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  1. M

    [UK] 2023.44

    Where have those figures come from? Teslafi show 51 variants of 2023.x.x live in their fleet. We are at 9 attempts just to get 2023.44.30 right.
  2. M

    Model 3 poll - have you changed battery

    If the battery slowly loses capacity over time due to age/cycling then yes you get an advanced warning and some time to arrange for a replacement. This is the most common scenario and is equivalent to you noticing your ICE engine not turning over a quickly as it once did when you start it. If...
  3. M

    Is there any difference between Pilot Sport 4 and Pilot Sport 4 acoustic tyres?

    Certainly no problem from an MOT point of view, assuming the same size, speed and load rating both sides and they meet the manufacturer minimum requirements. I don't think there would be an issue at all between a T0 and standard variant of a PS4 for example on the same axle as I don't believe...
  4. M

    Is there any difference between Pilot Sport 4 and Pilot Sport 4 acoustic tyres?

    The foam doesn’t do much, possibly gets rid of certain resonant frequency drones rather than being audibly quieter in normal use. Tread depth should be greater on the normal ones and I suspect the compound is different but probably not much in it. Unless someone has done back to back testing...
  5. M

    Model 3 poll - have you changed battery

    I've not priced one from Tesla, but certainly comments from people in the US on these forums suggest they don't charge too much. You can also get an equivalent from £70.
  6. M

    S3XY Knob Deliveries

    I thought they were initially aiming at Dec for the initial orders to be completed.
  7. M

    S3XY Knob Deliveries

    Heard nothing since their update in Dec saying they won’t meet their pre Christmas delivery expectation.
  8. M

    Model 3 Highland Insurance

    They aren't on compare the market :confused:
  9. M

    UK insurance questions - immob/alarm/tracker

    A more up to date list: https://www.thatcham.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/October-2023-OE-1.pdf MY uses the same part as the M3 so assume it is approved too.
  10. M

    2023 Shipping Movements

    It's normally Tesla that arrange delivery, not the lease company. Given your distance from Southampton I assume it will be moved on a car transporter to a local collection point before being individually delivered on a low loader. Due to the extra logistics it can take a few more days than those...
  11. M

    [UK] ‘Highland’ order discussion

    It limits/removes downside risk. If you want to be really financially smart then don't purchase a new vehicle at all. With hindsight, purchasing a Tesla 2 or 3 years ago on some form of PCP or lease deal was probably smart because the expected valuation turned out better than reality. Not sure...
  12. M

    So… Highland is out…

    Tesla, in part, design their vehicles for kids who then pressurise their parents into getting one. Fart noises, games, stupid light shows and now rear screens are a priority.
  13. M

    So… Highland is out…

    My daughter has this. It's up very high, almost at the bottom of the windscreen so really isn't a problem - easier to see than in a binnacle. I don't think the M3/MY speedo is an issue either. A large digital figure is much easier to see quickly than many cars with an analogue speedo. Looking...
  14. M

    [UK] ‘Highland’ order discussion

    The compelling factor that people like SUVs rather than saloons will remain, therefore the M3 demand continues to decrease and Tesla will need to work hard to stop it declining further. This discussion isn't about the MY, hence I didn't explicitly mention it. But to satisfy your insecurities...
  15. M

    2023 Shipping Movements

    ROI via Zeebrugge, NI via Southampton.
  16. M

    [UK] ‘Highland’ order discussion

    M3 sales in the UK: 2021. 34,783 2022. 19,071 2023. <13,672 (slightly less due to MS/MX sales). Whether it is because of the wider availability of secondhand vehicles or not, Tesla will want the M3 sales to rise again so will have to incentivise potential buyers if the Highland...
  17. M

    So… Highland is out…

    Typically BMW driver, didn't use his indicators. 🤣
  18. M

    [UK] ‘Highland’ order discussion

    Just let the initial demand fall, the offers will be back. Probably quite quickly, I'm not sure there is that much demand for the M3 in the UK these days.
  19. M

    Model Y Wiper replacements?

    Are you sure they didn't mean not suitable for vehicles that need JET wipers
  20. M

    Crazy settlement figure

    That was just the used car prices realigning back to non pandemic levels. This is more than that, EVs continue to get so much negative press than no one wants them. Traders are having to value them based on an expectation that they will hang around and continue to depreciate for months before a...
  21. M

    So… Highland is out…

    There is still a mechanical linkage, so if the variable element fails, or a complete electrical failure, you can still steer.
  22. M

    So… Highland is out…

    I’m sure I would feel the same but my wife who only very occasionally needs to drive it will never build up that muscle memory and I’m sure will actually not even try. The fact remains that as a driver there is just no upside to removing the stalk.
  23. M

    M3 rear door button pushed in - doesn’t work

    the switch is available on its own - but whether the mounting is also damaged...
  24. M

    BMW i4 40

    only because adaptive CC sucks.
  25. M

    China’s BYD takes Tesla’s EV top spot

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-67860232 Sales were 526,000 vs 484,500 for Q4.
  26. M

    China’s BYD takes Tesla’s EV top spot

    They overtook Tesla for BEV sales in Q4 2023 - that is related to the headline and is accurate. Their rate of growth and new sales markets will easily see them beat Tesla for a full CY in 2024.
  27. M

    China’s BYD takes Tesla’s EV top spot

    It was pretty clear what he meant - BYD will overtake Tesla for BEV sales for the full 2024 calendar year.
  28. M

    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    Thank goodness. Having a monopoly for either fixed circuit or mobile is a bad idea.
  29. M

    Model X - Y : up or downgrade??

    The MS Raven has a bigger battery and is more efficient compared to a MX 90D, and the larger battery in the MY compared to an early M3 just about compensates it for its less efficient aerodynamics.
  30. M

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    61 kWh for Dec, 891 kWh in June.
  31. M

    2023 Shipping Movements

    It still will be - they have just told you the reg number they will register the day before you get it. Telsa get pre-allocations from the DVLA.
  32. M

    [UK] 2023 Orders to Delivery for M3 and MY and personal shipping related questions

    Hi John Cars for Ireland go to Dublin via Zeebrugge. It could still be on Titus as it goes there after Southampton. Some VINs were issues and then pulled, possibly because they don’t know what route it will take because of the trouble going via suez at the moment. I’d recommend you follow the...
  33. M

    How many people are having connectivity issues?

    Is this possibly a software version related? I've not updated the software in my M3 for a while and have no recent connectivity issues. Drove 4 hours yesterday without any squares failing to load on the Nav screen.
  34. M

    Premium connectivity got much worse signal

    If the car is asleep then wifi is turned off. Only a text message will wake it (other than being physically near it with BT or RFID).
  35. M

    2023 Holiday Update

    Given the state of his car, it must have been fitted with an early version of Tesla Vision.
  36. M

    Need to replace two tyres, should I go for CrossClimate 2s?

    Unfortunately the Pilot Sport All Season tyres aren't available in the UK.
  37. M

    Model Y tyre replacement

    Yes, measured 1 metre away at the kerb side when the car is driven over a smooth surface not really used in the UK. Basically a poor measurement to use as a decision criteria for choosing a new tyre, especially when some manufacturers ‘steer’ the noise away from the kerb (into the car) to get a...
  38. M

    Need to replace two tyres, should I go for CrossClimate 2s?

    It is recommended to replace all four as the characteristics would be quite different between the two axles. Worth noted that the performance of your existing tyres (pilot sport 4?) will start to degrade below 10deg so you will benefit from the all seasons more than just in freezing conditions.
  39. M

    [UK] 2023 Orders to Delivery for M3 and MY and personal shipping related questions

    These updates seem to be for the Chinese domestic market only at this stage.
  40. M


    I wouldn't assume so. An extra year no claims, one year older etc. should decrease your premium but probably less so than insurance companies seem to be inflating their premiums so expect to pay the same or more than this year :(
  41. M


    It seems some insurance companies assume the LR has full power even if you don't have AB so there is then no extra charge when you add it - that or they just don't understand what AB is. I'd be surprised if more insurance companies don't start charging for what would be an expensive mod in an...
  42. M

    Model Y undrivable and banging my head against the wall

    With Lexus they insure you but with a £1000 excess. You have an option to pay £15 to remove that which many dealers just add by default. I know someone who was down £700 because they went with the standard policy and 5 minutes down the road a stone cracked the windscreen.
  43. M

    10 Days out of warranty Model 3 heating failure...

    I agree with you in the main but: Warranty is irrelevant as you would be claiming against fit for purpose consumer law, but there shouldn't be leeway in the warranty period which is a contract - 1 second past expiry and there shouldn't any expectation on making a successful claim. Usage needs...
  44. M

    Model Y undrivable and banging my head against the wall

    Twice? That's more than unlucky.
  45. M

    [UK] 2023.44

    half baked, I'm not sure the oven even finished pre-heating with this latest round of incompetence.
  46. M

    2023 Holiday Update

    You have a Ryzen, all UK MYs have it. The switch was made late 21/early 22 in China before the first MYs were delivered here.
  47. M

    2023 Holiday Update

    I've not updated my software for quite a while. I was offered 44.30.2 a few days ago which was then pulled yesterday. No sign of 44.30.4, it is downloading 44.1 again.
  48. M

    EV servicing costs

    With a permanent mechanical AWD system it is recommended to have the tyre wear even to stop stress & wear on the centre diff. You would hope the abs and traction control system on the Tesla can cope with wheels/tyres of slightly different circumferences.
  49. M

    UK Aug 23 Insurance Recommendations

    Mine was a 54% YoY increase with no changes to the policy (Direct Line). The only thing close to this was Admiral with a £14 saving but a substantially worse excess, so I just renewed with DL.
  50. M

    How to check Original battery capacity on MIC 2022 Model 3?

    That’s a 79 kWh pack then, the 75 kWh shows around 330 to 340 at 100%. M3LR with the larger packs started arriving in the last batch of Q4 in 2021 (mid December).