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  1. T

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    This is called ping ponging, and it’s come and gone but mostly been around since ~ Oct 2020? when did we start this rodeo?
  2. T

    FSD discussion

    In some ways I agree with you, sure.. but all things being equal in the ENVIRONMENT, whatever the different cameras are interpreting, it’s ACTION should be the same. It should come to a stop at a stop sign the same each time. I don’t really know how much GPS should affect VISION for FSD and...
  3. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I’m guessing, not really the spark one would have thought it would have.. at some point after crying wolf so many times ppl just hear it and say “is that a mosquito?”
  4. T

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Yep And yes
  5. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    If you’d just had a stroke Tesla would be trading at ~ $375. ;-) As fun as that would be, pls don’t have a stroke.
  6. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I think this is what came out of OpenAI back in 2018 when you asked it for a Haiku about end of days.? Who knows, maybe TTCT really DID just open an account and then simply SAT ON HIS PHONE and this is just SIRI feverishly trying to play catch up with autocomplete.
  7. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    You know pretty much anyone can make any handle here right?
  8. T

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I think at this point, BOTH things can be true.. certainly new sales, a D is a D at this point are priority for cash flow and getting D up. But, I do think there is some either carried obligation or overall liability risk that the pre 3/2019 buyers of some classes represent and moving them out...
  9. T

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Just for two weeks
  10. T

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Technically, it’s been “on” since Sept 2023…just keeps getting renewed. MAYBE a couple weeks off, but it’s a current certainty.
  11. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    What’s slightly more interesting though is that this move down started at 08:00 PST, and the Reuters article hit ~ 22 minutes ago closer to 08:30. I’m not at a BBT, is anyone, can you see the time stamp? Update: I guess some outlets were already reporting at 08:07 PST.
  12. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    If only you could have drawn these yellow lines in January.. ;-0
  13. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    More than likely it’s SOME truth, but more than likely it’s something like “not planning to build the Model 2 in MEXICO at this time”… since MEXICO is on hold, and Model 2 is apparently going to FIRST be built in Tejas. (I can say that since I’m Austin born) Also, more than likely is that there...
  14. T

    FSD discussion

    This is the thing… there should be NO difference AT ALL.
  15. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    If one could get the 155 to 165/167 past 4/23 for not too much debit that’s what the magic 8 ball would do. NFA
  16. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I expect the delta change to puts below 170 to drop quite a bit today… this is classic move up the stock to take off SOLD puts, before a bigger drop or failure to support. IMHO. NFA
  17. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I think its more, and we don’t know this, but BH has reporting requirements depending on position size or conflicts, that they must report to the SEC, and the agreement that they have reached for whatever reason WITH the SEC is that the SEC doesn’t report this reporting. Frankly, I don’t know...
  18. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I think he’s only gotten this disposition from the SEC ONCE before…NFA, not trying to fuel any speculation. Technically, it’s not in the BH wheelhouse.. they typically look for STABLE companies with moderate but predictable earnings growth and cash flows, DIVIDEND payers mostly for sure covered...
  19. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I've been thinking the same thing for a few months now. So no you're not smoking fruit loops
  20. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Technically, NO…low to high was +2000%…..
  21. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Did anyone throw any bucks at this trade yesterday or this week? The +c180 for 4/5/24?
  22. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Tesla is not immune to what was PERCEIVED at least as a major mkt influence… Middle East, OIL, NO RATE CUTS hyperBOWL.. etc.
  23. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    $VIX1D 0DTE was up 135%… cray cray. Someone here had some 4/5 or 4/12 ~ $170 TSLA +p…did they rally and did you close them? Just so everyone knows, nobody really LISTENS to Kashkari, so even though I’m short SPY, QQQ, NDX and long VIX, I don’t think this was the end of this little mini bull...
  24. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Maybe buy back half, book it, and re-write tomorrow? Tomorrow is a bit of a wild card. Update: looks like I missed that little bug that says “there have been posts since your last view” or something like that. ;-0
  25. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Is THAT what led to this 550 dow and 60 point S&P reversal… that doesn’t happen that often.
  26. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Whew… But, at this point I’m more impressed that Yoona and I seem to be resonating in synchrony.. Mod.. can I get a timestamp with minutes and seconds on posts #44,534, and #44,535 pls? Kidding.
  27. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Based on time stamps Yoona lives somewhere in the North Atlantic part of the Canada’s…Buffalo would be a hike. It would be easier to ferry to an island off Maine. ;-)
  28. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I get it, but it still surprises me.
  29. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I don’t have any problem with SCHW, just that I’m only really using TOS for those accounts, and my TDA legacy accounts. So, assuming you’re USA, you can use TOS for SCHW. I only have to access their website for statements and such, and some easier downloads. THEIR mobile app is s…and would be...
  30. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    I can see it, but that doesn’t mean i think it’s going to happen.. I will say, there is a LOT of TA that is pointing to low 100’s or below 100. Again, not saying its going to happen, but with a declining 50 day, and well below the downward sloping 200, MACD below 0 mostly, relative low volumes...
  31. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Cheaper options.
  32. T

    Supercharger - Capitola, CA - 41st Ave. (LIVE 9 Feb 2024, 16 V4 stalls)

    Was there today. One car charging. Still cheapie starter .35$ starter pricing. Good to have some more chargers in this area
  33. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Beautiful! Thank you.
  34. T

    The quest for the ultimate efficiency.

    I wonder of your heat controll system isn't working g?
  35. T

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    As better as it is, and that’s BETTER not perfect… the wife meter still says “please, turn it off and just YOU drive”.. Highway 17 today was a nail biter today.. I’m still surprised I still have two functioning LEFT wheels. Better, is not NEAR perfect, and certainly no RT. My question or...
  36. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Big whale have big tail… if I had 400M of SHARES, that I had pledged a large potion of for various other endeavors, I might try and protect the value of them with some LARGE put walls to keep other short sellers on the other side. These are games that most likely NONE of us are playing, but we...
  37. T

    Superchargers in Southern California (location speculation)

    How do you know it’s online? Ppl charging? Sometimes it’s yes about a week before an actual ONLINE charger shows up in the mapping. I think it’s pretty dynamic, and doesn’t actually require some SW or FW download.
  38. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    @yakuza requires pinky to join. From the 2nd joint. ;-0
  39. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    That’s cray cray… just out of curiosity and maybe you have this data, but is that like a 2 or 2.5 sd amount? Seems high in the skew for total premium for THIS stock at these $$ levels of premium.
  40. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    You remember a couple months back - maybe it was 4-5 weeks, we had that WALL at $180… see what happened..NOW we have a WALL at $160. We’ll see what happens. My read, there have been some LARGE stake holders who have been trying to put a line in the sand - I think I called it a Maginot line...
  41. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Sorry, was doing some FSDs testing today and driving down the coast… I guess that seems decent for RnR, you’re just making a play for E being like really negative - which it indeed may be… so it’s a bit more than a roll of the dice 6K, not sure where max profit lies from a SP standpoint to make...
  42. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    @Knightshade in 5 4 3 2 1
  43. T

    The quest for the ultimate efficiency.

    Definitely 18” with better more EV focussed efficient tires and wheel covers can overall yield at least 10% improvement in efficiency.
  44. T

    Model 3 Highland (US) Waiting room

    That’s a neat site, thanks for posting. I wonder, however, how close to mkt the list pricing is? For example, a 2018 LR RWD M3 with ~ 30K miles, FSD prices are between ~ 37k-45K… those prices seem JUST a bit on the high side from what I have seen around here.
  45. T

    The quest for the ultimate efficiency.

    I will say, 130wh/mile is pretty close to the best I have ever been able to achieve (124wh/mile), going ~ 34 mph on mostly flat, with a bit of hypermiling thrown in for good measure. I managed to go ~ 20 miles when the percentage battery displayed had already hit 0%. I wonder what say a...
  46. T

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I asked @elon for these two a few years back, Hypermiler just as a drive mode.. haven’t heard back. ;-0
  47. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    Well that’s a bummer.. I’ve used TOS for ~ 15 years now and couldn’t imagine having to take a custodians in house app for modeling, charting, execution or ALERTS.. for me it’s really the alerting functions that are best in class and I use daily. Even though I have accounts all over the place...
  48. T

    Wiki Selling TSLA Options - Be the House

    OT: And why again can’t you stay with TOS,, is SCHW not in Nova Scotia? Or does SCHW CA not allow TOS to be used with accounts? I have some accounts already with SCHW, and TOS allows login there, and I have two accounts STILL with TDA - USA, which will move mid may - god willing they don’t...
  49. T

    The quest for the ultimate efficiency.

    Interesting.. all I can say is my My 2018 LR RWD M3 shows 307, and new was ~ 310.. I haven’t actually HAD to do any battery re-conditioning. But 12% seems pretty high to me. Technically, one WANTS to charge the car to 100% SOMETIMES, and to ~ 80% OFTEN, I’m not sure what effect keeping it at...