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  1. B

    Cali utilities propose Income Based electricity rates

    So the poor you know also use obscene amounts of energy? (definitely not following your logic) But as to the first clause, there is no reason that Utilities should not have a new rate tier for Obscene use. If the folks in Beverly Hills want to keep their massive pools at 80 degrees all year...
  2. B

    Cali utilities propose Income Based electricity rates

    Indeed. That is the intent of the new state law.
  3. B

    Looking for electrician to install nema 14-50 in LA/OC

    you don't need a wide net. Any licensed (and bonded) electrician can install a receptacle; it's a simple job. If you hire someone from miles away, you will pay a lot more. A local persons will also be aware of any necessary permits.
  4. B

    Looking for electrician to install nema 14-50 in LA/OC

    where specifically? We used a local guy in Tustin, but I can guarantee that he'd never drive to the west side of LA for a job like that.
  5. B

    locked car won't open occasionally even with my iPhone in hand.

    it goes in spurts, particularly after an update. I have had no problems for months, but with the last update, it seems that once a day my car does not recognize me. A real PIA when I come out of Starbucks holding two coffees. (Make sure your phone App is 'Always On')
  6. B

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Agree that Tesla should get compensated somehow, but in the meantime, putting Tesla-style charge handles in Fords really tips the (Betamax-VHS) balance towards these becoming a de-facto US standard..
  7. B

    Raise your hand if you feel forgotten on the trunk camera harness recall

    Yes, of course, but your "five minutes" is really not 5 minutes. My point was that you have to factor in the trip to the store to recycle the battery in addition to the time to change it as well as the space for storage. Now, you may have 'more time than money' as my dad used to say, but...
  8. B

    Raise your hand if you feel forgotten on the trunk camera harness recall

    Doesn't that amount also include carting away the battery? (If you do it yourself, you still have to dispose of the old battery....)
  9. B

    Raise your hand if you feel forgotten on the trunk camera harness recall

    I received a letter awhile ago that said to make an appt. (which I have not yet done since the cable looks fine)
  10. B

    Just got rear Ended

    Get the car towed to a Tesla-ceritified shop. Call your insurance company and tell them where it is. Ignore their pitch to take your car to their approved (and heavily discounted) body shop. Ask about a rental reimbursement. Don't waste your time with the other party's insurance. Make...
  11. B

    Backed into by suv at 5 mph, complexity of repair (state farm shop)

    California is an at-fault state. California also allows you to go to any licensed repair shop in the state. California law prohibits State Farm from raising your rates when the other guy is at fault. Your insurer (State Farm?) wants you to go to their shop? Fuhghedditboutit. They...
  12. B

    California Utilities Plan All Out War On Solar, Please Read And Help

    I believe that they are only following the state law approved in 2022. https://calmatters.org/newsletters/whatmatters/2023/04/california-power-bills/
  13. B

    Consuming 40% more energy than estimated?

    And warm-ish weather, say 70 degrees for the testing; feds don't test in freezing weather. in addition to your heater using extra juice, batteries aren't as efficient at 35 degrees as they are at 75 degrees. (Just basic battery chemistry.) Try that run in warmer weather and see how it goes...
  14. B

    Autopilot needs manual lane change without disengage

    disagree that such a feature would not eat Into EAP sales, as that is one of the few things in EAP that is useful.
  15. B

    Tesla walks away from public funding for Superchargers because of payment system integration

    But what you are suggesting is that Tesla has to install card readers for the (small %?) of non-Tesla drivers, i.e., Tesla Corp -- essentially Tesla customers -- need to pay more to cover the cost & maintenance of card readers that they do not need and will never use. Alternatively, if Tesla...
  16. B

    Opinion: Tesla should partner with another OEM for NACS or be forced into CCS someday.

    no question that the US Big 3 don't want to do anything that suggests Tesla's technology is better. Regardless, the Eurozone has essentially chosen CCS, and the Big 3 can streamline their operations by focusing on just that one plug for most of their markets. Elon missed this opportunity big...
  17. B

    Tesla walks away from public funding for Superchargers because of payment system integration

    Outdoor Card readers are expensive to maintain. Plenty of dust/dirt blowing around which clogs up the readers. (Think of all the dust storms in the CA Central Valley or in places like Arizona.) Card readers require frequent maintenance. Then, there's the fraud...
  18. B

    Powerwalls now available for direct order

    plug & play? 😹
  19. B

    Autopilot constantly moving out of right hand lane

    All the time on trips between the BA and SoCal. Never when just driving locally. As to the OP: the constant nag to change lanes is why I stopped using NOA a long time ago. (just have EAP) It never made any sense to change lanes when I was driving the speed limit (or better) and would be...
  20. B

    Today is nine months I have been waiting for my Tesla X to be repaired. What should I do?

    Yup, one of the potential issues with a lease. If you had arranged the lease with a bank or leasing company, for example, you'd have the same issue: car is in the shop for repair and you have to keep making monthly payments. since you are in California, you were right to call your carrier...
  21. B

    Tesla slams into stationary fire truck. Driver killed. Police say “unclear” if AP/FSD at fault.

    Yeah, this requires critical reading skills. He said it was "not clear"...in other words they do not know (at the time of this report). (How could it be "clear" to CHP if driver assist was engaged? Only Tesla would know that.). What is so difficult to understand?
  22. B

    Tesla slams into stationary fire truck. Driver killed. Police say “unclear” if AP/FSD at fault.

    The report said no such thing. (It basically said they know nothing.). Hence my point earlier: at least Tesla's computers could definitely say whether any of the driving features were engaged and/or whether emergency-braking kicked in. (Note, emergency braking is not emergency stopping.)
  23. B

    Tesla slams into stationary fire truck. Driver killed. Police say “unclear” if AP/FSD at fault.

    Since Tesla has the car's computer data, I do wish Elon would appoint a team who's responsibility it is to quickly pull up the records of the car at issue and report to the police that at 4 am, [date], the Tesla Model ?, was/was not engaged in FSD or EAP or TACC. The information could then be...
  24. B

    Is my 2022 Model Y totaled?

    you forgot a vote option: "I could buff that out". :p
  25. B

    Tesla Begrudgingly “Recalls” FSD Beta for NHTSA

    Importantly, "recall" also means the manufacturer has to fix the problem at no cost to the customer. For example, if this fix requires an upgrade HW in some models for the SW to work, Tesla would have to provide upgraded computers at no charge. Sure, the term may be outdated (per Elon), but...
  26. B

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Recall is a gub-mint regulatory term. Webster has nothing to do with it. It just means that the manufacturer must fix your car at no charge to you. (and fix it expeditiously) Yes, Tesla will do an OTA update when it can. But what if the fix required HW3/HW4 to work correctly? Then Tesla...
  27. B

    NEMA 14-50 outlet installed

    did you use the heavy duty receptacle, or a cheap one from a Big Box store (which is not designed for heavy continuous use)?
  28. B

    Car was hit by someone on the freeway. How much to repair guesses…

    Nah, I could buff that out.
  29. B

    Neighbor's tree branch fell on trunk - how to proceed?

    Call your own auto insurance first --that's what you pay them for -- and let them go after the other parties. Under CA law they cannot raise your rates when someone else is at fault.
  30. B

    Farmers insurance and Tesla repair?

    Why not? That's what you pay them for. That is their job -- to get your car fixed and then go after Kemper to get reimbursed. CA is an at-fault state. And under CA law, your rates cannot be raised if the other guy is at fault. CA law also allows you to take your car to any licensed...
  31. B

    Undecided if I should buy solar panels, unique situation

    can't address your question about solar, but just wanted to mention that Edison has a program for those that have electric medical devices. (if you haven't checked it out). Best wishes to you and your family. https://www.sce.com/residential/assistance/medical-baseline
  32. B

    New iPhone Pairing Problem

    did you try deleting the old phone first?
  33. B

    First Road Trip in my 2022 Model S

    I'm a fan of Harris Ranch and Kettleman (many high speed chargers). Also, there is another ButtonWillow SC a few miles past where you stopped and the second one is right off of the 5, with amenities, and hard to miss. And yeah, no way you get good range doing 75+.
  34. B

    Frozen Washer Fluid—How to Fix on the Road?

    find a hotel with an underground garage? Go into the lobby and get a cup of coffee while the car defrosts itself.
  35. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Actually, you are the one with the enormous leap due to your own unclear wording. You asked, "Does anyone think that Elon actually believes people want endless masking..." You did not specify that you meant "people" = the entire human race.
  36. B

    285,000 Tesla's have FSD

    Congrats. You are in a rare club. Be proud, feel proud. 😎
  37. B

    285,000 Tesla's have FSD

    Since when is an Electrek article ever clear?
  38. B

    Elon & Twitter

    Dunno what Elon believes, but there is no question that some people do want endless masking. Heck, in my community folks were wearing masks outdoors before covid ever became a thing. It maybe a small number that believe in endless masking, but it's not zero. Some are even PH officials with...
  39. B

    SoCal to the Bay Area - Supercharging Route Suggestions

    Make that run frequently. Used to stop at Harris Ranch, but usually just stop at Kettlemen (so don't have to baby it).
  40. B

    Bay Area Hit and Run

    Yes, California law allows you to take your car to any repair shop of your choice. Your insurance (Tesla) should take the lead to get your car repaired and go after the scofflaw for reimbursement. By state law, your insurer cannot raise your rates when the other guy is at-fault. Make sure...
  41. B

    California Utilities Plan All Out War On Solar, Please Read And Help

    Nah, California will just continue raising the retail electric rates to so those folks who have an average $75 monthly bill today will soon be paying over $100+, thus continuing to encourage solar. (And the low income will receive greater subsidies.)
  42. B

    Energy Costs - My co-op installing chargers that are 50c kWh

    I guess I'll be the contrarian. What does your coop charge for a parking space? Per hour? Per Day? Per month? (How much 'revenue' will the coop lose by designating those spaces for EVs? Is the Coop fronting the costs for the permitting, the hardware and union electricians to install...
  43. B

    Tesla Semi’s EPA range rating will simply never exist…Here’s why

    I was thinking the same thing. It's possible the Semi slowed bcos it had to.
  44. B

    headlights - replace one or both ???

    Personally, I would pay it no mind. But, if you are concerned, why not pay Tesla to replace the other one? (I don't understand how you can insist taht they do it.) btw: why do you believe that the headlight is not as bright after a couple of years?
  45. B

    For those TRULY expecting FSD to actually do what Elon has claimed it will do…anticipate more delays.

    Say what? Do you have any evidence that the resources were "stolen"? (Hint: as long as Twitter reimburses TSLA 100% for the services of the borrowed employees, it is perfectly legal.) Do you have evidence that Twitter will not pay? (If they don't, the Tesla board members could be held...
  46. B

    Tesla Semi’s EPA range rating will simply never exist…Here’s why

    No fobs or HomeLink, but they do get Alacantra! 😎
  47. B

    HW3.0 upgrade for basic AP owners now free?

    Just out of curiosity, did a Tesla Rep even show up to court?