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  1. Droschke

    Battery Fuse Replacement 2016 Model S 90D

    I believe the tech writes it but the service advisor can modify it to fit the corporate guideline if necessary. They also use templates since the wordings on different service invoices have the same structures. Either way, this episode seems to be self-induced confusion on their side. I've the...
  2. Droschke

    Battery Fuse Replacement 2016 Model S 90D

    That might be, but note that he was trying to justify the charges for an updated fuse (the context of the conversation) and saying "The fuse is separate from the HV battery": To me that implies he was trying to say they just changed the "battery" but not his old fuse and that your old fuse...
  3. Droschke

    Battery Fuse Replacement 2016 Model S 90D

    @teedee - This is amazing! The service advisor, the way I read it, implies (incorrectly IMO) that they used your old fuse off your old battery and installed it on your new pack that you received earlier this year. But then in the invoice provided to you by the same service center (post#161)...
  4. Droschke

    Battery Fuse Replacement 2016 Model S 90D

    I suppose the new one is on the right of the posted picture?
  5. Droschke

    Pyro Fuse Fuss

    Thanks for clarifying. I've the same pack but it is 1014116-00-C. I got it a year ago. I do not have the fuse warning message to this date.
  6. Droschke

    Pyro Fuse Fuss

    Which battery did you get as a replacement? What's the part number? The age and the mileage on your new batter? Tnx.
  7. Droschke

    Battery Imbalance after 8 years

    That cable is for Pre-Sept 2015 model S with MCU1. Wouldn't you need a post-Sept 2015 cable for the same car but with an upgraded MCU2? Also, any performance issue you have run into with that OBD2 Scanner running with SMT?
  8. Droschke

    Model S 2014 - active alerts just in service mode

    I think some of these errors are false negatives for the older cars that probably have no sensors installed for the said components.
  9. Droschke

    Dead battery after 64,000 miles!

    That is an alert. It should be in your notification history. It would be nice to take a picture of it and post it here.
  10. Droschke

    The most unhappy place on Earth?

    To give it more perspective, it would be helpful if you actually outline some of the issues you experienced with that car. Thanks in advance.
  11. Droschke

    Deletions on Current “Inventory”

    Thanks for confirming it. Am I the only one seeing lots of unqualified statements being made on the forum these days? Another owner in a different thread made the same claim, which I could not believe to be factual.
  12. Droschke

    Deletions on Current “Inventory”

    The older cars like mine have their radar disabled? Are you sure about this? I surely did not know my radar had been disabled!!!
  13. Droschke

    AP1 ONLY Please -- life after 2018.50.6

    Correct, but you were asking about: I was trying to point out the posters in the other thread haven't been able to even run the reset procedure itself.
  14. Droschke

    AP1 ONLY Please -- life after 2018.50.6

  15. Droschke

    Drive Unit Version

    The car does give you a warning for that too.
  16. Droschke

    Wiki Sudden Loss Of Range With 2019.16.x Software

    Congrats @JRP3 ... you finally did it. Any plan to change the avatar?
  17. Droschke

    For All of Those Who Challenged My Stance Over the Years on OHMMU Batteries

    Thanks for posting this highly informative video from Ingineerix. It's unfortunate that some on this forum and on youtube keep promoting this battery over the OEM part.
  18. Droschke

    New S, Old Chargers

    To find out if you have a Gen 1 or Gen 2 HPWC, look at its label, visible on the side, and the (P)TPN which is the part number. If the (P)TPN ends with -E then you have a Gen 2 HPWC.
  19. Droschke

    Out of Warranty Drive Unit Replacement and Cost

    OK, same question ...do you know if the inverter being installed is new or re-manufactured?
  20. Droschke

    Out of Warranty Drive Unit Replacement and Cost

    Are they giving you a new one or remanufactured?
  21. Droschke

    My DIY info on realigning the frunk, front fenders, and front bumper for a Model S Refresh

    Very nice job. As to the cigarette butt discovery, are they even allowed to smoke on the factory floor?
  22. Droschke

    Goodbye all; Good riddance Tesla

    I have to admit, not putting you on my ignore list long ago has been my only "stupidity". Here you go, where is that button ... ah yes ... there it is.
  23. Droschke

    Goodbye all; Good riddance Tesla

    It did. But it's too late now :) ... It was after getting dizzy with reading multiple fanbois posts defending Tesla's obvious flaws that I read what @alstoralset posted and actually took it seriously 🤦‍♂️. My apologies to @alstoralset .
  24. Droschke

    Please Help - 2014 MS Battery Replacement

    @tjv85 - What's the latest?
  25. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    Much appreciated. Very helpful.
  26. Droschke

    Goodbye all; Good riddance Tesla

    Yes, mine has a very low mileage since I don't drive it much these days, but it already has had a DU replaced @37k miles and then the HV battery replaced last summer @47k miles when it was still under warranty. In both instances, the car sat at the service center for weeks. The 90kWh pack that I...
  27. Droschke

    Goodbye all; Good riddance Tesla

    @Barry - As an early owner like you, I've known you from the old Tesla forum and then here at TMC, am very familiar with your contribution to both forums and always enjoyed your honest take on all aspects of ownership. Good luck with the new BMW EV and please keep posting your feedback here...
  28. Droschke

    Goodbye all; Good riddance Tesla

    It's very disingenuous for you to say this. Tesla did not admit this was a safety issue for a long time till the owners started to file complaints with NHTSA. The investigation by NHTSA started and later Tesla responded to NHTSA with their plan to recall the 8GB eMMC chips. NHTSA accepted the...
  29. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    I'm aware of the moister ingress issue and the short hose above the battery on some older cars, but I was not aware that these so-called "umbrella valves" are under the pack. I did ask @chrisro the question but he never replied (Post#46). Thank you for the response.
  30. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    Are there multiple AC drainage channels? What would differentiate these valves on certain drain tubes from the short AC drainage hose?
  31. Droschke

    New 2012-14 MS Tesla replacement pack?

    Questionable. Even true, it raises legal issues.
  32. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    Any idea where these umbrella valves are and how/what to check for?
  33. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    Would you elaborate on what they are?
  34. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    Thanks. A picture worth a thousand words.
  35. Droschke

    AP1 ONLY Please -- life after 2018.50.6

    I'm at 2023.12.5. My font size has not changed and there is no option to select a larger font under Control ==> Display.
  36. Droschke

    AP1 ONLY Please -- life after 2018.50.6

    Same here for me and with the Mercedes (same set up).
  37. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    What are we supposed to see in this pic? The water drops or different color cells?
  38. Droschke

    New 2012-14 MS Tesla replacement pack?

    That's the hypothesis. But, I've not seen any open pack showing the module physical layout.
  39. Droschke

    New 2012-14 MS Tesla replacement pack?

    Thanks. As we have noticed previously, they are skipping the kWh notation on the labels these days. The 1014116's are still being offered then!
  40. Droschke

    New 2012-14 MS Tesla replacement pack?

    Ray - You need to keep in mind that not everyone is a Facebook member nor wants to be. The link requires a Facebook account. Please verbalize the update instead.
  41. Droschke

    Please Help - 2014 MS Battery Replacement

    As I asked above, are they going to put the correct sticker on your pack?
  42. Droschke

    Please Help - 2014 MS Battery Replacement

    Did they give you that in writing? Are they going to put the correct sticker on your pack? The concern is how do you discuss this discrepancy with a potential buyer of your car in future?
  43. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    The factory reset the owners do during the ownership transfers does not reset the BMS, or does it? I thought it only resets the ownership specific configs.
  44. Droschke

    Battery defect for IT brainstorming BMS_u029 - P85 MS 2013

    Do you mean using this option might trigger a failed pack message if the issue exists but not yet flagged by BMS?
  45. Droschke

    Please Help - 2014 MS Battery Replacement

    You are being perfectly understood and not disagreed with. My comments are toward Tesla but included in a series of exchanges you started (post#37) when replying to my post. Let's move on now.
  46. Droschke

    Please Help - 2014 MS Battery Replacement

    Being forced to go to the SC's, because you can't even make a phone call and using the app is not being helpful, is not an easy option for those owners who live far away from the SC's. Tesla's customer service model is just broken and they are not interested in fixing it. Enough being said...
  47. Droschke

    Please Help - 2014 MS Battery Replacement

    The app is not the only issue. Going to the SC in hope of any face to face interaction can be another unpleasant experience. Their strategy nowadays is to avoid customer interaction and even through the app. That's the problem with Tesla customer support these days. But for the OP it's the only...
  48. Droschke

    What else can break on my 2014 Model S?

    Do you think lots of hard accelerations/launches would cause this?
  49. Droschke

    Please Help - 2014 MS Battery Replacement

    @tjv85 - Based on what you have provided here: Your final invoice says you paid for: HV BATTERY, 85KWH, 1.0 PACK, REMANUFACTURED, MDLS (1088815-01-D) You physically inspect the battery and this is what's installed: HV BATTERY, 70, BB, REMAN, MDLS, 70kWh, 350VDC, TESLA PART NUMBER 1088999-00-B...
  50. Droschke

    Please Help - 2014 MS Battery Replacement

    In your case, if possible, you should go to your service center and talk to a manager.