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  1. N

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q4 Collection and Delivery Experiences

    Yep doors don’t seem aligned. Front door needs to be twisted slightly and aligned. I’ve had the same issue with my last 3 cars Velar, X4 and X5. Not just an issue with Teslas.
  2. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Where are you based. Anyvan are busy tomorrow…
  3. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Haha. Snap. Anyvan text - 13:31 - 17:31. The question is will they come to me first or you?? Also no USB text too - strange?? Must mean it’s not effected??
  4. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Strange we have not received the text. Similar situation whereby I ordered last week of November and apparently ALD had some stock so possibly they bought a number from Tesla that were built earlier this year? Does your reg start with AK? Mine does and therefore was registered in Southampton...
  5. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Yep same here. I’m in Northamptonshire so bet we will have the same driver Tomorrow. If they so happen to have a white LR black interior with an AK reg plate on their trailer then it might be mine. Send a message on this forum to let me know its on its way to me.
  6. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    T minus 24 hours for me. Delivery due tomorrow. Still no text confirming my M3 maybe missing USB ports which is strange. Might be tempting fate or it was built some time ago it will defo have the usb and old rear lights. Little nervous - hope it’s perfect.
  7. N

    Electricity Tariff (what are you paying)

    Octopus GO 15p per KWh during the day and 5p during 00:30 - 04:30. Good until October next year.
  8. N

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q4 Collection and Delivery Experiences

    Reg numbers don’t appear on the DVLA site immediately. You will need to call the insurance company and confirm over the phone.
  9. N

    M3 MIC 2021 tail lights

    I plan to drown my lights with water (if old type) and seek replacement. Done. In all seriousness, there is a theme emerging - some of the most recent out of the factory cars seem have the new lights but no USBs. Those with the older version light have the USBs but will most likely have been...
  10. N

    Insurance New Vehicle [2021 Megathread]

    I just wanted to jump on this thread - as part of my lease deal I’m getting free insurance for the first year which I thought amazing as insurance is steep but I thought I would just run a quote on Peugeot insurance for fun and OMG - £310 for my wife protected no claims - the best quote i...
  11. N

    Have you had a Model 3 LR delivered in the last 4-6 weeks/Q3?

    What is strange though is those with the letter K appear to have received their cars in September so assume a Q3 build. When myself and others have B and delivery in December - almost 4 months apart. Could well be ours, B, we’re built 6 months ago and have been sat in stock somewhere. Which if...
  12. N

    Have you had a Model 3 LR delivered in the last 4-6 weeks/Q3?

    Yep same here - B. Delivery Saturday. Sorry to bring this up but could the VIN indicate those who are getting 2 reverse lights or just the one.
  13. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Cheers Ox. That’s helpful to know but still none the wiser as to the reasons why right. Just we use two different suppliers and it’s pot luck As to which ones you will get. Another Tesla quirk I guess.
  14. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Well if true I will be getting the old lights…. You know it could be something as simple as that or as you say you and others got stocks cars that were built some months back. How did you get on yesterday - any luck in getting the lights replaced?
  15. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Getting text messages from Tesla daily now in the run up to Saturday delivery. VIN number confirmed today - waiting for the dreaded text informing that the USBs maybe out of action. Though I’m suspecting my M3 may be a stock car considering I was given a reg number at the point of order in late...
  16. N

    M3 MIC 2021 tail lights

    All very random. Wonder how Ox got on today?
  17. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Yep received the same message today for a Saturday delivery.
  18. N

    What did you trade in picture thread

    Replacing my wife’s Audi A6 PHEV - got it cleaned up ready for collection!
  19. N

    M3 MIC 2021 tail lights

    How many did you see (71 plate) that had the new lights?
  20. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Yep agree. Should not matter what lights you have though I always want the latest stuff. In terms of the ride yep I did have a test drive and was a little disappointed with the ride quality with the constant thumps on bumps - seemed more compliant up to 40 mph and around town - expansion joints...
  21. N

    M3 MIC 2021 tail lights

    I suspect then that US parts are being shipped to China to keep up with demand then? Not sure we will never know.
  22. N

    M3 MIC 2021 tail lights

    Would be good to try and understand what may indicate why Oxstock and another forum member have the old lights. Could it be that your car was in stock and built some months ago, possibly before the new lights were introduced post September. This is quite common with mercs and BMWs. I bought my...
  23. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Congrats. Probably last delivery before xmas. Current lease car gets collected on the 22nd - Tesla due to arrive on 18th.
  24. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    I’m equally excited though need to wait a little longer - delivery Saturday anytime after 08:00. Little nervous to be honest to understand if I’m getting the latest light clusters and usb chargers / wireless charging. Looking to take the M3 on its first long trip to London for Christmas. Little...
  25. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Alternatively send them an email. They eventually respond and asked for my address earlier this week.
  26. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Got my delivery text this evening - bring on next Saturday. I managed to text back ok and respond - number was +441799 252291
  27. N

    M3 MIC 2021 tail lights

    Could it be part shortages and Tesla using US light clusters to keep the MIA M3s churning out?
  28. N

    M3 MIC 2021 tail lights

    I think I would be equally disappointed - do M3 give you any indication when they are built? ALL of my previous BMWs have a build date in the engine bay or drivers door near tyre pressures. Hope I’m not in a same position with missing USBs
  29. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I already have a podpoint installed so will need to take up the free pulse membership and £390 credit!
  30. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Did you sign up via Vanarama or another broker? Part of the deal is for the car to be trailer delivered but I don’t blame you for collecting and getting that experience of collecting a new car. Equally get to see the tens of M3 and colour combos.
  31. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Amazing news. Did the same a few days back and Tesla confirmed over the phone a 18th Dec delivery - a Saturday. Perfect. Plenty of time to get the car set up. Will probably sleep in it as I will be in it all weekend. Just received the Text - get ready for delivery. Good to see a few of us that...
  32. N

    BMW EV Delivery Stop

    I had previously ordered a iX3 before cancelling and getting the M3. My car was held up in Southampton for almost 4 weeks for checks to the battery.
  33. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I called them on the number as confirmed in the tread. However when I spoke with the CS agent he said all the deliveries must be made in December so I doubt it will roll over to the 10th Jan. Then again Vanarama are advising 4-6 weeks for delivery from signing up to the deal. Then again...
  34. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Yes I did - which negates my need for a VIN number
  35. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I’m doing a personal lease via ALD and am yet to receive any text messages from Tesla To date. Hope they will start coming through now that I have signed the lease agreement.
  36. N

    Got VIN number but NO reg number

    Strange as I have a reg for a 18th Dec delivery but when I checked the source code I have no VIN number. Cant work that out unless there is a lag with the source code info.
  37. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    There is still apparently stock available on a number of leading brokers - Vanarama have blue and black in stock for December delivery. You will need to be quick. They also offer a free Charging point and free insurance for a year. Need to be quick though. They use ALD and not LEX as apparently...
  38. N

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q4 Collection and Delivery Experiences

    Congrats. Looks good. Luckily the delivery driver will need to navigate that kerb for me..
  39. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Quick update for Vanarama order folks. I called them asking if they had a RN number expecting a don’t know what that is or no don’t have - they confirmed this over the phone. Called Tesla - decent bloke - and he confirmed delivery for the 18th Dec. Perfect a Saturday and it will be driven to me...
  40. N

    Delivery without USB-C ports and wireless phone charging

    To be frank I will be pissed off if they are missing - but that’s me and I want things right first time as they should and not have the inconvenience of doing a 40 mile round trip to get this sorted. As a perfectionist maybe Tesla isn’t for me. Playing devils advocate - BMW were equally as...
  41. N

    Delivery without USB-C ports and wireless phone charging

    The problem as I see it is not why the usb / chargers are missing it’s how long it will take Tesla to get hold of the parts and work though 1000s of cars. Considering the semi conductor issues will continue well into 2022 I have no confidence that Tesla will fixed the impacted cars. I challenge...
  42. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I sent back finance docs on Friday having ordered Black Friday week. Vanarama have confirmed today docs were approved and now to expect contact from Tesla for delivery in December. Hope it’s soon…. Those that have ordered with Vanarama are expecting a trailered delivery?
  43. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Let’s us know how you get on. Fingers crossed.
  44. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    ummm. Starting to rethink whether I can be asked to wait and possibly deal with a lack of USB ports / wireless charging.. was originally getting an Ioniq 5 ultimate that has arrived at the dealership.
  45. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I don’t think so no - the lease company is the owner of the car and apparently with Tesla anyway you can’t but the performance boost nor the premium connectivity.
  46. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    That was my query too when the agreement said 24th Dec registration - based on the feedback from today it implies the car is here and ready for delivery. I’m not 100% sure to be honest. Next couple of days should inform this.
  47. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Hi - just heard from Vanarama account manager. If you have a reg number that is generally a good sign in that the car is ready for quick delivery so we should hear from Tesla soon to confirm delivery date. All depends how quickly the lease company, in my case ALD, contacts Tesla to say the...
  48. N

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    I would say the cost of all non standard paints is ridiculous. Prob the most expensive paint out there on a new car.
  49. N

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Decent deal in todays leasing market - good to see a few take it up. £250 Black Friday cashback got me over the line. I had previously ordered a M3 via G2L / Lex but cancelled that only to come back to the M3 again. Free insurance in my case is worth £600! Send my finance docs back and like you...
  50. N

    UK 2021 Model 3 Q4 Collection and Delivery Experiences

    I agree - my wifes car is an A6 phev and whilst cabin looks beautiful there are horrible scratchy plastics on the doors and dashboard. The latter rattles and definitely cost cutting has taken over. Get this the back doors of an A3 are made of horrible plastics. In my opinion only bmw made...