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  1. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Meter is installed and Tesla guy is on site. Might be up and running today if no problems!
  2. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I just drove by and there were two Tacoma Public Utilities vehicles on site. The workers were still sitting in their vehicles, so nothing has been done yet. Hopefully they are there to install the meter. I'll try to swing by later to check.
  3. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I went by around noon today. Still no meter. Nothing has changed.
  4. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I just drove by. There is a back hoe on a trailer next to the chargers. Hopefully it's just parked there by coincidence and not a sign that there is a problem that they need to dig up.
  5. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    It's really unpredictable at this point. It just needs the meter and the Tesla person to do the final turn on. The meter is the big question mark. I drove by about 15 minutes ago and still no meter. My recollection is that Tukwila took several months for the meter to be installed. Hopefully...
  6. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I can't imagine expansion being possible at this site. It is already pretty tight as it is. There are much better sites for expansion.
  7. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    There are now lines. Hopefully getting close.
  8. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    The curb stops are being installed. They were about 3/4 of the way done when I drove by 15 minutes ago. No sign of restriping.
  9. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Workers are on site working on the wiring for the transformer. They also have a crane on site. No sign of the transformer itself though.
  10. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    They have paved. Getting closer…. So, probably 3 - 6 months.
  11. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I went by this morning. They have now removed all of the fencing and were leveling the gravel around the pedestals. I assume that means that paving will happen soon.
  12. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I went by this morning. I think they repaved the sidewalk, but couldn't tell for sure- it's under a tarp. They definitely did not repave the charging area yet.
  13. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Just drove by. They are repaving the sidewalk, and I think they are paving the area around the superchargers. I will try to get a better look after work or in the morning.
  14. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    They have been digging out by the street. So, it looks like they are making the power connections.
  15. T

    Supercharger - Leavenworth, WA (LIVE Jul 2018, 16 V2 stalls)

    I can't really think of a spot that makes sense (i.e. that there is ample space) other than the Safeway lot.
  16. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I got a closer look this morning. There are actually two pedestals that are perpendicular to the others. They are on opposite sides of the others. Very weird design.
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    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Yes pedestal. It was too early in the morning for me to think clearly.
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    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    The cabinet placement for the one facing the other direction is a little perplexing. It doesn't look like it can be a pull through spot because the other ones are in the way.
  19. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I also work about 1/2 mile away. So, I'm checking up on it pretty much daily.
  20. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Hard to get good pictures because equipment and dirt piles are in the way. They have now installed conduit.
  21. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Just drove by. There is active digging going on.
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    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Some construction equipment is now on site.
  23. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Small update: I don't know if related, but there is now a port-o-potty on site.
  24. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I was a little off. The markings are actually mostly in front of Reliable Credit. Here are some pictures.
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    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    The whole block in front of Jack in the Box. There are markings on both drives and on the sidewalk in between. The one little marking is down below in the row of parking spots closest to the freeway. It may be totally unrelated. I didn't get out of my car to see what the markings said.
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    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    Possible update. There are new paint markings out by Tacoma Mall Blvd. where I would expect markings for the supercharger. There is also one marking that I think is new where I think the superchargers will be, but not extensive markings like I would expect in this location.
  27. T

    Alaska Tesla Adventure!

    I can understand your thinking. For us, it's just two of us, so the cost isn't as much higher. I'm considering the ferry as part of the experience and the 4.5 days as a bonus rather than a negative.
  28. T

    Alaska Tesla Adventure!

    Did you consider taking the ferry back instead? Was it too expensive with the size of your family? A long time ago, I did the the ferry from the stop near Anchorage to Juneau, and it was pretty amazing. I am definitely considering the ferry for our trip that we hope to do next summer.
  29. T

    Alaska Tesla Adventure!

    Great. Thanks.
  30. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    I went by today. Not surprisingly, still no markings. I will check back weekly.
  31. T

    Alaska Tesla Adventure!

    You outlined your charging stops. What were your overnight stops? Were any necessary to be overnight other than Red Goat Lodge? Also, which of your adapters did you end up needing?
  32. T

    Alaska Tesla Adventure!

    @IdaX I've been following your postings. It looks like you've been having a great trip. I'm considering doing this next year with my daughter. Were there any parts of the roads that would have been problematic for a dual motor 3? Also, any thoughts on how early in the season this drive is...
  33. T

    Supercharger - Tacoma, WA (LIVE Mar 2023, 12 V3 stalls)

    This is just a few blocks from my office. So, I'll try to keep an eye out for any activity.
  34. T

    Showroom coming to Fife, WA

    My VIN just showed up yesterday. I talked to them today and they said that they expect my car to get to Fife on 6/11. I am very happy that it looks like I can do a Fife pick-up. Way more convenient.
  35. T

    Showroom coming to Fife, WA

    Another update. I have a new Model 3 (we are going to become a 3 Tesla household!) set to be delivered between 6/9 and 6/13. I have been told that my delivery will be in Fife. I don't know if this means that the sales part of the location is opening early, or they are just doing deliveries.
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    Showroom coming to Fife, WA

    They were pretty clear that deliveries definitely won't happen in June (when I am expecting my delivery). They said they will start sometime in the next quarter.
  37. T

    Showroom coming to Fife, WA

    I think you just click on the thumbs up on the left side of the post.
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    Showroom coming to Fife, WA

    One interesting thing that I believe is different than the other local service locations- each lift has its own destination charger built in. So, they can charge your car while they work on it. The also have quite a few destination chargers outside which I assume will be mostly used for...
  39. T

    Showroom coming to Fife, WA

    The service center is open. It is very much a soft opening. Still training a lot of their people and only doing a few repairs. The sales/delivery portion isn’t open yet and won’t open this month.
  40. T

    Showroom coming to Fife, WA

    I just scheduled a service appointment in Fife for 6/1. So, obviously it is opening very soon.
  41. T

    9-day USA Tour

    You might consider this cheating, but you could always take your Tesla to Alaska on the ferry: Alaska Ferry, Alaska Inside Passage Ferries, Ferries Seattle to Anchorage, Alaska Tours, Alaska Ferry Cruises & Alaska Vacations, Viking Travel.
  42. T

    Supercharger - Madras, OR (LIVE Jul 2022, 8 V3 stalls)

    I live in Tacoma and go to Bend every winter. I can't reliably make it from Sandy to Bend during the winter in our Model X. So, I have to either use my LR Model 3 (not dual motor) or go Highway 22. A supercharger in Madras would make my trip much easier to do.
  43. T

    Supercharger - Salem, OR

    Someone on Facebook posted that it is live and that they charged there.
  44. T

    Supercharger - Pendleton, OR

    I have used that supercharger multiple times. I have never had a problem. It usually isn't crowded. I have also gone in to use the bathroom without any problems. They were doing temperature checks at the door the last time I was there. They were very friendly.
  45. T

    Supercharger - Miles City, MT

    I don't remember where the transformer was, but I first tried a charger on the side closest to the road. That did not work, so I tried one on the far side. That one worked. I know for sure that the map showed it offline when I was looking. I had a discussion with another Tesla driver in...