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  1. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    After the new years, refund goes down by half (most likely). And you'll never get it before 12/31 at this rate for the full $7500 refund, unless you find one in inventory.
  2. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Guaranteed within the next 900 days.
  3. D

    Model X deliveries for September and beyond

    Like every answer before... we'll know when we know. It's all a guess right now.
  4. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I've been on hold since 9/5.
  5. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Dammit, my most recent EDD was 11/14-12/5. Each was pushed back 3 days to now 11/17-12/8. So basically no update just delayed even more. Not even sure why the closest date is 3 days away, it's not gonna happen by then anyway. Sad face
  6. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Dammit... I can still edit my car... Hasn't even started to be built yet
  7. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Argh.. another weekend, another no update.
  8. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Dude... Booo
  9. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Son of a.... Congrats to those getting vin's.... I'm gonna be the last of the 9/5 od's to get a vin :(
  10. D

    For non-inventory Model X Plaid orders placed in September 2023, what is your estimated delivery date range?

    Nice. Almost the same specs as me, but I ordered a day prior.. still no VIN :(
  11. D

    Model X deliveries for September and beyond

    Jeez... Not sure what's worse... Getting a few updates, or a glut like this.
  12. D

    For non-inventory Model X Plaid orders placed in September 2023, what is your estimated delivery date range?

    Ordered 9/4 Maryland No fsd 20" Plaid Ultra Red cream interior steering wheel Original edd - sept-oct Edd2 - nov-dec Edd3 - 11/12 - 1/9 Edd4 - 10/26-12/6 Edd5 - 11/5-12/10 Edd6 - 11/14 - 12/5 (getting closer!) No VIN yet
  13. D

    Model X deliveries for September and beyond

    Ordered 9/4 Maryland No fsd 20" Plaid Ultra Red cream interior steering wheel Original edd - sept-oct Edd2 - nov-dec Edd3 - 11/12 - 1/9 Edd4 - 10/26-12/6 Edd5 - 11/5-12/10 Edd6 - 11/14 - 12/5 (getting closer!) No VIN yet
  14. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Ordered 9/4 Maryland No fsd 20" Plaid Ultra Red cream interior steering wheel Original edd - sept-oct Edd2 - nov-dec Edd3 - 11/12 - 1/9 Edd4 - 10/26-12/6 Edd5 - 11/5-12/10 Edd6 - 11/14 - 12/5 (getting closer!) No VIN yet
  15. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    That's so frustrating
  16. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Sat my EDD is still 11/5-12/10. Today is 11/6. Should I be worried that something is wrong?
  17. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    At least you're getting updates. I've been stuck on EDD 11/5 -12/10 for at least a month it seems. No VIN yet.
  18. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    newest Fremont flyover
  19. D

    Model X deliveries for September and beyond

    Ordered 9/4 Maryland No fsd 20" Plaid Ultra Red cream interior steering wheel Original edd - sept-oct Edd2 - nov-dec Edd3 - 11/12 - 1/9 Edd4 - 10/26-12/6 Edd5 - 11/5-12/10 No VIN yet
  20. D

    For non-inventory Model X Plaid orders placed in September 2023, what is your estimated delivery date range?

    Me neither. I'm Nov 5-Dec10. No update since almost a month now. My trade in expired once, will expire again Nov 10th.
  21. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Jealous. Looks fantastic!
  22. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    An update to my EDD would be nice at this point, lol.. let alone an actual VIN :(
  23. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Ordered mine 9/4 :(
  24. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Thanks for the pep talk. Ordered 9/4... Still waiting on VIN :(. 3rd week in Nov is thanksgiving and I definitely won't be around to pick up during that time. Ugh.
  25. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    At this point, I'm convinced I'm not getting my car this year. So frustrating waiting!!!
  26. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    No changes for me
  27. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    My order was 9/4.same current EDD.
  28. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Smaller range though!
  29. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    On a side note, what's more cost effective for Tesla... Make a bunch of plaids, then a bunch of LR's? Or a bunch of one color then another, regardless of trim? Or do they generally make them as orders are received?
  30. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    So not mine in that vid :(
  31. D

    For non-inventory Model X Plaid orders placed in September 2023, what is your estimated delivery date range?

    Those that are getting loaded onto trailers... have those owners been notified of their VINS at this time?
  32. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    Those that are getting loaded onto trailers... have those owners been notified of their VINS at this time?
  33. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I guess the interest is because it's "new". My Q7 has ambient lighting and haven't felt the need to change it (don't even know if I can change it). But having the option would be nice I guess, but certainly not a deal breaker.
  34. D

    Deliveries of $80k X?

    I don't really use Twitter (X)... This guy posts legit things? Not just speculations?
  35. D

    Prediction: Model X price will be reduced to $78K in January 2024

    Where's all this inventory? It's only a few model x (no plaids) near me in Maryland.