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  1. Mikecm1

    Any mods to make the M3P faster?

    I saw a guy driving a model 3 with a Plaid emblem on it the other day. That’s probably good for what, 50-100hp?
  2. Mikecm1

    Sentry mode live camera view malfunction (2022.36.6)

    That’s how it’s supposed to sound. It’s not supposed to sound normal.
  3. Mikecm1

    Inspecting Cars Before Delivery

    Did you ask to speak to a manager? I’d tell that employee to shove it. That’s definitely not company policy.
  4. Mikecm1

    Inspecting Cars Before Delivery

    Smart. I used to work in fin-tech and plaid is shady as hell. The amount of data they have on consumers is absolutely mind blowing. Even if you link just one bank account, they somehow get literally ALL of your info, all bank accounts, all transaction history data, and so much more that I didn’t...
  5. Mikecm1

    How to deal with phantom braking?

    Go back in time and plead with tesla to not fully ditch radar due to either poor planning or a parts shortage. Other than that, just wait and hope that Tesla will bless us with a huge autopilot update that solves all the PB problems.
  6. Mikecm1

    Vendor Official Tessie app talk

    You can set up an iOS shortcut automation that launches the site on your phone when it connects to your cars Bluetooth. You might even be able to set up an action in that automation to send a URL to a specified app, in this case tesla, so it launches automatically in the car.
  7. Mikecm1

    Tesla replacing ultrasonic sensors with Tesla Vision

    It is for how often the filters need to be changed and the evaporator cleaned. No other car in our household or any other car I’ve ever owned had this issue. I’ve had to change my filters twice in 2 years. Our Audi is at year 3 and still hasn’t had a smell. And our Mercedes went 6 years smell-free.
  8. Mikecm1

    Tesla replacing ultrasonic sensors with Tesla Vision

    I agree. Tesla disabling radar 3 months ago was the straw that broke the camels back for me in ever trusting them again.
  9. Mikecm1

    Tesla replacing ultrasonic sensors with Tesla Vision

    So they’ll re-enable radar for cars that already have them, right Tesla?
  10. Mikecm1

    Solved: wind noise

    Well that’s not what I said… 5-10 years from now so at that point there will be model 3s 10-15 years old.
  11. Mikecm1

    Tesla replacing ultrasonic sensors with Tesla Vision

    Editing my post because I didnt read the context here. Carry on!
  12. Mikecm1

    For prospective EV buyers: "How much range will I actually get?"

    Same. I’m lucky if I get 220 real miles every 100% with my 2020 LR, originally it was rated at 322 miles. And my 100% range indicator now only shows 283 miles (11% loss) which from what I’ve read is sadly pretty normal for 2020s, with 2018 and 2019s often still at or above 300. My theory is that...
  13. Mikecm1

    what phone VPN works with Tesla app?

    I use 1Blocker and it doesn’t have any issues
  14. Mikecm1

    Tesla Radar Speculation

    In other words, “we don’t want people to cancel their current orders because they found out a huge update is coming next month”.
  15. Mikecm1

    Anyone else having trouble with Traffic-Aware Cruise Control?

    Phantom braking events still happening often for you? I’m still on the software version that keeps radar activated and would obviously like to update, but I’m not interested if it’s gonna nerf AP in any way.
  16. Mikecm1

    I really like Hansshow Ultra Mini Screen Display

    Polarized glasses don’t affect my view of the main screen at all. Glad the other guy mentioned this as a problem because it’s a deal killer for me!
  17. Mikecm1

    Solved: wind noise

    Frameless windows are the absolute worst. Guarantee in 5-10 years these forums will be filled with people complaining about water intrusion and even more pronounced wind noise.
  18. Mikecm1

    Tesla replacing ultrasonic sensors with Tesla Vision

    Right, I meant I’m surprised the number of people who decided to update would be higher. I’d assume that people who are savvy enough to link their cars to teslafi would be the same type of person who would be active on forums which would make them more likely to know radar was being disabled...
  19. Mikecm1

    Tesla replacing ultrasonic sensors with Tesla Vision

    I’m one of the 0.5% of people (according to Teslafi) who are still holding strong on 2022.20.8. Kind of surprised it’s not a higher number with all of the drama around disabling radar.
  20. Mikecm1

    Is automatic profile selection working better now?

    My wife hates easy entry and refuses to use it. What can you do, you know?
  21. Mikecm1

    Is automatic profile selection working better now?

    Wouldn’t work for me. I’m 6’4” and my wife is 5’1”, so the seat wouldn’t have a chance to detect my weight because it’s impossible to get in the car unless the profile is changed manually.
  22. Mikecm1

    Is anyone interested in an Enhanced Autopilot Subscription?

    Did the dealership advertise it as having FSD? If so, you have recourse there. Also, yes, on the software screen it would have said “expiring in” right under the full self driving verbiage.
  23. Mikecm1

    Anyone else having trouble with Traffic-Aware Cruise Control?

    I’ve yet to update to the version that disables radar, for that reason. How has your experience been with more recent updates? I’m fighting the urge to update and I’d be extremely unhappy if my cars functionality regresses. I’m confident tesla will figure out vision only for the AP stack, I just...
  24. Mikecm1

    Buyers Remorse because of cameras

    My radar 3 stopped doing that with the update prior to vision only.
  25. Mikecm1

    I really like Hansshow Ultra Mini Screen Display

    That’s just an app that shows the data on your phone. For the price I don’t know why anyone would buy that when the S3XY buttons do the same thing with a better ui (IMO), plus the functionality of the buttons themselves, for not that much more money.
  26. Mikecm1

    Tesla Making Unapproved Changes

    Totally my bad, I thought we were talking about cars and not iPhones.
  27. Mikecm1

    Tesla Making Unapproved Changes

    Or make major changes like disabling radar opt-in, just like we have to opt into autopilot and other features. They could literally have a radar on/off toggle. If radar is on, then the AP software will be frozen in the state before they disabled it. If enabled, then the user can have the latest...
  28. Mikecm1

    Tesla Making Unapproved Changes

    I have a 2020 model 3. My friend has a late 2021 model 3. We’ve tested the cars in socal a bunch of times just on the freeway, and his car has always had phantom braking events on our days on the road where mine with radar hasn’t had a phantom braking event for over 20k miles. His car...
  29. Mikecm1

    Can't turn off auto wipers or high beams? [on autopilot]

    Well it’s been 2 years since vision only was released and it’s still not fully feature comparable to vision + radar. Hopefully that means you won’t have to wait long, but realistically it probably means that you will.
  30. Mikecm1

    Buyers Remorse because of cameras

    Could also be the location of the sun.. obviously out of these two photos the bottom 2021 picture looks better, but unless it’s from the same place at the same time, hard to extrapolate much from this. Top pic looks like NorCal, bottom SoCal. Am I right? I’d guess Sonoma county for top and...
  31. Mikecm1

    Vision Only vs Radar - Observations from a 3 year owner

    Reading this thread is making me happy for not updating to remove radar. But I obviously won’t be able to hold out forever.
  32. Mikecm1

    Songs that just hit hard...

    The bass is the perfect frequency to take advantage of the subwoofers low end.
  33. Mikecm1

    Poll: stay on v10 or download v11?

    I’d happily be wrong at some point! Why wouldn’t I want vision only to be superior? Of course I do. Right now I’m correct, and I can’t wait until I’m not.
  34. Mikecm1

    Poll: stay on v10 or download v11?

    It’s really not. Vision only objectively is not as good. At least in SoCal where I drive, where it would be expected to perform as good as with radar since the weather is consistently nice and it’s in California. Even if you do not factor in phantom slow downs and braking events– the enabling of...
  35. Mikecm1

    Cabin camera more aggressive in Autopilot 2022.36.2 update?

    See: polestar 3. If Tesla isn’t worried about the competition they’re in for a rude awakening.
  36. Mikecm1

    TACC “vision only” on radar equipped Model 3 … phantom braking getting scary

    Probably a part shortage just like the radar units. We all know teslas goal is vision only, but when it wasn’t possible to get radar, Tesla decided to throw the baby out with the bath water and go all in prematurely. They could have simply said “we can’t source radars, cars will be retrofitted...
  37. Mikecm1

    Solved: wind noise

    Got a link? I’m only finding the rubber strip kits that they’ve always had.
  38. Mikecm1

    Poll: stay on v10 or download v11?

    I know that. But the verbiage literally says “Installing the vehicle's software updates after notification that there is an update available”. They don’t say how long after. After is after whether it’s 10 seconds or 10 years. Do they have an exact timeframe written somewhere in the warranty...
  39. Mikecm1

    Poll: stay on v10 or download v11?

    Doesn’t give a timeframe though. Just says “after”. So if you have a battery problem, install the update. There, you did it after like they have in writing.
  40. Mikecm1

    Poll: stay on v10 or download v11?

    I don’t think removing radar could be considering an improvement for autopilot. OP should’ve asked this question a month ago when he could have upgraded to v11 and kept his autopilot working the same or better.
  41. Mikecm1

    Pool: Guess the green light chime behavior

    Mine always chimes when I’m waiting at a left turn red light and the light for the lane next to me to go straight turns green.
  42. Mikecm1

    Colorize Touchscreen

    Not only colorblind people. All people. The gray on gray on gray on gray UI of v11 is not super accessible by any means for anyone.
  43. Mikecm1

    Wifi to LTE

    Have you unchecked “stay connected when in drive” for your home Wi-Fi network?
  44. Mikecm1

    When you tell your daughter, "yea well, your name is not on it so it can't be yours..."

    What? More details please! How old is she? I’m guessing that’s not permanent spray paint right?
  45. Mikecm1

    Vendor Official Tessie app talk

    Apologies if this is an answered/obvious question, but is there a place in the app where we can see a timeline status of our car, eg., awake, sleeping, driving, parked, etc.? I just opened the Tessie app and it showed my car as Parked when I expected to see Sleeping, so I'm trying to figure out...
  46. Mikecm1

    Can't turn off auto wipers or high beams? [on autopilot]

    It would be more comparable to Apple starting to include Fingerprint ID back into their phones so people can use both face or fingerprint, but then deciding to remove Face ID for ALL phones because they feel like its less secure (and less work for them to deal with the legacy code), so people...
  47. Mikecm1

    Still hate v11

    Check out some other discussions on the latest updates. No, you’re not the only one. I’ve had my Tesla for over 2 years and it’s so far been a great experience, even with some poor decisions like v11 that I can let slide. Love the car. But forcing all Teslas to go vision-only before it’s ready...
  48. Mikecm1

    Tesla Vision coming to radar-equipped cars on 2022.24.6

    Sadly not surprised. I’m so mad Tesla is trying to force this down our throats prematurely.