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  1. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Yep! Most of us got reassigned one on the Morning Crystal, few stragglers on Paganella and Lapis Arrow too. It was well worth the wait through all the dramas. I'm sure it'll be the same when we all get the 3 after these delays.
  2. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Nice one. No change to mine yet, but I'll keep an eye out!
  3. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Not yet.
  4. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Might depend on the delivery centre, but here in Canberra the protectors were still on the screen and internal mirrors for our Model Y last week.
  5. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Comes with mats (which we didn't know to expect). Doesn't seem to be PPF. Yep, comes with a cargo cover. That's another thing we were surprised by.
  6. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    The Model Y we picked up a couple of days ago (built late December) still has them.
  7. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    I thought this one was gone? Where abouts is it?
  8. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Is there really much of a backlog at PK? We got the delivery schedule text for ACT only two days after it got to PK.
  9. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Midnight Silver MY RWD.
  10. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    No issues with the build quality for our one. I probably could have inspected more closely, but I just did the standard walk around looking for any obvious issues, but it was all fine. 99% for us.
  11. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Looks like all the other ones 😂 It’s so enjoyable to drive though, everything I hoped for out of the car! The delivery process in Canberra couldn’t have been better, too. They took us through the whole initial process of pairing phones, setting up profiles, customising everything etc. etc...
  12. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Picked up our Model Y from the MC in Canberra yesterday, it was absolutely worth the wait after the GC saga. Hope you all have yours soon!
  13. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    For those with a Novated Lease and 2024 built car, has your lease provider used MY 23.5 or 24? My final Tesla invoice says Model Year 2024, but they're suggesting 23.5 is still correct.
  14. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    It comes with some basic carpet mats.
  15. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yep, QShips has it docking/unloading today, leaving for Port Kembla early tomorrow morning.
  16. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I think it's more based on how busy the delivery centre is. Appointments in the ACT were available from as soon as two days after the text.
  17. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    It seems to be true, just not widespread. It's a handful of people. I wouldn't assume you've been caught up in the problem unless Tesla have told you themselves.
  18. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    It comes with carpet ones included, anyway.
  19. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Likewise, same dates.
  20. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    All booked for ACT too!
  21. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Dates came forward here for ACT... was previously Jan 28 - Feb 18, now Jan 24 - Feb 14.
  22. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Might just be a visual thing? ACT has some odd rules, like front fences on your property not being allowed unless they're see through.
  23. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    My other post is about the CarBuyers website. The Tesla trade in process seems pretty smooth, although their offer was a bit less than others.
  24. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Quick, someone DM the Tesery bot for advice.
  25. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yeah, the vast majority aren't. And Tesla reassigning newer cars to those GC people was only ever about that being the fastest way to fill those orders... if keeping the original GC VINs was the fastest way to get people their cars they'd have stuck with that. I don't think GC suvivors being...
  26. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Interesting. I'm also in the ACT and put an inquiry in with them over the weekend, when they called me yesterday they wouldn't entertain the idea of even giving an estimate until I was actually ready to give them the car. They were actually pretty blunt and borderline rude about it too. The...
  27. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Yeah, especially for an EV lease. For an ICE car lease I'd be concerned/annoyed about the build up of quite a bit of extra fuel and maintenance money in the account, but there's not much to that for a Tesla.
  28. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    I wish I had your optimism... my negative thinking has me worried we'll still be waiting in another 1+ months time 😅
  29. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    I assume a lot of the standard flow of information is on hold at the moment while this issue is sorted. Tesla seem to switch things up when they don't go to plan... for example for our Model Y order they never told us the new ship after the Glovis Caravel saga, the first we'd "officially" heard...
  30. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    How soon after the unload did you get a text to book the pickup?
  31. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Which part was debunked? That it does or doesn’t have HW4?
  32. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Thanks for the heads up. Seems to have dropped a little for me in the ACT since I last checked. The insurance through my Novated Lease company is ~2k a year, but NRMA is getting close to making it worth sorting out myself.
  33. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Meanwhile my iPhone 14 Pro Max that I charge all night every night (although I do have their battery health settings turned on) is down to 89% maximum capacity 😅
  34. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Doubt you'll have much success there. The best the Glovis Caravel victims got, after months of delays, was eventually 6 months of free enhanced autopilot.
  35. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    I've always been super paranoid about making sure the car details are 100% accurate on my insurance. I've never wanted to give them any excuse to reject a claim. Not worth the risk in my mind.
  36. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Finally got my VIN! EDD 12 February - 4 March for my Blue LR in ACT. Who knows what it'll be with the latest issue, but excited nonetheless!
  37. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    More likely to be this, IMO. Too early in the process for them to know with any confidence what the delay will be.
  38. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    The people running this probably have as much influence on expediting things as we do.
  39. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    It’s a minor problem with an easy fix, but it’s easy to blame Tesla, in my opinion. This isn’t just someone forgetting to cut it at the factory, it’s part an engineering design that would have gone through multiple levels of review before finally being approved. It’s a pretty bad mistake, in my...
  40. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Insurance has been my concern too. Worried they’ll use it as an opportunistic excuse to bump the price up even more.
  41. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Quick turnaround from the ship being unloaded. Good to know.
  42. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I wonder if the Model 3 recall/stopped deliveries is a good or bad thing for Model Y deliveries... I guess it could mean more appointment slots are available (and sooner) when the cars actually arrive at the delivery centres?
  43. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Damn. Hopefully it isn't much of a delay to get it sorted.
  44. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    One of the comments in that Facebook post says they've lost their delivery date/time... it actually sounds like it's happening to me.
  45. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    That blue one is surely my blue long range, hurry up and allocate it Tesla!
  46. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Nice one, congrats. Must be a VIN on the way shortly you'd think!
  47. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Did the EDD update today? Or is that what you already had?
  48. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    No VIN :(
  49. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    This post: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/8026271/
  50. T

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    People on Facebook say it doesn’t show up on the official site where recalls are posted though, so who knows. The article is also horribly written, so he could have just jumped the gun.