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  1. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Ford wants to cancel cap-and-trade completely, which will take a considerable amount of time to unwind - there are contracts in place with (I understand) considerable cancellation penalties. He also says he wants to cancel all of the things the cap-and-trade revenue is spent one, which includes...
  2. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Forum's poll today has PC 40, OLP 23, NDP 33, Green 4. While this is a Forum poll (they haven't always been the most accurate), this is, so far as I can see, a new high for the NDP in this campaign. It seems possible that the progressive vote may be starting to line up behind the NDP. If half...
  3. D

    What do you dislike most about your Model 3?

    Its current non-existence. A reservation just ain't the same thing...
  4. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Once the election period formally begins this week, the caretaker convention applies until the new government is sworn in. This article covers the situation well. The article makes it clear that there's a large amount of discretion in determining how far the convention goes, but I doubt that...
  5. D

    Any new Canadian invitations since April 27?

    If so it’d be nice for them to clear the month. I reserved December 31 and haven’t been invited.
  6. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Careful there. The Elections Ontario site provides the following text, and this matches what I remember from the several times I worked at polling stations when I was a student:
  7. D

    Is the $1,000 deposit Refundable?

    That scenario would mean that receiving an invite would immediately convert your deposit to non-refundable status without prior notice. It’s hard to see how that would be legal. But as Twiglett wrote above, ask Tesla for the official answer.
  8. D

    How good is the FM & HD radio?

    There's no regular RDS support, then?
  9. D

    Just got my Model 3 yesterday. Love it!

    I don't have mine yet either, but I thought the owner's manual said the lights will flash as well.
  10. D

    Model 3: My car is in the shop on day 2

    Does Tesla actually allow you to drive the car before you sign the paperwork? I agree with you that driving it would be a great way to check for problems, but is it possible?
  11. D

    Ordered M3--Smart phone next?

    Of course, the risk is that should the Tesla app get into a state where you need to log back in again for the key to work, you'd need to go find WiFi before you'd be able to re-enable it. Probably not a huge issue if you're carrying the key card, but still something to think about, I suspect.
  12. D

    Ordered M3--Smart phone next?

    The owner's manual says the roadside assistance phone number is available by touching the Tesla T at the top of the touchscreen. It says nothing about actually making the call for you, though.
  13. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    This was pre-Ford, so officially they have no current stated policy on this issue, or indeed most issues. However, I do expect Ford will kill the rebate at some point. His track record on environmental issues is abysmal.
  14. D

    Model 3 Gripes 2 Months later

    There's no reason why you can't test other phones, though. If you can get friends to spend 20 minutes with you, with a promise of a nice Tesla ride as the reward, you can pair their phones to the car and do some testing, and then tell the car to forget the phone when you're done. As for phone...
  15. D

    Model 3 Gripes 2 Months later

    My sense of it is that Apple uses Bluetooth extensively for communication within their own products, and there are a lot of system-level macOS and iOS features that depend on it, so Apple's BT may be more robust compared to Android devices. Having said that, BT is VERY prone to interference in...
  16. D

    Leaked email - plans for 6000/wk by June

    I know you're joking but the email actually addresses this issue - asking for burst rates of 6000 internally but stating 5000 as the public goal. This is something Musk hasn't really done enough of in the past - giving himself some margin. Look at the end of March situation, where they had...
  17. D

    CBC News: The National - Tesla FUD

    Agreed, I don't think it was totally negative - I think it overall showed Tesla as a company doing big important things, having some problems doing so, but with a lot of supporters in their corner. Tesla supporters got more air time than detractors did. Agreed that the reason for the shutdown...
  18. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Of course, 5 percentage points of the HST is federal and cannot be eliminated by any Ontario government, other than perhaps by pulling out of the HST agreement and leaving the feds to revert back to levying a 5% GST in Ontario.
  19. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    I think the concern among some was that if the 3 was not on the list AT the time you ordered, you would not be eligible for the rebate even though it was added later.
  20. D

    Wind Noise

    I'm very concerned about noise as well, as I'm quite deaf, and so have a harder time pulling voices out from background noise even with my very expensive hearing aids. I suspect I can live with 68 dB, but does anyone know if Tesla actually has a standard for interior noise, above which they...
  21. D

    A-Pillar Misalignment - Serious Issue?

    I just went and looked at my 2011 $20,000 (roughly, in US currency) Kia and it had multiple panel misalignments. None that would be noticeable to anyone not specifically looking for misalignments, but absolutely there and provably so by the fact that they were not consistent between the two...
  22. D

    Random Internet Guy's 26 Hour Test Drive Impressions

    I've been on the fence about whether the Model 3 is worth the price *to me* given my driving patterns and nature. However, I'm fairly deaf (my hearing tests read "profoundly deaf" and I use powerful hearing aids), but my audio quality has been worsening. One of the things I liked about getting...
  23. D

    Why no Tesla @ NY Auto Show? Even Karma showed up.

    And yet, Tesla was at the Canadian International Auto Show in Toronto in February. And yes, that's mostly run by the local dealers. Tesla had a small booth in the "interesting products" area, not on the main show floor - but they were there with an S, X, and a 3.
  24. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Depends on how the transfer of power is negotiated between the parties, but that would typically be a couple of weeks after the election. The legislature wouldn't be recalled until September, but as others have mentioned, the EV program rates could be altered by cabinet order very quickly...
  25. D

    Insurance quotes for Model 3

    If not outright pressing fraud charges against him...
  26. D

    Canada order update (Got invite)

    Only 8% of the HST goes to the province, so the rebate is a net cost for them.
  27. D

    Ontario EVIP rebates update

    I see. I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification, and I agree with you.
  28. D

    Ontario EVIP rebates update

    I can afford a fully loaded M3 without the rebate. I won’t buy one, though. If the rebate is gone, I’ll stick with an SR. Why? Because it’s not about “affording” for many of us, it’s about how much money we can justify for the purchase given what it will offer us and the various other things...
  29. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Over at M3OC, Boshkung17 posted that Dodi Phair from Ministry of Finance wrote in an email: So it sounds as if the boilerplate has changed, and while Model 3 isn't on the list yet, they expect that to happen before the cars arrive.
  30. D

    Insurance quotes for Model 3

    I don't know how accurate it was, but on Twitter about three weeks ago, I saw someone claim $982 (yearly, I think) from Intact Insurance, for somewhere in Ontario - likely the GTA. The only real takeaway I'd have from this is to maybe check out Intact if you haven't.
  31. D

    2018.10.5 Arrived

    I wonder if they'll add an option to not lock the charge connector when in known safe locations, such as locked in your garage.
  32. D

    Warning when playing with the center console

    My understanding is this isn't so much a warning as an instruction; that if you don't close the lid gently it bends to open up again.
  33. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    I think that if the intent had been to block the Model 3 for its Tesla-ness, they would have found a way to do so - perhaps by setting the price cap at just below the base price for the car. I agree, this is just beaucracy perhaps coupled with unfortunate timing - I wonder if Tesla applied just...
  34. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    I can’t think of any case where adding new cars to the list, based on existing rules, would count as a “project/issues” needing approval - though I’d be interested to see how.
  35. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Correct. When the writs drop, the government of the day follows the "caretaker convention", which means they do business as usual and nothing else (no spending announcements, for example), other than dealing with any emergency that may occur. In an emergency situation, they are obliged to...
  36. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    Quick point: we're not in an election period. We are in the interminable lead-up to the actual election period, which will start in early May when the Premier visits the Lieutenant-Governor and recommends that an election be called for June 7 (or fails to make that visit with the result that the...
  37. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    In general the rebate goes to the purchaser, not the company. Some manufacturers/dealers are prepared to have you sign the rebate over to them, with them providing it immediately as part of the financing. Of course, this leaves them floating the rebate amount until they get paid. I've not...
  38. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    One note I just found, at Ontario EHVIP Rebate for the Model 3 - Information Thread Given that the program was just recently changed, I wonder if Tesla's application got reset so that it could be processed again against the new rules.
  39. D

    Ontario EV Rebates Cancelled July 11, 2018

    I'm guessing a bit here, but I suspect that privacy laws prevent them from even stating that Tesla has or has not made a request.
  40. D

    Canadian invites coming!

    Exactly. Ministry of Finance staff are not involved in elections preparation. Elections Ontario staff are, of course, but they will have nothing to do with EV car rebates. Most likely, Tesla was a little late submitting the paperwork, but I’d be surprised if two weeks went by without Model 3...
  41. D

    Canadian invites coming!

    Interesting way to look at it, and I think there is a good deal of truth there. The one negative for waiting is that if you get a free battery upgrade, so to speak, that means you’ve gotten a higher value car. If your body is planning on keeping it for, say, 4 years, the LR will be worth more...
  42. D

    Nothing wrong with my fit & finish.

    This. The Model is is not a $50k car. It's a $30k car (give or take) with a lot of money going into batteries. Tesla saved a lot of money going with a minimalist approach, but even so, Tesla has a lot less money to put into fit-and-finish and interior design than BMW does *at the same retail...
  43. D

    Model 3 surprises

    Not an owner yet, but from what I've read you'd tap the card on the same place on the b-pillar you used to unlock the car, and it would then lock. You'd know it's locked by the lights flashing and the mirrors folding in (for PUP cars, and assuming you have that enabled). Also, there's a...
  44. D

    Model 3 Canada

    Wow, congrats! The fact that you got one today as a second-day reservation may be a good sign that they are pumping serious quantities into Canada. I'm hoping my "late 2018" estimate moves forward enough to be election-safe...
  45. D

    Canadian invites coming!

    For what it's worth, the preference in my account is stuck on AWD; when I try to change it to first production, it seems to save, but then when I reload the page it's back on AWD. If this is affecting other people, Tesla may not be getting accurate info on what people want. I presume this...
  46. D

    Charging and model 3

    That’s a lot of dryer use. With two adults and two kids in my house, the dryer runs a maximum of three days a week. If you don’t need to charge everyday, many people could get away with swapping the plug twice a week.
  47. D

    Starting price for Canada revealed

    The policy is actually “America First in gas-guzzling SUVs”.
  48. D

    Canadian invites coming!

    Electrek says first invites will be this week!
  49. D

    Canadian invites coming!

    For what it’s worth, Canadian prices are apparently set. $45600 for base price, $64100 for first production LR+PUP. You can find this on the reservation FAQ page.
  50. D

    Tesla iOS App v3.3.3

    I thought the trunk could be opened from the outside of the car while the frunk can't? If so, this could be a way to compensate by making it easier to get to the frunk control in the app.