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  1. G

    New Owner: Range, Charging, Will This Scenario Work?

    Um, don't install a 14-50 plug on a 30a circuit. Not only is it against code it can be dangerous if someone down the line plugs something in that draws 50amps (not to mention your mobile charger will assume it's 50a and trip you circuit)
  2. G

    Nomad wireless charger, new or old?

    Interesting. I just got this notice ... I wonder if V2 needs both USB ports plugged in like V1 apparently does.... Thanks for your patience while we get this update out to everyone. When we first introduced the Wireless Charger, our testing at the time indicated that the charger could be used...
  3. G

    V9 Music App

    Also for me the tune-in fails consistently on LTE on startup.
  4. G

    Tesla $tore - Items worth it or not worth it

    I've had the black travel mug on backorder for almost 2 months now :(
  5. G

    Model 3 TPMS sensors are junk

    Hmm mine is going off with one tire at 37. Turns off when it warmed up to 38. Still seems high for a warning....
  6. G

    Software Update 2018.39.x (Version 9)

    You try tuning bluetooth on your phone off and on (has worked for me in the past) or simply using the key card (to eliminate phone issues)?
  7. G

    Slacker radio

    Eh my car displays that high when it's parked on pavement. Also he's connected to a Houston FM station. If it's a hoax he's a hell of a photo shopper/
  8. G

    Early Access Program Invite

    I got one late last night. No update yet though...
  9. G

    Model 3 Software Updates

    Prob because a big round of beta invites seem to have gone out.
  10. G

    Model 3 Software Updates

    Being able to at least tell the car to dial a specifc number in a multi-number contact and not have to select it would be great...
  11. G

    Discounted Model 3s

    The free supercharging is only for the Performance Model 3. Nothing new. The inventory offer is only for Model S and X, which have way more options / configs.
  12. G

    Drive the car while charging

    I would suggest seeking professional help rather then worrying about the most extreme hypothetical I think I’ve come across. Or just not sit in your car while charging.
  13. G

    Software Update 8.1 2018.34.1

    For me I found I usually have to at least unlock my phone first. I'm batting >90%
  14. G

    Now possible to schedule mobile service online

    Doesn't work in Memphis where I know there are three mobile rangers. Closest SC is 200 miles away....
  15. G

    Tesla Model 3 Moments

    A new one for me - plugging into a super charger and a ICE car parks in the stall next to me. They get out and start asking if it's a Model 3, they are huge Tesla fans, and kept congradulating me on the purchase. I asked if they wanted to see inside but they declined and then drove off.
  16. G

    Firmware Version 9

    Ha - after driving through a series of really bad storms I was thinking the same thing. A weather radar layer would be amusing!
  17. G

    Has anyone valeted their Model 3 yet?

    I valet parked it other day at a destination hotel. Other then the guy geeking about it being a model 3 and saying he had to shuffle some other Tesla’s to give it a charge, nothing big.
  18. G

    Some getting EAP for free?

    Meanwhile I was delivered a car w/o EAP (but paying for it). They had to push it to enable it (took a day or so).
  19. G

    Model 3 Software Updates

    API was down for 2 hours today. From about 8:30 CST to ~10:30 CST
  20. G

    Tesla called and needs to replace my battery ASAP

    I guess that's where the 8 years or 120,000 miles warranty comes in. You should be fine - appreciate the update.
  21. G

    Navigation Map Updates?

    Ah cool. There was a Nav place where it said to Turn right but it was just the highway splitting. I corrected - lets see if my Nav updates!
  22. G

    Reorganizing favourites

    This is a good question - you think just tapping and holding them to move them around like the iPhone would be intuative.
  23. G

    2018.28.5 377ec8b update

    Does Wifi really help get updates? Perhaps I should look into connecting....
  24. G

    Help with Car insurance

    Also at only 50k property seems low. I'd at least bump it to 100k or more (mine's 300k). You run into someone and total your car you'll max out your property on your car alone.....
  25. G

    Stockpiled LR-RWDs for quick delivery

    My “stockpiled” car picked up Tuesday was made in July. Not sure how much newer you can get given the two weeks it took to ship from the factory ...
  26. G


    Mine has this but the notes seemed similiar from previous versions posted.
  27. G

    Exterior piece next to passenger mirror loosening?

    Yes just picked mine up and both are loose.
  28. G

    Time to rematch VIN?

    Buying a car a few hours drive away and one a few DAYS drive is a big difference. Yes it's possible but really not worth the hassle for the OP. I'm not sure why people are continuing to go down this rabit hole when he asked a simple question on rematching.
  29. G

    Re-Match = Older VIN. Why?

    47x is pretty new. Tesla doesn't use sequential VINs so chances are it was built after /same time as your 52x. They also batch by color so could also explain the differences.
  30. G

    Time to rematch VIN?

    My rematch time (for a similar scenario) was about 10 days, but that was for a RWD. It actually worked out in my benefit - first VIN was a late August delivery the next one I am picking up Tuesday....
  31. G

    Has anyone broken through the contracts/paperwork "freeze" yet?

    Well my IDA sent me a pro-forma MVPA that was pretty useless. Just zero's and didn't even include my assigned VIN lol.
  32. G

    How do I get a MVPA from Tesla? Time-frame desired: yesterday

    Below my reservation # on the main page. It wasn't their prior. I received my VIN on Saturday and scheduled delivery/ went into contracting on Monday.
  33. G

    How do I get a MVPA from Tesla? Time-frame desired: yesterday

    Haha I just tweeted him so we'll see. My VIN showed up my final details page so something changed. Still waiting....
  34. G

    Changed from AWD to RWD - instant VIN assigned

    Awesome - I'm scheduled for Tuesday. I'm just waiting on contract now.... I might switch to Lightstream for financing so I can just pay cash.
  35. G

    Changed from AWD to RWD - instant VIN assigned

    Sorry - meant arriving at the delivery center. Earliest available was Monday. Now my wait is for my loan officer from a local CU to reach back out to me to provide a pre-approved letter so my IDA can kick off the contract process. Argh. I may give up and do Tesla financing if this person doesn't...
  36. G

    Changed from AWD to RWD - instant VIN assigned

    My 6/30 config just got assigned a VIN today so the wait is somewhat real. I'm also in Nashville so maybe that center got a delivery. ISA said it's scheduled to be delivered on Sunday.
  37. G

    Per Tesla Customer Service: Request to complete Financing 30 days before Delivery

    When I had my initial ISA contact (7/10) he said they were anticipating delivery at the Tysons Corner, VA center "closer to the end of next month at this time [August], so please do not proceed with loan applications at this time since they are generally only honored by lenders for 30 days." I...
  38. G

    The Mystery of the Edit Button

    Yes - loan details was always present after the initial ISA contact. I also still have the old config page.
  39. G

    The Mystery of the Edit Button

    So after having to decline my first Tesla (due to a move and change in delivery centers) my edit button just re-disappeared 6/13/18 Reserve 6/30 Config 7/10 Edit button disappeared (was always present prior) 7/11 ISA contact / realization delivery would be too late / edit button re-appeared...
  40. G

    Wrong color after 3.5 hour drive

    Why Atlanta and not Nashville? Just curious.
  41. G

    Need help with financing info, VIN assigned 2 days after config

    I have a blue RWD on configure since 6/30 so yea not everyone is gettin insta VIN
  42. G

    Modify Order Phone Number?

    If everything is green try changing your trade-in option to see if the edit button re-appears (you can change it back). Otherwise the main number is the only way.
  43. G

    Updated account summary page: did anyone not get it?

    No update for me - reserved 6/13/18 and configured 6/30. RWD/PUP/EAP/ Blue I did have to give up one on 7/10 because I needed to switch delivery locations due to a move but my ISA confirmed I was back in the queue and it wouldn't take too long to re-match. I should re-reach out....
  44. G

    May AWD/Performance Orders -- VIN / Status Thread

    If prior experience says anything expect a call from an ISA in 2-3 days. My money's on Friday.
  45. G

    Risk of Delaying Delivery

    Not sure. My edit button reappeared. ISA said delivery should be the same but maybe a week or two later. If it doesn’t go away soon I’ll re reach out.
  46. G

    Risk of Delaying Delivery

    Not true. 6/30 config and contacted by ISA today for a late August delivery. Had to give it up because of an upcoming move :(
  47. G

    The Mystery of the Edit Button

    Depends. I still have things pending in my account (eg payment) so this is not the green light edit removed. I also have fields to enter my bank info, which wasn’t there before.
  48. G

    The Mystery of the Edit Button

    6/13/18 Reserve 6/30 Config 7/10 Edit button disappeared (was always present prior) If prior experience shows should be getting a call in the next few days. No VIN yet.
  49. G

    Should I get a 2 year old reservation for model 3 for a $500 premium or just create new reservation

    Orders seems to be prioritized now based on configuration date (Paying the $1000 reservation +$2500 configuration deposits). There seems to be no priority anymore based on reservation date.
  50. G

    Anyone else with delivery estimator of Oct-Dec??

    My 6/30 RWD order agreement showed up this AM. My delivery window is Sept-Nov.