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  1. Drew57

    UK - FSD, Motorways, Regulation

    Exactly my experience this week in Idaho as a passenger in a friends Model Y LR using FSD Beta v12. Very impressive and completely autonomous including junctions, lane changes, turns, lights and even a roundabout, all 'city street' driving. Apart from US required steering wheel torque (much...
  2. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    On my car the wipers always behave perfectly but rain, mist, spray or certain lighting conditions do not conform. Will the Met Office ever fix this?
  3. Drew57

    Repair experience, Fylde Coast ARC

    I have received a message from another forum member where he received the same exemplary service from Fylde Coast (because the third party paid for the repair they did not wish to post in case their own insurance company became aware). ...I might also add that several days after receiving the...
  4. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I’m not so sure, every road was on the standard US grid system & all lanes were very wide. Part of the route included a roundabout near my Daughters house and it stopped then proceeded across (nothing else around at that point though). Waiting at lights/junctions in the appropriate lane and...
  5. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Oh, I missed that, I'm in the USA at the moment with grandkids so not really keeping up with things. (....though I did have a very impressive journey through the city two nights ago in a friends FSD v12 Beta Model Y. I stepped into the car on my Daughters drive and it literally drove us several...
  6. Drew57

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I will be disabling this feature - my Zappi is directly behind the boot and I have no desire for it to randomly open when I stand there. Pressing the release button is fine by me.
  7. Drew57

    Beginning of the end for Tesla

    I see you are in Idaho & I'm currently vacationing in Boise where electricity is a flat rate of 8c/kWh. At todays exchange rate that = 6.5 pence/kWh. One of the lowest UK EV overnight tariffs gives 7.5 p/kWh but typically around 20-30p/kWh for most others including daytime rates (~9.5c to...
  8. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    That looks rather ambiguous to me. It doesn't show current occupancy and only records Telas en route that are preconditioning/using the SuC as a destination. Some of us (maybe only me?) prefer to navigate to the address/postcode rather than to the SuC itself.
  9. Drew57

    Cambridge to Manchester and return

    @spdpsba - I take the M6-A14 regularly and generally use (basic) AP for the whole route. I agree that this journey in the Model Y is more relaxing than it used to be in my former Model 3. Departing from either home or the destination near Bury St Edmunds at 100% SOC & setting AP to between...
  10. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    No restrictions at Hilton Park, Trentham Gardens or Rugby, I use these when travelling on the M6. Hilton has the older 150kWh SuCs.
  11. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    I can confirm that the Toll booths used to be manned, it’s imprinted on my mind…. On one occasion I had to stretch rather too far from the side window to reach the card reader slot at one of the automated gates, however a very strong wind snatched the card away from my finger tips. It flew off...
  12. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Another alternative is Trentham Gardens (18 SuCs), just off the M6. I prefer to use this rather than Keele, they are less than 5 miles apart.
  13. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    This has been there for a while, useful to confirm that LTE or WiFi are connected rather than having to open a separate menu.
  14. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    I also received the disconnect-reconnect email prompt yesterday. It worked OK but the test charge lasted nearer 20 minutes, taken from the panels & house batteries (which were at 100% via solar so no cost - two 3.6kWh inverters with individual panels/batteries). As it's always done IOG charged...
  15. Drew57

    What’s your job?

    Retired in my '50s. Been volunteering ever since, similar to having two 'jobs' but much more satisfying.
  16. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    That's because its related to Tesla wipers "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain" so the roads are clear.
  17. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Careful, otherwise you sound like Elon Musk 😲 3-4000 miles away might be more accurate
  18. Drew57

    New Highland UK - stalks

    I've been parallel parking to kerbs for several months using the latest (ie working) iteration of Tesla Vision. The red kerb warning area on the screen image happens about 4" (100mm) out and using the dipped side mirrors I get to about 1" away (25mm). I can honestly say that this is...
  19. Drew57

    Tesla Alternative?

    Because Teslas are the new Cortina's
  20. Drew57

    Tesla Alternative?

    ....and on a bright day, when it's clean!
  21. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Same here, got it yesterday but going to be away from my car for several weeks very soon, I rarely drive in the dark anyway so it's no big deal.
  22. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    I've always experienced good, bad and appalling wiper behaviour happening at random & today I had to use the stalk button numerous times on a screen that was almost completely obscured by light rain. Tweaking the software is most likely pointless because the focal distance of our relatively...
  23. Drew57

    Redeem supercharging miles

    When I purchased my first Tesla in 2020 this certainly didn't happen. The only way the expiry date extended was when I received another referral & that scheme closed near the end of 2021. I have now used all but 67 of those free miles but they expire in a few weeks, on 4th May.
  24. Drew57

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Yes I thought that. Octopus do this any month that even a single half hour slot is missing and that happens quite often with our gas smart meter. We spend up to 3 months/yr with our family in the USA and in October/November Octopus averaged our usage even though for 3 weeks we were away and...
  25. Drew57

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    I've been on Tracker for Gas for a couple of years. Only seen just above 5p/kWh once or twice early on & that was very briefly. For this winter it has been as low as 2.8p and as high as 4.7p, mostly in the 3-3.9p range. Even if prices did rise above the fixed threshold they would have to stay...
  26. Drew57

    Tesla reduces output of Y and 3 in Shanghai

    We can give your post emojis for Like, Informative etc but I can't find one for cheesy so I had to choose Funny.
  27. Drew57

    Thinking of selling

    I was one of those lucky ones - 27y old Sales Manager who saw an advertisement "would you like to start your own business" & I matched the bill on every criteria they were looking for (location, education, experience, industry, age range, ambition). When I got the job the MD basically said "You...
  28. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Set the IO 'ready time' to 05.30 & unless you're going from a very low to a very high SOC, all slots should be after 23.30 meaning you can lay off the valium and get a nights' sleep.
  29. Drew57

    Tesla reduces output of Y and 3 in Shanghai

    ...I suspect that the majority of forum members couldn't disagree more with you if we tried.
  30. Drew57

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Those sort of numbers have been holding me back from getting a heat pump. We have paid £157 for gas one month this winter with only one other +£100 & this is with two gas boilers. Since state retirement age the winter payment covers almost all gas usage. PV/FIT/batteries put us in positive...
  31. Drew57

    Tesla reduces output of Y and 3 in Shanghai

    I knew you hold the same views, just intended as irony for others who don't.
  32. Drew57

    Thinking of selling

    Yes, good advice and that's what I did when we sold the business. Paid off the mortgage early 40's and fully retired late 50's (may be different if you have a Defined Benefit Pension though).
  33. Drew57

    Tap to park coming out

    Yes, these are the only cars I've owned where trying to park straight using the drivers side window resulted in an angle. The ability to park precisely within lines or against any parallel surface using the screen image is something I've been very happy to swap USS for. A kerb will also become...
  34. Drew57

    Thinking of selling

    You must be my wife... spending willy-nilly, daily Dilly.
  35. Drew57

    Tesla reduces output of Y and 3 in Shanghai

    I know, it's awful isn't it. Charge overnight or on solar for pennies or nothing, no need for expensive servicing, defrost the car from bed in winter or cool it in summer. No keys, no need to 'open' 'lock' or 'start' the car & peace of mind knowing that even if someone is able to enter it...
  36. Drew57

    Twitter and the Chief Twit

    ...talking of pet peeves. Americans don't corrupt the word 'have' into 'of' as in 'should have' becoming 'should of' etc so I commend them all for that.
  37. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.2

    I think you mean 'actual English' 'proper English' 'correct English' or....just 'English' & I believe 'quieter' means no klaxons, alarms or other warning sounds when driving manually.
  38. Drew57

    ASS in the UK

    A few years ago I was in California & saw a Smart Summon M3 crawling in jerky slow motion between rows of parked cars. A driver in another car was concentrating so hard on avoiding it that he knocked over a shopping trolley, spilling its contents all over the grocery store parking lot in front...
  39. Drew57

    OCTOPUS are an absolute (bad) joke - beware of dealing with them

    I've always paid by Variable DD. In all the years with Octopus, electricity bills have been fine but over the last year my (Tracker) gas readings have frequent gaps so I have to ask via an X tweet for Octopus to 'push' the data, which they always do. On two occasions when we have been in the...
  40. Drew57

    Tesla 3 Highlands import from Spain to UK plus a little rant...

    Why not others try what I did four years ago - go through all driving/Autopiot etc settings on screen and turn everything to warning only. Drive for a few days and see what happens (or not). Then try each feature (individually) that seems important to you at its lowest 'take action' setting and...
  41. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Is that what adaptive headlights do, hard edged dark strips? I never noticed something this crude looking on my previous cars with this feature.
  42. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    Oh the irony, this is Tesla we are talking about and many here have completely opposing experiences.
  43. Drew57

    Matrix headlights - finally???

    I find that picture quite unsettling especially when your little avatar pulls the switch and his spooky red glow chimes in (little cross on the back wall adds to the atmosphere though).
  44. Drew57

    S3XY Knob Deliveries

    Should you be admitting that on an open forum?!
  45. Drew57

    Twitter and the Chief Twit

    In America "too far right" means you are completely off the road, "too far left" and it's a head-on crash. I don't think there is anything between.
  46. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    I must say I'm not overly bothered whether my car has fully adaptive headlights or not but maybe the update might change that view. Cars prior to the Model 3 had them and the only aspect I found particularly useful was the bending of the light pattern for corners (the cynic in me thinks that...
  47. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Glad I charged last night! (with an extra hour 22.30-23.30 as the car had been at 27%)
  48. Drew57

    UK FSD Discussion

    Would someone from 2000 years ago believe what we have today was possible? I don't think so. Imagine being confronted by a smart phone, global communications, an aircraft, space travel, a drone, limb transplants, microsurgery etc etc. Most of what we take for granted would literally blow their...
  49. Drew57

    UK FSD Discussion

    A medieval Brit might be amazed by a future where glass becomes so invisible that it becomes impossible to detect raindrops through it? (Tesla have that one off to a tee)
  50. Drew57

    [UK] 2024.2

    Thank you for bringing this thread back on track. The previous 9 posts were written in a mysterious Intergalactic language & way beyond my limited abilities.