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  1. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Because you don't need an MPAN to be able to export, you only need the MPAN to get PAID for the export. Subtle difference. But that FAQ is defo going to be wrong anyway, they probably meant getting paid.
  2. phil4

    Powerwall behaviour during grid outage

    I'm not for one second saying you're wrong, I just recalled some oddity about 3 phase setups, and seems it was a good guess ;)
  3. phil4

    Powerwall behaviour during grid outage

    I've got 2, and they both work together normally and in backup mode. Perhaps he's confusing it with 3 phase setups, where as I understand it, during backup mode only one of the phases is powered, so if you've a battery on each only one is going to be doing anything. I'm surprised though that...
  4. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    That’s probably why you have no export limit then. 👍
  5. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    Whereas SSEN say 0kW for PW for me. Do you have a PW? I think with hybrid setups they can't limit battery export, whereas PW it's separate inverter so can be treated separately. I'm no expert on DNO's though :)
  6. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    You're absolutely spot on there. The reason they're being picky, is if you export only solar, that generates them a REGO cert. They can sell that on to the likes of Octopus who can then claim all power is 100% green. If you're exporting from battery, you may have charged it from the grid...
  7. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    There's a difference somewhere which you're spot on about. There'll be an import figure they've assumed and the difference between that import and 3.6kW export across the entire street is the issue. So technically not a problem for you, you can draw 100A so can likely export it too. But...
  8. phil4

    So… Highland is out…

    He wasn't even holding the wheel, whip and let it spin... so you're spot on, no button pressing possible. :)
  9. phil4

    So… Highland is out…

    I suspect almost all of you will disagree with me, but in my current and past I've driven enough vehicles with different indicator arrangements, that I know muscle memory can easily fix. Motorbikes for a start, left thumb. But even a couple of cars, where you can see the steering rack, had...
  10. phil4

    Crazy settlement figure

    I do get your thinking, it's odd that it's dropped massively. For a sanity check have you tried Motorway, WeBuyAnyCar etc? Either way, at least like me, anything below the PCP value means no loss to us. Good luck.
  11. phil4

    Crazy settlement figure

    I bought mine in Sept 2020, on PCP. Later this year, I'll be trading it back to replace probably. My PCP value at that point is ~19,000. I don't care if it's less than that, and while it'd be nice if it were worth more, I'm not planning for it to be, and don't expect it. I'll lose no money...
  12. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    I think you've hit the nail on the head. The developer will sell the house at the absolute max they can. So as there's a limit, any extra costs are the developers, not the customers.
  13. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    69kWh for december, vs a peak of 775kWh in June.
  14. phil4

    Tesla Model 2

    Having seen the various EV's coming next year, Renault 5, Dacia Spring etc, alongside the current mini e, moka e etc... I think we'll find Tesla having a much harder time of things when they finally do ship it over here.
  15. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    I’m still thinking we might see something on 26th, there’s one heck of a drop of wind. But then with all the bureaucracy involved and it being a bank hol… perhaps they’re simply not capable of making it happen.
  16. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Just had results in for 19th Dec. That's all done now, the Kraken can have a break over Christmas.
  17. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    15th in now too... just 19th calculating
  18. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    12th and 14th both seem to be in, leaving 15th and 19th still calculating.
  19. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    July and August were particularly poor this year for me, which may be why you’re short of the estimate.
  20. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    If you wouldn’t last the entire session discharging, I agree, top up before. On the backup part, power cuts are rare here.
  21. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Ok, I’m not saying I’m right, but see what you think of this logic. Assuming you will have enough in the battery to last the whole savings session. Would it not be better to run out after and then use exactly the right amount of peak to 23:30 than to top up before with an unknown amount and...
  22. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Examples like that are extreme and quite few and far between. Most people have enough of a battery to support their daily use with little to none left over, and with hybrid solar, restricted to the DNO and inverter, or even G98, so export 2-3kW max. And some poor sods, like me aren't even...
  23. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    at < 20kW (24/1.5), it's within the realms of 100Amp main fuse possibility. I'm unclear what kit is used, but 4 Tesla powerwalls would output 20kW, minus the bit that the house uses, and you could do those numbers with ease.
  24. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    https://emoncms.org/ukgrid?fbclid=IwAR3qJRjEMf5e5LRwrBwBq5wm6hayv10x5KBhtL9q-K0ImUlcRxZ_CGF_r-s_aem_AdaGmUeZbyhZQrwi2roKmLgMvJeGile8E5I4SrEudYd7K6XU-YkiFtWnWo6LW64MLzE Seems to show wind meeting demand on 22nd Dec, and apart from a dip morning of 19th, it's pretty healthy at the moment...
  25. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    I did try that... but HA didn't do anything on the opt-in part. So I did it by hand.
  26. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Good job it's just a test then. I expect short notice and lower pay-out (they've already revealed their hand on the real runs), lead to less interest.
  27. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    In which case, HACS is the easiest way to do it. https://hacs.xyz/docs/setup/download/ Once done you'll get an extra button on the left in HA looking like a small shop. Click it Click integrations in the search bar at the top, type Octopus, and choose the right one. Then follow the "how to...
  28. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Click the cog select Devices and services bottom right click +Add Integration Type Octopus in the search box Select the right one (one for general enegry one for intelligent octopus charging). Enter the details and submit for it to install. Once done you can use the earlier blueprint links to...
  29. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    I've got a gen2 tesla wall charger too, both show up as "house load" to the PW. So can run from solar or the PW as needed. The downside on preping is I'm not clear how effective the PW would be with no connection to the mothership. Or the car for that matter. We'd likely be stuck on the PW...
  30. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    I agree, My comment about weather/solar predictions stems mainly from me trying to do just that. Until they changed the export rate, I was doing my best to use all solar (as export was 4.1p, but leccy cost was 7.5p)... but it was so hard to do, you'd almost certainly either over estimate the...
  31. phil4

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    I've had solar since last Jan, and would say that forecasts are rubbish. Sure they might get a vague idea of whether it's going to be rain all day, 1-2kWh or sunnier 9-10kWh, but don't be relying on the actual number being anywhere near what is forecast, as it never seems to be... and this is...
  32. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    it'd probably weld itself within a few secs
  33. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Those are some strong numbers there.... what's your setup? Real shame though you missed out :(
  34. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Octopus now have today's session available to opt-in.
  35. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    NG have registered a "test" requirement for today, so we may have a savings session later. As test I expect lower points reward... assuming it even happens.
  36. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    no solar here, solcast reckoned 15kWh, we've only managed 1.89kWh so far, and it's not cleared up.
  37. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Their baseline calc excludes days where there's been an event previously. From their FAQ: "We first look at your meter readings from the same time as the Session over the past 10 weekdays (excluding any days with a Saving Session). We use those to find the average amount of electricity you...
  38. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    I totally agree. While mine works ok -most- of the time, the number of times I've had issues, including needing firmware updates, missing data gaps etc. In my view it's not fit for purpose. It's too unreliable. As you say, no wonder Octopus are trying to persuade Mini's to be usable.
  39. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    I agree, but I can't see them extending effort to automate something that only occurs a few times a year. I think you'd find them more likely (as intelligent flux) doing it throughout the year, but the margins would be very thin, so not worth it. I agree, I couldn't make any sense of using...
  40. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    I think this sort of thing only works when people are paid significant amounts. Sure if you can automate the battery part there's no "hardship" for the house, no problems cooking dinner, no need to the turn the lights off. But all this charge and dump is cycles on your battery, that if only...
  41. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    meh, just run it on a single server... no need for adding complexity. Keep the queries simple and the loads jit, and should be fine.
  42. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    I'd set a massive sell price, and I'd also top it up by telling it has a cheap rate the hour before. That way it should be full.
  43. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

  44. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Woohoo, I shaved 29% off my normal usage of 0kWh, and saved 0kWh, which means I got 8octopoints (1p). I'm amazed I got anything, but I guess rounding errors worked in my favour.
  45. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    I'll bet on 17:00-18:00 on 29th
  46. phil4

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    Your whole mindset will change when you get solar and a PW. And again if they change the IO export rates back below the import rate. It's all good fun.
  47. phil4

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    The Zappi nor Octopus have any idea what your car is charged to. So their only option is to allow you tell them how much to add. On the "isn't it better", we'll get to that in a minute. Yes, you can set the % to whatever you like and leave it there. I'd suggest that 100% is gaming the...
  48. phil4

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    IOG Zappi integration.... anyone found the slots being a bit generous with the our of hours slots offered? For example, missus car needed 40-50% so set it to 50%, and ready by of 5:30am (I don't want to be coordinating the PWs at silly o-clock thanks).... plugged in just after 10am, thinking...
  49. phil4

    Wiki Everything you wanted to know about Intelligent Octopus But Were Afraid To Ask

    same, albeit that's infinitely more (cash wise) than I ever won previously.
  50. phil4

    Octopus Energy Saving Sessions

    Shame, had to get my calculator out for that :)