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  1. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    Having shown the warnings I am bombarded with, nevertheless the car is behaving well. I did a regular 250 mile journey yesterday, mostly Autopilot on motorway/dual carriageway without a single nag for either wheel or cabin camera detection. Looking down at the screen to change music for a...
  2. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    This greets me at the start of every journey & variously throughout the remainder. Washed car, clean cameras & software 44.30.9
  3. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    I'd be more surprised to hear of anyone who isn't.
  4. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Perhaps I'm in the minority but a manual or semi manual driving experience is all I want and if they are lower priority then this might as well be my last Tesla. That would be a great shame as I genuinely like these cars, mostly for those very aspects that you (maybe correctly) infer will be...
  5. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Here's what a US friend of mine replied when I sent a Teslacam clip of a typical single width country lane including stopping-starting for passing places & giving way to ramblers (unknown concept in America). "....What madness! 😡 Then, of course, it doesn’t help when there are pedestrians...
  6. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Whereas Tesla were once viewed as at the cutting edge of automotive technology, other legacy manufacturers now offer similar to basic Autopilot but without disengagement during lane changes or the accompanying bongo soundtrack. My wife's little Fiat 500e La Prima is a case in point - manual...
  7. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    AP only
  8. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    Since getting .9 at the beginning of the week, passing random junctions on a Motorway (Autopilot) causes the car to momentarily jerk left and disengage against my hand pressure. It's as if the car is trying to exit which is annoying especially as basic AP doesn't have the off-ramp feature. It's...
  9. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    My reply was with reference to the post from Basicbob that you had responded to. He didn't seem to understand why IOG keeps the 31p peak rate when other tariffs are reducing but overall with IOG the blended rate can be ridiculously low if used effectively.
  10. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    On the most recent bill my average rate on IOG for Dec-Jan was 7.9p/kWh, 8.1p on the previous bill (both including VAT) even though the peak rate is indeed 31p.
  11. Drew57

    Touch up paint

    I purchased this from eBay when I had a white Model 3. The base colour is a little too bright, the pearlescent a little too cream but I found by mixing that I could get a really good match. Once the paint is nearly dry (about 15-20 min) wafting a piece of tissue dampened by isopropanol over the...
  12. Drew57

    Model 3 Highland 318 vs 344miles

    My experience with both 19"(Model 3) and 20"(Model Y) has been that alloy aerodynamics might have much greater impact at higher speeds with the larger diameters but when driving on mostly local roads both cars were achieving far closer to the smaller alloy EPA ratings, especially as those...
  13. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    Mini roundabouts have become such a debating point, isn't it easier to leave each person to decide what is best 'for them' and then make decisions around indicator buttons if they consider purchasing a Tesla without? I doubt the numerous posts on this subject have changed what any of us...
  14. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Same as I've always done & I can't detect any difference since 30.44.1 -> .6 ->.8. This constant gentle pressure on the wheel has become so ingrained that I hardly notice it.
  15. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    I'm surprised we haven't seen more restrictions on the use of Autopilot before now. This stems from Tesla creating the perception among potential buyers that the words Autopilot and Full Self Driving actually mean what they say. Additionally, 'drive hands free from A-B', fanciful deadlines for...
  16. Drew57

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Anytime I do a rough calculation I try to include a degree of AC/DC conversion losses which can be greater on the colder nights. Charging using IO definitely costs us more than 7.5p/kWh but I don't recall anyone calculating the true cost. 9p/kWh seems fair on the basis that it is probably a bit...
  17. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Why not, it worked for Dominic Cummins o_O
  18. Drew57

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Starting in the '80s, I ran a company where I regularly visited the Humber Bank from Immingham & Killingholme to Stallingborough, staying overnight in Theddlethorpe, Grimsby...even Cleethorpes. This area has given me many happy memories and in no small part contributed the comfortable life I...
  19. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    Same here & "hope for the best, plan for the worst" has always served me well (including buying or owning a Tesla)
  20. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    There is a small five way roundabout at the end of Sycamore Canyon Rd in Santa Barabara CA where my Daughter had a house until 2021, several others too.
  21. Drew57

    Alternative to the standard Model Y parcel shelf? Its trash

    My car came with the two fold version and I leave it at the 2/3 open setting which I find to be ideal. On the two occasions it needed folding behind the rear seat it wasn't too difficult ether so perhaps that confirms I'm just an 'utter trash' type of person 🤷‍♂️
  22. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    I only fully used the slide on my internal camera cover for one journey. Since then it has been left open apart from a couple of brief occasions when I needed to find some USB music on the screen, maybe 10 seconds maximum. As soon as that was done , I slid it back open again (all of this when...
  23. Drew57

    So… Highland is out…

    Tesla often use hidden or obscure voice activations so perhaps Right Scroll Wheel -> "Turn signal Right" "Turn signal Left" or something similar are enabled?
  24. Drew57

    Sexy Buttons resume autopilot function - Brilliant !!

    It is inferior to the equivalent on my Wifes' Fiat 500e La Prima. The Fiat version of AP remains active throughout a manual lane change, resuming control as soon as the car is fully into the new lane without snatching at the wheel or any annoying sounds. It's been seamless and smooth whenever I...
  25. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    My car has been pretty much faultless since new but I agree, since 44.1 I see the same lane departure unavailable warning continually appearing on screen. If it's not a bug I hope this isn't something to do with the NHTSA ruling in the USA, similar to the changes in internal camera monitoring.
  26. Drew57

    Daft Times anti-EV article of the day

    I can only hope that 'tolerates' is more accurate. My wife drives a Fiat 500e & I drive a Tesla.
  27. Drew57

    So… Highland is out…

    Yes, I am someone who is perfectly happy with my current car but always keeping an eye on alternatives. However, the few areas where I currently compromise or adapt cannot outweigh all that I value as useful. Nevertheless I may jump ship if I eventually find something that meets most of the...
  28. Drew57

    So… Highland is out…

    Yes agreed & I also know when I am driving too fast by hearing the (optional) offset chime, +3mph in my case without even needing to look at the screen.
  29. Drew57

    So… Highland is out…

    This thread has really polarised opinions yet very few have had the opportunity to experience what the indicators will be like so I would prefer to try using without stalks before making judgement. Yes it's an unnecessary inconvenience but I could probably adapt if necessary, as I've done with...
  30. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    I had 44.30.7 earlier today, can't detect anything different.
  31. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    Since 44.x when it is raining I get almost continuous warnings about lane departure and park assist unavailability (& yesterday a 'front fender camera unavailable' that I've never seen before or since). Regardless of this, the car appears to be driving more smoothly on Autopilot than at any time...
  32. Drew57

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    That all makes sense but I'm with @GlynG in preferring something that is guaranteed for a long time into the future (including rates that are guaranteed to rise each year) rather than jump for a current situation that pays 'more' but may well reduce as the need for domestic battery Grid support...
  33. Drew57

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    No we don't.
  34. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    My wipers are always unresponsive with spray or with raindrops on the windscreen after the rain has stopped. They require a manual wipe to clear even if ignored for several minutes. Currently 2023.44.30.5 & still the same today. In nearly four years of ownership & two Teslas this has not...
  35. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Perhaps we glass half full types prefer to take a positive, no matter how slight.
  36. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Maybe not but I'm seeing consistent improvement on what we (non USS) had before. You may notice I compared to Tesla Vision not the sensors on my previous Tesla. As someone who is quite cynical about Tesla I try to be fair when something I didn't expect happens.
  37. Drew57

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I don't think my average 15mins is excessive, nor the fact that I regularly use the V3s at Rugby which aren't shared or Elveden so late at night that it's almost deserted (never yet been at any SuC where all stalls are full either).
  38. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Tesla Vision forward parking is proving to be more accurate than prior to the .44 releases. Today on, the actual distance to the fence is slightly more compared to the cars interpretation but not by much at all.
  39. Drew57

    Park Assist Upgrade - contest for the spookiest pictures

    'Tesla encounters parsnip in Badger tooth cavity'.
  40. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    (car updated to 44.30.5 on Thursday but this was the first drive since then, there had been no prior issues with 44.30.2 & the cabin camera covered) Driving on AP today with the cabin camera blocked & loosely holding the wheel there were no nags for the first 25 minutes until I got an instant...
  41. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    The car was parked at 18.30 on Thursday and hasn't moved since. It was reversed in as I always do and it's plugged in & charging tonight but will be gone before it is dark again tomorrow evening. Red-orange behind the car on the daytime images implies that there is a possible obstruction...
  42. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    For comparison (ref post #777), images from Tesla Vision in darkness including "you don't say!" messaging. Drive Reverse
  43. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    Top-Down in parking bays is useful and reliable for aligning straight to the painted lines That is the one thing I've learned to trust as long as I still use mirrors for distance accuracy to surrounding cars etc.
  44. Drew57

    2023 Holiday Update

    I've been impressed with Vision Park Assist top-down accuracy in parking bays on every occasion so far but other locations, not so much. However, swivelling the top-down view whilst parked at my Fathers bungalow does show a reasonably accurate representation of the surroundings. I'm still not...
  45. Drew57

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    On Thursday three Tesla chargers were also out of action & unlit so were these back up & running? I'm going to charge there tomorrow but being Christmas Day I would expect it to be quiet.
  46. Drew57

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I own outright, my Model 3 had 22,000 miles when sold & stated range was down under 5% which I believe was entirely normal. Having said that, I mostly charge at 7kWh at home, not SuCs and when I do it's usually after around 200 miles on a long journey which surely has some warming effect?. I...
  47. Drew57

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I don't precondition. All the SuCs I use are saved as favourites with the address of the service station etc. The extra wh/mi used in preconditioning en route needs replacing at the charger so the overall time saving is more marginal (slightly lower resulting cost too). I normally only require...
  48. Drew57

    [UK] 2023.44

    No the car will not lock with the (powered) boot open, I just tried. However, walking up & opening the boot with a linked phone in your pocket does not unlock the car doors.
  49. Drew57

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Yes, case in point was almost 300 miles on Thursday during the high winds of storm Pia. Overall 217wh/mi, Model Y Long Range & with no need to stop/charge arrived with double digit % remaining. Much of the journey was at or below 60mph, smart motorway restrictions at 40 or 50 & long periods...
  50. Drew57

    Tesla Alternative?

    Interesting review thanks. That last comment seems strange, did you mean 'now'?