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  1. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    I mean I can see them slowly transitioning to HW4 like they are with the Y. But it makes absolutely no sense to start up the LR production line for just a few weeks just to shut it down again. Unless they are using those who really wanted to get a LR as a way to clear out old inventory parts...
  2. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Just an update. Radar Story It is hard to tell how long you’ll be waiting for true HW4 on the Model 3 or even the Y. Could be next month, could be next year. Waiting is a gamble with the price fluctuating so much too, could be lower or higher. Really wish there was more information on at least...
  3. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    What is Your configuration?
  4. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Just saw some Tweets that are very interesting. Apparently HW4 in the Model Y do not have Radar, but the S and X do. They also made it sound like it could be some time till they do get Radar in the same thread. So it seems everything is up in the Air right now. Model Y HW4 Tweet
  5. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    A picture of the windshield cameras should be pretty telling on which HW version you have. Congratulations on your Tesla by the way, hope you are enjoying it. I don’t know why I didn’t not get notified you replied to the thread. I had been looking for it all day. It just blows my mind that HW4...
  6. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Does anyone know if you have to pay ahead of time or if you can transfer your final payment on Delivery Day?
  7. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Hope everything went smoothly.
  8. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Were they in the US? I just got a VIN this morning. I ordered back in March I believe.
  9. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Then I would have to guess that is pretty set. Hope everything goes well for you. Does anyone else on here have a set date like that or seen another thread with people on here?
  10. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    If you have a delivery date and VIN, didn’t you get the email to schedule the delivery appointment?
  11. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Interesting, I wonder how that person from the other thread has one solid date. 🤔
  12. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    My delivery window has shrunk again, anyone else seeing any changes or a solid date?
  13. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Though I did just check and my delivery window has shrunk again. So maybe they have started setting actual delivery dates. Hopefully it is indeed HW4 as I can’t imagine they would do HW3 for just a short time, when HW4 is being shipped in the Y. But I highly doubt it will be LFP from what I’ve read.
  14. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    The Canadian LR Models are 100% china built, while the US LR has a battery made outside the US but the car is still being built in the US, otherwise it would not be eligible for the $3,750 tax credit. I would assume all the new US LR models will have HW4 as the Model Y has started shipping with it.
  15. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Wait does yours say May 31 at the earliest or you are all set to take delivery on the 31? You would be the first person I know of with a new long range set to take delivery and not just have a window. That is super interesting, as people who have ordered in January still haven’t gotten a solid...
  16. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    I’m almost certain that the LR coming will have HW4 now that the Model Y is shipping with it. Which is way more important to me than highland, honestly. But if it is not highland, I’d assume highland is not coming this year Or is the cheaper model they have ready to ship sometime later this year.
  17. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    The LR has the official EPA rating. It is rated for 333 miles per Tesla's website. Some people are now saying it is not LFP but some are still saying it is, so I haven't had any conformation on that part. Everyone is still hoping it is Highland though, and I would still almost guarantee it will...
  18. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Just saw that the Model Y is now shipping with Hardware 4. I would almost guarantee that this LR will have hardware 4, and I’d bet it is the redesigned model as well. It was hard to fathom them releasing a temporary LR just before the redesign, but now it is even harder to imagine them adding HW...
  19. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Anyone else seeing this? Mine has stayed the same after it shrunk a few weeks ago.
  20. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Oh wow that is soon. Well I guess at the very least, we will find out from you what the new LR has to offer if we do not find out from Tesla. My date has not changed, still 30-27.
  21. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Interesting, I just spoke with the online chat and the advisor said they had no information at this time on the type of battery in the new LR Model 3. I’d speculate that the chat advisors were merely going off of the rumors at the time until they were updated on what to say. Seems now they’ve...
  22. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Who did you receive your information from? You keep saying it was from Tesla but not a Store Employee.
  23. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    My point is that some people were comparing the Canadian model with the US model. But they are not coming from the same factory or location. The US LR is US built with a foreign battery and the Canadian LR seems to be 100% built in China. Lots of questions across the entire Tesla line, with...
  24. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Still way too many things unknown to say anything confidentially. I’ve seen people discussing how it could possibly be LFP through a method to increase energy density. But then the max charging speed on the specs page seem to point to it not being LFP. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It also seems the Canadian LR and the...
  25. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    It is definitely not going to be limited to China only with the numbers they said they were going to push.
  26. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Yeah, I saw another rumor today that lines up perfectly with our delivery dates as well. I forgot to save it to post on here though. If it comes up again, I'll post it.
  27. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Had someone just send me this, sounds very interesting. I don’t know how reliable he is or not but sounds promising. Why would you be surprised? The shortening of the window definitely seems to tell me it is coming in June for sure. Mine shortened as well, and the Tweet lines up nicely with...
  28. 4

    Washing My Tesla

    Sadly it will still spot. It will just be different minerals, and I’m sure NaCl or KCl build up, however small, isn’t any better for your paint or other parts.
  29. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    I am not sure about Highland, but I have been thinking it would definitely be the perfect time to actually reveal / confirm everything about this new LR model, such a battery, true range, and so on.
  30. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    For me, everything is lined up to happen now. Waiting till highland means a huge price increase from muliple variables. I’m disappointed about the range, but if it’s the only downgrade, it still makes way more sense to go with now. But if other things are also changed for the worse, then I’ll...
  31. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    So apparently Highland is going to remove the stalks. Going to be lots of unhappy people on here from what I’ve read previously on this site about it. So maybe at the very least the new LR will have a good resell value towards those who want the stalks if you prefer highland some day. I say...
  32. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    This being my first Tesla, and everything else taken into consideration, the Long Range is still everything I need. The Performance is $6k more plus the expense of having to change the wheels right after purchase. If only they had more wheel options. The Y might be okay if insurance wasn’t so...
  33. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    I don’t know, this still sounds like they plan on it actually having more range than the 325… from both the + and the email.
  34. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    We have to remember that, based on the email Tesla sent out, the 325+ is the absolute minimum range they could guarantee, and it will most likely be more than that. The Model Y did seem like a good alternative until I got a quote on insurance for it. It was way more per month than a Model 3 LR...
  35. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Did he have any information on what it is going to be then? If not, I’m more apt to side with what Diceroller said.
  36. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    From the email Tesla sent out to those who had a LR on order, it sounds like the 325+ number is just the number they could 100% guarantee before actual ratings. I would expect it to be higher, if not closer to the old LR number. Lots of unknowns with this Model, like others have said, it really...
  37. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I think the actual battery rating is going to be closer to what it used to be, and this was just the absolute minimum they could guarantee it would have, specially now having read the email.
  38. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I never got the email, but I went in and accepted the changes the very same night it was reintroduced, and then got a conformation email about the changes. So I am guessing that is why I never got the comparison email. I am looking forward to mine, and I am starting to think Highland might not...
  39. 4

    2023 MYLR7, 19”, tow - 1 month (500 miles) into ownership ( and comparison against 2020 Kia Niro EV)

    You might want to check you settings and then if it is still not working you should get it checked out. It should beep if someone is in your blind spot. As well as all the other safety features you say are not working, because it has those features...
  40. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Insurance costs, size, 5 miles 🤨, preference for how the 3 feels over the Y when driving, I also have a feeling that the + in 325+ means something. I’m guessing at minimum the actual rating ends up at 330, maybe more.
  41. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    Well that is a bit judgmental of you, there are various reasons why someone can financially get the LR 3 and not have an income tax of 7,500 or more. Plus if what some people are speculating is true, and it comes with an LFP battery, being able to charge to 100% all the time could also be a big...
  42. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    I think the thing many people do not consider is that not everyone is going to get the full $7,500. If your income tax is less that 7,500 then you do not get the full $7,500. Plus, when I quoted insurance for the Model Y it was a lot more expensive per month over the 3.
  43. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    So finally got the changes to go through, so what are the disadvantages to having an LFP. I saw some people on here not too happy about it. While watching comparison video, many people said that being able to always have the RWD at 100% was a great advantage. Do LFP get the full speed at Super...
  44. 4

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    So finally got the changes to go through, so what are the disadvantages to having an LFP. While watching comparison video, many people said that being able to always have the RWD at 100% was a great advantage. Do LFP get the full speed at Super Chargers? It doesn't seem to have taken at hit to...
  45. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    It keeps saying page unavailable when I go to manage the order. Anyone else having this problem?
  46. 4

    2023 MYLR7, 19”, tow - 1 month (500 miles) into ownership ( and comparison against 2020 Kia Niro EV)

    I am confused how this is even possible, the screen should show you all the vehicles around you, and when you turn your blinker on, doesn‘t the screen bring up a camera view of your blind spot on the screen as well?
  47. 4

    Model 3 LR not currently available to order (USA) [posted 08.12.2022 --Its back! 05.02.2023]

    That has been on there for quite some time, according to the WayBack Machine.
  48. 4

    car wash recommendation?

    I was looking into Gyeon products for when I get my Tesla, hopefully soon, a lot of their products apply a hydrophobic coating, but the Model 3 Manual has this warning. "To add a hydrophobic coating to your vehicle's windows, apply the coating only to the side and rear windows, not the front...
  49. 4

    For those of you considering a DIY Ceramic Coating.....

    Thanks for the information. Just to let you know in case you want to use it in the future, Can Coat is 100% safe on PPF from what I have researched and seen people applying it. Have you had any issues with coatings that are hydrophobic on the windshield? I ask because today I was looking at the...