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  1. B

    Does anyone know the UV specs on the new double-pane windows?

    Time to work on those critical reading skills. In your first link: xpel blocks 99% block of UV. Well doh! (regular old glass already blocks 99% ofUVB rays before the film is applied, the prime cancer causing one. And note, they don't say which UV is getting blocked, a or b or both...
  2. B

    California Utilities Plan All Out War On Solar, Please Read And Help

    The Gov won't be doing squat until September 15.
  3. B

    California's Business and Professions Code Chapter 14-5 § 13651 needs updating/re-wording

    ^^I don't carry coins either, but I do have a few bills in my wallet. And I could always go into the store and ask for change to be able to use the air machine. In other words, you expect the small business owner to spend even additional adn expensive capital so you -- a non-customer -- can...
  4. B

    California's Business and Professions Code Chapter 14-5 § 13651 needs updating/re-wording

    I get your (EV) point, but disagree. Gas service stations are primarily owned by local (small) business folks, and they don't exist to give away free stuff. The intent of this law is that air/water is only free for paying customers. If you go into the mini mart and purchase a six-pack, or a...
  5. B

    12V Battery Just Died - Total battery failure

    Just last week, on a hot day, I received a warning on the screen about my 12v in big trouble and certain features would not be available. Tesla Mobile came out and replaced it under warranty.
  6. B

    I'm done with Traffic Light Control

    Yellow light in SoCal means Go For It!
  7. B

    Green New Deal

    Sure, its an OpEd, but if the Reps are correct (unlikely, but possible), that the return is only 1:1, i..e, increase spending $100b to gain $100b in tax revenue for a net of zero to pay for new programs, then Krugman has no political/cynical argument to make bcos the economics --- his specialty...
  8. B

    Green New Deal

    The Dems claim a 4-5 to 1 return on this proposed investment. The Rep claims near 1:1, i.e,, increase IRS hiring and expenses by $80b to gain $80b to $100b in new revenue. Of course they are low-balling the estimates, just as the Dems are high balling. Paul's cynicism on Rep reluctance...
  9. B

    Green New Deal

    Krugman writes a nice opinion piece, but utterly fails to address the Rep concerns which is that increasing the IRS budget by xx will or will not actually result in yy dollars gained. The Dems say yy, the Reps say that is a pipe dream. Since Krugman is a Dem hack, of course, he follows the...
  10. B

    California Utilities Plan All Out War On Solar, Please Read And Help

    IMO, this is one of the weaker arguments on this thread. There are two group of seniors, those with solar and those without. Those with solar are clearly not "suffering from high energy bills and power outages." Those without solar are, and it will only get worse. So the question is how...
  11. B

    NEMA 14-50 install guidance for Older home

    Excellent points, but the follow-on question would be how much to install a My 40-year old home only has a 100 amp panel, but the electrician was able to add a sub-panel for the HPWC. Much cheaper than upgrading the whole panel which would cost several thousand $
  12. B

    FSD subscription announced by Tesla

    Big fan of the auto-lane change in EAP, but not enamored with NAV, so I turned the latter off months ago. Will not be a purchaser (yet).
  13. B

    California, LA to San Jose - 1st trip (need advice!)

    I drive a Model 3 LR from The OC to South Bay every few months. My go-to stops are Kettleman, Harris Ranch (at least before COVID, as their breakfasts are a lot of food), Bakersfield (Stockdale Hiway) for a quick top off, and just recently began stopping at Santa Clarita on the return trip (as...
  14. B

    Opinions Needed on Electrical Panel to Set Up Charger

    obviously, depends on how far the pull is, but the diff for 125' of cable is $130. And yes, that was ~10% for my install. But after purchasing a $55k car, I'm ok with the extra bucks. I wouldn't worry about spending an extra $100 and not being able to sell it to the next guy. The buyer of...
  15. B

    CA will not be able to handle increased demand

    If an area is undergoing rolling blackouts, the supercharges in that area will have no power during that blackout. And yes, folks traveling thru will have to stop and wait until the blackout is over if they don't have enough juice to drive to an area that has juice. (Of course by the time that...
  16. B

    Is the front plate required in California???

    front plate has been required by law for decades. Got a tkt last year in LA for not having a front plate.
  17. B

    Green New Deal

    Too bad the Guardian chooses not to hyperlink the sources of the studies/surveys that they are referencing so that their readers could read the original data themselves to become better educated (and not have to see the numbers thru teh biased lenses of the journalists). Perhaps this is the...
  18. B

    Green New Deal

    Five of the top 10/11 states (including DC) with 'raging' Delta are Deep Blue. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graphics/2020/03/10/us-coronavirus-map-tracking-united-states-outbreak/4945223002/
  19. B

    Green New Deal

    That is essentially correct. Viruses die out when they run out of hosts to infect. That is technically correct, but [not surprising for so-called journalists] out of context. What the doc said was first protect the elderly and high risk patients and let it go unchecked with kids as they were...
  20. B

    Green New Deal

    Wow, something positive (and correct) about the previous Admin. So what? Nearly every Dem PoC, includng the then Veep candidate, running for office last fall thru shade on the vaccine development. And that was by design of the Governors who had weekly conference calls with Operation Warp...
  21. B

    Persuade me - Hybrid Electric Water Heater.

    Except the OP lives in LA, and LAWP generates 62% of its electricity from fossil fuels. So swapping to HPWC helps some...
  22. B

    Opinions Needed on Electrical Panel to Set Up Charger

    sure, almost no one needs a 60 amp circuit. But why not future-proof? The labor is the same, only a few more dollars for materials.
  23. B

    Opinions Needed on Electrical Panel to Set Up Charger

    It looks like you have the space, but I didn't have enuf room in the panel, so instead of a new panel, he put in a sub-panel solely for the HPWC. 60 amp circuit, hardwired into the HPWC. Had to run it up thru the crawl space over the garage and back down the other side. ~$1650. (SoCal...
  24. B

    Opinions Needed on Electrical Panel to Set Up Charger

    suggest you obtain 2-3 quotes from a licensed, bonded electrician. This is a simple job for any experienced electrician. Can your guy use a sub-panel? (That's what my guy did when we had an outdated panel.)
  25. B

    When will you upgrade?

    I have always kept cars until the wheels fall off, and that was the plan with both model 3's. But since I retired and the wife doesn't drive much, we are considering going down to one car, a Model X, solely for the air shocks, when the ones come out. (No FSD, but do have EAP on one 3.)
  26. B

    San Lorenzo family blames Tesla Autopilot for crash that killed teen son: lawsuit

    The bolded is incorrect. Tesla released an update back in 2019 (2019.40.2) to address adjacent lane speed. As an example, I was on AP on the Interstate (I-5) northbound where another interstate connected/exited. At the time, the traffic was backed up in the two right lanes exiting onto the...
  27. B

    Tesla M3 seats arent [durable]?

    21k miles on my car, no issues. Suggest you make an appt with the Mobile Tech to check it out.
  28. B

    Phantom Braking Discussion

    ^^Elon acknowledges that it exists (and pure vision will fix it). https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/elon-tweets-pure-vision-will-solve-phantom-braking.228011/
  29. B

    Elon Tweeted " all 3 / y can be upgraded to have FSD computer"?

    I have HW 2.5 on both model 3's and have zero interest in paying for an upgrade to HW 3 by itself, i.e., without FSD. I rarely look at teh screen now, so don't care about no stinkin' visualizations. (And before I get a bunch of dislikes, this is just my opinion and how I drive -- eyes always...
  30. B

    Phantom Braking Discussion

    Sorry, my wife is too busy screaming for me to remember to stop the camera.
  31. B

    Phantom Braking Discussion

    Au contraire. I only used EAP on interstate highways, adn while supposedly phantom braking has gotten better, it still happens. On a 390 mile trip from SoCal to the Bay Area, perhaps 2-3 times per trip.
  32. B

    Broken passenger visor mirror due to seat too far forward. Tesla did not cover cost to repair.

    Op: do you really believe that the DoT or NHTSA cares about a vanity mirror? Is there a safety issue here?
  33. B

    Tesla, please get rid of the fake leather and use real leather

    Never gonna happen Husky. Don't you read the other blogs, cows contribute to global warming? Elon would never approve such a politically-incorrect solution even if it was much cheaper.
  34. B

    Green New Deal

    You (and mspohr) are of course welcome to your own interpretation of events, but not of the facts, and the fact is that Operation Warp Speed signed up those -- and other -- manufacturers to fast track vaccines for the US. Perhaps it was inspite of Trump's "incompetence" and "denial...
  35. B

    Green New Deal

    You have a very low bar. What Biden did was implement the Trump Admin's strategy. Wasn't all that difficult; just keep ordering vaccines and turn them over to the states for rollout. Plenty of hiccups, but the states are getting it done. (that 'laboratory of democracy' thingy) Again, the...
  36. B

    Biden 500,000 Charging Stations

    Not necessarily a loss for TSLA as the company could always try to claim some of the largesse. For example, the NJ Turnpike authority puts out a grant proposal to add chargers at all turnpikes. Tesla and the other manufacturers could all bid, or perhaps form a JV to install both Tesla and...
  37. B

    Holiday travel availability / congestion at CA Superchargers; possible solutions, complaints, comments, discussion

    For the the reverse trip, KC also works great. Leave The OC in my 3-LR and I can get to KC with ~10% charge. Plug into 250 charger, walk to SBUX, walk back, bladder break, and next stop Silicon Valley.
  38. B

    Green New Deal

    In fact, due to Operation Warp Speed (of the prior Administration), the US got first dibs as the US paid up front for them. Moderna got R&D money while Pfizer got a guaranteed contract if the vax was approved. J&J also got $$/contract from Warp Speed.
  39. B

    Help with Level 2 Charger Recommendation

    Totally agree except that I did have an emergency call from my kid and thought I might have to drive all evening, so that one time I set charge on 48 amps Trip mode (100% charge) while I packed a go-bag. Fortunately, it became a false alarm, so 30 minutes later I was able to throttle it back...
  40. B

    Green New Deal

    Particularly when the government money is tax-free!
  41. B

    Green New Deal

    'Come on, man.' Let's not ruin a good thread with facts. :cool:
  42. B

    decided on ceramic CS-II instead of PPF

    yeah, I learned the hard way last week when driving back down from the Bay Area. I-5 was being repaved, with one lane complete, the other not yet. Doing 5+ in the construction zone adn a couple fo cars changed lanes right in front of me which resulted in a barrage of gravel adn dirt blasting...
  43. B

    Does Tesla remove FSD from third-party dealers

    Thanks for posting. I get that you are dealing with anecdotes, and from folks who may not even know what they actually purchased. And if what you 'heard' is anything like what is posted on TMC, what you are hearing is not necessarily related to facts. No one needs "mountains" of evidence...
  44. B

    Green New Deal

    Partially correct. By artificially raising teh cost of labor, companies will invest more money into R&D which makes technology "ready" faster. yes, Elon failed on the first (and 2nd adn....?) tries, but finally got it right. Now, the others are looking hard at his mechanization and will...
  45. B

    Green New Deal

    Easy to say, particularly by those that have work-from-home-type jobs. OTOH, if you are one of those 1.4 million who just lost a job and can't find work bcos the feds purposely priced you out of the market.....
  46. B

    Green New Deal

    That's incorrect. The more salaries increase, the more companies invest in capital to eliminate labor. Think about all the grocery stores (and other retailers) who have introduced self-check out registers. No clerk needed. Or, fast food places that have encourage you to order from a kiosk...
  47. B

    Green New Deal

    All true, but the solution is to help the underemployed to pick up a trade or gain further education to earn a job that allows one to live on. (The old saying, 'teach a man how to fish...') Unless you believe in printing press money, the govt does not have the ability to pay everyone a "living...
  48. B

    Green New Deal

    There is no question that many private employers are competing with tax-free government unemployment benefits. But those are scheduled to phase out in early September, so 'market' will adjust in the fall.
  49. B

    Does Tesla remove FSD from third-party dealers

    No, no, no. No real actual reports allowed on a thread that is designed to spread hearsay and innuendo about the dastardly things Tesla does behind out backs! 😉