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  1. brucet999

    About that "yoke" steering wheel

    Good luck finding that tiny horn button in an emergency.
  2. brucet999

    Model S Nature Pictures

    What the heck is that mess on the rocker panel?
  3. brucet999

    Washington SB 5444 - to impose a mileage tax on owners of electric and hybrid vehicles

    At $21/hr and 50kW, they are charging $0.42/kWh; more if your car does tapers the charge rate as SOC increases.
  4. brucet999

    Washington SB 5444 - to impose a mileage tax on owners of electric and hybrid vehicles

    Well, your carefully-reasoned response ending with the probative phrase "period full stop" has completely convinced me. /s
  5. brucet999

    Other makes charging on a Tesla supercharger

    Tesla offered to enable other makes' cars to use superchargers, but only if the other manufacturer were to "buy in" with a proportional share of the cost of the existing and future SuperCharger infrastructure. None has yet been willing to do so.
  6. brucet999

    Washington SB 5444 - to impose a mileage tax on owners of electric and hybrid vehicles

    "I _do_ think that self reporting won't work (too easy to lie:…" Easy to lie this year, or next, but would catch up with you upon sale of the car or end of lease.
  7. brucet999

    Washington Post Tesla Fire hit piece

    Not nearly as much to worry about as with a gasoline car. BEV fires are far less common than gasoline fires. When BEV fires do happen, it is most often while charging, so no one is in the vehicle. Finally, when BEV fires occur following an accident, they are slow developing...
  8. brucet999

    Washington Post Tesla Fire hit piece

    90 fires over a period of several years is a lot for one manufacturer, and all of those would appear to have been less than 9 years old, so the would be rightly compared to Tesla. But that doesn't refute the logic that cars older than 9 years should not be included in comparison to Tesla...
  9. brucet999

    Washington Post Tesla Fire hit piece

    "That’s five fires for every billion miles traveled, compared to 55 fires per billion miles traveled in gasoline cars." To be fair, these data include millions of old and poorly maintained gasoline cars being compared to relatively new Teslas (average vehicle age in US is almost 12 years; 25%...
  10. brucet999

    NAV Can Be Really Stupid

    Typing "nearest" caused NAV to bring up Decatur , GA?
  11. brucet999

    NAV Can Be Really Stupid

    I was in La Mirada, CA recently and had been having trouble getting my iPhone calendar to sync. Tech support guy couldn't solve the problem, so he suggested I stop by the nearest service center. I knew there was a SC in nearby Buena Park, so I entered in NAV search, "nearest Tesla Service...
  12. brucet999

    Model Y 40% more efficient than Mustang Mach E

    EPA ratings are understated by some manufacturers, presumably so they can under promise and over deliver. Edmunds.com did an actual test of 17 EVs in mixed 60%/40% city/highway driving. They reported, "To date, every Tesla vehicle we've run on our real-world test route has failed to hit its...
  13. brucet999

    Washington SB 5444 - to impose a mileage tax on owners of electric and hybrid vehicles

    Out of state travel may not really be such a problem. After all, every mile traveled causes wear and tear to roads somewhere, so you may pay your home state for damage to other states' roads while people in other states are paying at home for wear and tear due to their driving in your state...
  14. brucet999

    Why is Tesla Solar so Inexpensive Compared to Others?

    I'm sure you are right, but without assessors valuing it, some people may not get a loan for the higher value, so price competition for your house listing is reduced.
  15. brucet999

    KW will be no challenge to Tesla Semi

    I looked at the Kenworth official site and found these gems about their Zero Emissions offerings: "Select from 141 kW and 282 kW battery packs for driving ranges of 100 and 200 miles, respectively, on a single charge." "DC fast charging, maximum rate 120kWh." One would think that they might at...
  16. brucet999

    Washington SB 5444 - to impose a mileage tax on owners of electric and hybrid vehicles

    Is Washington gasoline tax 50 cents per gallon? Average car gets 25mpg, so 2 cents/mile times 25 = 50 cents/gallon.
  17. brucet999

    Why is Tesla Solar so Inexpensive Compared to Others?

    At $1.23/k'w, you got a very low price that was not available 2 1/2 years ago when I bought my system. Congratulations.
  18. brucet999

    Why is Tesla Solar so Inexpensive Compared to Others?

    Ah, yes, thanks for the reminder. I remember getting a letter from the assessor's office after we finished our remodel project (including solar). They increased our assessment for adding air conditioning, but not for solar.
  19. brucet999

    Why is Tesla Solar so Inexpensive Compared to Others?

    Specs you linked prove my statement. "Output Decline Year 1 2.0% Years 2 to 25 0.54% Output at End of Warranty Term 85.0%" Premium quality panels like SunPower Maxeon and Panasonic HIT suffer zero LID (that's the 2% year 1 decline above) and 25-year output is 90% or slightly better. Q...
  20. brucet999

    Why is Tesla Solar so Inexpensive Compared to Others?

    Tesla's panels may be all black now, but they are not premium quality, from what I have been able to learn. Premium quality panels like SunPower (now Maxeon) and like Panasonic HIT, cost more but suffer no light induced degradation (LID), a phenomenon causing loss of 2% to 3% of production in...
  21. brucet999

    Why is Tesla Solar so Inexpensive Compared to Others?

    I do not recall any such form here in Orange County. If there was, it was taken care of by our installer.
  22. brucet999

    Why is Tesla Solar so Inexpensive Compared to Others?

    I too looked at solar as an investment rather than as a cost to be recovered. I went with premium all-black panels, so my ROI was "only" 8% and tax free, but that amounts to the same as an 11% pre-tax ROI; far better than any other low risk investment. When I asked my solar installer why they...
  23. brucet999

    Tesla Semi

    AT $500 for antenna and $99/month, maybe not so much.
  24. brucet999

    New Tax Credit For Semi

    Good catch.
  25. brucet999

    Charging with a gas generator?

    Not during an ice and snowstorm, and you can't effectively charge your car during a power outage at the low output of a Powerwall, even assuming that you are set up to shift from Grid to storage. But you would likely need that Powerwall storage to run critical devices like furnace, fridge...
  26. brucet999

    Car transport companies with Tesla experience

    I can't help being curious. What in the world has you moving across country so often, witness protection program? :)
  27. brucet999

    Chevy Bolt - 200 mile range for $30k base price (after incentive)

    I think Sagebrush was referring to the LG battery and powertrain upon which some of their BEVs are based.
  28. brucet999

    Powerwall in Texas Storm

    If you live in Texas and have Powerwall, please tell us how it performed in the record cold weather?
  29. brucet999

    Is my solar panel system too big?

    Carbon offset?
  30. brucet999

    Is my solar panel system too big?

    Yes, more than enough to offset annual usage, but SCE still zings me $10/mo plus minimum usage fee.
  31. brucet999

    Installing Wall Connector in Residential Building Basement

    Got a suggestion for how the OP can do that?
  32. brucet999

    Installing Wall Connector in Residential Building Basement

    Good point. I wonder if that thing has a PIN or other verification before it starts charging?
  33. brucet999

    About that "yoke" steering wheel

    You may be better than most at breaking muscle memory habits. I traveled from Germany to UK many years ago when I was younger and, presumably, quicker to learn new habits. It took several days before I could break myself of the habit of pulling out of a car park into the right lane or of...
  34. brucet999

    Scheduled Departure for AM Commute---uses more than saves?

    Cold is where you have to carry an axe with you to take a leak outdoors - so you can chop off the stream at the source. :)
  35. brucet999

    Is my solar panel system too big?

    Yes, industry average is pretty bad. Most panels lose 2% to 3% in the first month to LID (light induced degradation) and then degrade .%5 per year thereafter. High quality panels like Panasonic HIT and SunPower Maxeon have no LID losses and less than 0.3% annual degradation.
  36. brucet999

    Is my solar panel system too big?

    SCE pays a measly $0.02 per kWh for end-of-year overage, but they charge at retail rates for consumption in excess of what you export.
  37. brucet999

    Is my solar panel system too big?

    Are Tesla panels that crappy? Panasonic HIT and SunPower/Maxeon guarantee more than 90% productivity at 25 years.
  38. brucet999

    Trick to order parts?

    Call nearby junkyards.
  39. brucet999

    About that "yoke" steering wheel

    Reportedly, there are gear selecter buttons on the center console near the phone dock.
  40. brucet999

    About that "yoke" steering wheel

    Does that come in a chrome delete version. :)
  41. brucet999

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    You guys did 18 miles in 45 minute shifts. I bet you got a strong respect for the original Hawaiian immigrants who ran more then 2,200 miles on double hull canoes - albeit with sails - but no navigational instruments save bare eyes sightings of sun and stars, and no charts.
  42. brucet999

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    Volatile has nothing whatever to do with being flammable or explosive. Water is a volatile compound, and non-combustible chlorinated solvents like trichloroethane are very volatile. All volatile means is "evaporates readily".
  43. brucet999

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    I wonder how many miles per gallon - of water - it gets? :)
  44. brucet999

    New 2021 Model S Unveiled January 27, 2021

    But no rudder pedals for steering.
  45. brucet999

    New 2021 Model S Unveiled January 27, 2021

    What the hell is a repeater camera and what does it repeat?
  46. brucet999

    New 2021 Model S Unveiled January 27, 2021

    Wait until one of the new ones gets wrecked and salvage the door panels with pockets for your car?
  47. brucet999

    New 2021 Model S Unveiled January 27, 2021

    And in an emergency evasion situation, of course every driver will be able to delicately modulate steering effort according to vehicle speed. /s :(
  48. brucet999

    New 2021 Model S Unveiled January 27, 2021

    Another reason to hate the new steering yoke is the stupid idea of a tiny "button" on the upper right for the horn. In an emergency where I need to honk the horn to alert a nearby driver, I can, in any other car, quickly hit the center of the steering wheel with the heel of either hand. With...
  49. brucet999

    Can't supercharge because "Payment Method Required"

    Is there a supercharger near you? If so, go try it out today to be sure that supercharging is not a problem. Also, be aware that supercharging kWh rate may be limited in cool weather if the battery temp is below 70ºF. To avoid that problem, be sure that battery pre-heating is enabled and use...