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  1. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    StarLink really still is in Beta, and it is meant for people who have sane options (yet at least). I just recommended it for one person I know, he is balancing between a very slow CenturyLink DSL connection (1.5Mbit down), and a ViaSat connection. The DSL gives him better latency for gaming of...
  2. H

    SpaceX SN11 Experimental Test Vehicle

    Maybe I have been following this wrong, but I thought it was "remote cameras" that almost got hit, not locations where people were at. Anyone have additional information on this? -Harry
  3. H

    SpaceX SN10 Prototype Explodes After Touchdown

    I could see them doing it to reduce weight on the earth to earth and earth to LEO versions. At this point I suspect SpaceX has embraced variants of a core design vs a one size fits all. -Harry
  4. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    The kind of edge caching that would be needed for that (ie integrated in to the CPE/Router/etc) is kinda interesting. I actually am a co-inventor on a patent that covers that kind of technology and predictive analytics tied to it. That being said, most IP networks have just gone the "more...
  5. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    At Layer 3 (TCP/IP) there are things such as broadcast and multicast, but I don't know if SpaceX's Layer 2 would work with this or not. Years ago we used to try and leverage multicast for data we knew multiple systems needed (Such as pushing out a system image to a computer lab worth of...
  6. H

    Starlink installation

    To use COAX and a MoCA or DECA adapter you would need 120V power and an outdoor rated enclosure to put the adapter and the StarLink PoE adapter into, and use the included StarLink ethernet cable to get to Dishey. Your probably better off running 1.25" electrical PVC conduit up to the roof, so...
  7. H

    SpaceX investor's thread

    Hi, the Reddit Subreddit is https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/ -Harry
  8. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    It is nice to hear some international views on StarLink. I have not been to Rio de Janeiro, but I have been to São Paulo for work purposes (spent over 3 weeks doing training), and have a number of current and former colleagues down there. I suspect employees in the tech sector will jump on...
  9. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    I am quite familiar with Jared Mauch, he is a regular on the NANOG email list. I have even looked at doing some projects modeled after his network and others. This fits in with exactly what I was talking about, we will see small expansions of fiber, locally done, co-ops, small providers, and...
  10. H

    SpaceX F9 - Turksat 5A - SLC-40

    I expect most of these Geo satellites will be able to live out their expected life time (generally 15-20 years), and remain profitable for that time. I don't know if they will be able to be replaced and continue that longer term. -Harry
  11. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    That does not impact the placement on the pole along the primary poles. Also depending on deployment, I have seen the 13KV go all the way to the last pole before hitting the house, with a pole mounted transformer at the house to step it down to more residential split 240V. -Harry
  12. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Yes, my math is not exactly representative of the orbital planes, I was trying to demonstrate how huge the amount of space is, even at a single orbital altitude. I fully agree that any collision would be ugly in a mega constellation, and you very much are correct that at specific areas the...
  13. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    You missed the part that it was an electric utility, not a telco. Electric utilities are used to working with very dangerous high voltage, and have large teams to manage that risk. They did not reduce the size of the team for the Fiber deployment, also no mention if the Fiber was deployed in...
  14. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Well, Geo Sats get boosted into a grave yard orbit, which arguably is even worse vs burning up in the upper atmosphere. Japan is working on using wood for satellite construction to reduce the amount of metal particles that come from a de orbit burn up. I think people vastly under estimate the...
  15. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    Some Municipal networks worked well, some failed. I could also see it as a limited franchise, similar to Cable networks, and well regulated. The problem with pure for profit fiber deployments, is you get cherry picking and red lining of areas, which further reduces the livability and...
  16. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    The FCC awarded $9.2 billion USD for Rural Broadband initiatives. SpaceX was given $885 million USD as part of that. The vast majority of the remaining $ went into Fiber and HFC deployments, or around $8 billion USD. SpaceX was NOT the highest award, and this funding is over the next 10 years...
  17. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    This is exactly why I expect StarLink to impact rural realestate in a positive value way. No power lines? Off grid solar is at least competitive with paying to extend electric service to the property. No water system? Most properties can support a well and if necessary water filtration. In...
  18. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    Agreed, location will matter, number of users will matter, number size of the constellation will matter. That being said, really good ISPs do a LOT of public and private peering to exchange traffic as locally as possible. Heck there is even a non-profit Internet Exchange in Puerto Rico...
  19. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    I think we actually agree more on this then anyone might think when reading the this thread. Is FTTH the best possible broadband solution, yes. Is it going to happen quickly and ubiquitously, no. Should it happen more than it is, yes. We differ a bit on thoughts of how StarLink will evolve...
  20. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    The standards for 20Gbit PON are still very early in development let alone deployment. The Nuro Hikari 20GS service is running 20Gbit on the PON side (which is shared), but has a maximum hand over of 10Gbit (wired) and 4.8Gbit (wireless, if you are in a perfect RF environment). NURO 光 20Gs...
  21. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    This was your statement earlier in the thread: On fibre I'm seeing sub 1ms pings to sites like Google, which is a small fraction of the time it takes the signal to even get to the satellite. It should hopefully be obvious that if it has to go first up and then back down it's never ... I took...
  22. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    That Coax was not using DOCSIS, it was using MoCA, which is basically modern ethernet over cable tv grade coax. The Fios Network Adapter leverages MoCA technology. MoCA, which stands for "Multimedia over Coax Alliance", delivers a high-speed Ethernet connection, but delivers it using your...
  23. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    The equipment is mostly modern Ubiquiti and Mikrotik, and the latency has nothing to do with the equipment/CPE. All of the latency is upstream. Most Tucson traffic routes to Phoenix via two separate fiber paths, one goes along I-10, along the rail road right of way, the other goes around the...
  24. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    Ok, so you want to change the goals again. Yes, ICMP is not prioritized. The statement was that anything more than 1-2ms ping to Google was unacceptable. All of the services, with the exception of the bonded dual T1 are very usable. -Harry
  25. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Here is on the same Cox 100/20 small biz HFC ping -c4 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=25.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=59 time=24.4 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=59 time=26.1 ms 64 bytes from...
  26. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    You completely ignored my statement on latency. Yes, lower latency is "better", but I would not trade the 26ms latency of the cable HFC for the 16ms latency of the dual T1 line, as the bandwidth available results in major congestion and very high latency when in use during the day. Cox 100/20...
  27. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    1) No one here ever said StarLink will "replace" fiber, nor does it need to. Yes it will be "better than fiber" for some specific long distance connections in the future with ISLs, but that is a more limited application, though a very lucrative one. 2) Low latency is not what you think it is...
  28. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    The beta is "better than nothing", and the reason for that is until the more recent launches are at their proper orbit, there will be times of ZERO service. The commercial service will not be "better than nothing" class, and will be quite usable. StarLink is by no means "large sums of money"...
  29. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    That would be the exception, not the rule. We have had so many outages with Cox Cable in Tucson, that the local school district (largest in the city area) has had to do robo calls during outages because of remote teachers and remote students being impacted. The school district just emailed and...
  30. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Here is a photo during construction, you can use it when ever you have to say your not going over board with wiring. Of course I am the silly person that towed a 50 ft boom lift with our Model X to do a point to point wireless project.... Wiring Friend on the boom lift attaching the UBNT...
  31. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Correct, this is a network in it's infancy. Right now it is about getting users without *any* low latency connectivity a very sane level of connectivity. As the network is built out (using Starship, not Falcon 9), it will get capabilities such as the ISL (laser links), increased density, and...
  32. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    As other have said, you are looking at a very distributed service (google), and not at long distance communications. I was clear that the latency benefits were for specific long distance links, where the ISL link performance will balance out with the up and down latency hit. Here are several...
  33. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Good WiFi networks are not that hard or expensive to design if being done by the right people. I helped a friend do the network upgrade for a "resort" in death valley. AirMax and Unifi equipment very straight forward, and easy to do. -Harry
  34. H

    Fibre versus Starlink Discussion

    Networking is not a one size fits all situation. Fiber to the home makes a LOT of sense in most areas, even rural areas that are spread out, as long as the cost to physically install can be kept reasonable. Fiber to the home in most city and suburban areas makes a ton of sense, but the telcos...
  35. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    Hi, If you really want to do a deep dive on eyeball networks, check out the north american network operators group (nanog, NANOG Homepage) Over subscription of either bandwidth or connection ports have been standard on consumer internet networks for a very long time. Example, a local dialup...
  36. H

    NASA Chief Jim Bridenstine

    I really would prefer if he would stick around until the Biden transition team comes up with a solid replacement, and requests to transition it. VS at least what the article reads, which is "January 20th I am out". -Harry
  37. H

    Blog Public Beta for Starlink Internet Service Coming Soon

    I expect that we will see some WISPs using StarLink for backhaul, as long as StartLink has an offering that permits it in the TOS (and probably a few that don't care to violate the TOS). We will have to see what the final terminal equipment costs are, and the overall growth of the network, but...
  38. H

    Ars technica: “ SpaceX releases a Payload User’s Guide for its Starship rocket”

    I wonder if this large diff between LEO and GTO would make it worth while for the Geo sat to have essentially it's own third stage to take it from Leo to GTO or even straight to Geo.
  39. H

    Blog Public Beta for Starlink Internet Service Coming Soon

    I would actually suggest working in parallel. If density is high enough, which for Worceser, MA, it very much is, Fiber is the way to go. The local school district in Tucson did a project ~5 years ago with Zayo, 10 year $15M contract, about 80% paid via e-Rate (so it cost the district about...
  40. H

    SpaceX Internet Satellite Network: Starlink

    I think this more has to do with AT&T trying to increase their "average" broadband speed of their customers. They could have said that they will not invest in more legacy DSL ports, but will sell service on an as available basis, and instead they said that they will support existing customers...
  41. H

    How to make time efficient long trips

    Agreed, even our Prius was far better, since it would run the ICE long enough to charge the battery, then run the AC from the battery for a while, and continue the cycle. That being said, I still feel the extra 5 or 10% margin is useful for us. I have gone lower (actually down to about 3% when...
  42. H

    How to make time efficient long trips

    Model 3 RW LR Model X 90D - 7 passenger Mono Post with free supercharging (attached to the VIN, not the owner). Yes, a 100D with DC motors would get more range, but it really does not impact us much. -Harry
  43. H

    SpaceX F9 - Starlink 11 - LC-39A

    I am sure that commercial starlink service will be restricted by country laws, and where necessary will use gateways within the countries boarders. US military StarLink will use ISLs and other downlink capabilities as needed, but this traffic will be separated. Starlink satellites over a...
  44. H

    How to make time efficient long trips

    It probably is a bit too conservative, but having been stuck for hours due to an accident (such as a FedEX trailer catching fire on I-10 in California), I try and be a bit more careful. Most of the time traveling as a family, my wife, myself, and 4 kids. The California incident (which was in...
  45. H

    Handicapped parking spaces at Superchargers

    I have had major foot issues most of my life, and have managed to avoid needing a disabled permit most of my life (including now), with a short period of about a year that I needed one, and that turned out to be a torn tendon (almost full tear, but not full, healed on it's own over about 6...
  46. H

    Handicapped parking spaces at Superchargers

    This has been a rather common debate. Before supercharging, many EV chargers were in "prime" parking locations, as it was cheaper to run the electrical from the biz to the near by parking spots. This made the spots heavily ICEed, and it put them on the same footing as a disabled parking spot...
  47. H

    ~20kW Charging?

    I agree lower amp 240v would be nice, but 120v in the US is so common, it probably would not be replaced. I am talking places like off airport parking, such as preflight in Phoenix (PreFlight Parking - System Down for Maintenance). We were able to drive straight from Tucson, plug in our mobile...
  48. H

    ~20kW Charging?

    I know there is a big push for "faster" charging at home, and I have fallen into that too. When we were building out our new house, I had both wall connectors run with 100 amp breakers. Now we are looking at down grading a breaker to 60 amps to be code complaint with the solar we are looking...
  49. H

    How to make time efficient long trips

    My rule of thumb is if the charge rate is < 50-60KW, it is time to move on. Traveling with kids, we always end up spending more time with the kids at the stop vs needed for charging. Adults only, yes, the charging can slow you down a bit, but you save far more time not going to gas stations...
  50. H

    How to make time efficient long trips

    Nope, but a friend of mine was part of the team that ran CTF.... -Harry