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  1. C

    Elon & Twitter

    The comments are interesting. The idea of a bailout is going over like a lead balloon.
  2. C

    Model S very poor "Vision Line Height" for Tall Drivers?

    I can definitely see this as being a problem for taller drivers. I'm average height and I still feel it. My advice, adjust the seat and the steering wheel so you're as close to laying back as possible and try to get used to driving it with head always against the headrest.
  3. C

    Elon & Twitter

    That's a good question. I usually wait until a few more news sites have staked their reputation on a story before I take it too seriously.
  4. C

    Vendor Recell Launches Groundbreaking Remanufactured Battery Packs for Model S and Model X

    I have kind of the opposite question. I have a 90. If that failed and I got an RC 240+ from you would there be a discount?
  5. C

    Elon & Twitter

    An intentional lab leak is obviously ridiculous. China has probably suffered worse than most countries and their vaccine is terrible. If they were going to release a plague I would think at the very least they'd come up with a defense for it first and release it in a country as far away from...
  6. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Well, you run a company, right? Do you believe the way he went about this particular layoff was adequately executed?
  7. C

    Elon & Twitter

    An apology. That's an odd way of looking at all this. I don't really think it factors into this situation. It implies that there's a way to fix this situation. If what we've heard is true then this situation is over. No matter what Elon says now it doesn't erase his past actions. He's...
  8. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Hmm... tough decision for this Halli guy. Should he takes the millions and retire or should he stay at a failing company with an abusive boss. Tough call.
  9. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Rewriting everything is the first impulse any software engineer has whenever they're looking at a massive codebase for the first time. Over time you learn to not assume that every engineer who's worked on the code before you isn't a complete moron who only wrote it that way to impede your...
  10. C

    Elon & Twitter

    "a complete rewrite". Glorious. I love it. 10/10. No notes. Spoken like a recent college graduate on his first day interning at Microsoft.
  11. C

    Elon & Twitter

    It's just common sense. Elon is carrying around a lot of NFTs and dogecoins. He's got to protect himself.
  12. C

    Elon & Twitter

    I haven't seen it outright fail but I have seen a lot of erratic behavior. Mostly content in the "following" tab doesn't reliably load anymore.
  13. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Hmm... low confidence from the energy department is obviously enough to assume that it was leaked from a lab but just to be sure I want to wait to see what the Rural Electrification Administration and Federal Board of Tea Experts have to say about the matter.
  14. C

    Elon & Twitter

    All of this lab leak theory completely misses the point. Whether or not it was a leak is irrelevant. When China learned the nature of this virus, they banned national flights but still kept international flights going.
  15. C

    Elon & Twitter

    The problem is the man isn't making any art currently. So this is more like if Frank Lloyd Wright bought Twitter and spent all his time *sugar* posting and stopped making... whatever it is that Wright made, fidget spinners? I really don't know much about art.
  16. C

    US Superchargers open to CCS vehicles

    Perhaps they just want to inflict more misery on their existing customer base.
  17. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Amen to that. All he's doing is foolishly letting China steal IP from Tesla.
  18. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Yeah. Deferring to China is never a good look. Whenever it happens everyone instantly assumes that whoever did it is bought and paid for by China. John Cena and LeBron James' reputation now always has this hanging over them.
  19. C

    Elon & Twitter

    "To learn who rules over you, find out who you can't critize." I think we're about to figure out who Elon answers to.
  20. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Evidence? Pftt. Elon isn't a big fan of facts. Because facts can change. But Elon's opinion never changes no matter what the facts are.
  21. C

    Elon & Twitter

    It's interesting that this particular account tweeted that. These days I'm used to Elon personally announcing every tweak to the site. I'm expecting a follow up from him where he includes wokeness under violent rhetoric.
  22. C

    Portable Air Compressor

    That's what Discount Tire told me. I plugged it because I didn't have a spare. Took it in to them to have them patch it their way since I didn't have much confidence in the way I did it. I think the plug I used maybe wasn't intended for automotive use. That or Discount Tire is staffed by...
  23. C

    Portable Air Compressor

    Be careful what you use to patch a tire with. I found out the hard way that using a kit like this...
  24. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Typical liberals. Always calling for maximum lawlessness.
  25. C

    Elon & Twitter

    It's an interesting point. I definitely agree on taxing real estate much higher. However this is a separate problem. We do have checks and balances but these are meaningless unless than are adequately enforced. Are you saying the IRS as it stands today have adequate resources to enforce these...
  26. C

    Elon & Twitter

    I've got to say I don't quite think you're making much of a point here. Surely you aren't trying to imply that anyone in that income range just doesn't commit tax fraud?
  27. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Again, your information is wrong. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-irs-agents-inflation-reduction-act-871970314297
  28. C

    Elon & Twitter

    I'm guessing you're getting most of your information on this from Newsmax. Set aside the fact that the wording of the act sets the objective at cheats making more than 400k and that irs appointees have testified to this in confirmation hearing. Let's think about this rationally. Most people...
  29. C

    Elon & Twitter

    The changes at the irs are intended to go after rich tax cheats. It doesn't apply to anyone making less than 400k.
  30. C

    Elon & Twitter

    I assume this means he'll be reversing course on taking funds from this act to clog supercharger stations with Chevy bolts.
  31. C

    Tesla Offering $5,000 Trade-In Credit for "Classic" Model S

    The motivations to get rid of fusc are probably not great but they exist. Any car that has fusc will probably slow a lot charger. That means more time taking up space at a supercharger. If there's a ceo in charge of Tesla that has some serious regrets over ever offering fusc then they'd...
  32. C

    Elon & Twitter

    I looked at Mastadon and immediately knew it's not a replacement. I'm trying to follow specific people. Which particular Mastadon server are they on?
  33. C

    New Model S owner, a few things that bother me...

    Yep. Some research here would have helped you out. Tesla's used car buying experience is bafflingly terrible. The cherry on top is that they'll strip out any goodies like FUSC and lifetime data. Buy a used Tesla from literally any other place than Tesla.
  34. C

    New Model S owner, a few things that bother me...

    There's a lot less fluids to change on a regular basis which is nice. To be honest though, based on what I know, I strongly suspect that a well designed and well maintained internal combustion engine will outlast any battery pack. I know. It's depressing.
  35. C

    2013 S85 Battery Replacement (Out of warranty) - my experience

    That would be a waste of company resources. Tesla's techs are already sufficiently incompetent that they basically accomplish the same thing.
  36. C

    2013 S85 Battery Replacement (Out of warranty) - my experience

    I have a feeling this falls under the category of "oh is this illegal, well I guess you better take us to court. <crickets...> Yeah, that's what I thought." Apparently Tesla Insurance operates by the same principle.
  37. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Are you being sarcastic? I feel like this is an attempt at humor.
  38. C

    Elon & Twitter

    In other words, they broke authentication in Twitter in some very specific cases and the engineers who would fix it no longer work there. So they're branding this as a feature.
  39. C

    Elon & Twitter

    My guess is he'll at least start by blocking any mention of the article on twitter based on, um, real time doxxing of locations I guess.
  40. C

    The beginning of the end of free Supercharging ?

    They're never going to take my gas stove, lead water pipes, asbestos insulation or my FUSC!!!
  41. C

    Tesla Offering $5,000 Trade-In Credit for "Classic" Model S

    My last car was a 2013 60 with fusc. That made salt lake to vegas a bit tedious. It worked out to be something like 2.5 hours of charging. Free is way better than 7$ a gallon for gas but I did have to get creative about what to do waiting at superchargers. My current car is a 2015 90d with...
  42. C

    Tesla Offering $5,000 Trade-In Credit for "Classic" Model S

    If they were really serious about knocking us out then they'd just offer us 5k to give up fusc.
  43. C

    Elon & Twitter

    I think that anyone left aren't the sorts that can just leave their job. I have to say though. Part of me is sort of siding with Elon. He paid 44b for this company. If he wants to turn it into one giant ego stroking machine it's completely within his rights. He's signing the paychecks...
  44. C

    Tesla Offering $5,000 Trade-In Credit for "Classic" Model S

    So I lose free supercharging, free connectivity, a sunroof that opens, rear jump seats, autopilot that doesn't prank the driver behind me, about $60,000 and I gain.... a yoke? Not so sure about that deal.
  45. C

    2013 S85 Battery Replacement (Out of warranty) - my experience

    FWIW I recall wk057 raising the alarm about an imminent onslaught of failed batteries from the 2013 era, the 60's especially.
  46. C

    US-FL buying used 2016 S 70 SC01 / several questions please advise !!

    The 90 was supposedly 295 miles when new. I have a 2015 90d which has 260 fully charged which as far as I can tell is about average. Not sure if the 70 is better or worse with degradation.
  47. C

    Elon & Twitter

    This community notes feature sounds amazing. I'm really looking forward to using it to debunk all the people who insist that the Earth is really round.
  48. C

    Elon & Twitter

    Great! He's invented Paypal, again. I was kind of looking forward to FSD but I suppose I could use another Paypal type service. It's like if the movie Good Will Hunting had a sequel where Will decided all that genius stuff wasn't for him and he went back to work as a janitor.
  49. C

    Elon & Twitter

    The super rich. Truly the most persecuted class of people in history. Just tragic. How is it that the Hollywood elite have so much time to raise awareness about starving children in Africa but Beyonce never does a charity concert to benefit Elon Musk?
  50. C

    Elon & Twitter

    100 billion in potential profit? I don't suppose you have a source for these numbers other than wistful musings?