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  1. aegidius

    Why doesn't TACC/AP follow changes in the speed limit?

    Well, you learn something every day... feel sure I've done this, but I'll check it explicitly when I get a chance.
  2. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Sailing close to the wind there...
  3. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Not for yearly renewal (sensible) but they do need one if you are selling the car. There's no escaping. My trade-in situation was not so bad, in that I would not have got much more on private sale... remember that what you see on carsales etc. are the asking prices, not necessarily what the cars...
  4. aegidius

    Why doesn't TACC/AP follow changes in the speed limit?

    Always wondered this. The system knows the speed limit when it engages TACC or AP and when the limit changes, so why doesn't the car follow the change automatically? (Model S AP1, I assume the later cars are the same)
  5. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    I have to bite my tongue sometimes - I'm a dreadful bore on the subject. But if I say anything, it's a bit like - here's the keys - it takes just over 3 seconds (the 0-100 time of a Model S) to get it. Oh, and I nearly forgot - the running costs at about 1/3 of a tiny 3-cylinder shopping car...
  6. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Yep 3 flashes if you flick the stalk. I also like that last little wipe that happens after washing the windscreen. (I know many other cars do both these things, so not especially Tesla specific) On the UMC tail question, will the new 15A tail fit the old Model S UMC? Single phase is fine for me.
  7. aegidius

    NRMA fast charging network

    Does anyone know if Qld'ers (members of RACQ) will be able to use these chargers under a reciprocal arrangement with NRMA? I've asked both organisations but nobody seems to know anything. I know they're free now, but that won't last forever..
  8. aegidius

    How does one justify it...

    @Rockster My sentiments exactly - could not have put it better myself.
  9. aegidius

    How does one justify it...

    On strictly economic grounds, the answer is you can't. Not without saying relative to what. My justifications for Model S, in decreasing order of rationality, were: - Greatly reduced running costs making the TCO roughly the same as a $80k ICE car after 5 years - I took a punt that the car would...
  10. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Might not be quite so simple... I have light regen on (I don't like the heavy regen). But... in the moment when I come off cruise control, usually by tapping the brake, I notice it regens much harder than if I had just lifted off the throttle at the same speed. I wonder if this is intentional or...
  11. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    The analog ones (like mine here in Qld) are turned on and off by control tones superimposed on the supply, so the utility can gradually power up a neighbourhood's off-peak water heaters and EV chargers etc.. Not sure about the new ones.
  12. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Check with other retailers - their story may differ. Don't give up. Here in Qld it's legal to connect an EVSE to off-peak because it's classed as a fixed (permanently wired) appliance - like a pool pump, hot water service, or the like.
  13. aegidius

    Supercharger - Toowoomba, Qld

    5 is a funny number - they usually come in pairs. Maybe one odd one with the CCS2 cable?
  14. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    A PIN-protected chill mode should satisfy them (of course it probably won't, but that's the fun police for you)
  15. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Crucial. If you don't do this you will not be happy with it. My AP1 car will never do FSD and that's fine with me. I rarely use AP (but I use TACC all the time, it's brilliant). I've always been an electric car nut but I bought it because it was a great car, full stop. Not for a moment since...
  16. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Brisbane SC at least does not have parts yet (nor any ETA for them) for the CCS2 charger upgrade. Will advise when I hear any different, if someone else doesn't beat me to it. I scheduled the upgrade for early July plus a few other little niggles, so I may hear more F2F.
  17. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Afaik a few AC chargers here have a tethered cable, but most need you to BYO. I'll buy if/when I need one, I suppose.
  18. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    I get more distracted picking up my sunnies than doing any of those other things. Seriously, if we humans are so easily distracted when driving, we'd really better give that job to a computer...
  19. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    AAMI was the only reasonable premium for the S when I bought it, but the excess is pretty steep.
  20. aegidius

    Supercharger - Knockrow (Byron Bay) NSW

    Anyone been by there recently to see if the half-power problem has been fixed? It was 2017 so assume so..
  21. aegidius

    Supercharger - Maclean , NSW (Prev. Harwood)

    Would be great to have some redundancy along this route. There aren't any NRMA chargers this far north yet..
  22. aegidius

    Victoria Police Tesla Model X

    So where's our API for adding apps to the Tesla display ecosystem then Elon?
  23. aegidius

    CCS2 cables being installed at St Leonards

    Is it a whole new SC or just some electronics inside plus the bit with the cables and plugs, I wonder?
  24. aegidius

    Australian Model 3 Single Phase 32A Charging Possible

    Put a 32 amp single phase plug on your HPWC to suit the existing socket (or have a sparky do it if you're not confident, but the instructions are supplied), plug in and charge. No mods required to the rental property. (I'd like a 32A circuit to my HPWC, but the sparky reckoned my lead-in is too...
  25. aegidius

    Model 3 full self driving (FSD) poll

    They can't build one car for every future - there will be continuous improvement in the SW but there will be break points beyond which it can't evolve without upgrading the HW. I'm liking what I'm hearing about the upcoming 3-motor model S refresh just btw :-)
  26. aegidius

    Model 3 full self driving (FSD) poll

    Yes things got difficult to realise in practice. We all cut Elon some slack for his fevered dreams. The AP1 model S is still much more than a nice car, it's bloody amazing, and I'm reminded of that every day. But some of those dreams did get to come true eventually in the Model 3, and some are...
  27. aegidius

    Model 3 full self driving (FSD) poll

    I'm waiting and watching of necessity; my car has AP1. My next one (if there is a next one!) will not be.
  28. aegidius

    Supercharger - Tuggerah, NSW

    Seems strange they're putting in new ones now and they don't have the CCS plug.
  29. aegidius

    Full self driving in Australia (Victoria)

    Or sometimes they turn into trucks and back again 4-5 times per second.. On auto lane change, my AP1 car does it very nicely - indicate and the blue line turns dashed, then it changes lanes. You have to click the lever fully and not just tap it (unlike the new system which is the other way...
  30. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Doesn't matter much how old your trade-in is - the value of my 3 year old Audi was falling so fast that if I waited for a private sale rather than trading it in on my S, any advantage I might have gained would have been swamped. Certainly if I had waited till the 3 came out I would have lost...
  31. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Not tried after-market tinting so can't say one way or the other - YMMV - but it is a bit cooler compared to my last car, which did have tinting on all but the windscreen (of course) and was hotter after being left in the sun, despite a white metal roof.
  32. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    If it's anything like the Model S it doesn't need tint at all. The factory glass is just right (including the windscreen, which is great for keeping the car cool, even in Qld)
  33. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    I would have thought it a smart move to keep this compatibility in the 3. There's no physical reason why they couldn't. After all, an S/X has the Type 2 socket pins used for either AC or DC charging depending on what is plugged into it. It would just be a protocol thing. That way the old SC...
  34. aegidius

    NRMA fast charging network

    Someone charging next to you? It's always full there...
  35. aegidius

    NRMA fast charging network

    I am told (by the Brisbane service centre) that the cost is $850-900 (a little more than the Chademo adapter) most of which is a refit to bring the charger electronics up to Model 3 spec. The adapter itself is trivial. They are taking bookings from June 1 for the job, I assume Syd/Melb are...
  36. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    I had the same problem - I did a little remodeling. It fits now. Nothing serious, just moving some junk around and putting rubber bumpers on doors in the right places so they don't scratch the car. The S is definitely not a boat. It's a big 4-door GT car, but it's still very chuckable - at...
  37. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    It's really ropey, isn't it? And you can type into all those fields on the descriptor page (it'd be really funny if it was able to save them!)
  38. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Tesla Model 3 receives certification to be sold in Australia, strongly suggests models and towing capacity - techAU Some info based on weights. Apologies if this has been posted before.
  39. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Pretty sure there are places that will polish the scratches out - I have a tiny bit (owning up) but haven't got round to looking into it yet.
  40. aegidius

    HWY 1 trip

    A Better Routeplanner seems good, although I haven't compared it to real-world yet. it seems to understand tapering on supercharging, and always tries to arrive at a supercharger with 10% charge to maximise charging speed. I'd probably not cut it quite as fine in practice until I got some...
  41. aegidius

    Charging infrastructure NSW

    Not NSW I know, but like Broadway, the Brisbane supercharger has 4 stalls and is often full. They are in a cramped location and would probably love to move to a bigger one. I imagine this is will get more common as Model 3 is taken up.
  42. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Puts the old rumours of ~8000 reservations in Australia in a different light. Were they talking about firm orders or reservations?
  43. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    The UK would have had many more reservations than Oz (just based on population alone) so they'll soak most of the RHD production up for a while. Considering so few RHD VINs have been registered to date, it could all take a lot longer than we thought...
  44. aegidius

    How much do highway chargers influence your EV purchase poll.

    Yes it pays to run the battery low rather than high when on a road trip, counterintuitive though it seems.
  45. aegidius

    How much do highway chargers influence your EV purchase poll.

    A Model 3 natively, and an S/X with the CCS adapter, can use the Qld electric hwy all the way to Cairns. Sure it's only 50kW charging but at 200km/h (or a bit more for the 3) it's not bad. Once better chargers come in the cars can charge at supercharger (120kW) rates.
  46. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    They have to work with the same HPWC. Can you imagine Tesla breaking compatibility with all those destination chargers out there? It would be serious bad press for them. It's traumatic enough breaking compatibility with SC's, so hopefully that is brief and temporary. The CCS adapter for S/X...
  47. aegidius

    NRMA chargers: reciprocal with RACQ?

    When the NRMA chargers in NSW go members-only and paid for non-members, does anyone know if RACQ members get reciprocal arrangements like they do with road service?
  48. aegidius

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Do they know if the HPWC is the same between existing cars and the Model 3? I have been told the UMC is not the same.
  49. aegidius

    ChargeFox EV charging Network

    Seems apropos to post this here.. Any S/X before 2019 can get the CCS adapter and electronics retrofit. Australian service centres take bookings from June 1, just got off the phone from Tesla rep at Brisbane. About $700-800, includes the adapter, so it's about the same as the CHademo adapter...
  50. aegidius

    ChargeFox EV charging Network

    https://electrek.co/2019/05/07/tesla-ccs-adapter-model-s-x-retrofits/ So the CCS adapter is coming to EU at least, with a retrofit for older S/X. About the same price overall as the Chademo adapter. I have an enquiry in with Tesla here about when it might come here (no answers yet). I'll be...