharp spike in Qtr 1 of 2018 because of this threat. People who want the rebate are snapping up other BEVs and hybrids on the lots, I did a little shopping around at Nissan(Leaf), Chevy...
  22. tombar

    Model 3 Canada

    Two possible reasons: 1. Electrical standards are different that may require more changes to assembly/software. 2. Shipping costs are higher and take longer.
  23. tombar

    Model 3 Pricing in Canada - What we know

    Hopefully Tesla applied as early as possible, the M3 has been on BC & Quebec EV rebate sites for over a week.
  24. tombar

    Canadian invites coming!

    I've 'heard' (not confirmed) that if you want to sell your P85 private and want to reduce your sales tax on new car, Tesla will do the transfer to your private buyer and reduce your new car sales tax. Tesla charge $500 for doing this but it'll save a lot more to you in taxes ...
  25. tombar

    Canadian invites coming!

    Please keep us posted on updates to your order. For some of us March 31,2106 ONT non-owners who may only get invites in x weeks, it'll be important to know how quickly in the 4-8 week range Tesla quoted you that you actually get the VIN, delivery date and actual delivery. If I feel I can't make...