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  1. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I've deliberately kept my Model 3LR till Model YP delivery, I'm just busy adding kilometres to it and wearing the tyres more, at this rate I'll be up for more tyres before delivery!
  2. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I was told all sorts of things by the rep/salesman you'll have your car by Xmas easy, or shortly after Xmas, not a chance now maybe March? Now that's an awkward time because I will be away for a couple of weeks in March. & if you believe Electric Viking by mid year Juniper will be here not that...
  3. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I hope it's good news.
  4. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yeah certainly looks that way, this entire GC saga has really stuffed up a lot of deliveries...
  5. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yeah I'm holding off hassling them until February is here.
  6. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Still no reassigned VIN here and my delivery date is still in February do the MYP's get assigned last? Or have they not built the P's yet as they don't build as many of them. I'm not that fussed just would like a bit more info from Tesla.
  7. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    So no new VIN here for my MYP, still got my EDD of Feb 2nd - Feb 23rd. Am I not getting my car from the GC saga now because Tesla haven't told me yet. As long as the next production run for MYP isn't Juniper?
  8. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I expect its going to return all those Kia vehicles that were onboard with our Teslas.
  9. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    The silence is deafening here but not surprised.
  10. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    If there are 6500 Model Y's onboard as was alleged then it's going to take some time to reallocate new VINS.
  11. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I think Electric Viking is all about getting those clicks thesedays, he used to be a good source of news, now he just sensationalises everything and it's not always accurate...
  12. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    MYP here as well and no change in VIN, still 2/2 - 23/2 delivery. Do Tesla think they can unload, clean the ship, reload and send the GC back to Aus with our cars on in that time frame? & pass quarantine or are they going to use another ship if one is available?
  13. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yeah 26/9/23 Build date here so it's been in the wild over three months now...
  14. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Got yet another email from Tesla no real change to the EDD of 2/2 thru to 23/2, it basically said this time that GC is heading back to Shanghai which I already knew from this forum. No reassignment either. six months EAP and guaranteed trade in price still. What's interesting is that all the...
  15. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    You're not the only one to think that and you won't be the last. I was convinced by the salesperson, sure you'll get your car before Xmas lol....then the emails started coming.
  16. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Who really knows, I guess it will be here when it gets here. I've only told one friend that I'm buying a Y and he is Perth and not likely to tell anybody anyway so I'm good on that front. Like they say the cars will be here in the "Fullness of time" to quote Jim Hacker from Yes Minister
  17. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I got the same a couple of days ago, it must be automated, I ignored it...
  18. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

  19. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    What do you think they will do with the cars that were assigned for us?
  20. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I imagine they will allocate us the same cars, why would they do otherwise? The paperwork is already done for a lot of these orders.
  21. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Well I think we all knew that this might end badly, hopefully the batteries are in the 40-60% range which is best for storage for the NCA/NCM batteries that they use in the LR/P (can't remember which one) They get a top up from the chargers in Shanghai and then the ship is thoroughly cleaned...
  22. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I'm assuming that's six months in total, I don't think that three months referral code would mean an extra nine months? Happy to be corrected?
  23. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yeah I feel for the people who have off loaded their previous car already and/or paying their lease already! At least i have a great Model 3 LR to drive around in till my MYP arrives. I've been watching this thread for a while now reading about the delays.
  24. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Sorry that should be Enhanced autopilot! I don't know how to edit my post?
  25. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Not only six months auto pilot but they will hold my trade in price till delivery. Guess what else could they do otherwise there would be another wave of cancellations.